This is a non issue. The only "problem" is the bar display, which is going to be improved in a software update real soon now.
I love my iphone 4, but that is simply not true. If I do not use my rubber case I have problems and will experience call drops. With a case its better then my 3gs. Apple can fix this with bumpers or possibly coatings but there is a problem.
The company needs to swallow their pride and fix this issue.
I mean, c'mon, it took them 3 years to realize that there was a bug in the code that displays the signal bars? Give me an f-ing break. The code these guys work on would melt a Cray supercomputer, and a bug like that gets by them? If that's the case, the entire iPhone software team should be fired.
I am taking my iPhone 4 into an Apple Store this week to get a refund, and a replacement 3GS. And I also need to convince my wife that she's not getting the white iPhone she thinks she's getting later this month.
My thoughts exactly.
I returned my iPhone 4G and cancelled the line it was on with AT&T.
I have 2 other iphone 3Gs on the account that are not going away.
I am a huge Apple my posts and you will not see me putting them down. But they dropped the ball on this entire issue. It would be differnt if they stood up and took ownership but they are not doing that...they are running from it..
Also they did not chage me any fees to return it as well. Nor did AT&T to cancell my line that was attached to the iPhone 4G
BUT on another note i just bought a brand new 15" MBP i7 and it ROCKS!
I love my iphone 4, but that is simply not true. If I do not use my rubber case I have problems and will experience call drops. With a case its better then my 3gs. Apple can fix this with bumpers or possibly coatings but there is a problem.
They can also issue a software fix, which is what they told us they are going to do.
Just hold the phone against your ear, but not pressed against your face. It works great.
It works great unless you stubbornly require moving your head at any point during a call... as in when walking, looking around, seated at your desk looking for a paper, switching the phone from one side of your head to the other (because your left hand "death grip" is about to cause the call to drop), etc.
Trust, I am as big an Apple fan as anybody and in almost every other product I am extremely satisfied. Although, the iPhone 4 does have two REAL issues that I know of because I suffer from them both. The combination does indeed seem to make the phone almost unusable in many cases.
The first issue is the proximity sensor, which for me is arguably the worse of the two, and from the research I have done is probably a simple SW fix because the sensor does work and it seems to work reliably. It seems that what it needs is for the decision to toggle the display on/off to be filtered through a hysteresis function; and it seem the 3G(s) has exactly this (YouTube demonstration of iPhone 4 vs iPhone 3GS proximity sensor.
The second issue, the reception dropping to zero AND disconnecting my call, is also valid and quite problematic. I have no idea if this is a hardware or software fix, I simply do not have enough information; I will say that as a veteran software engineer, some pretty amazing workarounds can be attained in software leaving the user with exactly the experience they paid for. The interesting part of this problem for me is that everybody claims it is only in areas of already "weak" signal. I personally have a AT&T MicroCell which, when I am sitting 1 foot from it, I can hold the phone anyway I like. When I am standing around 20 feet from it the bars drop from 5 to 0/"Searching" when held in a way that covers the problem area. When held in the prescribed way (or not at all using a headset) I still will lose the call quite frequently and/or have call quality so low that I can't understand the person with whom I am talking. Realize I am talking about 20 feet and direct line of sight. I can't see how that possibly qualifies as a "weak" signal. My 3GS had neither of these issues ever with the same MicroCell located in the same place.
My big problem with these issues is that both the die-hard fanboys seem unwilling or unable to admit that some mistakes have been made, whether they be fixable through hardware or software.
A final interesting point is that AppleCare on Thursday night did admit to me that there are problems with the iPhone 4 (in both the proximity sensor and signal reception). This was after I went to the Apple store earlier that day and they replaced my phone with a new phone because of these two problems and the new phone behaved exactly the same way. I was then offered a free case for the time being in hopes of alleviating some of the reception problems... although when it came time to send me one the manager I was working with needed to have me "talk to somebody else" and was going to have them call me... as yet I have no free case on the way. This may mean she wasn't authorized to say it was a problem or that she wasn't authorized to give away a free case or simply that they are very busy and haven't been able to get back to me yet.
Totally in agreement. I've been waiting over a week now and hoping it won't actually take 3 weeks. My 3G battery is damaged and it's pretty much useless unless it is plugged in... So I'm hoping for sooner rather than later.
A two year old phone with a completely dead battery? I?d be getting a replacement. That sounds like a faulty battery to me.
