Briefly: Windows Phone 7 US launch, Mac OS X 10.6.5 beta, Adobe Flash defended



  • Reply 101 of 120
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,918member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Good, bad, interesting, whatever... I know you won't do it, but you might look at Adobe site of the day page. They usually have some very unique stuff on there.

    Well, I would if it weren't uninstalled now on my Macs and it didn't not run worth a crap on my Linux systems.

    But, people have posted "top flash sites" links before that I checked out and I thought all of them were horrible and/or useless.
  • Reply 102 of 120
    steve-jsteve-j Posts: 320member
    Originally Posted by mgl323 View Post

    It may have worked for him, but my PC/laptop is only few months old and whenever I visit a flash site such as Youtube or whatever, my fans kick into overdrive mode and my CPU goes up around 80%. My laptop gets hot and that ain't good for my manly parts whenever I have my laptop on my lap. (see article)

    You might consider better hardware. That never happens to me.
  • Reply 103 of 120
    Originally Posted by crift2012 View Post

    you are sure about that? Free, when has authoring .fla content every been free? Has Adobe been giving out copies of Flash for free? How would you charge someone that visits your site to view your flash content? oh's called a porn hub.

    I am not sure how you can call flash in any way open-source.....

    Come on. You only have to bother to read this thread to find out that very good Flash authoring is available for free and that the SDK is open source. Or do even the tiniest bit of Googling.

    Given this, can you see how you are just repeating a company line and not thinking for yourself?
  • Reply 104 of 120
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Well, I would if it weren't uninstalled now on my Macs and it didn't not run worth a crap on my Linux systems.

    But, people have posted "top flash sites" links before that I checked out and I thought all of them were horrible and/or useless.

    I don't like Flash websites per se, however I use Flash for applications which are useful in training programs, GUIs for space planning management, medical imaging, etc. I never ever use Flash for decoration purposes. I would use any technology as long as it was the same relative efficiency to develop and debug and equal ubiquity for deployment. Flash/Flex offers what I believe is a better solution for my needs than the alternatives.

    Here is an example. Which BTW only uses 3.5% cpu.
  • Reply 105 of 120
    Was watching and there was this very out-of-place and very obvious product placement where Daniel Dae-Kim's character told Grace Park's character to "Just Bing it" (who says that?), upon which, Grace Park's character whips out her Windows 7 phone and does a Bing search.

    It was so blatant that it made my skin crawl and made me lose respect for the show.
  • Reply 106 of 120
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by macintoshtoffy View Post

    Which is a load of crap; for almost a decade Flash has been the inflicted upon the end users of the world thanks to incompetent idiots who have used and abused the technology for worthless and pointless crap. I don't want your banners, I don't want your games, I don't want your pop-ups, pop-unders and all the other crap that you push on your end users. The only person who would ever defend Flash is a person who has a vested interest in making money off it in some way - for everyone else the day it dies the day Apple can work on improving the whole user experience.

    So if people used HTML5 instead of Flash to create "worthless and pointless crap", banners, games, pop-ups, pop-unders and "all the other crap" that are pushed on end users, you would be ok with that?


    What can Adobe do to counter this? open source the bloody plugin! open source it, make it a standard and let different vendors and volunteers work to improve it; it is quite clear that for almost a decade that Adobe has owned the code they've don't sweet-bugger-all in the way of address grievances, I think giving some outsiders a go on the code can hardly cause any more problems!

    How will open sourcing the Flash Player plugin counter the creation of "worthless and pointless crap", banners, games, pop-ups, pop-unders and "all the other crap" that are pushed on end users?
  • Reply 107 of 120
    Originally Posted by palegolas View Post

    That's great! Same here.

    Perhaps Mr Adobe should start thinking about why products like ClickToFlash start to emerge. It's not like Apple wrote it. Neither did Apple do any official testing/statement on MacBook Air with/without Flash in terms of battery power. That's the community.

    The scary thing is when HTML5 is the default way of showing irritating adds screaming for attention. Then there is gonna be much harder to avoid stupid content.

    oh yeah. and then we can contend with the likes of this...

    take a gander at cpu usage on this one.

    tip... of the iceberg. No click4flash to save you on this one...

    As for adobe and html5, of course they're going to capitalize on that, they already are you'd be an idiot not to think that.
  • Reply 108 of 120
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    I'm not so sure.

