Pink Floyd albums removed from iTunes after record contract expires



  • Reply 81 of 104
    Most of the 1st Syd Barret album was singles, and a few like "Point Me at the SKY" was mini-space anthem music and never released on an official album.

    "Julia Dream" was my favorite and never made it to LP... a heart-breaker. I think Syd knew his mind was going away and this is what Waters had in mind when he penned it.

    Sunlight bright upon my pillow

    Lighter than an eiderdown

    Will she let the weeping willow

    Wind his branches round

    Julia dream, dreamboat queen, queen of all my dreams

    Every night I turn the light out

    Waiting for the velvet bride

    Will the scaly armadillo

    Find me where I'm hiding

    Julia dream, dreamboat queen, queen of all my dreams

    Will the misty master break me

    Will the key unlock my mind

    Will the following footsteps catch me

    Am I really dying

    Julia dream, dreamboat queen, queen of all my dreams
  • Reply 82 of 104
    Originally Posted by johnnyb0731 View Post

    I'm just wondering which one's pink

    That would be Syd Barret if I'm not mistaken. I grew up with Pink Floyd and still consider them my favourite band of all time. Btw, I'm 52 years. I saw them live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada at in 1994. Fanatastic show!!
  • Reply 83 of 104
    Beatles 2. Who cares?
  • Reply 84 of 104
    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    Those guys are crazy, aren't they? They must be if they think anyone will care about them if they aren't available at the iTunes store.

    Buh bye, Lunatics!

  • Reply 85 of 104
    Originally Posted by johnnyb0731 View Post

    Pink Floyd never really released singles though

    Yes they did. I have an old 45 of Another Brick in the wall single.
  • Reply 86 of 104
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by maciekskontakt View Post

    I know that some songs sound better and one may skip to favorite parts, but someone has to be arrogant ignorant to take one song completely out of context/composition and buy it. Artist has right to prevent that. Art is not wholesale of cheap "Made in...." product. Otherwise it would not be art despite what some call art.

    Does this also apply to websites which bombard users with popup windows, Flash banners, malware downloads, and force browser windows to maximum size? Only "arrogant ignorant" people would use popup blockers and Flash blockers to violate the "artistic integrity" of the web designer?

    Is it also "artistic integrity" when DVD movies disable the player's controls in order to force the viewer to watch endless copyright notices and movie trailers?
  • Reply 87 of 104
    "Originally Posted by hezetation

    When someone uses the words "artistic integrity" that can be roughly translated, "I'm full of myself and take myself way to seriously." "

    If you're talking about pretty much any other group on the planet (including the Beatles), I would agree. But Pink Floyd? Their albums REALLY ARE designed to be taken as a whole, like a play, and if they want to sell their albums that way, more power to 'em.

    And if you don't want to buy their albums that way? More power to ya. (Although anyone who thinks PF is talentless has got to be deaf.)

    Like a lot of people have said here, I'd love to see them offer the albums on iTunes as Album Only sales. Hopefully now that they're rid of EMI they might negotiate some deals like that.
  • Reply 88 of 104
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by johnnyb0731 View Post

    I'm just wondering which one's pink

    And then of course there is still Floyd to deal with ..
  • Reply 89 of 104
    Originally Posted by diddy View Post

    No, that is called consumer choice. I don't care about the artists integrity at times - I'm the one enjoying it. If it was important to the artists, they should never have sold the content in that fashion.

    I find it perfectly acceptable to take things out of context - people have been doing it to classical music for years.

    I don't own a single Pink Floyd album but I was raised on them and I think they are a great band. This is a loss for iTunes and consumers. I doubt this is motivated by money at all I am sure Pink Floyd believes this will preserves the integrity of their music. I don't know if I agree with that but I in the end, the reality here is that they wrote these songs, and as long as they have the rights to them they should be allowed to do whatever they want. Just as if I create something it should be mine to choose what to do with it. The fact that fans are disappointed is irrelevant if they don't care.
  • Reply 90 of 104
    We all know how Pink Floyd think about walls.

    No wonder they don't like iTunes' walled garden...
  • Reply 91 of 104
    Maybe Yoko will die soon and then I'll be able to get Beatles songs on iTunes.
  • Reply 92 of 104
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    You mean like Steve Jobs forcing users to buy the entire Apple Vision instead of letting people buy individual components of said vision?. Like selling OS X to any and all buyers?

