It took 3 minutes for my 3 GHz intel Quad Core machine to finally start Windows 7, note: I know about Windows maintenance and registry issues.
Right now, I have ZERO programs that would only work on windows, plus I don't want the wide choice of hardware because I've had so many driver nightmares, oh there's actually one taking place as we speak, my sound drivers are acting... No, I really don't like what's out there: Acer, HP, DELL, SONY, TOSHIBA, LENOVO... and even Asus for which I have a lot of respect. None of them. Why? Because they already look cheap and unreliable in the store let alone the 3-4 years I'm going to use them. What's with all the shiny black plastic? Why are they so bulky and their shapes not straight?
Back to Windows 7, no I refuse to say it was my idea because I'd never make an OS that requires a fresh install a few times a year.
Bluray? What good is it on a laptop? Can't believe there are morons who go buy bluray just to watch it on a pc, oh wait that's so last year now that there are 3D laptops...
What PC users don't understand is that it's not about having every feature under the sun, it's about having very well perfected features. Apple has refined their operating system and took out all the crap that isn't really good. What we're left with is an OS that is overall more efficient and easier to use.
An all-you-can-eat buffet has everything under the sun. You can eat just about whatever you want. However, the food isn't great. If I want a good steak, I wouldn't go there to get it.
Last night when my guest checked out the hotel she said she sent an email to our front desk pc from her ipod. I did see a file prompt pop up and then it went away. I couldn't find the SOB for nothing.
Had my front desk computer been a mac I would have had her file right in front of me.
Macs are efficient. Period!!!! They work. Period.
And they are better than some dollar store pc running that sh**** a** OS Windows which is designed to be nasty for obsolescence sake. PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
Couldn't agree more, M$ bashing macs on their own site will only make people more curious about them and look on apples own site to gather as much information as they can find.
Couldn't agree more, M$ bashing macs on their own site will only make people more curious about them and look on apples own site to gather as much information as they can find.
Most PCs Don't have Blu-Ray drives... but BD can be added at minimal cost (often in the US 100 to 200.00 area on laptops and less for external units), Apple offers no such option(s).
Most PCs Don't have TV tuner's built i... See Above, but even less expensive.
Most PCs Don't ship with Office installed on them... Actually, most Windows & computers (even netbooks) come pre-loaded with MS Works + MS Word, and have 60 day trial versions of the full MS Office Home/Office Suite.
Most PCs Don't have a powerful enough video card to play many games... Yet, most PSc do have video processors fully capable of running Windows Aero, which exceeds the demands of many lower/mid-range games. Conclusion: you're incorrect here as well.
Most PCs Don't really give you an option on color other than black... You've apparently not shopped outside of Apple in quite sometime, because ALL of the major PC manufacturers (Hp, Dell, Gateway, Acer, et al) offer a wide range of color options, and have for many, many years.
Most PCs Don't ship with Windows Ultimate so they cannot encrypt the hard disk... To the vast majority of computer users this is not an issue, and Windows 7 incorporates strong enough security measures as to render any user concerns essentially moot. For enterprise demands, Windows 7 Ultimate makes sense, for all others, not so much.
Most PCs Don't have touch screens... But for those who do desire touchscreen functionality, they have several optionsall the way from netbooks (Lenovo S10-3t) to AIO desktops from Sony, Hp, Lenovo, and many others.
Most PCs Don't ship with built-in wireless... FACT: There is not a single PC that comes with preinstalled Windows 7 (even Starter) that does not have integrated wireless connection as it's part of the specification/requirement to be Windows 7 certified.
So Now You Know...
Most PCs Don't have Blu-Ray drives... but BD can be added at minimal cost (often in the US 100 to 200.00 area on laptops and less for external units), Apple offers no such option(s). And you can use external Blu-ray drives on Macs just fine
Most PCs Don't have TV tuner's built i... See Above, but even less expensive. I've tried numerous TV tuners on Windows, I've yet to come across an affordable one that actually works in a useful manner
Most PCs Don't ship with Office installed on them... Actually, most Windows & computers (even netbooks) come pre-loaded with MS Works + MS Word, and have 60 day trial versions of the full MS Office Home/Office Suite. You argue against PCs not shipping with Office... by saying they don't have Office? Your argument is also mooted since TextEdit has a surprisingly large featureset
Most PCs Don't have a powerful enough video card to play many games... Yet, most PSc do have video processors fully capable of running Windows Aero, which exceeds the demands of many lower/mid-range games. Conclusion: you're incorrect here as well. And running Aero makes those lower-end system incapable of running games too.
