Verizon-Apple iPhone agreement 'may not ever get resolved'



  • Reply 121 of 142
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    That's right, IBM's business operations were different --- that's why IBM was clear by anti-trust cops. So what happens if Apple gets nailed right now and IBM was clear 20 25 years ago? Then Apple is worse than IBM's big brother.

    This is probably the most nonsensical argument presented on this list in a while.

    1. Antitrust investigators investigated IBM.

    2. IBM was the subject of a fictitious portrayal of them as "Big Brother" in a TV ad. a portrayal, the particulars of which, had little to do with reality.

    3. Apple is being investigated by antitrust regulators.

    Therefore, Apple is worse than the fictitious "Big Brother" entity supposed by everyone to be IBM.

    Unfortunately, for you, besides the fallacious reasoning employed, you're mixing fantasy and reality in an attempt to make a point about the real world, which results in nothing but fantasy as a conclusion.
  • Reply 122 of 142
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    ... Have to agree, it is not like he started doing this day one or the day after he made his first million or billion in that case. I would say Gates is no better than Andrew Carnegie, Rockefeller, Or Hurst, All these men made their money off the backs of others then later in life they decided to give back since everyone hated them and they did not want to go down in history as the most hate men of their times. Gates is falling into that mold.

    Exactly, although, in Gates case, I think the proximal cause was the way he came out of the antitrust trial looking like a lying, dysfunctional, moron.
  • Reply 123 of 142
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    2. IBM was the subject of a fictitious portrayal of them as "Big Brother" in a TV ad. a portrayal, the particulars of which, had little to do with reality.

    Therefore, Apple is worse than the fictitious "Big Brother" entity supposed by everyone to be IBM.

    You live by the sword and you die by the sword. Apple made the commercial in 1984 and now 26 years later --- media is using the 1984 ad against Apple themselves.
  • Reply 124 of 142
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Exactly, although, in Gates case, I think the proximal cause was the way he came out of the antitrust trial looking like a lying, dysfunctional, moron.

    EVERYBODY looks like a lying, dysfunctional moron if you gather all their emails, sms, facebook entries... Google's CEO jokingly was correct --- when kids turn 18 years old, they should be able to change their names automatically to erase all their facebook entry crap.
  • Reply 125 of 142
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    You live by the sword and you die by the sword. Apple made the commercial in 1984 and now 26 years later --- media is using the 1984 ad against Apple themselves.

    The media? Really? I don't think so. Maybe some competitors, like Google, have disingenuously (or, more correctly, hypocritically) tried to tag Apple with the "Big Brother" label, but it's simply not sticking, because there's no truth to it.
  • Reply 126 of 142
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    EVERYBODY looks like a lying, dysfunctional moron if you gather all their emails, sms, facebook entries... Google's CEO jokingly was correct --- when kids turn 18 years old, they should be able to change their names automatically to erase all their facebook entry crap.

    Actually, it was the deposition video that screwed him.
  • Reply 127 of 142
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Actually, it was the deposition video that screwed him.

    But the deposition video is about the government lawyers questioning Bill Gates on emails and memos that Gates sent. If there were no emails in the first place, then there would be no paper trail for the government lawyers to question.
  • Reply 128 of 142
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    The media? Really? I don't think so. Maybe some competitors, like Google, have disingenuously (or, more correctly, hypocritically) tried to tag Apple with the "Big Brother" label, but it's simply not sticking, because there's no truth to it.

    Jon Stewart was doing it well before Google did in the I/O conference.
  • Reply 129 of 142
    Originally Posted by Farjamed View Post

    THis is what I have heard from a high ranking Verizon Exec. a friend of a friend. we will see. I am on Tmobile and have too great a rate to switch to verizon, but thats what i heard, and i believe this one.

    Abject lies. Don't post anything like this ever again unless you're holding a hardware CDMA/LTE iPhone in your hand.

    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    EVERYBODY looks like a lying, dysfunctional moron if you gather all their emails, sms, facebook entries... Google's CEO jokingly was correct --- when kids turn 18 years old, they should be able to change their names automatically to erase all their facebook entry crap.

