Microsoft's Steve Ballmer: 'Apple sold more iPads than I'd like them to sell'



  • Reply 141 of 188
    I like to remind everyone that Steve Ballmer worked for Proctor & Gamble before Microsoft. He is just a soap salesman with no clue about technology. So, as others have pointed out, he makes a lot of random, unconnected, insulting and vague statements regarding their competition.

    I will say that I respect his decision to hock everything he had to buy Microsoft stock early on, thereby becoming extremely wealthy. Thereby demonstrating that you don't have to have a clue about technology to become rich from it.
  • Reply 142 of 188
    aizmovaizmov Posts: 989member
    If Microsoft had any brains they would bring a Windows Phone 7 tablet. Windows 7 doesn't cut it for tablets.
  • Reply 143 of 188
    axualaxual Posts: 244member
    I don't care about Microsoft or what Microsoft does. Windows is a big blob and the fact it's running in toasters or toad stools is meaningless.
  • Reply 144 of 188
    Originally Posted by Booga View Post

    The .NET 4.0 Touch API is part of Windows 7 (it's what I was referring to). It's actually a pretty nice API and would enable some pretty decent apps. But again, Microsoft is trying to solve problems with technology that aren't technological problems.

    That's a start, now they need to rewrite Office, Outlook, and all the rest to "touch", include an app store to sell these apps at a reasonable cost, add multitouch so users can easily press Ctrl-Alt-Del when programs go south , solve the tendency of desktop apps like Firefox with Flash plugins to runaway with 100% of the CPU time, invent a backup & restore solution that's as easy as plugging your tablet into you computer, provide an easy way to buy & download movies that run well on the hardware (no guarantee when different tablets have different specs), get rid of the stupid drive letters so your tablet doesn't feel like a DOS machine from 1980, add a screen magnifier feature so you can easily touch the tiny icons crowded in the System Tray, etc.

    I'm sure Ballmer will say, yeah, Windows 7 tablets support USB which is great because that's how you'll load apps onto your tablet: via external DVD ROM drives. And you'll be able to plug in your USB floppy or thumb drives so you can create emergency boot disks when a virus wipes out your boot sector. And BTW, those tablets had better support hardware keyboards because how else are you going to tell Windows 7 to boot into safe mode because those new video drivers prevented Windows from booting properly?

    Yeah, Windows 7 on a tablet. Bring it!
  • Reply 145 of 188
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Most likely just someone with a truly well-rounded perspective

    You say you buy all these Apple products with your own money!

    You come on AI and badmouth every Apple product -- sometimes feigning praise, but including a poorly-disguised dig.

    So, one must assume that you dislike Apple and all their products... but you [claim to[ continue to buy them.

    Only you would claim that this represents a "truly well-rounded perspective".

  • Reply 146 of 188
    htoellehtoelle Posts: 89member
    Originally Posted by Kung Fu Guy View Post

    Quit attacking Ballmer!

    He's done a excellent job for..............Apple! He should stay.

    A most excellent observation !!!!

    My problem with it is that each time he puts his mouth in gear, it becomes apparent the brain has not been started. It is just hard to take time after time. I would imagine after a time he shall become attracted to politics. God Help us. Perhaps he should remain where he is at least he is harmless there.
  • Reply 147 of 188

    Here's an interesting take on Apple from a microsoft press:

    And another from Apple-- almost 32 years (to the day) earlier!

  • Reply 148 of 188
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by Firefly7475 View Post

    ... The iPod and iPhone have both lost the momentum they had and the iPad will only carry them for another 1 or 2 years. ...

    I don't see any evidence of that, each new model sells better than the previous, and, if anything, it would seem that iOS device momentum is increasing.
  • Reply 149 of 188
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Joe hs View Post

    I really so hope someone moves us away from .doc, to PDF maybe?

    I'm going to throw a party the day M$ dies.

    PDF is the wrong kind of format. It's a format intended for document distribution, not editing. It can be done, but editing a PDF is mashing a square peg in a round hole.

