New Mac and rumour of new iLife??

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Hey all my new mac should arrive anywhere from tomorrow to Thursday. I just had a question about iLife. If they do release iLife 11 Sept 1st will i be able to call Apple and have them send me a free update disc?? Or will they automaticlly send me one? or will i have to return my mac then reorder?


  • Reply 1 of 1
    mr. memr. me Posts: 3,221member
    For a nominal fee, Apple will allow you to upgrade your OS if you purchased a new Mac two or three weeks prior to the release of a new version. iLife is an application suite. It is not a part of your OS. A perfectly usable copy of iLife comes preinstalled on each new Mac including yours. It will continue to be perfectly usable after Apple releases a new version. In some cases, the older version has arguably been better. Others may have better information than I, but I have never known Apple to offer free upgrades to iLife.
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