Advertisers, developers say Apple's iAd blows away competing ads



  • Reply 21 of 40
    guch20guch20 Posts: 173member
    Originally Posted by coolcat View Post

    You let a company's ADS drive you away? WOW! What the hell kind of person does that? Personally I think NORMAL people would judge a company by it's service and NOT some stupid TV ad...

    People let ads sway them to purchase a given product, so why couldn't an ad actually dissuade someone from buying a product?
  • Reply 22 of 40
    str1f3str1f3 Posts: 573member
    Originally Posted by guch20 View Post

    Looks cool! I can't wait for Google to pee all over it by releasing an almost-exact copy and have their fans claim it was Google's idea first!

    They already have had their copy since a month after iAds was first shown by Jobs through the acquisition of AdMob. As you can imagine it looks cheap in comparison (and it was only a demo!)
  • Reply 23 of 40
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    I think Google has the advantage of scale. IAds are really expensive and because there are so few advertisers it is difficult to target the market. Google has so many advertisers and the price is really inexpensive so with search results it is much easier to correctly target the user.
  • Reply 24 of 40
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by coolcat View Post

    You let a company's ADS drive you away? WOW! What the hell kind of person does that? Personally I think NORMAL people would judge a company by it's service and NOT some stupid TV ad...

    Count me in with the abnormal, then. If an ad campaign is sufficiently obnoxious and ubiquitous, it inevitably causes me to have negatives feelings about the thing advertised (which actually seems like a pretty reasonable response).
  • Reply 25 of 40
    mobilitymobility Posts: 135member
    Originally Posted by ihxo View Post

    Any online store will tell you that chances of people using a Mac browsing your site and eventually buying something is much higher than people on windows.

    In fact conversion rate on the iPad is even higher.

    If there is an iAds equivalent on Android or anywhere else probably won't work as well.

    I'm genuinely interested if you have data you can share. That is very interesting.
  • Reply 26 of 40
    mobilitymobility Posts: 135member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I think Google has the advantage of scale. IAds are really expensive and because there are so few advertisers it is difficult to target the market. Google has so many advertisers and the price is really inexpensive so with search results it is much easier to correctly target the user.

    These are not search driven ads. You cannot have these kinds of ads in a browser, yet. These are ads that sweeten the app platform.
  • Reply 27 of 40

    Users who viewed Nissan's Leaf electric car Apple iAd spent 90 seconds with the interactive advertisement -- ten times longer than customers will spend with a traditional ad.

    Not surprising, since iAds take ten times longer to load than traditional ads.
  • Reply 28 of 40
    Originally Posted by mr_cazorp View Post

    Not surprising, since iAds take ten times longer to load than traditional ads.

    It must be your device or connection. I've viewed the Nissan iAd and it didn't take long to load at all (maybe 3-4 seconds). Also when you click on an iAd a window slides up from the bottom of the screen with a X in the upper left corner which you can press anytime to close it.

    The iAds started July 1. I have seen a lot lately, especially starting the first of this month but you are more likely to see them on free apps that are updated frequently. For instance if you play We Rule or We Farm you will see plenty of them. Interesting to note I have seen lots of iAds for App Store apps (the window slides up to show the app details and description). They are different and for me at least, I think I would be more willing to open an iAd as opposed to a text (browser based) ad.
  • Reply 29 of 40
    Very interesting piece. For those interested in mobile advertising, take at a look at our latest report on the subject:

    Daniel Ashdown

    Research Analyst

    Juniper Research
  • Reply 30 of 40
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by mobility View Post

    These are not search driven ads. You cannot have these kinds of ads in a browser, yet. These are ads that sweeten the app platform.

    Yes I know. As a user of App 'whatever' I am targeted with either Dove hygiene products or a Nissan and that is it. Not very relevant to my interests and I'm not likely to click. Where as with search or web page advertising you get spot on targeting.
  • Reply 31 of 40
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by Curmudgeon View Post

    Are iAds still a novelty? Perhaps once they're ubiquitous, nobody will click on them anymore.

    I love watching iAds. It is just one more way of helping Steve to give me a better life.
  • Reply 32 of 40
    matt_smatt_s Posts: 300member
    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    I love watching iAds. It is just one more way of helping Steve to give me a better life.

    And while you're watching your iAds, AT&T is charging you for data usage and time. You're paying for the privilege of watching some company's advertisement. This is even worse than commercial television. How stupid they must think all of us are.

    Wonder what the poor sucker, er, iPhone user in this video was working on before iAds consumed his entire screen & appropriated his iPhone? This is why I'm still on 3.1.3.

    All of this plus we get to be tracked by Location whether we try to OPT OUT or not? Does it get any better?

