Do you love/hate SUV's????



  • Reply 61 of 72
    The only good 'SUV' is the Subaru WRX Wagon. Though thats not really an SUV, its pure solidified ass-kicken.

    As for the rest, I hate SUV's! If we where to eliminate all SUV's from the road we would reduce our oil dependence from the Middle East, way more than drilling into natural habitat in Alaska could ever hope to accomplish.

    Their ugly, their gass-guzzlers, their dangerous to other motorists, and they tie us to the middle eastern oil to an astronomical degree. An evil combination indeed.
  • Reply 62 of 72
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Those things are ugly as ass.

    Jutus, that's what I'm talking about!

    I am highly jealous of your vehicle.
  • Reply 63 of 72
    Okay I have a gripe against them now. Pulling out of parking spaces, I can't see a ****ing thing when an SUV is parked next to me. I Chicago people's reaction to a car pulling out of a spot blind is to speed up and honk. So SUVs are a real pain in that situation.
  • Reply 64 of 72
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    SUV's will make sense in certain situations... like RV's and pick up trucks. But not really as commuter vehicles. The high center of gravity can't be good either.
  • Reply 65 of 72
    Man, thank God for Frontline. It is the best news program around. They just had a

    show on SUVs and how Detroit and the Government (Nixon, Reagan, Bush Sr. and Jr.)

    worked together to keep the SUV models unsafe!

    The kicker of the report was an interview they were conducting outside a courthouse...

    as they were completing the interview...there was a huge SUV had rolled over

    in the street!

    Though the current SUVs do have a lower and wider design now, they are still unsafe and are gas guzzlers. And still, 90% of SUV purchases are for NON-OFF ROAD use.

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    A Few Facts About SUVs and Safety

    There will be an estimated 70,000 SUV rollovers in 2002, in which it's estimated 2000 people will die.

    In the 10-year period during which Ford-Firestone related rollovers caused some 300 deaths, more than 12,000 people -- 40 times as many -- died in SUV rollover crashes unrelated to tire failure.

    A Ford Explorer is 16 times as likely as the typical family car to kill occupants of another vehicle in a crash.

    1 out of 4 new vehicles sold in the U.S. is an SUV, making it the most popular type of vehicle in America. The Ford Explorer is the most popular SUV in the world.
  • Reply 66 of 72
    jrcjrc Posts: 817member
    [quote]Originally posted by Artman @_@:

    <strong>Man, thank God for Frontline. It is the best news program around. They just had a

    show on SUVs and how Detroit and the Government (Nixon, Reagan, Bush Sr. and Jr.)

    worked together to keep the SUV models unsafe!

    The kicker of the report was an interview they were conducting outside a courthouse...

    as they were completing the interview...there was a huge SUV had rolled over

    in the street!

    Though the current SUVs do have a lower and wider design now, they are still unsafe and are gas guzzlers. And still, 90% of SUV purchases are for NON-OFF ROAD use.

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    A Few Facts About SUVs and Safety

    There will be an estimated 70,000 SUV rollovers in 2002, in which it's estimated 2000 people will die.

    In the 10-year period during which Ford-Firestone related rollovers caused some 300 deaths, more than 12,000 people -- 40 times as many -- died in SUV rollover crashes unrelated to tire failure.

    A Ford Explorer is 16 times as likely as the typical family car to kill occupants of another vehicle in a crash.

    1 out of 4 new vehicles sold in the U.S. is an SUV, making it the most popular type of vehicle in America. The Ford Explorer is the most popular SUV in the world.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Where I grew up, people put roll bars INSIDE their SUVs (weren't called SUVs, though.) Matter of fact one of my friend's family rolled theirs, with the cage inside, and everyone survived just fine.