Most PCs Don't really give you an option on color other than black... You've apparently not shopped outside of Apple in quite sometime, because ALL of the major PC manufacturers (Hp, Dell, Gateway, Acer, et al) offer a wide range of color options, and have for many, many years. Computers are tools, not fashion accessories.
Most PCs Don't ship with Windows Ultimate so they cannot encrypt the hard disk... To the vast majority of computer users this is not an issue, and Windows 7 incorporates strong enough security measures as to render any user concerns essentially moot. For enterprise demands, Windows 7 Ultimate makes sense, for all others, not so much. True, but Microsoft is arguing on that site that everyone should be able to encrypt their entire hard disk. The point is that they're contradicting themselves and it's a fail advertisement.
Most PCs Don't have touch screens... But for those who do desire touchscreen functionality, they have several optionsall the way from netbooks (Lenovo S10-3t) to AIO desktops from Sony, Hp, Lenovo, and many others. 'Cause touchscreen computers sell like hotcakes and everyone wants one
Most PCs Don't ship with built-in wireless... FACT: There is not a single PC that comes with preinstalled Windows 7 (even Starter) that does not have integrated wireless connection as it's part of the specification/requirement to be Windows 7 certified. He means 3G wireless, like Microsoft's site argues.
So Microsoft is standing behind their product and trying to show the benefits compared to their closest competitor. Apple does the same exact thing, as stated in the article, so not sure how this is news. This is the same campaign Microsoft has been running for a while now.
You're not seeing the full picture... The very idea that Microsoft has invested this much time and effort show the world that Microsoft considered Apple OS X a true competitor. They've never really down that before cept for those silly commercials that showed MS paying people not to buy Apples laptops. Never really understood why on earth they were doing that... giving away hard earned cash to some joe or jane six-pack provided they don't choose Apple isn't really a great message is it? \
I have both, windows 7 gaming machine and a 2009 mac mini.
I do like windows 7, it's the best OS Windows has ever released.
However, after using both, OS-X for every day computing wins, hands down.
If I had to say what I didn't like about macs, I would say limited system choices.
I don't use laptops, so that leaves, mac-mini, iMac, or Mac Pro.
Mac Pro: $2500 with a 128bit bus graphic card and 3GB of ram...and I still have to supply the monitor and everything else. no
Mac-mini, no dedicated graphics card, so I can't use it to game on.
iMac. I want one, but the config I want is $2500, still limited to a 5750 128-bit card.
I wish they had a computer that is basically a quad-core mac-mini with a dedicated 5850 graphics card. So maybe it would be 8x8x4 but that gives me a choice of the size of monitor. I already have a mac keyboard and mouse.
My wish, but it doesn't matter. Mac's are still better than PC's.
Couldn't agree more, M$ bashing macs on their own site will only make people more curious about them and look on apples own site to gather as much information as they can find.
Couldn't have said it better myself...
If Apple wants to really take a bite out of MS all they need to do is roll out a barebones box that can legally boot OS X while still having the ability to change graphic cards and such. Would this eat into their iMac and/or Mac Pro lines... Yea probably... but with less and less of Apples bottom line being exclusively built from Mac sales they may very well be at a time where they can experiment with the idea.
The funny this is, owning a PC is what actually encouraged me to switch to a Mac.
Had my experience been a pleasant one, I wouldn't own an iMac, an AppleTV, iPods, iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks. I would likely own a Dell, a Zune, and possibly the KIN(lol).
When I invested in Microsoft, they dropped the ball... Apple picked it up and ran with it.
Most PCs Don't have Blu-Ray drives... but BD can be added at minimal cost (often in the US 100 to 200.00 area on laptops and less for external units), Apple offers no such option(s).
Most PCs Don't have TV tuner's built i... See Above, but even less expensive.
