Consumer Reports condemns end of iPhone 4 free case program



  • Reply 41 of 188
    Consumer Reports is not the "consumer union" that they think they are...
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  • Reply 42 of 188
    What BS!

    Never had a reception or antenna issue with my two iP4s.

    Sold my free bumper case on Amazon for $50....

    Thanks Apple!
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  • Reply 43 of 188
    Originally Posted by esummers View Post

    4. It is censorship. It just isn't "government" censorship. There is a difference between not allowing any one to post in a free press and not allowing anyone to post a an opposing mainstream comment in a blog. CR is doing a disservice to their readers. Hopefully they pay for it.

    You never did respond to my post that Apple is also guilty of censorship.
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  • Reply 44 of 188
    Originally Posted by redbarchetta View Post

    You never did respond to my post that Apple is also guilty of censorship.


    Correction. Your earlier post was not visible when I originally searched for it. I thought you were the one other person to respond to me. That guy was a troll.

    I understand your point, but I still do not agree with you. Apple's support site needs to reflect Apple's official stance. This is a help site, not a forum for debate. When you criticize something and then do not allow comments that is a different issue.
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  • Reply 45 of 188
    Originally Posted by cy_starkman View Post

    Really? I have an iPhone 4 and prior to buying it I did everything I could to the in store demo to make the issue occur. Result? Sometimes nothing, sometimes it would lose 1 bar, sometimes it would gain one bar.

    If you have ever had any interaction with an antenna in your life then you know that adding the human touch can do any of the three.

    Further more it has been out since July in Australia and nope, no widespread complaints, heck you would be lucky to find a blog on the issue.

    It's network and not phone. and... just to round out my angle, there are issues with the phone, it is slippery, it has sharp edges, it gets covered in human oils within seconds. As for that antenna, yeah there is an issue with the design, the separation makes for a weak spot for impacts.

    Consumer report type orgs are paid by companies to spin, they are actually an ad agency by stealth. We have the same kinda orgs here too.

    In Australia we have had no reception issues with the iPhone 3G, 3GS or 4. What is so hard for Americans to figure out with this one.

    If you even have to make that comment then you know it's an issue.

    Why would I, as an adult consumer wait until iOS 4 came out to test to make sure both the antenna issue and the proximity issue was addressed after almost 3 months after the USA release.

    The antenna issue needs a bumper in the area that on the iPhone 3G iOS 3.x I never dropped a call. I purchases a case (and was refunded after a few days of using as a business phone, I didn't need more than that to make my decision).

    The iPhone was returned, the case was returned and the screen covers (even though I used 1 was amazingly returned). I'm back to not being on contract with my 3G and very happy to wait for an iPhone 5 or at this point likely an Android devise. I'm waiting to see what's after the Droid X. It should be about the same time as the iPhone 5 and I still get my discount (either on AT&T or Verizon).

    I have choices and I chose not to keep my iPhone 4. It was really an easy decision for me.
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  • Reply 46 of 188
    Originally Posted by esummers View Post

    Why are you posting under a different name now? Are you a troll that is using multiple user accounts.

    What on Earth are you talking about?

    Is this your way of avoiding the question? My last post, the one in which I referred to, was posted from this very same account--look for yourself.

    Now that we've got that straightened out (no idea why YOU needed it to be straightened out, but clearly you're not one for research), how about you address my point, or concede that Apple is as guilty of censorship as CR, as you claim.
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  • Reply 47 of 188
    diddydiddy Posts: 282member
    Originally Posted by redbarchetta View Post

    Now that we've got that straightened out (no why why YOU needed it to be straightened out, but clearly you're not one for research), how about you address my point, or concede that Apple is as guilty of censorship as CR, as you claim.

    Apple is up front about the rules concerning their forums - that they are a technical support forum. Apple deleted off topic discussions that violated their rules as they have done for years. CR does not do this on their YouTube channel.
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  • Reply 48 of 188
    Originally Posted by diddy View Post

    Apple is up front about the rules concerning their forums - that they are a technical support forum. Apple deleted off topic discussions that violated their rules as they have done for years. CR does not do this on their YouTube channel.

    That's fine. It's still censorship, by definition.

    (note that I don't personally care. Just pointing out esummers's apparent hypocrisy)
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  • Reply 49 of 188
    I couldn't care less if they can or can't recommend the phone based on if it comes with a case or not.

    My iphone4 has Zero issues. Bought the phone day one of release. Don't use a case.

    I recommend the phone to anyone and everyone. Buy it, best phone on the market and the OS isn't fragmented over 10 makers.
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  • Reply 50 of 188
    Originally Posted by eyepad View Post

    I couldn't care less if they can or can't recommend the phone based on whether it comes with a case or not.

    My iphone has Zero issues. Bought the phone day one of release. Don't use a case.

    I recommend the phone to anyone and everyone. Buy it, best phone on the market and the OS isn't fragmented over 10 makers.

    You are speaking from personal use? That is not relevant to the rest of the US or the world.

    As for your second point. Is Microsoft Windows 7 Fragmented even thought they have many Vendors to sell their OS as well as computer internals (for lack of a better term)?

