Troubled development, 2011 launch rumored for Apple's Final Cut Studio



  • Reply 21 of 78
    If a update means blu-ray will be possible, i am all for it. For the rest,don't change a thing, it works. I used to work with several premiere editing before FCP and it kept on crashing and slowing my PC. No i have the latest Mac Pro and in combination with FCP i can deliver anything my customers request. So again, the only thing missing which could be added trough an update for me is BLU-RAY BLU-RAYBLU-RAY BLU-RAY BLU-RAY BLU-RAY BLU-RAY BLU-RAY BLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAYBLU-RAY RAINBOW in my eyes now
  • Reply 22 of 78
    Originally Posted by jtography View Post

    Adobe have my respect (as a pro) these days because they aren't TOTALLY preoccupied with consumer electronics products. Apple has spread themselves too thin for me.

    I'm not a pro, but I do sympathise with this. It completely ridiculous that a company as cash rich as Apple can't manage their resources better.
  • Reply 23 of 78
    z3r0z3r0 Posts: 238member
    Originally Posted by columbus View Post

    I'm not a pro, but I do sympathise with this. It completely ridiculous that a company as cash rich as Apple can't manage their resources better.

    Well If Final Cut Studio is left behind like Shake was, I really hope TheFoundry picks up the code.

    They truly care about their products and vfx pro's. I can't imagine anyone else taking over Final Cut Studio.
  • Reply 24 of 78
    Originally Posted by z3r0 View Post

    Well If Final Cut Studio is left behind like Shake was, I really hope TheFoundry picks up the code.

    They truly care about their products and vfx pro's. I can't imagine anyone else taking over Final Cut Studio.

    Final Cut has already been left behind, the last update was a joke, the update before that was a joke. I got in at Final Cut 5 in 2005. Other than Intel support and a few "features" that barely work half of the time, nothing has changed. Sure we got a bunch of OTHER apps. But Final Cut is the heart of the Studio. And its being treated like an old grandfather in a nursing home they are just waiting around for its death.
  • Reply 25 of 78
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Apple had better not mess with its "Pro" apps. For one thing, the people who depend on it for their livelihood don't like hearing that they are second priority. I mean, these apps cost more than an iPhone. Sure, it's a small market, but unless Apple wants to only be known as the company that sells cool to the masses, it should not abandon the Pro apps.

    Apple are neglecting nothing. Most of the article is BS and speculation. Does anyone really believe that the team working on iOS or apps for the iPad are the same team who develop apps such as final cut pro - that's utter nonsense.

    Sounds to me like they're taking their time and getting this update right. I'd also like to know how something without an announced launch date can be 'delayed'.
  • Reply 26 of 78
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by camroidv27 View Post

    This comes as no surprise. Apple has definitely changed from the Artists and Creatives computer, to the Average and Consumer products. Having an Apple computer these days isn't so much about being creative as it used to be. It is a sad reality, even more so seeing the decline of the Pro apps that used to make Apple shine. How sad would it be if Apple lost more Pro customers to Adobe? If they continue on their iOS/iPhone/iPad/iPod way of thinking while detracting on the Pro side, their pro customers will significantly drop.

    It is possible for a company to cater to different market sectors. My macs are no less professional creation machines than they were twenty years ago. The software is insanely good and the stability and performance are unparalleled by any other machine or OS out there.
  • Reply 27 of 78
    Originally Posted by 2 cents View Post

    "The report claims that Mac OS X and associated applications are now considered "less urgent" within Apple."

    Even though I am not surprised at this statement, I still don't like the sound of it.

    I think Apple still has a small company mindset in the way it manages projects, you simply can't be a large company & just move focus around from one project to another. They need to hire additional Engineers and give all products adequate attention. If they're other projects suffer delays or quality it is really going to hurt their image big time in the end.
  • Reply 28 of 78
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Hopefully the move of Final Cut engineers to the iOS projects means that they aren't poaching the engineers from the Mac OSX projects. In other words, I'd like to see OSX 10.7 at least be showcased at the next WWDC to some degree.
  • Reply 29 of 78
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,390moderator
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    According to HardMac, originally Apple hopes to have a unified interface with the Final Cut Pro suite, but that has been abandoned. Citing a source, the report alleged that the separate teams working on Shake and Motion could not reach a compromise.

    "Some fundamental differences of opinion about the ideal interface have hamstrung this part of the project which has now been deferred to the next version, in 2013," the report said.

    I'm wondering if that was a typo and they meant Final Cut Pro and Motion not Shake. Those apps could be merged into one so that you don't have to do intermediate renders but they do have distinct UIs. Shake has been EOL for a while as noted previously and some of the Shake team left Apple so I would doubt that Shake development is continuing given that most of the users will have moved onto Nuke.