Most PCs Don't ship with Office installed on them... Actually, most Windows & computers (even netbooks) come pre-loaded with MS Works + MS Word, and have 60 day trial versions of the full MS Office Home/Office Suite.
Most PCs Don't have a powerful enough video card to play many games... Yet, most PSc do have video processors fully capable of running Windows Aero, which exceeds the demands of many lower/mid-range games. Conclusion: you're incorrect here as well.
Most PCs Don't really give you an option on color other than black... You've apparently not shopped outside of Apple in quite sometime, because ALL of the major PC manufacturers (Hp, Dell, Gateway, Acer, et al) offer a wide range of color options, and have for many, many years.
Most PCs Don't ship with Windows Ultimate so they cannot encrypt the hard disk... To the vast majority of computer users this is not an issue, and Windows 7 incorporates strong enough security measures as to render any user concerns essentially moot. For enterprise demands, Windows 7 Ultimate makes sense, for all others, not so much.
Most PCs Don't have touch screens... But for those who do desire touchscreen functionality, they have several optionsall the way from netbooks (Lenovo S10-3t) to AIO desktops from Sony, Hp, Lenovo, and many others.
Most PCs Don't ship with built-in wireless... FACT: There is not a single PC that comes with preinstalled Windows 7 (even Starter) that does not have integrated wireless connection as it's part of the specification/requirement to be Windows 7 certified.
So Now You Know...
BD can also be added to a Mac at a minimal cost as well (you don't have to buy it from Apple)
(Windows 7 doesn't support Blu-Ray without additional codecs/applications, so that was just misleading)
Elgato TV tuner can be added to a Mac for less than $60 (again don't HAVE to buy it from Apple)
Actually, MS Works does NOT ship with that many PCs (I work in a computer store) and you still have to PURCHASE Office to use it, Home Student versions of Office cost the same on a Mac and a PC, and versions of Office you can use professionally on a Mac (with Outlook software) costs less than the PC version. Regardless it IS available for the Mac.
Speak with anyone that plays a lot of World of Warcraft about how they feel about video cards that ship with Most PCs, Many Dell and HP consumer models do NOT have a PCI-E slot on the board, and if you do you need to upgrade the Power Supply as well.
The color thing was tongue in cheek that they would make that a reason to purchase a PC, especially after all those years PC users made fun of the multiple colored iMacs. (you can still buy those used and run Mac OS 10.4 on them) Again I work in a computer store, MOST PCs are still black. (At least they aren't beige anymore)
If you read Microsoft's point on the Website they specifically talk about being able to encrypt the entire hard disk as well as external ones (using Windows Ultimate), every version of Mac OS X since 10.4 has the ability to place your account in 256bit AES encryption.
The list of PCs (especially desktops) that do NOT include built-in wireless is extensive, VERY extensive. And yet they still are running Windows 7 so I don't know what you are saying about it having to be there for Windows 7 Certification.
On a funny note, There are a number of Acer notebooks that shipped with a Webcam without a built-in Microphone..... yeah, it was designed that way...... on purpose.... I know.... I know....
What PC users don't understand is that it's not about having every feature under the sun, it's about having very well perfected features. Apple has refined their operating system and took out all the crap that isn't really good. What we're left with is an OS that is overall more efficient and easier to use.
An all-you-can-eat buffet has everything under the sun. You can eat just about whatever you want. However, the food isn't great. If I want a good steak, I wouldn't go there to get it.
This is the best analogy I've seen in quite a while between Macs and Window's machines. Way to go!
I realized that these apply more to most PCs on the market than any Mac you can currently buy.
Most PCs Don't have Blu-Ray drives
Most PCs Don't have TV tuner's built in
Most PCs Don't ship with Office installed on them
Most PCs Don't have a powerful enough video card to play many games
Most PCs Don't really give you an option on color other than black
Most PCs Don't ship with Windows Ultimate so they cannot encrypt the hard disk
Most PCs Don't have touch screens
Most PCs Don't ship with built-in wireless
ALL of these points can be accomplished very easily and very inexpensively on a Mac.
MS placed a disclaimer at the end of the website. The disclaimer basically says "What we've said about Windows 7 is not entirely accurate". This reminded me of this Apple ad.