    Nothing stopping people from IMPROVING the safety of cars their damn selves.
  • Reply 67 of 72
    tmptmp Posts: 601member
    [quote]Originally posted by JRC:


    Nothing stopping people from IMPROVING the safety of cars their damn selves.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    No, but don't you think that they should be safe when you get them? Ford didn't want to widen the stance of the original Explorer by &lt;i&gt;two inches&lt;/i&gt; because it would have delayed "job 1"- the introduction. They &lt;b&gt;knew&lt;/b&gt; that the thing was a threat. They even put out a video for the owners that danced around the issue.

    The fun part aboput the show (if any Frontline can be fun) was watching then-CEO Jaques Nasser testify before congress. He was all twitchy and sweaty. Like a tanned Steve Ballmer being told "All you can eat" doesn't apply to him.
  • Reply 68 of 72
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    To those in this thread who don't like SUV's and give their reasons.

    1) They are gas guzzlers. (Not all of them are, just the majority)

    2) They are more likely to roll than a compact car (or almost any car that I can think of, including the corvaire )

    3) They are bigger and you are more likely to survive an accident than those in the other car. (this is not a bad thing IMHO. Sorry)

    4) They are not usually used for off-roading. (Ad everyone that drives a Porche or a Ferrari uses it to race around at 140+ MPH? Not even)

    5) Whatever other reason I can come up with to prove my point.

    All of these points are for the most part true, but they prove nothing. You are setting up a strawman argument and begging the question here. Why is an SUV bad? They are only bad because you think so. There is NOTHING inherently bad about an SUV. If you don't like them, don't drive them. And don't tell me that SUV drivers are worse than other drivers on the road either, that is total BS. You might notice them more often, because of your hatred for their vehicle, but the guy driving his Mustang GT 90mph in a 55 zone weaving through traffic is just as bad or worse IMHO.

    Do I own an SUV, no. I own a Pickup (Chevy S10) and the aforementioned Subaru Outback. Would I own an SUV, maybe. If it got 25 MPG or better. They are coming, the SUV is too popular for them to not improve the fuel economy any way they can.
  • Reply 69 of 72
    [quote]Originally posted by NoahJ:

    <strong> There is NOTHING inherently bad about an SUV. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well personally, I'm not saying they're bad. I'm saying they suck. Kinda like the <a href=""; target="_blank">Yankees</a>.

    [ 02-23-2002: Message edited by: jesperas ]</p>
  • Reply 70 of 72
    jrcjrc Posts: 817member
    [quote]Originally posted by tmp:


    No, but don't you think that they should be safe when you get them? Ford didn't want to widen the stance of the original Explorer by &lt;i&gt;two inches&lt;/i&gt; because it would have delayed "job 1"- the introduction. They &lt;b&gt;knew&lt;/b&gt; that the thing was a threat. They even put out a video for the owners that danced around the issue.

    The fun part aboput the show (if any Frontline can be fun) was watching then-CEO Jaques Nasser testify before congress. He was all twitchy and sweaty. Like a tanned Steve Ballmer being told "All you can eat" doesn't apply to him.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I love a lot of those frontline shows. I just started noticing them this year. They've been very well done. Not always unbiased, but at least good shows, IMO.

    A good set of wheels and tires helps safety a lot. And, most importantly, people PAYING ATTENTION. In the last 7 days I've had to ride over a sidewalk in my van with 7 people in it, while in Chicago because some idiot just came over me. If I hadn't been paying attention, he would have hit me.

    Yesterday, a guy on a cell phone just came over on me and I was honking within half a second, going 75 MPH. I moved over and kept honking and he looked TOTALLY SURPRISED once he saw me. IDIOT, F-ing IDIOT!

    I really think that in today's driving, people need about a two foot bumper all around their cars.
  • Reply 71 of 72
    gregggregg Posts: 261member
    Chill, flood man. SUVs aren't inherently bad.




    They're evil!
  • Reply 72 of 72
    IMO...SUV's are the perfect symbol of corporate and political greed. And the moronic gullibility of the consumer. They advertise these vehicles for off road and 90% are purchased by suburban families...sure, the other 10% shouldn't argue, they are intelligent to know what they're for.

    Cadillac now makes an SUV?

    Hummer has one too?


    Nuff said.
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