    Apple does have a node-based GPU compositing tool though in the form of their Quartz Composer. They could extend Motion to have that level of functionality and they've already used some of the features from Shake. If it's true this is being worked on and is now delayed, it's a pretty big disappointment as that level of flexibility has been missing from the Pro Suite for a good number of years now.

    I don't think people care that much any more though - if you need those tools you don't wait for 5 years for Apple to deliver them, you go elsewhere. Final Cut has reached a point where it does the job ok even though it's pretty slow and format support is poor so when it gets the jobs done, an update isn't desperately needed. The only innovative things they can do are with the compositing packages but if that's not coming then it will be another uninspiring release.
  • Reply 30 of 78
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    A new rumor claims that Apple will release a new version of its Final Cut Studio suite in 2011, but that the project has suffered setbacks in the development process due to "fundamental differences of opinion."

    According to French Apple site HardMac, Apple initially hoped to launch the new Final Cut Studio in 2010, but the project has allegedly been delayed until 2011. In addition, it is rumored that the scope of the project has been reduced from its original, more ambitious plans.

    In May, AppleInsider reported that Apple was working on a significant makeover of its Final Cut Studio suite, in an effort to better target the software toward mainstream users rather than high-end professionals. In response, Apple quickly issued a statement in which it said the next version of Final Cut would be "awesome," and that professional customers would "love" it.

    According to HardMac, originally Apple hopes to have a unified interface with the Final Cut Pro suite, but that has been abandoned. Citing a source, the report alleged that the separate teams working on Shake and Motion could not reach a compromise.

    "Some fundamental differences of opinion about the ideal interface have hamstrung this part of the project which has now been deferred to the next version, in 2013," the report said.

    It also noted that a "structural issue" has caused problems with the development of Final Cut Pro, as Apple has allegedly reassigned a "significant number of its most qualified engineers" to concentrate their efforts on the booming iOS mobile operating system which powers the iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Apple TV. The report claims that Mac OS X and associated applications are now considered "less urgent" within Apple.

    Final Cut Studio was last updated in July of 2009, adding more than 100 new features to new versions of Final Cut Pro, Motion, Soundtrack Pro, Color and Compressor. The No. 1 professional video editing application also saw its price reduced $300 to $999, while upgrades for existing users are available for $299.

    Recent rumors reported by HardMac have missed the mark, with the site claiming in July that Apple would soon add USB 3.0 to its Mac Pro and iMac desktop machines. Eventually released later that month, the new Mac Pro has USB 2.0 and FireWire 800 ports.

    Can any one that has a sense of the English language, read a declared Rumor as linked, and now call and refer to it as The Report?

    Seems a little misleading, but then what is 'Yellow Journalism' without it.
  • Reply 31 of 78
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Agreed and I definitely don't want a dumbed down version for prosumers. I am sad that those of us paying the big bucks for high end MacPros, ACDs and Pro apps are being sidelined because of iOS. I love iOS but Apple have the $s to do both surely?

    I think you missed Stone's point. He was saying it's not neglectful because Pro's (god I've come to hate that term anymore, it's used so loosely) don't really need frequent upgrades and as a matter of fact we shy away from them. I'm not fond of upgrading at all unless I have to and frankly I think Apple updates are too frequent. They are annoying for one. Most of them cause minor to major problems with hardware and when you are talking about an extra $30k+ in hardware and $200k + projects that go into overtime because some dip decided to install an update, that's a big problem and I'd fire the person that cost me an extra $5k.

    I avoid updating software as much as I can until I upgrade my hardware and again, with hardware costs what they are that's only once ever couple of years. Sometimes 5 if it's really high end gear. If I need a new feature, most likely I'm replacing the whole system and not just the software.

    We aren't being sidelined at all. Apple is doing nothing Digidesign does with Protools and Avid. They hardly ever update their suites and that is a good thing. It should work out of the box and not need replacing until the whole kit needs to be replaced.
  • Reply 32 of 78
    All these years and still no sign when Apple's FCP will become "OS X native".
  • Reply 33 of 78
    Originally Posted by jtography View Post

    Here's the reality... and I hope SOMEONE from Apple's reading these posts (we've even tried to call them directly)...

    My studio uses almost every pro Ap from Apple. We're a media production company. We recently switched from FCP to Adobe Premiere. We don't like it, but it's a really decent update that's moving with the times and the formats.