    Or, you know, parents should just teach kids to be intelligent. "Gathering" all of my data related in this manner would not show lying, dysfunctional moronity. Particularly since I never used social networking.
  • Reply 130 of 142
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    The media? Really? I don't think so. Maybe some competitors, like Google, have disingenuously (or, more correctly, hypocritically) tried to tag Apple with the "Big Brother" label, but it's simply not sticking, because there's no truth to it.

    Depends on how you view the 1984 commercial. As you know, it depicted IBM devices as the monotone system that enslaved the world, while Apple's products were "different" and unique and would set you free of all the IBM restrictions.

    Fast forward to today and you can see how the roles have been switched. Apple is no longer the "small, new, hip kid on the block". It's become as massive as the IBM overlords the commercial depicted back then. And all their products look and act very similar and have all the same restrictions. And now, the "Think Different" tag can apply to any number of Apple's competitors for the very same reasons Apple used it against IBM.
  • Reply 131 of 142
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Abject lies. Don't post anything like this ever again unless you're holding a hardware CDMA/LTE iPhone in your hand.

    Or, you know, parents should just teach kids to be intelligent. "Gathering" all of my data related in this manner would not show lying, dysfunctional moronity. Particularly since I never used social networking.

    People write a lot more informally with emails (even corporate emails) --- and that gets a lot of people into trouble.

    A man's got to know his limitations. If you think you are infallible with your emails and sms --- your over-confidence is going to get you someday.
  • Reply 132 of 142
    Originally Posted by AsianBob View Post

    Depends on how you view the 1984 commercial. As you know, it depicted IBM devices as the monotone system that enslaved the world, while Apple's products were "different" and unique and would set you free of all the IBM restrictions.

    Fast forward to today and you can see how the roles have been switched. Apple is no longer the "small, new, hip kid on the block". It's become as massive as the IBM overlords the commercial depicted back then. And all their products look and act very similar and have all the same restrictions. And now, the "Think Different" tag can apply to any number of Apple's competitors for the very same reasons Apple used it against IBM.

    a) This doesn't seem to be an actual response to the post quoted/

    b) Apple's products are still different and unique. And comments like, "And all their products look and act very similar and have all the same restrictions," indicate that you have no knowledge of the IBM of that time.

    c) Think Different was a completely different ad campaign from a completely different time and had nothing to do with IBM.

    d) Apple, in the media, is definitely still the, "hip kid on the block."

    Sorry, but this Apple is Big Brother meme that you and others are attempting to bring to life is stillborn.
  • Reply 133 of 142
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    a) This doesn't seem to be an actual response to the post quoted/

    So I can't offer a second viewpoint of this?


    b) Apple's products are still different and unique. And comments like, "And all their products look and act very similar and have all the same restrictions," indicate that you have no knowledge of the IBM of that time.

    Yes, but what I meant was the interface between all their devices. Personally speaking, I'm beginning to find the interface a bit boring now. Don't get me wrong, having consistency is still good.


    c) Think Different was a completely different ad campaign from a completely different time and had nothing to do with IBM.

    Apologies if my inclusion of the "Think Different" tag confused you. Even though it doesn't apply directly to the IBM commercial, if you think about it, what I said still makes sense. The original commercial was to introduce the Mac in the face of the conformity that was represented by IBM. To "Think Different" from IBM, if you will.


    d) Apple, in the media, is definitely still the, "hip kid on the block."

    That it may be, but I believe you missed the point. Apple is no longer a small company trying to gain traction. It's now a dominate player in the field. much like the IBM their commercial went against back then.

    The woman swinging the hammer could easily represent Android, webOS, WP7, MeeGo, etc in this new age and the black and white people be replaced with Apple users with Steve Jobs as the man on the screen (if you dismiss that there are a legion of Apple users that hold onto every word Steve Jobs says, you're kidding yourself). The commercial would still make sense.