    No it's not. Neither is Android and for that matter, neither is Apple iOS even though they only support certain features on the 3G iPhone.

    Your comments are leaking into the arena of ignorant and uninformed.
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  • Reply 51 of 188
    Originally Posted by redbarchetta View Post

    That's fine. It's still censorship, by definition.

    (note that I don't personally care. Just pointing out esummers's apparent hypocrisy)

    I understand your point, but I still do not agree with you. They are both censorship, but CR leads you to misinformation instead of understanding. Apple's support site needs to reflect Apple's official stance. This is a help site, not a forum for debate. They should remove anything that could cause misunderstanding. When you criticize something and then do not allow comments that reflect the opposite stance that is a different issue. In this case Consumer Reports only wants cheerleaders. Technically if CR were to remove posts with profanity (they clearly are not), that is censorship too. Personally, I don't think Apple is removing enough from the support site. There are a lot of incorrect procedures that can get someone in to trouble if they were to follow the advice. Who goes to a companies official site looking for an open forum? I would say a lot more people would expect that from a periodical that is supposed to be objective. There is nothing illegal or wrong about censorship by a private party if they are not under a contractual obligation. It is just that what Consumer Reports is doing, isn't in the consumers best interest.
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  • Reply 52 of 188
    Originally Posted by esummers View Post

    I still do not agree with you. Apple's support site needs to reflect Apple's official stance. This is a help site, not a forum for debate. When you criticize something and then do not allow comments that is a different issue.

    A support site, yes, not a support forum. CR posted pertinent information, yet Apple was deleting all discussion of it. That's censorship--whether it's right or wrong is irrelevant.
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  • Reply 53 of 188
    <Informed Buyer vs Gamer that doesn't care to think for themselves.>

    "Your comments are leaking into the arena of ignorant and uninformed."

    your smug replies just project your stupidity.

    as jp morgan chase is now in the process of changing over to apple's phones, i guess that you're certain that it's because of the great gaming. and they're are not alone.

    so take a hike over to google (android) as they could use another wannabee.
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  • Reply 54 of 188
    This video says it all. It goes from -90 to no signal.

    Originally Posted by jhn613874 View Post

    Yea, and we are the idiots. Its clear from the videos what the signal loss is.

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  • Reply 55 of 188
    Originally Posted by esummers View Post

    Consumer Reports:

    I can't recommend the iPhone.


    I don't care.

    Seriously, this is just going to make Consumer Reports look bad when that take this stance and everyone else says that it is a minor problem affecting very few people. Can it be reproduced? Yes. Can you easily avoid the problem (if you do not naturally do so)? Yes. Does the antenna design generally improve reception over a traditional design. Yes. Will it cause your call to drop? No. It's like the efficiency gauge on the Toyota Prius. Maximize your bars and you will get better gas mileage. Consumer Reports should stick to cars. Enough said.

    JJ, check this video.
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  • Reply 56 of 188
    Originally Posted by Mister Snitch View Post

    Enough, already, from Consumer Reports on this. They said their piece. Now they're just fishing for traffic.

    The irony, of course, is: Consumer Reports has an iPhone app. And... it's considered pretty lame.

    That is awesome.
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  • Reply 57 of 188
    Originally Posted by redbarchetta View Post

    That's fine. It's still censorship, by definition.

    (note that I don't personally care. Just pointing out esummers's apparent hypocrisy)

    It?s not the same thing though - Apple is not censoring - they are moderating based on a set agreed upon set of rules between owner and member.
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  • Reply 58 of 188
    I think we're all entitled to our free speech/opinions.

    Saying that, CR is entitled to not recommend iPhone 4 based on their reports and findings.

    I personally would still recommend the iPhone 4 to my friends. (Yes, I'm an Apple fanboy, iSheep, Apple Posterboy) Why would I recommend it? Cause I have not experienced any deathgrip issues with my iPhone 4.

    Simply put it this way, if you don't like the iPhone 4 cause you feel the design is fundamentally flawed, don't buy it. No one is forcing you to. Get an Android, RIM, Symbian or Mobile 7. There are so many options out there apart from the iPhone. Apple has also offered full refunds for displeased customers (it is like telling you if you're not happy you can take your money and leave).

    Perhaps Apple should have designed it a different way so that it caters to our preference. Unfortunately for us, we are merely consumers. Try running a business and you'll find out that it is pretty difficult to please everyone. There will always be someone, with a different opinion.
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  • Reply 59 of 188
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Consumer Reports refusal to recommend the iPhone 4 is their business. They are perfectly within their rights to do so. But it does seem that consumers are not following their advice on this one. iPhone 4 sales continue to mount up. The antenna non-issue has completely disappeared from the tech blog radar screens. Nobody seems to care anymore, including Cnet. Like someone posted earlier the only ones still hammering away are the Android bots and Ireland, of course.

    This says more about Consumer Report's ability to influence people than it does about Apple ending the free bumper program.
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  • Reply 60 of 188
    These douche bags really have a few sticks up their collective asses. Who gives a flying fluck what they say
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