    .odt is an open file format for text, though the problem is that it is from OpenOffice, and the OpenOffice software is not very good. One example: I've had their spreadsheet program crash or stall for a minute when I cut and pasted three cells to an adjacent column. I get this stalling or crashes more often than 10% of my pastes.
  • Reply 150 of 188
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    You say you buy all these Apple products with your own money!

    You come on AI and badmouth every Apple product -- sometimes feigning praise it, but including a poorly-disguised dig.

    So, one must assume that you dislike Apple and all their products... but you [claim to[ continue to buy them.

    Only you would claim that this represents a "truly well-rounded perspective".

    I feel strongly that there's no better perspective than that of one who actual owns/uses a device at length - everything else is just lip service... It's That Simple.

    You're so bent on the idea that all I do is go around making 'poorly-disguised' digs at Apple, but the fact is, this is hardly the only forum that I frequent, and I praise when earned and criticize when required, with everything that I own.

    As for your 'dig' as to whether all of the items listed/pictured are actually mine, that appears to be more an issue with you possibly being 'envious' than anything related to my ability to acquire said items.

    "So, one must assume that you dislike Apple and all their products"...

    Well, you know what they say about assuming... Just Saying
  • Reply 151 of 188
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by macinthe408 View Post

    Imagine if Ballmer/Microsoft went incommunicado and emerged 6 months later with a kickass product.

    Imagine if they didn't comment on unannounced products.

    Imagine if they didn't cozy up with partners on stage to show products they might or might not make within 83 years.

    Imagine if they simply released stuff when it was done and ready to go, and then let the product speak for itself.

    (flick your lighters on)

    Imagine all the people...

    sleepity darling do not cry and i will sing you a ....
  • Reply 152 of 188
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    The iPad is pretty awesome. Allow me just one cross-posting here, that's all, I promise:

    iPad shuts down in full sunlight? I've done the test, find out the results here... Okay... So if any of you are considering getting an iPad or thinking of whether to take it to the pool, park or beach, be sure to check out my video. Cheers.

    Nice vid!

    Where are the girls in bikinis-- this was a SI swim shoot, wasn't it.

    Interesting... the iPad appears to withstand more severe sustained heat/direct unlighted conditions than the human body!

    So, I guess the conclusion is that the iPad at the beach is OK for humanoid-- beach robots, not so much.

  • Reply 153 of 188
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    I feel strongly that there's no better perspective than that of one who actual owns/uses a device at length - everything else is just lip service... It's That Simple.

    You're so bent on the idea that all I do is go around making 'poorly-disguised' digs at Apple, but the fact is, this is hardly the only forum that I frequent, and I praise when earned and criticize when required, with everything that I own.

    The concern here is that you do seem to be focusing on the negative parts to the point of suspicion, when you're being that negative, it's legitimate to be curious why you own these products if they seem to have such serious-sounding flaws from how you write your comments.

    Your little bit about iPad being just a large Touch is a commonly used invective usually from people that have had very little experience with the device. Even the built-in apps are considerably different because you have nine times the area to work with in making a UI. I try not to use apps made for the smaller devices on the iPad because it's a very poor fit, with blocky nearest-neighbor scaling and oversized controls, or excess unused space.
  • Reply 154 of 188
    Originally Posted by samban View Post


    I recall many years ago reading about the internal discussions regarding the creation of a game console. One camp (Robbie Bach, J Allard) wanted Microsoft to create hardware and services, and another camp (Steve Ballmer) wanted to license Windows for Game Consoles to companies like Dell as their strategy for taking market share from Sony. Had they done that, they would have failed miserably, and the Xbox wouldn't be the platform we know today (whether you like it or not). Had Ballmer won that argument, Microsoft would be at the whims of their hardware partners. If Dell lost money on their half-hearted attempt to enter the game console business, they would have dumped it in favor of netbooks or PDAs or whatever was trending at the time. Windows 7 on a Tablet sounds like a repeat of Ballmer's single solution.
  • Reply 155 of 188
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    The concern here is that you do seem to be focusing on the negative parts to the point of suspicion, when you're being that negative, it's legitimate to be curious why you own these products if they seem to have such serious-sounding flaws from how you write your comments.