    I am hoping that we don't get TOOOO far down the road with Premiere projects before Apple comes out with their supposedly AWESOME version of Final Cut Pro. But if we have to wait until 2013 then we might have moved more over to the Adobe eco system, Lightroom and Aperture are neck and neck as far as I'm concerned but Adobe have my respect (as a pro) these days because they aren't TOTALLY preoccupied with consumer electronics products. Apple has spread themselves too thin for me.

    You guys use premier? Why on earth would you do that? What a terrible program and the suite is so bloated. The only alternative to FCS IMO is Avid and FCS is as low end as I'd go if my project couldn't afford Avid, Discreet and Davinci. Read my post above. I'm not sure you understand the issues underlying the big picture here. What exactly does Premier do that FCS doesn't do or that Avid doesn't do immensely better than either? You should also look into Avids low end software only options as well. They aren't half bad either and Avid has also released a software only version of their adrenaline software.
  • Reply 34 of 78
    Originally Posted by Shaun, UK View Post

    Maybe Apple should create a wholly owned subsidiary company for its software applications business. Merge in the Filemaker business and acquire Adobe to create a full set of pro and consumer applications. Just keep iOS and OSX development in house.

    Hell no.
  • Reply 35 of 78
    Originally Posted by MacShack View Post


    If you want to be taken serious you might want to atleast support your opinion with one citation or reference.

    When is the next version of OS X due anyways?

    Sorry, but the original rumor has no credible sources.
  • Reply 36 of 78
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Who's talking to who so that a French Mac site is privy to the inner workings of major technology at one of the most famously secretive tech companies around?

    I mean, is the idea that a FCP lead goes home and complains to his wife that engineers are being shifted to iOS, or that those assholes over at Motion are trying to commandeer the interface, and then she tells her buddy at the gym who promptly calls up France?

    Or maybe Apple engineers just like to blab about the status of unreleased projects at cocktail parties and trade shows, and their personal resentments within the company, because they know Apple's totally cool with that kind of thing? Really, these rumors generally read like the prejudicial speculation on these boards, except without the obvious "I have no idea what I'm talking about" tag.

    Also, although the article states that "Apple" "released" a "statement" to the effect that the new FCP would be awesome and the customers would love it, I seem to recall that that was actually communicated via one of Steve's off-hand emails, which is why I think that practice is so fucked up. Pro customers need, want and deserve a little more of a roadmap (especially when the whole Pro operation seems to have gone dark for a long while) than cheerful bon mots from the CEO while he's relaxing at home.
  • Reply 37 of 78
    Posted at Apple 10, September 2010


    Apple?s Professional Apps User Interface Group is seeking a Senior User Interface Designer who possesses a passion for great design, a superb aesthetic sense, an exceptional eye for detail and a deep appreciation for and ability to create simple solutions to complex problems.

    The Senior User Interface Designer is a key player in determining the future design language of Final Cut Studio. We are looking for a imaginative, resourceful and enthusiastic designer who is prepared to raise the bar for UI design.


    A passion for creating designs that are simple, elegant and useful but also original, beautiful and fun. Must posses a relentless attention to detail and an uncommon eye for aesthetic quality.

    The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of the principles, best practices and history of human interface design. However, you will also have the judgement, reasoning and courage to go against convention when necessary.

    Other qualities include:
    • An outstanding and diverse portfolio that demonstrates intelligence and craft

    • Knowledge of video editing, sound design or related disciplines

    • A good eye for color, type and composition

    • Experience creating multimedia projects using WebKit / HTML5, Director or flash

    • Animation and/or motion graphics experience

    • Deep understanding of Apple?s human interface design language and of the Mac OSX, iPhone and iPad platforms

    • Outstanding written and verbal communication skills

    • Excellent collaborative skills

    • Comfortable working in a loosely structured organization

    • Degree in visual or interaction design (or equivalent experience

    Education / Experience:
    • Four year degree or higher preferred

    • Minimum 5 years work experience

    If this is the reason for the article to claim a delay, then life must be very dull in rumorville.
  • Reply 38 of 78
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by hezetation View Post

    I think Apple still has a small company mindset in the way it manages projects, you simply can't be a large company & just move focus around from one project to another. They need to hire additional Engineers and give all products adequate attention. If they're other projects suffer delays or quality it is really going to hurt their image big time in the end.

    Of course there are multiple teams and multiple project managers, if there's one thing Apple doesn't think it is right now, it's a 'small company'. No announced date was made for this update, it's a huge update, especially if moving to new code base and full 64 bit - i'm pretty sure that the development path of this software is in no way related to iOS or other consumer end projects.

    Apple have focus on multiple projects both software and hardware at all times, where did you read that there was inadequate staffing or resources? It's the media who tend to focus on one area, in their usual hysterical, judgemental way.