Here is the disclaimer (basically what you've said):
All prices are Estimated Retail Prices, actual prices may vary.
Not all features are in all editions of Windows 7. To see which features are in each edition, please see the individual feature descriptions and this chart.
To run Windows 7, your PC needs to meet these system requirements. Before buying Windows 7 for your PC, please run the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor and review these upgrade considerations.
Some product features of Windows 7, such as the ability to watch and record live TV or navigation through the use of "touch," may require advanced or additional hardware.
Windows Media Center DVR functionality is not available in all countries, and might require additional hardware.
For Internet TV, you?ll need Internet access. Free Internet TV content varies by geography. Some content may require additional fees. Internet TV is available in the U.S. and U.K.
Windows XP Mode runs only on Windows 7 Professional and Ultimate. If not pre-installed, it can be downloaded free from Microsoft.
Last night when my guest checked out the hotel she said she sent an email to our front desk pc from her ipod. I did see a file prompt pop up and then it went away. I couldn't find the SOB for nothing.
Had my front desk computer been a mac I would have had her file right in front of me.
Macs are efficient. Period!!!! They work. Period.
And they are better than some dollar store pc running that sh**** a** OS Windows which is designed to be nasty for obsolescence sake. PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
For my birthday next month:64 gig ipad wifi+3G
Xmas 2010:21.5 inch iMac.
Good chioce! I am writing this with my new iPad 64g......
The problem with this gadget is, that I have problems to put it away. It really is addictive.
I hope that this will spur Apple to get back into TV advertising for the Mac. The Mac and PC guy ads were hugely successful capitalized on the Vista debacle. Windows 7 is Ok, but it certainly isn't a touchdown for Microsoft...more like a fumble recovery.
The Mac still has great things going for it, and there are been a lot of very positive reviews lately. I think that Apple needs to drive the point home that the PC is still a sub-standard experience to the Mac. Apple has exclusive features like rigid unibody construction, mag-safe connector, and large multi-touch trackpads. Most PC laptops are plastic, sticker covered, butt-ugly designs with no unique mobility features.
If PC's really offered more choice, why does the Mac look so different from it's PC competitors?
Yea fuck, can't wait to jump back. I just wasted a hour of my life trying to get a Windows 2005 XP Media Center Restore Disk from someone in India from Dell, just so I can be legit and re-install the legal/Proper way for a friend.
Assholes, I also have another fun filled afternoon of re-installs, updates and more fun.
Yes, the Gods never get it! Apple will kill them eventually.
Choice! PC has that. Apple doesn't, when it comes to the box. You either purchase a mini or a Pro. The iMac is the sweetest deal, but not all want the type of screen included, for whatever reason. Like Microsoft really has to go customer hunting. They pretty much already have 9 of 10.
I have an iMac now. Can't have another one unless resolution independence becomes a reality. Just how do you advise a person who wants or needs to pick their own monitor???
Right now, I have ZERO programs that would only work on windows, plus I don't want the wide choice of hardware because I've had so many driver nightmares, oh there's actually one taking place as we speak, my sound drivers are acting... No, I really don't like what's out there: Acer, HP, DELL, SONY, TOSHIBA, LENOVO... and even Asus for which I have a lot of respect. None of them. Why? Because they already look cheap and unreliable in the store let alone the 3-4 years I'm going to use them. What's with all the shiny black plastic? Why are they so bulky and their shapes not straight?
Back to Windows 7, no I refuse to say it was my idea because I'd never make an OS that requires a fresh install a few times a year.
Bluray? What good is it on a laptop? Can't believe there are morons who go buy bluray just to watch it on a pc, oh wait that's so last year now that there are 3D laptops...
What PC users don't understand is that it's not about having every feature under the sun, it's about having very well perfected features. Apple has refined their operating system and took out all the crap that isn't really good. What we're left with is an OS that is overall more efficient and easier to use.
An all-you-can-eat buffet has everything under the sun. You can eat just about whatever you want. However, the food isn't great. If I want a good steak, I wouldn't go there to get it.
Last night when my guest checked out the hotel she said she sent an email to our front desk pc from her ipod. I did see a file prompt pop up and then it went away. I couldn't find the SOB for nothing.
Had my front desk computer been a mac I would have had her file right in front of me.