I love my iphone 4, but that is simply not true. If I do not use my rubber case I have problems and will experience call drops. With a case its better then my 3gs. Apple can fix this with bumpers or possibly coatings but there is a problem.
No offense, but if you get dropped calls that doesn't mean you have any more of a problem than with any other cell phone. CR specifically says the problem only happens when you're in an area with a weak signal. I can drop my iPhone 3g's signal just by holding it in a "normal" manner versus laying it on a table.
Let me tell you something. The FDA won't even approve a cure for cancer because it would devastate the multibillion dollar cancer treatment industry. And CR is as subjugated to corporate corruption as anyone else.
I have had the iphone 4 for two weeks and not a freaking thing has happen reception wise.
Yeah I saw a bar drop in the Apple store but if you get a case it won't happen.
I cupped my unprotected iphone 4 in my hand for like five minutes at home and didn't witness a single bar loss.
I love the this phone and the pictures it takes are awesome. And the flash works so well I was shocked. I took a picture of a plant in the courtyard of my hotel(job) and it was pitch black out there. Dang! The picture came out superb.
DaHarder, you're a known troll. Everything you post is "essentially irrelevant".
Being labeled a 'troll' by irrational fanatics who wouldn't recognize/acknowledge the truth if it was permanently tattooed in reverse on their foreheads is actually quite the complement -
CR's conclusions still don't make sense as RF does not behave like electrical current. A simple piece of tape shouldn't make a difference.
Antennas are tuned to a specific frequency range (or harmonic thereof). That's why the seam exists and divides the antennas asymmetrically -- allowing the 2 antennas to be tuned to different bands. Both conductance and capacitance are involved in skin contact. An insulating layer should have thickness as well being non-conductive.
In my school some rooms get a really poor signal, and laying my hand in front of my iPod Touch's antenna does the same thing. IT'S NOT A DESIGN FLAW
Can you also pick it up with two fingers and get data transfer to stop? I doubt it. What would YOU call it when this IS possible with the iP4, and that cannot be duplicated with the 3GS nor 3G in the same locations?
There are many issues with technology in general. The current iPhone 4 problem is just one of them. The thing that amazes me is that if I were to buy an iPhone 4 and use it to replace my Vonage phone my monthly bill would go from $30 to $104 minumum. Why is no one complaining about how much money to costs to use one of these phones. They may be smart phones, but the people using them are not real smart.
The obvious answer is that we know how much it costs going in, so there's no misrepresentation there. As to how "smart" the users are, the users feel that the benefits of having the iPhone more than outweigh the cost. For those who feel otherwise, well, they won't purchase one.
I usually trust Consumer Reports but the flip-flopping makes me call into question their "buyer beware" message. (...)
They did not flip-flopped, the initial blog entry was wrongly and misleadingly reported as a "review" while it was not: it was one individual giving his narrow POV. The day after he claimed that he could indeed reproduce the issue, but strangely (sic) AI between others have chosen to not update their "story" with this guy new findings...
Now that the -real- review has been done, things are clarified.
Let me tell you something. The FDA won't even approve a cure for cancer because it would devastate the multibillion dollar cancer treatment industry. And CR is as subjugated to corporate corruption as anyone else.
I have had the iphone 4 for two weeks and not a freaking thing has happen reception wise.
Yeah I saw a bar drop in the Apple store but if you get a case it won't happen.
I cupped my unprotected iphone 4 in my hand for like five minutes at home and didn't witness a single bar loss.
So because you don't experience the problem it means that nobody does? I currently have strep throat... thank god my doctor doesn't use your logic.
"Well I hear what your saying but my throat feels perfectly fine.... so I simply cannot see how you could have Strep!?"
It seems clear that many commenting on this issue do not have a real grasp on what the problem is. It is not a reception problem as much as it is an interference problem, and there are some that do know what it doing on when they mention the antenna is lacking the appropriate coating. That coating would prevent you shorting the signal; this is why the bumper works. If it was a reception problem, the bumper would do nothing, so comparing this issue to other cell phone makers that have what appears to be a similar issue is not quite so, the other issue really has more to do with you blocking the signal with your hand. This is a relatively easy fix, and likely doesn't affect ALL iPhone 4s as I think it is a manufacturing problem and not as much a design flaw; likely the appropriate coating didn't make it onto all of the antennas.