    This 'report' (and who calls a lot of speculative assumption a 'report'?!) really is FUD.
  • Reply 39 of 78

    Compatibility with prior versions is most important even for someone like me, who is not a professional.

    I have many hours invested in creating home movies and some special videos for friends. Also, I have invested several thousand dollars in 3rd party plugins.

    I expect to be able to use anything I have already created in new creations.

    That said, the performance and the UI needs to be improved.

    I think I would like it if they could find a way to keep the current function and UI, while, at the same time adding a new UI-- almost as a skin.

    With iMovie, they added a new UI, but dropped the timeline, and with it, a lot of needed capability. Big mistake! Later, they restored the timeline... and the resulting product is both better, and almost as good as the original.

    Today, when time is the critical factor, I prefer to use iMovie over FCP because you can do an acceptable job of most things, quickly: titles; limited effects; transitions; syncing audio and video'

    Even when I need to use FCP or Motion for some effects-- often it is easier to export those "clips" to iMove for inclusion in a final product.

    As far as UI goes, there are some things in the Pro and Prosumer products that scream out for a touch interface-- I would like to see touch enhancements where applicable.

    I suspect that Apple will release an iPad version of the iPhone iMovie app. I think that could be an interesting experiment to see how a Prosumer product could work with a Touch interface on a large enough screen to make editing practical.

    If Apple are smart, they will cross-pollinate their OS X and iOS efforts wherever UI is involved -- especially apps.

    I would like the capability to attach an iPad to a Mac and use it as a large touch pad to control, say a tracking path or 3D camera movement. Similarly, I'd like to use an iPad as a touch display to manipulate a detail portion of a video -- say, zoom in and refine a mask, or a bezier path for rotoscoping, or test various effects, dynamically.

    Some, here, claim that node-based editing is the future! I don't know. The only node-based tool I've used is Quartz Composer. It is great for simple things, but quickly devolves into multiple layers of, literally, spaghetti code -- with little or no documentation and no way to determine what is going on without following each noodle (tendril, tentacle?) of spaghetti.

    I think that this would be very difficult to use (visualize) in a composite with multiple layers and masks.

    But, I am not a pro!

    Finally, I'd like to see some new capabilities and features in the product produced by these tools!

    For a while, using SMIL (hmmm, SMIL a while, and give your face a rest..) and QuickTime-- you could make interactive video/apps.

    I'd like to see that capability revisited!

    Say you are playing a video (or recent live capture of raw) of the boy's soccer team:

    -- You touch pause then tap on a player.

    -- A close-up of that player pops into view

    -- Actually, it is a CoverFlow of the whole team.

    -- You can tap on any player's "cover" and it flips to show a scrollable list of his stats.

    -- Or, flip back and CoverFlow to other players

    -- Then tap to resume playing of the video

    -- when you come to an interesting play, you can dynamically create a mini-clip:

    ---- pinch zoom on the detail

    ---- slow or speed up the action

    ---- replay frame by frame

    ---- take a snapshot

    ---- add tracking on objects like the ball and players

    -- then telestrate and loop the mini-clip at will

    I don't know how, or what tools-- but that's the kind of movie I'd like to make.

  • Reply 40 of 78
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,780member
    Originally Posted by spliff monkey View Post

    I think you missed Stone's point. He was saying it's not neglectful because Pro's (god I've come to hate that term anymore, it's used so loosely) don't really need frequent upgrades and as a matter of fact we shy away from them. I'm not fond of upgrading at all unless I have to and frankly I think Apple updates are too frequent. They are annoying for one. Most of them cause minor to major problems with hardware and when you are talking about an extra $30k+ in hardware and $200k + projects that go into overtime because some dip decided to install an update, that's a big problem and I'd fire the person that cost me an extra $5k.

    I avoid updating software as much as I can until I upgrade my hardware and again, with hardware costs what they are that's only once ever couple of years. Sometimes 5 if it's really high end gear. If I need a new feature, most likely I'm replacing the whole system and not just the software.

    We aren't being sidelined at all. Apple is doing nothing Digidesign does with Protools and Avid. They hardly ever update their suites and that is a good thing. It should work out of the box and not need replacing until the whole kit needs to be replaced.

    Nope I totally got it and agreed with him to a point. I then added a second point ... that I hope the development on pro apps is not put on the back burner. You are entitled to your opinion obviously however, I have always embraced updates from Apple (Adobe is a different story). Obviously I would not switch a workstation in the middle of any particular project for sure. When you go back over each iteration of FCPro every update is spectacular. I have always found the updates well worth the time to clone the drive, install and learn.
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