    Sorry, but this Apple is Big Brother meme that you and others are attempting to bring to life is stillborn.

    I'm not trying to make it any larger than what it is. I'm just saying that you can look at "Big Brother" it in the light I mentioned above and it does make sense. But clearly you have already purchased lifetime membership to one of those audience seats in the commercial.
  • Reply 134 of 142
    Originally Posted by AsianBob View Post

    ... The woman swinging the hammer could easily represent Android, webOS, WP7, MeeGo, etc in this new age and the black and white people be replaced with Apple users with Steve Jobs as the man on the screen (if you dismiss that there are a legion of Apple users that hold onto every word Steve Jobs says, you're kidding yourself). The commercial would still make sense. ...

    Well, the rest of what you wrote is irrelevant, but let's have a look at the above...

    Ignoring for the sake of argument that Apple simply doesn't fit the bill for your attempted Big Brother indictment, the woman swinging the hammer could represent...

    * Android? Not a chance. Android is a carrier's dream for imprisoning customers. And, Google really is Big Brother, the one from 1984.

    * webOS? Not likely now that HP owns it.

    * WP7? That was joke, right? Microsoft will set us free?

    * MeeGo? I think that was also a joke, although, I don't get it. Must be some sort of Finnish humor.

    Then, the myth that, "there are a legion of Apple users that hold onto every word Steve Jobs says," ...

    Handful would be more accurate. A legion who are interested in hearing what he says to know what Apple's next move is, perhaps, but, again, you are attempting to perpetuate a myth. I know it's a convenient argument when one doesn't have one to just say, "You think whatever Steve Jobs tells you to think," but I think Apple haters tend to be more hung up on Steve Jobs than Apple fans.

    So, sorry, it doesn't make sense, not in any way. You might like it to, but you're destined for disappointment.
  • Reply 135 of 142
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    When Bill Gates made his first billion dollars, he didn't donate --- but he didn't buy himself a super yacht or a trophy wife either. Benefit of the doubt goes to Gates --- that he just spent all his time on Microsoft as the super geek. You don't ever read news about him with super expensive toys.

    I guess you have not see is 22,000 SqFt house have you.
  • Reply 136 of 142
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    I guess you have not see is 22,000 SqFt house have you.

    A house for his wife and kids --- it may be very expensive, but it is not a toy.
  • Reply 137 of 142
    This is why I went ahead and bought an iPhone 4. There is no real guarantee a verizon iPhone will materialize.... apple might even be openly antagonistic to verizon since verizon is largely the reason Android is even a threat.

    However I still think even if apple screwed up by not coming to terms with verizon early (thereby opening a hole for android), verizon is still shooting themselves in the foot to not open iPhone to their network. Unless they make less money with iPhone then they do with android phones, what do they care which phone people buy? Isn't the point to sign up as many people to your network as possible? I, and many others, probably jumped ship to AT&T primarily because verizon wouldn't offer an iPhone. Can verizon really ignore all those people?
  • Reply 138 of 142
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Well, the rest of what you wrote is irrelevant, but let's have a look at the above...

    Ah, this attitude explains it all. No need to say more. You will find all kinds of new inventive ways to "refute" my posts in your eyes, so there's no real point in continuing.

    But if you need further proof that Apple has grow up from the "new kid" to the "playground bully", check out this:

    Yes, this is Apple submitting a 873-page briefing on why they should own the word "pod". All because they believe that a projector can be mistaken for one of their music players (note: they look nothing alike). Way to turn around and step on the start-ups (which you used to be back when), Apple.
  • Reply 139 of 142
    Originally Posted by enjourni View Post

    This is why I went ahead and bought an iPhone 4. There is no real guarantee a verizon iPhone will materialize.... apple might even be openly antagonistic to verizon since verizon is largely the reason Android is even a threat.

    However I still think even if apple screwed up by not coming to terms with verizon early (thereby opening a hole for android), verizon is still shooting themselves in the foot to not open iPhone to their network. Unless they make less money with iPhone then they do with android phones, what do they care which phone people buy? Isn't the point to sign up as many people to your network as possible? I, and many others, probably jumped ship to AT&T primarily because verizon wouldn't offer an iPhone. Can verizon really ignore all those people?