This also could also be a case of body chemistry interfering with the coating, that would be an interesting find as well.
This is a non issue. The only "problem" is the bar display, which is going to be improved in a software update real soon now.
I love my iphone 4, but that is simply not true. If I do not use my rubber case I have problems and will experience call drops. With a case its better then my 3gs. Apple can fix this with bumpers or possibly coatings but there is a problem.
I'm an Apple fanboi, but this is f-ed up.
The company needs to swallow their pride and fix this issue.
I mean, c'mon, it took them 3 years to realize that there was a bug in the code that displays the signal bars? Give me an f-ing break. The code these guys work on would melt a Cray supercomputer, and a bug like that gets by them? If that's the case, the entire iPhone software team should be fired.
I am taking my iPhone 4 into an Apple Store this week to get a refund, and a replacement 3GS. And I also need to convince my wife that she's not getting the white iPhone she thinks she's getting later this month.
My thoughts exactly.
I returned my iPhone 4G and cancelled the line it was on with AT&T.
I have 2 other iphone 3Gs on the account that are not going away.
I am a huge Apple my posts and you will not see me putting them down. But they dropped the ball on this entire issue. It would be differnt if they stood up and took ownership but they are not doing that...they are running from it..
Also they did not chage me any fees to return it as well. Nor did AT&T to cancell my line that was attached to the iPhone 4G
BUT on another note i just bought a brand new 15" MBP i7 and it ROCKS!
I love my iphone 4, but that is simply not true. If I do not use my rubber case I have problems and will experience call drops. With a case its better then my 3gs. Apple can fix this with bumpers or possibly coatings but there is a problem.
They can also issue a software fix, which is what they told us they are going to do.
Just hold the phone against your ear, but not pressed against your face. It works great.
It works great unless you stubbornly require moving your head at any point during a call... as in when walking, looking around, seated at your desk looking for a paper, switching the phone from one side of your head to the other (because your left hand "death grip" is about to cause the call to drop), etc.
Trust, I am as big an Apple fan as anybody and in almost every other product I am extremely satisfied. Although, the iPhone 4 does have two REAL issues that I know of because I suffer from them both. The combination does indeed seem to make the phone almost unusable in many cases.
The first issue is the proximity sensor, which for me is arguably the worse of the two, and from the research I have done is probably a simple SW fix because the sensor does work and it seems to work reliably. It seems that what it needs is for the decision to toggle the display on/off to be filtered through a hysteresis function; and it seem the 3G(s) has exactly this (YouTube demonstration of iPhone 4 vs iPhone 3GS proximity sensor.
The second issue, the reception dropping to zero AND disconnecting my call, is also valid and quite problematic. I have no idea if this is a hardware or software fix, I simply do not have enough information; I will say that as a veteran software engineer, some pretty amazing workarounds can be attained in software leaving the user with exactly the experience they paid for. The interesting part of this problem for me is that everybody claims it is only in areas of already "weak" signal. I personally have a AT&T MicroCell which, when I am sitting 1 foot from it, I can hold the phone anyway I like. When I am standing around 20 feet from it the bars drop from 5 to 0/"Searching" when held in a way that covers the problem area. When held in the prescribed way (or not at all using a headset) I still will lose the call quite frequently and/or have call quality so low that I can't understand the person with whom I am talking. Realize I am talking about 20 feet and direct line of sight. I can't see how that possibly qualifies as a "weak" signal. My 3GS had neither of these issues ever with the same MicroCell located in the same place.
My big problem with these issues is that both the die-hard fanboys seem unwilling or unable to admit that some mistakes have been made, whether they be fixable through hardware or software.
A final interesting point is that AppleCare on Thursday night did admit to me that there are problems with the iPhone 4 (in both the proximity sensor and signal reception). This was after I went to the Apple store earlier that day and they replaced my phone with a new phone because of these two problems and the new phone behaved exactly the same way. I was then offered a free case for the time being in hopes of alleviating some of the reception problems... although when it came time to send me one the manager I was working with needed to have me "talk to somebody else" and was going to have them call me... as yet I have no free case on the way. This may mean she wasn't authorized to say it was a problem or that she wasn't authorized to give away a free case or simply that they are very busy and haven't been able to get back to me yet.
My dollar and 2 cents.
C'mon Apple. Even Scotty couldn't change the laws of physics.
I think slingshotting around the sun to go "back in time" might qualify.