    Your little bit about iPad being just a large Touch is a commonly used invective usually from people that have had very little experience with the device. Even the built-in apps are considerably different because you have nine times the area to work with in making a UI. I try not to use apps made for the smaller devices on the iPad because it's a very poor fit, with blocky nearest-neighbor scaling and oversized controls, or excess unused space.

    For me, the much larger issue here is that admiration for these inanimate objets has morphed into an environment wherein people actually 'covet' these 'things', allowing this 'object-lust' to drive them into displaying blatant disrespect and hostility towards those with differing opinions.

    I, with a full understanding of human behavior, still find it terribly disturbing how even when someone, such as myself, produces clear/indisputable (photographic) evidence that they are not simply some 'Apple Hating Troll', upset because they can't afford Apple's 'elitist' wares, but actually own almost all of said companies 'premium' products, still isn't allowed to post in peace, especially given that I (personally) simply state my view and move on, never lashing-out, attacking, or blatantly disrespecting the views expressed by my fellow forum members (even after much provocation).

    Remember: Your View-Point Is Not The Only Perspective
  • Reply 156 of 188
    maccherrymaccherry Posts: 924member
    In the end what will the consumer be doing with a full featured tablet anyway?

    No a darn thing!

    99% of the folks you see on a laptop are playing games, surfing the net and watching videos from some site. That's it.

    All MS is worried about is market perception. Ballmer wants everyone to think MS so it keeps MS current in the minds of the techies and in the tech blogs.
  • Reply 157 of 188
    souliisoulsouliisoul Posts: 827member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Oh Really... ?

    Then I Guess the Absolute Truth Is Tiresome Then, as here's a pic (taken only minutes ago) of my iMac 27/i7, MacBook Pro 13, iPad 64/WiFi+3g, Apple iPhone 3GS (work phone), iPod Nano/16gb, iPod Touch/64gb... etc.

    Understand, I own many more 'Apple' products, but this should be more than enough to make clear just how silly it is to make sweeping assumptions about matters of which you know absolutely nothing.

    Enjoy... as I sure do enjoy my iPad - ;-)

    You posted this again in this thread, come on, anyone can get a picture like this and put their name to it. Pathetic!!!
  • Reply 158 of 188
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by maccherry View Post

    In the end what will the consumer be doing with a full featured tablet anyway?

    No a darn thing!

    99% of the folks you see on a laptop are playing games, surfing the net and watching videos from some site. That's it.

    All MS is worried about is market perception. Ballmer wants everyone to think MS so it keeps MS current in the minds of the techies and in the tech blogs.

    "playing games, surfing the net and watching videos from some site"... all activities/tasks for which tablet/slate devices (including my iPad) are ideally suited.
  • Reply 159 of 188
    souliisoulsouliisoul Posts: 827member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    I feel strongly that there's no better perspective than that of one who actual owns/uses a device at length - everything else is just lip service... It's That Simple.

    You're so bent on the idea that all I do is go around making 'poorly-disguised' digs at Apple, but the fact is, this is hardly the only forum that I frequent, and I praise when earned and criticize when required, with everything that I own.

    As for your 'dig' as to whether all of the items listed/pictured are actually mine, that appears to be more an issue with you possibly being 'envious' than anything related to my ability to acquire said items.

    "So, one must assume that you dislike Apple and all their products"...

    Well, you know what they say about assuming... Just Saying

    This guy is full of himself, it is really funny
  • Reply 160 of 188
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Enjoy... as I sure do enjoy my iPad - ;-)

    You have to wonder how you could enjoy your iPad so much when you've never had anything positive to say.

    I guess you're simply too invested in your hate of Apple products to accept the fact that they make good products.

    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    The iPad is pretty awesome. Allow me just one cross-posting here, that's all, I promise:

    iPad shuts down in full sunlight? I've done the test, find out the results here... Okay... So if any of you are considering getting an iPad or thinking of whether to take it to the pool, park or beach, be sure to check out my video. Cheers.]

    Electronic device stops working if it gets too hot. News at 11.
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