Apple admits iPhone 4 drops more calls per 100 than iPhone 3GS



  • Reply 21 of 40
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by Orlando View Post

    We don't know how many calls the 3GS drops so we cannot say if this is a significant increase or not. For example, if the 3GS only drops 1 in 1000 this would be a 10 fold increase which is a significant rise.


    One additional dropped call per 100 calls could be many times more.

    Found this where AT&T claims "the percentage of dropped calls throughout the network has fallen from 1.41% to 1.05% between December '08 and December '09."

    Taking a completely unscientific approach, the average might be about 1.23% of calls get dropped. Assuming the 3GS is about average (maybe it is better), then the iPhone 4 having 1 more dropped call per 100 is almost a doubling of that rate.

    Somehow people take Jobs statement that it is 'only' 1 more dropped call (maybe a little less) than the 3GS is an indicator of something positive? really?
  • Reply 22 of 40
    Are you really worried about that? I can understand if iPhone dropped half of calls and now he drops even more, but I never heard of such an issue on 3G. For average person, "1 of 100 calls" means "once a few weeks" ? nothings special about it, I think.
  • Reply 23 of 40
    rsmrsm Posts: 15member
    AAAHAAAAA!!!!!! Apple ADMITS the iP4 drops more calls than the 3GS!!!! They finally were forced came clean about the real truth surrounding horrendous dropped call rate they had tried so deparately to conceal lo these many weeks!

    The Appleinsider headliners are laughable. Sensationalism for effect. Yellow Journalism.

    Ya'll need to grow up.
  • Reply 24 of 40
    icyfogicyfog Posts: 338member
    Don't you know Fox News - and I'll assume other, Fox is just the one I happened to see - mentioned and had a graphic that the iPhone 4 dropped more calls then the 3GS, but didn't mention or notate the rate.

    Whole story folks, less spin.
  • Reply 25 of 40
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member
    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post


    One additional dropped call per 100 calls could be many times more.

    Found this where AT&T claims "the percentage of dropped calls throughout the network has fallen from 1.41% to 1.05% between December '08 and December '09."

    Taking a completely unscientific approach, the average might be about 1.23% of calls get dropped. Assuming the 3GS is about average (maybe it is better), then the iPhone 4 having 1 more dropped call per 100 is almost a doubling of that rate.

    Somehow people take Jobs statement that it is 'only' 1 more dropped call (maybe a little less) than the 3GS is an indicator of something positive? really?

    You're still only talking about 1 out of 100 calls dropped. That isn't much, and given the number of comments I've seen about the iPhone4 being able to make calls where the 3GS simply can't even try I can believe that these extra drops are entirely where the older phone couldn't have been calling at all in the first place. So you're still making a mountain out of a molehill. If this failure rate is really a problem for you, return it, get a bumper, use the headphones and put it in your pocket, or hold it differently.

    And as for the objections people have to being told it to hold it differently... wtf? We're told to hold all sorts of things differently all the time and I don't hear all the bellyaching about that. Hold your steering wheel at 10&2. Don't hold the hot end of the tool. Don't hold the barrel of the gun. If its a problem for you, return it or buy a bumper.
  • Reply 26 of 40
    oxygenhoseoxygenhose Posts: 236member
    Originally Posted by iancass79 View Post

    But, they did say it is an increased amount from the previous iPhone.

    I am glad they said it was a noted increase. They admitted it was a problem so all of the people on here that said anyone affected were just whiners can hush up now.

    I think apple did the right with the bumpers.

    Because you ARE whiners.

    Steve explained your problems, that they were statistically insignificant, and to keep you 'happy' you get a free piece of rubber to choke on. You're not getting a case because there's any outstanding problem with your phone... It's only your boo-boo feelings. Exactly what I and others have been saying from the beginning of this.

    So STFU & go live your life. But somehow i expect you'll still be here looking for little things to bitch about. At least rubber is a good sound insulator.
  • Reply 27 of 40
    orlandoorlando Posts: 601member
    Originally Posted by Programmer View Post

    You're still only talking about 1 out of 100 calls dropped. ... So you're still making a mountain out of a molehill.

    Remember that is an average figure. Some people don't experience any dropped calls. Others experience much more than this.
  • Reply 28 of 40
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by bspears View Post

    You left out the part that said it is less than one call per 100. Hardly a significant rise in dropped call rate.

    As other said, you can't make a statement about it's significance unless you know what you are comparing it to.

    Originally Posted by iancass79 View Post

    But, they did say it is an increased amount from the previous iPhone.

    I am glad they said it was a noted increase. They admitted it was a problem so all of the people on here that said anyone affected were just whiners can hush up now.

    I think apple did the right with the bumpers.

    And even if it is only an insignificant increase, it's an increase, which is in contrast with Apple's PR that says the iPhone 4 antenna is superior than previous iPhones. It's kinda what I expected, the pros of the new antenna are negated by the cons. It's a wash. The unfortunate thing is Apple could have probably easily mitigated the con and truly achieved a phone with better overall reception.
  • Reply 29 of 40
    p lp l Posts: 64member
    Steve Jobs was 100% correct in saying that Nobody, No Company, Nothing is perfect. He couldn't say it, but I can: "Their a lot closer than most"
  • Reply 30 of 40
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by StLBluesFan View Post

    LOL, seriously?

    3.5 calls per 100 is more than 3.0 calls per 100. "Drops more calls per 100" is perfectly valid, and the specifics are within the article. A bit too anal methinks.