    This is a huge pain in the iAss.
  • Reply 33 of 40
    mrtotesmrtotes Posts: 760member
    Originally Posted by Splash-reverse View Post

    I still yet to see one iAD in th UK. Given the story above, can only think of two in the state as well. Has it started yet? Or maybe I'm just not fit to their targeted market all I see in my app are ads from AdMob and one other I can't remember the name.

    I saw two last night in an App I tried called 101 Cheats. Both iAds just brought App Store style interfaces and were advertising Apps.
  • Reply 34 of 40
    matt_smatt_s Posts: 300member
    Originally Posted by mrtotes View Post

    I saw two last night in an App I tried called 101 Cheats. Both iAds just brought App Store style interfaces and were advertising Apps.

    Apps advertising apps. Isn't that like TV commentators interviewing other TV commentators?

    Of course, it's not as dramatic or educational as when sports personalities interview other sports personalities. Now that's some kind of entertainment value!
  • Reply 35 of 40
    I saw the Dove ad shortly after iAds came out, clicked it, and couldn't tell what the heck was going on. It was like one of those bad CD-ROMs from the 90's where you couldn't tell what the navigation was. I stumbled around for about a minute, then closed it and haven't opened an iAd since then. But I guess if I see one of those Leaf ads, I'll try to win the free car!
  • Reply 36 of 40
    Originally Posted by matt_s View Post

    And while you're watching your iAds, AT&T is charging you for data usage and time. You're paying for the privilege of watching some company's advertisement. This is even worse than commercial television. How stupid they must think all of us are.

    Wonder what the poor sucker, er, iPhone user in this video was working on before iAds consumed his entire screen & appropriated his iPhone? This is why I'm still on 3.1.3.

    All of this plus we get to be tracked by Location whether we try to OPT OUT or not? Does it get any better?

    This is a huge pain in the iAss.

    Of course you are paying for the privilege of watching some company's advertisement, should you decide to click it. It is up to the user. Plus the whole idea of the ads is to offer a free version of a particular app to generate revenue. Don't you know how advertising works?

    You are depriving yourself of all the new features and are paying a premium bill just so you can avoid iAds? Multi-tasking is overrated right? Speedier camera? So are the folders and all the other upgrades that came with iOS4.

    Thats like choosing to take the country dirt road to work as opposed to the highways because you don't want to have to look at billboards during your commute.

    Believe it or not, the more data advertisers have on us, the better they can target unique and appealing offers to its potential customers. It is a win win for both sides.
  • Reply 37 of 40
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    I don't mind well done advertising that's relevant to me. After all, it's a great way to discover new stuff (the point of advertising!).

    Ads that suck, or aren't relevant but numerous is what people generally despise.

    Originally Posted by Wings View Post

    Now if we can just get all those Geico commercials off my TV then maybe I'll get in the mood to watch some other ad. Really, I can't get to the mute button fast enough when I see one coming. I used to be a Geico customer but their ads actually drove me AWAY from their company.

    I dunno, not all of their ads are bad. The new series with Piggy, Honest Abe, Bird in hand or my absolute favorite Therapist Sarge are classic! R. Lee Emery rocks

    They all make me laugh. The Bird in Hand one is funny as hell with the way they parody Antiques Roadshow down to the reaction of the owner. Honest Abe - any guy with a girlfriend or wife can relate to that one. The facial expressions and timings in that ad are perfect! And Piggy - from the sideways glance from the other kid in the back seat to the pigs name, to the unexpected teenage voice - again, well done!

    I'm still not using them for insurance as I have a better deal, but I do find those ads eminently entertaining and enjoy them. The caveman ads - ugh!
  • Reply 38 of 40
    hutchohutcho Posts: 132member
    Honestly, this ad format is at best a fad and will die. Their biggest problem is the cost for the advertisers. The costs just to develop the advert are huge, compared to Google's solution which is as good as zero. Add to that the extra amount that Apple is charging over Google, and you're left with only a few customers that can really pay.

    The genius of the Google way is that they can deliver ads that people are actually interested in. How much targeting is going on with the Nissan and Dove ads? Close to nothing. People are clicking on them now, cause they are cool and they want to see something new, but once the novelty wears off, no one is going to want to click on them anymore, so even the small base of potential advertisers won't be interested.

    Apple should stick to things it knows how to do well, and leave online advertising to people like Google.
  • Reply 39 of 40
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    I invite everyone to take a look at Hutcho's posting history, consider his unbroken track record of sour bitterness regarding all things Apple, and contemplate what compels such a person to post on site such as this. I vote for "he's a complete loser."
  • Reply 40 of 40
    hutchohutcho Posts: 132member
    I am the voice of objective reason. I'm not against Apple, I own almost every device in the Apple range, I think they make great products. I'm generally only driven to post here when I hear some fan boy sprouting a load of nonsense.

    In addition to that, I rarely post anything positive because there are enough fanatics here to do it for me.

    So instead of looking at my posting history, how about telling my why I'm wrong in regards to Apple's approach to advertising?
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