    +1 Insightful.

    If I could run OS X on my choice of hardware it wouldn't be from Apple.

    Man, I miss the PowerComputing days. Faster than any machine Apple offered at the time, for less than Apple's best deal.
  • Reply 93 of 104
    malaxmalax Posts: 1,598member
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post

    And then of course there is still Floyd to deal with ..

    They were real people.

    From Wikipedia: "The name is derived from the given names of two blues musicians whose records Barrett had in his collection, Pink Anderson and Floyd Council."
  • Reply 94 of 104
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by johnnyb0731 View Post

    Pink Floyd never really released singles though

    backin 67 68 they did 7 or8 singles
  • Reply 95 of 104
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by Leo316 View Post

    Most of the 1st Syd Barret album was singles, and a few like "Point Me at the SKY" was mini-space anthem music and never released on an official album.

    "Julia Dream" was my favorite and never made it to LP... a heart-breaker. I think Syd knew his mind was going away and this is what Waters had in mind when he penned it.

    Sunlight bright upon my pillow

    Lighter than an eiderdown

    Will she let the weeping willow

    Wind his branches round

    Julia dream, dreamboat queen, queen of all my dreams

    Every night I turn the light out

    Waiting for the velvet bride

    Will the scaly armadillo

    Find me where I'm hiding

    Julia dream, dreamboat queen, queen of all my dreams

    Will the misty master break me

    Will the key unlock my mind

    Will the following footsteps catch me

    Am I really dying

    Julia dream, dreamboat queen, queen of all my dreams


    point me was rogers attempt to be syd after syd got canned

    syd wrote some magical words thou


    Astronomy Domine

    (Barrett) 4:12

    Lime and limpid green, a second scene

    A fight between the blue you once knew.

    Floating down, the sound resounds

    Around the icy waters underground.

    Jupiter and Saturn, Oberon, Miranda

    And Titania, Neptune, Titan.

    Stars can frighten.

    Blinding signs flap,

    Flicker, flicker, flicker blam. Pow, pow.

    Stairway scare Dan Dare who's there?

    Lime and limpid green

    The sounds surrounds the icy waters underground

    Lime and limpid green

    The sounds surrounds the icy waters underground.
  • Reply 96 of 104
    Originally Posted by johnnyb0731 View Post

    Pink Floyd never really released singles though

    Don't know what country you live in, but here in the US the record label definitely released singles, at least to radio stations, if not the public at large. I remember hearing "Money" and "Time" from Dark Side of the Moon on the radio, along with tracks from The Wall and Wish You Were Here.
  • Reply 97 of 104
    Originally Posted by Leo316 View Post

    "Julia Dream" was my favorite and never made it to LP... a heart-breaker. I think Syd knew his mind was going away and this is what Waters had in mind when he penned it.

    The entire album Wish You Were Here was a bittersweet lament that Syd was no longer with them, he'd already lost his mind by then.
  • Reply 98 of 104
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Originally Posted by nitewing98 View Post

    The entire album Wish You Were Here was a bittersweet lament that Syd was no longer with them, he'd already lost his mind by then.

    There was a great quote by Waters in the '70s (which I can't source at the moment) where he said that PF wouldn't have existed in the beginning without Barrett but reached a point where PF couldn't continue to exist with him.
  • Reply 99 of 104
    If Pink Floyd's management (after all, one member's dead and another was forced out years ago, so today it's mainly David Gilmour) wants to prevent iTunes from selling songs, fine. It's their property. If that was their intent from the start, maybe the band shouldn't have separated songs into segmented tracks on their records. But they did, radio has played individual song selections for 30 years, and many fans like me have favorites that they want to listen to more often. If I just want to hear "Sheep" and not the entire "Animals" album, I'll vote with my dollars for that. It's pigheaded (pun intended) to deny music buyers the very songs that keep these artists from needing day jobs. So, Yoko and David, go ahead and cut off your nose to spite your face; it hurts you more than us.
  • Reply 100 of 104
    aflaaakaflaaak Posts: 210member
    Originally Posted by johnnyb0731 View Post

    Pink Floyd never really released singles though

    Oh, I guess the single on the Billboard charts for probably more years than another single in history doesn't count? The title is most likely what this is all about.
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