When will Apple adopt 16:9 screens?



  • Reply 61 of 73
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by DHagan4755 View Post

    I just noticed that Apple's only professional desktop display is now 16:9. The iMacs are 16:9. The notebooks have to be next. Apple hasn't updated the MacBook Air in forever, and the MacBook Pro is due for a refresh soon. I'm thinking this time around they will get the 16:9 treatment, especially in light of the fact that the LED Cinema Display has been geared towards MacBook Pro users. It's going to become more costly to stay 16:10.

    Apple's order volumes are probably enough that the cost to custom order whatever they want is negligible compared to off the shelf parts. Also, since the iMac update, Apple has also since introduced new devices with square and 4:3 screens, and updated notebooks too, still keeping the 16:10 screen, even though their unibody manufacturing system makes it easy to change machine form factors.
  • Reply 62 of 73
    I have never seen a laptop with a 16x9 screen that looked right, they all look too wide. I think that the 16x10 screen on the MacBook Pro is the ideal. I don't want an HD screen on a 15" laptop, the resolution would have to be very high to get enough vertical space above the dock and below the menu bar. And high resolution doesn't work well with a 15" display, the eye strain is simply too much for me.

    For the love of all that's good and Holy, I hope that Apple keeps the 16x10 screen on the MacBook Pro. It is one of the key factors for the success of the line, and its a big feature that makes the MacBook Pro desirable above the PC fray.
  • Reply 63 of 73
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    I'm with you Teamswitcher - those 16x9 laptops just look weird.

    I hope they don't change but well, I fear the worst .... heck if Apple need to differentiate themselves from the other guys then keep the 16x10 dammit !!!!
  • Reply 64 of 73
    Originally Posted by TEAMSWITCHER View Post

    I have never seen a laptop with a 16x9 screen that looked right, they all look too wide ...

    i initially, for about an hour, had the same sentiment. afterwards i became accustomed to the aspect ratio. in fact, i'm typing this on a notebook with a 16:9 screen. it also helps that i love home theatre setups (and theatrical presentation) so widescreen is alright to me.
  • Reply 65 of 73
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by TEAMSWITCHER View Post

    I have never seen a laptop with a 16x9 screen that looked right, they all look too wide. I think that the 16x10 screen on the MacBook Pro is the ideal.

    No matter how right your point is, it's not going to stop the inevitable. As sad as that it.
  • Reply 66 of 73
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    No matter how right your point is, it's not going to stop the inevitable. As sad as that it.

    I don't think it's set in stone. If Apple decides going 16:9 is the way to be competitive, then that's where they will go. If Apple decides that staying 16:10 is best for them, then I see nothing that would prevent them from doing so. Panel manufacturers trip over each other trying to get an Apple contract, a run of a million panels is well worth a special run, I wouldn't be surprised if that exceeds the run volumes of off the shelf panels. The biggest technical drawback that I see is you get less surface area, and therefore less volume to pack things. This means less space for batteries, something has to go. Once Apple drops the internal optical drive, then you can add battery and make the computer smaller.
  • Reply 67 of 73
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I don't think it's set in stone. If Apple decides going 16:9 is the way to be competitive, then that's where they will go.

    They have made it clear they are going 16:9. Watch this space. My guess it the new MacBook Air will be the first.
  • Reply 68 of 73
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    They have made it clear they are going 16:9. Watch this space. My guess it the new MacBook Air will be the first.

    Where have they made it clear?
  • Reply 69 of 73
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,440moderator
    They need IPS displays in the laptops. They can put on a higher resolution 16:9 screen and exceed the resolution of the current 13" for example 1422 x 800. If they go higher than that, they would need to have resolution independence figured out like in a new operating system.

    1600x900 would be higher than the current 1440x900 for the 15".
  • Reply 70 of 73
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    They need IPS displays in the laptops. They can put on a higher resolution 16:9 screen and exceed the resolution of the current 13" for example 1422 x 800. If they go higher than that, they would need to have resolution independence figured out like in a new operating system.

    1600x900 would be higher than the current 1440x900 for the 15".

    I don't know if they need IPS, but I sure want it. I don't need a new computer, but an IPS screen in a notebook computer might be enough to get me to upgrade. Otherwise, I'm quite happy with my mid-'07 15", it's not the current style, but it still looks fine and works fine.
  • Reply 71 of 73
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Where have they made it clear?

    Apple hasn't made it clear, but they are trending that way...given that the only pro desktop display that they sell has recently gone 16:9.
  • Reply 72 of 73
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by DHagan4755 View Post

    Apple hasn't made it clear, but they are trending that way...given that the only pro desktop display that they sell has recently gone 16:9.

    Desktops and notebooks have different needs though. The iMac was made 16:9 last year (when they switched to i5/i7), but a year later when Apple switched the MacBook Pros to i5 and i7, they still stuck with 16:10 screens. That would have been the ideal time to make the switch since they're making major changes to the circuit boards too. If they do switch aspect ratios next revision, they'll have to change the case and likely need to change the circuit boards yet again.

    I didn't expect today's "split" with the Air, first, that there would be two sizes of the Air model, and that the update would offer both 16:9 and 16:10 models. I would have expected completely sticking with 16:10 or a total switch to 16:9 on every updated notebook.
  • Reply 73 of 73
    Apple adopts 16:9 screens now.

    Well, with the launch of the 27" Cinema Display, but today was their third computer with 16:9.
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