Macs are efficient. Period!!!! They work. Period.
And they are better than some dollar store pc running that sh**** a** OS Windows which is designed to be nasty for obsolescence sake. PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
For my birthday next month:64 gig ipad wifi+3G
Xmas 2010:21.5 inch iMac.
Couldn't agree more, M$ bashing macs on their own site will only make people more curious about them and look on apples own site to gather as much information as they can find.
Couldn't agree more, M$ bashing macs on their own site will only make people more curious about them and look on apples own site to gather as much information as they can find.
Psst! Don't say this out loud.
Most PCs Don't have Blu-Ray drives... but BD can be added at minimal cost (often in the US 100 to 200.00 area on laptops and less for external units), Apple offers no such option(s).
Most PCs Don't have TV tuner's built i... See Above, but even less expensive.
Most PCs Don't ship with Office installed on them... Actually, most Windows & computers (even netbooks) come pre-loaded with MS Works + MS Word, and have 60 day trial versions of the full MS Office Home/Office Suite.
Most PCs Don't have a powerful enough video card to play many games... Yet, most PSc do have video processors fully capable of running Windows Aero, which exceeds the demands of many lower/mid-range games. Conclusion: you're incorrect here as well.
Most PCs Don't really give you an option on color other than black... You've apparently not shopped outside of Apple in quite sometime, because ALL of the major PC manufacturers (Hp, Dell, Gateway, Acer, et al) offer a wide range of color options, and have for many, many years.
Most PCs Don't ship with Windows Ultimate so they cannot encrypt the hard disk... To the vast majority of computer users this is not an issue, and Windows 7 incorporates strong enough security measures as to render any user concerns essentially moot. For enterprise demands, Windows 7 Ultimate makes sense, for all others, not so much.
Most PCs Don't have touch screens... But for those who do desire touchscreen functionality, they have several optionsall the way from netbooks (Lenovo S10-3t) to AIO desktops from Sony, Hp, Lenovo, and many others.
Most PCs Don't ship with built-in wireless... FACT: There is not a single PC that comes with preinstalled Windows 7 (even Starter) that does not have integrated wireless connection as it's part of the specification/requirement to be Windows 7 certified.
So Now You Know...
Most PCs Don't have Blu-Ray drives... but BD can be added at minimal cost (often in the US 100 to 200.00 area on laptops and less for external units), Apple offers no such option(s). And you can use external Blu-ray drives on Macs just fine
Most PCs Don't have TV tuner's built i... See Above, but even less expensive. I've tried numerous TV tuners on Windows, I've yet to come across an affordable one that actually works in a useful manner
Most PCs Don't ship with Office installed on them... Actually, most Windows & computers (even netbooks) come pre-loaded with MS Works + MS Word, and have 60 day trial versions of the full MS Office Home/Office Suite. You argue against PCs not shipping with Office... by saying they don't have Office? Your argument is also mooted since TextEdit has a surprisingly large featureset
Most PCs Don't have a powerful enough video card to play many games... Yet, most PSc do have video processors fully capable of running Windows Aero, which exceeds the demands of many lower/mid-range games. Conclusion: you're incorrect here as well. And running Aero makes those lower-end system incapable of running games too.
Most PCs Don't really give you an option on color other than black... You've apparently not shopped outside of Apple in quite sometime, because ALL of the major PC manufacturers (Hp, Dell, Gateway, Acer, et al) offer a wide range of color options, and have for many, many years. Computers are tools, not fashion accessories.
Most PCs Don't ship with Windows Ultimate so they cannot encrypt the hard disk... To the vast majority of computer users this is not an issue, and Windows 7 incorporates strong enough security measures as to render any user concerns essentially moot. For enterprise demands, Windows 7 Ultimate makes sense, for all others, not so much. True, but Microsoft is arguing on that site that everyone should be able to encrypt their entire hard disk. The point is that they're contradicting themselves and it's a fail advertisement.
Most PCs Don't have touch screens... But for those who do desire touchscreen functionality, they have several optionsall the way from netbooks (Lenovo S10-3t) to AIO desktops from Sony, Hp, Lenovo, and many others. 'Cause touchscreen computers sell like hotcakes and everyone wants one
Most PCs Don't ship with built-in wireless... FACT: There is not a single PC that comes with preinstalled Windows 7 (even Starter) that does not have integrated wireless connection as it's part of the specification/requirement to be Windows 7 certified. He means 3G wireless, like Microsoft's site argues.