    In time, the iPhone will come to Verizon. As you said, Verizon stands to steal a huge number of customers from AT&T when they get the iPhone.

    Interests on both side have to be accounted for, since neither company can be considered "small beans". It's only fair that Verizon be able to get some of their requests agreed to, as opposed to rolling over and playing dead for Apple. Verizon is doing very well with it current lineup and has the option of waiting until the time is right.
  • Reply 140 of 142
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member
    I am so sick of hearing about a Verizon iPhone. All the people that bash Sprint and T-Mobile and call them inferior networks....have you used them recently? I can't comment on T-Mobile, but as a former Cingular subscriber that switched to Sprint 3 1/2 years back, I can tell you from at least my own personal experience I have found Sprint to have far better coverage than Cingular (now AT&T) ever did. Free roaming on Verizon certainly helps, but I rarely ever need to roam unless I am way out in the boonies, like 20 miles from any town.

    Sprint is still suffering a bad rep from some big mistakes years ago, but they have made enormous improvements both to their network and customer service. Their 3G map is nearly TWICE as large as AT&T's map though not as large as Verizon's. They have the only up and running 4G network which will cover 120 million people in 80 markets by the end of THIS year. I have an HTC Evo and live in Atlanta which was one of the first 4G cities. I have reached 10MB/s down and 1MB/s upload but average around 6 down and .7up. WiMax and LTE are really very similar. With a minor update WiMax can theoretically reach speeds up to 100 MB/s.

    But forget about 4G for a minute and think about how much you pay for your plan for a month on AT&T or Verizon. For $79 a month you get basically unlimited everything with the EVO with no stupid data caps. I say basically because this plans gives you unlimited calling to any mobile phone on any network but restricts you to 450 minutes to landline phone calls made from 7AM to 7PM M-F. Since over 90% of my calls and I expect most of yours are to other mobile numbers, this really isn't an issue and I barely use 150 of those minutes a month.

    Mind you that is before any corporate discounts that many people would also qualify for. I get a 25% discount off my bill which brings it down to $59. Even people with a credit union account can get a 10% discount for example.

    I love Apple and have been buying their computers since 1984. I would love to have an iPhone and if one becomes available on Sprint, I would list my Evo on Ebay that very same day. I am not unhappy with it, it is actually a very nice phone, I just would prefer an iPhone due to my Apple bias. But I prefer paying $59 a month for an EVO on what I feel is a superior network outweighs the benefits of paying about $135 on AT&T with a 2GB data cap. Verizon is even more expensive than AT&T with their nickle and dime policies. If Apple really wanted to stick it to Verizon, they would release the iPhone for Sprint and T-Mobile but leave out Verizon. The combined subscribers of Sprint, T-Mobile, and AT&T dwarfs Verizon and finally people would have an option for better plans on the iPhone. It would also help to stem Android's growth and back Verizon into a corner. All that pent up demand from people waiting on a Verizon iPhone might be very willing to give Sprint or T-Mobile a chance when it is clear it will not come to Verizon after all. Especially since Sprint offers a 30 day full refund policy now. It might also benefit current iPhone AT&T customers since they might have to either lower their plan costs or at least increase the data caps. I routinely use about 10 GB of data a month on my EVO and would use the same or more on an iPhone I imagine.

    If Steve really wants to force Verizon to meet his demands, this is the best scenario to accomplish that. Release it to everyone but Verizon and watch how fast they crawl back to the table ready to sign an agreement. CDMA is going to be a fallback for at least another 5 to 10 years, so any Sprint WiMax or Verizon LTE iPhone will still have to include a CDMA radio for many years to come. So all this talk about Apple waiting for LTE is nonsense. LTE will start off as data only and they are still trying to decide on the standard for LTE voice. CDMA for voice calls will be needed for any Sprint or Verizon iPhone for at least another 5 years at the minimum.
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