    Yes, but 3.5 per 100 is WAY too high. ATT averages, for all phones, about 1 or 2 percent dropped calls.

    And the comparison Steve made was to the 3GS, which has WAY better performance than the "average" ATT phone. I bet the 3GS gets closer to .7 dropped calls per 100.

    So adding 1% shows that it is still very low. 1.7%? No big deal.
  • Reply 31 of 40
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by ajv View Post

    You sure about that? Let's assume the 3GS is already horrible with dropped calls and drops 1 in 25. If the iPhone 4 drops nearly 1 in 100 *more* than the 3GS, that would mean it drops 25% *more* calls. That's horrible! If the 3GS isn't so horrible and only drops 1 out of 100 now, that would mean iPhone 4 drops nearly *twice* the number of calls!

    The 3GS probably drops very few calls - much less than 1%. So the total is still less than most phones.
  • Reply 32 of 40
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by rsm View Post

    AAAHAAAAA!!!!!! Apple ADMITS the iP4 drops more calls than the 3GS!!!! They finally were forced came clean about the real truth surrounding horrendous dropped call rate they had tried so deparately to conceal lo these many weeks!

    Yes, but the 3GS hardly drops any calls. So the 4 hardly drops any calls too.
  • Reply 33 of 40
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by P L View Post

    He couldn't say it, but I can: "Their a lot closer than most"

    That should be Apple's new Logo!
  • Reply 34 of 40
    Originally Posted by iancass79 View Post

    But, they did say it is an increased amount from the previous iPhone.

    I am glad they said it was a noted increase. They admitted it was a problem so all of the people on here that said anyone affected were just whiners can hush up now.

    I think apple did the right with the bumpers.

    This simply doesn't change the fact that there were and are a HUGE number of whiners and trolls - just that some of those commenting here were recognized by Apple has actually having issues - and were justifiably upset. And the number of commenters here that said


    anyone affected were just whiners

    are by count, in the single to low double digits - those that said that those who are whining about it without actually experiencing it or do not even own the device should STFU were much higher, and perhaps justified in that comment line. Not that they were actually heeded, nor that they were able to stem the flow of diatribe and generalized (or specific) Apple hatred and calumny. Mr. Jobs freely admitted to Apple making mistakes.
  • Reply 35 of 40
    Originally Posted by rsm View Post

    AAAHAAAAA!!!!!! Apple ADMITS the iP4 drops more calls than the 3GS!!!! They finally were forced came clean about the real truth surrounding horrendous dropped call rate they had tried so deparately to conceal lo these many weeks!

    The Appleinsider headliners are laughable. Sensationalism for effect. Yellow Journalism.

    Ya'll need to grow up.

    Back atcha trollarama.
  • Reply 36 of 40
    avidfcpavidfcp Posts: 381member
    Originally Posted by ihxo View Post

    LOL and AAPL is green again.

    Wait a minute. They say it's all bull then they admit the iphone4 drops more calls than iPhone 3 and now free cases until the 30th of September. Well that's a krock. So what about after September 30th, will they have a new rev 2???
  • Reply 37 of 40
    mplutkamplutka Posts: 3member
    The new antenna design was said to help against dropped calls but now it got even (slightly) worse. So I guess the new antenna placed at the outside of the device was only put there to get more space for a larger battery.
  • Reply 38 of 40
    Originally Posted by bspears View Post

    You left out the part that said it is less than one call per 100. Hardly a significant rise in dropped call rate.

    sorry I realized my comment was old news - deleted
  • Reply 39 of 40
    bspearsbspears Posts: 147member

    Jason Snell: AT&T will compare iPhone 3GS drops versus iPhone 4. Additional calls dropped per 100 calls compared to iPhone 3GS. Even though we think the iPhone 4's antenna is superior, I must report to you that the iPhone 4 drops more calls per 100 than the iPhone 3GS. That's what the data says.


    Jason Snell: But it's less than 1 call per 100 than the 3GS.

    The above is the quote from the Macworld live feed from the event. The increase is less than one percent of the overall dropped call rate for the 3GS. Could it be statistically significant when looking at the rate of increase? Yes but we need more numbers to find out. Is it in any way realistically significant at less than a one percent increase in overall rate? NFW.
  • Reply 40 of 40
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by Programmer View Post

    You're still only talking about 1 out of 100 calls dropped. That isn't much, and given the number of comments I've seen about the iPhone4 being able to make calls where the 3GS simply can't even try I can believe that these extra drops are entirely where the older phone couldn't have been calling at all in the first place. So you're still making a mountain out of a molehill. If this failure rate is really a problem for you, return it, get a bumper, use the headphones and put it in your pocket, or hold it differently.

    It was more of a observation on how the numbers were presented. People attach to what Jobs said, that the iP4 drops one additional call per 100 calls as compared to the 3GS. One call more, as compared to the 3GS doesn't sound like much. Makes it sound like a relatively small increase in dropped calls. But, relatively to the 3GS (his choice) it is possible an increase of 70-100% in the number of dropped calls (assuming the 3GS was within the AT&T average). If the 3GS was better than the AT&T average, then it could be more than a 100% increase in dropped calls.

    If Jobs is going to use a comparison of dropped call rates as a indicator of how much better or worse the iP4 is performing in the real world, then a more informative, useful and honest set of number would have included the percentage of increase or decrease. He chose to make the comparison. If that comparison shows it dropping as much as twice as many calls, then perhaps his comparison is telling.
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