So Microsoft is standing behind their product and trying to show the benefits compared to their closest competitor. Apple does the same exact thing, as stated in the article, so not sure how this is news. This is the same campaign Microsoft has been running for a while now.
You're not seeing the full picture... The very idea that Microsoft has invested this much time and effort show the world that Microsoft considered Apple OS X a true competitor. They've never really down that before cept for those silly commercials that showed MS paying people not to buy Apples laptops. Never really understood why on earth they were doing that... giving away hard earned cash to some joe or jane six-pack provided they don't choose Apple isn't really a great message is it?
I do like windows 7, it's the best OS Windows has ever released.
However, after using both, OS-X for every day computing wins, hands down.
If I had to say what I didn't like about macs, I would say limited system choices.
I don't use laptops, so that leaves, mac-mini, iMac, or Mac Pro.
Mac Pro: $2500 with a 128bit bus graphic card and 3GB of ram...and I still have to supply the monitor and everything else. no
Mac-mini, no dedicated graphics card, so I can't use it to game on.
iMac. I want one, but the config I want is $2500, still limited to a 5750 128-bit card.
I wish they had a computer that is basically a quad-core mac-mini with a dedicated 5850 graphics card. So maybe it would be 8x8x4 but that gives me a choice of the size of monitor. I already have a mac keyboard and mouse.
My wish, but it doesn't matter. Mac's are still better than PC's.
Couldn't agree more, M$ bashing macs on their own site will only make people more curious about them and look on apples own site to gather as much information as they can find.
Couldn't have said it better myself...
If Apple wants to really take a bite out of MS all they need to do is roll out a barebones box that can legally boot OS X while still having the ability to change graphic cards and such. Would this eat into their iMac and/or Mac Pro lines... Yea probably... but with less and less of Apples bottom line being exclusively built from Mac sales they may very well be at a time where they can experiment with the idea.
Had my experience been a pleasant one, I wouldn't own an iMac, an AppleTV, iPods, iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks. I would likely own a Dell, a Zune, and possibly the KIN(lol).
When I invested in Microsoft, they dropped the ball... Apple picked it up and ran with it.
HAHA@ Blu-Ray
Most PCs Don't have Blu-Ray drives... but BD can be added at minimal cost (often in the US 100 to 200.00 area on laptops and less for external units), Apple offers no such option(s).
Most PCs Don't have TV tuner's built i... See Above, but even less expensive.
Most PCs Don't ship with Office installed on them... Actually, most Windows & computers (even netbooks) come pre-loaded with MS Works + MS Word, and have 60 day trial versions of the full MS Office Home/Office Suite.
Most PCs Don't have a powerful enough video card to play many games... Yet, most PSc do have video processors fully capable of running Windows Aero, which exceeds the demands of many lower/mid-range games. Conclusion: you're incorrect here as well.
Most PCs Don't really give you an option on color other than black... You've apparently not shopped outside of Apple in quite sometime, because ALL of the major PC manufacturers (Hp, Dell, Gateway, Acer, et al) offer a wide range of color options, and have for many, many years.
Most PCs Don't ship with Windows Ultimate so they cannot encrypt the hard disk... To the vast majority of computer users this is not an issue, and Windows 7 incorporates strong enough security measures as to render any user concerns essentially moot. For enterprise demands, Windows 7 Ultimate makes sense, for all others, not so much.
Most PCs Don't have touch screens... But for those who do desire touchscreen functionality, they have several optionsall the way from netbooks (Lenovo S10-3t) to AIO desktops from Sony, Hp, Lenovo, and many others.
Most PCs Don't ship with built-in wireless... FACT: There is not a single PC that comes with preinstalled Windows 7 (even Starter) that does not have integrated wireless connection as it's part of the specification/requirement to be Windows 7 certified.
So Now You Know...
