AT&T Run Around and BS...

in General Discussion edited January 2014
<Begin Rant>

I just spent an hour trying to talk to a tech about the slow speed of my cable internet... (simple easy question, right?) First I call my local cable company 555-5555, then I wade thru a monotinous and "slower than molasis" touch-tone proccess of minded numbing button pushing... I get a person who tells me to call the tech number 1-800... I call this number and repeat the mind numbing proccess all over again... only to not hear any option that has anything to do with tech support... only the e-mail switch (which we will go into soon)... Well, after this I assume I will hear a main menu selection again... but nope... a electronic woman "hangs up on me!!!!"

Then I call my local company back and they tell me to call... you guessed it! 1-800... So I tell him there isnt any option for tech assist. and he assures me there is and forwards me to the number... I wade thru the electronic questionaire and still nothing... then I try and "old trick" that used to work for my local company (Not Anymore) I tried hitting (zero, zero, zero) to get an operator but Nill... ... I get a "Voice Activated Electronic Questionaire" that wants me to Sound Out 1, 2 or 3...

So after an eternity I still dont know JACK and my cable company has found a "perfect method" of completely ignoring me "AS IF" forcing me to lose all of my email names, homepage wasnt enough by switching up our domain name... and OH!, I almost forgot... they recently called me up to tell me they had a "great offer" for me... they were upgrading there packages network to digital and said they needed to upgrade the boxes and packages I already had... they new box will cost me 3 dollars more to rent each month and the special offer is... drum roll please... I will get the platinum package!! this is every special channel... and it costs $80... but to compensate for the inconvenience they will reduce its price for three months to $60... wich is $20 more than I pay now for the same programming... Thats a deal???????????

Oh and ethier I switch to digital or I lose my packages!

Thats it... I love having a cable internet service but this is just Un-Acceptable!... back to the phone line...

</End Rant>

DishTV here I come... crystal clear channels and no AT&T BS.... they have a sattelite internet service but dont supported mac...



[ 02-19-2002: Message edited by: FERRO ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 5
    DirecTV rules and AT&T digital cable blows goats.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    I'll second Sizze....if you got clear viewing to the South...go Directv!
  • Reply 3 of 5
    I had the same problem trying to reach an ATT rep about some "optional features" that appeared on my long distance bill. I got a recording that instructed me to ask my question in plain english because they have some voice reconigtion help system. Kinda like Ask Geeves. What a crock.. I never was able to reach a human.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    ferroferro Posts: 453member
    [quote]Originally posted by ThinkingDifferent:

    <strong>I had the same problem trying to reach an ATT rep about some "optional features" that appeared on my long distance bill. I got a recording that instructed me to ask my question in plain english because they have some voice reconigtion help system. Kinda like Ask Geeves. What a crock.. I never was able to reach a human. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Ya, when I heard that Voice Reconigtion stuff after I pressed 000 to get a person...

    That was it...


    © FERRO 2001-2002

    [ 02-19-2002: Message edited by: FERRO ]</p>
  • Reply 5 of 5
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    [quote]Originally posted by sizzle chest:

    <strong>DirecTV rules and AT&T digital cable blows goats.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    *ANY*thing AT&T offers blows goats. Not only am I getting rid of my wireless and digital cable accounts, I will probably stay with *56k* instead of AT&T @Home when it's available here.

    AT&T sucks festering rhino nuts.
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