Totally in agreement. I've been waiting over a week now and hoping it won't actually take 3 weeks. My 3G battery is damaged and it's pretty much useless unless it is plugged in... So I'm hoping for sooner rather than later.
A two year old phone with a completely dead battery? I?d be getting a replacement. That sounds like a faulty battery to me.
I love my iphone 4, but that is simply not true. If I do not use my rubber case I have problems and will experience call drops. With a case its better then my 3gs. Apple can fix this with bumpers or possibly coatings but there is a problem.
No offense, but if you get dropped calls that doesn't mean you have any more of a problem than with any other cell phone. CR specifically says the problem only happens when you're in an area with a weak signal. I can drop my iPhone 3g's signal just by holding it in a "normal" manner versus laying it on a table.
I have had the iphone 4 for two weeks and not a freaking thing has happen reception wise.
Yeah I saw a bar drop in the Apple store but if you get a case it won't happen.
I cupped my unprotected iphone 4 in my hand for like five minutes at home and didn't witness a single bar loss.
I love the this phone and the pictures it takes are awesome. And the flash works so well I was shocked. I took a picture of a plant in the courtyard of my hotel(job) and it was pitch black out there. Dang! The picture came out superb.
DaHarder, you're a known troll. Everything you post is "essentially irrelevant".
Being labeled a 'troll' by irrational fanatics who wouldn't recognize/acknowledge the truth if it was permanently tattooed in reverse on their foreheads is actually quite the complement -
CR's conclusions still don't make sense as RF does not behave like electrical current. A simple piece of tape shouldn't make a difference.
Antennas are tuned to a specific frequency range (or harmonic thereof). That's why the seam exists and divides the antennas asymmetrically -- allowing the 2 antennas to be tuned to different bands. Both conductance and capacitance are involved in skin contact. An insulating layer should have thickness as well being non-conductive.
In my school some rooms get a really poor signal, and laying my hand in front of my iPod Touch's antenna does the same thing. IT'S NOT A DESIGN FLAW
Can you also pick it up with two fingers and get data transfer to stop? I doubt it. What would YOU call it when this IS possible with the iP4, and that cannot be duplicated with the 3GS nor 3G in the same locations?
And CR is as subjugated to corporate corruption as anyone else.
I disagree. CR is much more subjugated to corporate corruption than Apple is.
There are many issues with technology in general. The current iPhone 4 problem is just one of them. The thing that amazes me is that if I were to buy an iPhone 4 and use it to replace my Vonage phone my monthly bill would go from $30 to $104 minumum. Why is no one complaining about how much money to costs to use one of these phones. They may be smart phones, but the people using them are not real smart.
The obvious answer is that we know how much it costs going in, so there's no misrepresentation there. As to how "smart" the users are, the users feel that the benefits of having the iPhone more than outweigh the cost. For those who feel otherwise, well, they won't purchase one.
Your comment generally lacks any hint of "smart."
I usually trust Consumer Reports but the flip-flopping makes me call into question their "buyer beware" message. (...)
They did not flip-flopped, the initial blog entry was wrongly and misleadingly reported as a "review" while it was not: it was one individual giving his narrow POV. The day after he claimed that he could indeed reproduce the issue, but strangely (sic) AI between others have chosen to not update their "story" with this guy new findings...
Now that the -real- review has been done, things are clarified.
Let me tell you something. The FDA won't even approve a cure for cancer because it would devastate the multibillion dollar cancer treatment industry. And CR is as subjugated to corporate corruption as anyone else.
I have had the iphone 4 for two weeks and not a freaking thing has happen reception wise.
Yeah I saw a bar drop in the Apple store but if you get a case it won't happen.
I cupped my unprotected iphone 4 in my hand for like five minutes at home and didn't witness a single bar loss.
So because you don't experience the problem it means that nobody does? I currently have strep throat... thank god my doctor doesn't use your logic.
"Well I hear what your saying but my throat feels perfectly fine.... so I simply cannot see how you could have Strep!?"
They can also issue a software fix, which is what they told us they are going to do.
A software fix won't solve disconnected calls, but likely will rectify the "bars issue" of dropping from 5 bars to fewer bars.
Engadget confirms as well, with some of their phones dropping calls and experiencing reduced Internet speeds:
The issue is that those are F A C T S, which never appear to matter to most of these 'individuals' -
This also could also be a case of body chemistry interfering with the coating, that would be an interesting find as well.