BD can also be added to a Mac at a minimal cost as well (you don't have to buy it from Apple)
(Windows 7 doesn't support Blu-Ray without additional codecs/applications, so that was just misleading)
Elgato TV tuner can be added to a Mac for less than $60 (again don't HAVE to buy it from Apple)
Actually, MS Works does NOT ship with that many PCs (I work in a computer store) and you still have to PURCHASE Office to use it, Home Student versions of Office cost the same on a Mac and a PC, and versions of Office you can use professionally on a Mac (with Outlook software) costs less than the PC version. Regardless it IS available for the Mac.
Speak with anyone that plays a lot of World of Warcraft about how they feel about video cards that ship with Most PCs, Many Dell and HP consumer models do NOT have a PCI-E slot on the board, and if you do you need to upgrade the Power Supply as well.
The color thing was tongue in cheek that they would make that a reason to purchase a PC, especially after all those years PC users made fun of the multiple colored iMacs. (you can still buy those used and run Mac OS 10.4 on them) Again I work in a computer store, MOST PCs are still black. (At least they aren't beige anymore)
If you read Microsoft's point on the Website they specifically talk about being able to encrypt the entire hard disk as well as external ones (using Windows Ultimate), every version of Mac OS X since 10.4 has the ability to place your account in 256bit AES encryption.
The list of PCs (especially desktops) that do NOT include built-in wireless is extensive, VERY extensive. And yet they still are running Windows 7 so I don't know what you are saying about it having to be there for Windows 7 Certification.
On a funny note, There are a number of Acer notebooks that shipped with a Webcam without a built-in Microphone..... yeah, it was designed that way...... on purpose.... I know.... I know....
What PC users don't understand is that it's not about having every feature under the sun, it's about having very well perfected features. Apple has refined their operating system and took out all the crap that isn't really good. What we're left with is an OS that is overall more efficient and easier to use.
An all-you-can-eat buffet has everything under the sun. You can eat just about whatever you want. However, the food isn't great. If I want a good steak, I wouldn't go there to get it.
This is the best analogy I've seen in quite a while between Macs and Window's machines. Way to go!
I realized that these apply more to most PCs on the market than any Mac you can currently buy.
Most PCs Don't have Blu-Ray drives
Most PCs Don't have TV tuner's built in
Most PCs Don't ship with Office installed on them
Most PCs Don't have a powerful enough video card to play many games
Most PCs Don't really give you an option on color other than black
Most PCs Don't ship with Windows Ultimate so they cannot encrypt the hard disk
Most PCs Don't have touch screens
Most PCs Don't ship with built-in wireless
ALL of these points can be accomplished very easily and very inexpensively on a Mac.
MS placed a disclaimer at the end of the website. The disclaimer basically says "What we've said about Windows 7 is not entirely accurate". This reminded me of this Apple ad.
Here is the disclaimer (basically what you've said):
Last night when my guest checked out the hotel she said she sent an email to our front desk pc from her ipod. I did see a file prompt pop up and then it went away. I couldn't find the SOB for nothing.
Had my front desk computer been a mac I would have had her file right in front of me.
Macs are efficient. Period!!!! They work. Period.
And they are better than some dollar store pc running that sh**** a** OS Windows which is designed to be nasty for obsolescence sake. PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
For my birthday next month:64 gig ipad wifi+3G
Xmas 2010:21.5 inch iMac.
Good chioce! I am writing this with my new iPad 64g......
The problem with this gadget is, that I have problems to put it away. It really is addictive.
The Mac still has great things going for it, and there are been a lot of very positive reviews lately. I think that Apple needs to drive the point home that the PC is still a sub-standard experience to the Mac. Apple has exclusive features like rigid unibody construction, mag-safe connector, and large multi-touch trackpads. Most PC laptops are plastic, sticker covered, butt-ugly designs with no unique mobility features.
If PC's really offered more choice, why does the Mac look so different from it's PC competitors?
Assholes, I also have another fun filled afternoon of re-installs, updates and more fun.
Yes, the Gods never get it! Apple will kill them eventually.
I have an iMac now. Can't have another one unless resolution independence becomes a reality. Just how do you advise a person who wants or needs to pick their own monitor???
I won't argue the OS, just choice.
......doing volunteer work with both the homeless and the elderly....
That is very impressive. We need more people like you. Seriously. Fwiw.