    After Apple backpedaled on the iOS restrictions and now allows Flash-based apps, the one thing they kept was the restriction that no software can download any other software.

    Think about it.

    Flash makes it really easy to build something akin to an App Store, but one where Apple doesn't get 30%.

    Which is a load of crap; Apple makes no profit off the AppStore; the 30% is there to cover the costs and that is it. Disclosures time and time again have shown it to be so in the case of their AppStore and their music store.

    They don't want Flash because if they did then Apple would get blamed because Flash is crashing the phone, sucking up the battery power and killing the performance of the phone - if anything it is to ensure that the Apple brand remains associated with a great user experience and it not being ruined by pathetic third parties like Adobe who can't seem to be bothered to create a decent plugin for Flash. Adobe have had almost a decade, they've failed to deliver - time they accept the fact they suck as an organisation and get back to focusing on something different.
  • Reply 109 of 120
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
  • Reply 110 of 120
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    If you think it's not a profit center you're high. Next time your shareholder disclosure shows up read it. Interesting stuff.

    Hey Rulez one question; why did you register in June and make one post then wait this long to make the next 30 posts in a couple days? Spot on?
  • Reply 111 of 120
    Originally Posted by mgl323 View Post

    It may have worked for him, but my PC/laptop is only few months old and whenever I visit a flash site such as Youtube or whatever, my fans kick into overdrive mode and my CPU goes up around 80%. My laptop gets hot and that ain't good for my manly parts whenever I have my laptop on my lap. (see article)

    Heh. Maybe you missed my sarcasm. For that poster to suggest Flash was causing higher CPU because his fan was dusty is rather insane. Yes the dust is a problem because maybe the CPU was not being cooled adequately so was maybe being throttled or what not.

    But the fact remains, as I agree with you, that in an average use basis, Flash can cause unnecessary high CPU load. This is the biggest problem, not whether it is open or what not, the basic render engine has not been improved and has not been optimised adequately for many, many years now. I mean, FFS it's a 2D compositing render engine, how hard can it be to optimise that, for a company with some of the world's brightest computer scientists?

    Yes they have started hardware acceleration but primarily for video and even then only a subset of video cards on Mac or PC. The render engine is still borked.

    Try out this Flash benchmark.

    At the "highest settings" which crawls on even the latest hardware, this kind of animation can be done smoothly on a iPhone 4 if coded for iOS. Clearly something is wrong with the Flash render engine. Another example would be iMovie on Macs - you can composite text on gradients, video in video, etc on even a 1.4ghz Core 2 Duo because the render engine is assisted greatly by *actual* hardware accelerated compositing in real time.
  • Reply 112 of 120
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    My dislike of Flash goes back to 2004 when I installed 64bit Linux on an Athlon 64.

    You have been told a number of times, so why are you still spouting this rubbish. Why are you constantly complaining that a company wasn't supporting a brand new OS on brand new hardware that next to no one was using? There was no reason for Flash to be released on 64bit Linux in 2004
  • Reply 113 of 120
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
  • Reply 114 of 120
    ibillibill Posts: 400member
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    FUD redacted

    I don't need anybody else's benchmarks to to tell me that Flash slows down my browser and eventually causes it to crash. I can also easily compare playing html5 video vs flash video in Youtube. Don't need any fancy measuring equipment to tell the difference there. Html5 wins hands down.

    Not sure about the FUD you mention, unless you're referring to your own posts.
  • Reply 115 of 120
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
  • Reply 116 of 120
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    It would be helpful to see a direct comparative example, i.e., having the same benchmark implemented in HTML5 so one can run them side by side on the same system.

    There are probably many ways the Flash engine could be optimized, and given that the W3C says that HTML5 isn't ready for deployment yet there are no doubt many ways it could be optimized too.

    But real-time dynamic alpha and algorithmic glow rendering will always eat an appreciable amount of CPU cycles, no matter which underlying engine is used to make it happen.

    Until we see a direct comparison -- the same complex animation implemented in both Flash and HTML5 -- people will continue to complain one way or another...

    HTML5 is not ready for that level of complexity (yet)... But some very smart coders and tools will help with that.

    A good comparison would be that animation rendered using Core Image vs Flash. That would prove my point of the poor Flash render engine. I bet my bottom dollar Core Image on integrated GPU machines will use up less battery, certainly less CPU, because of GPU assist. Though discreet GPU machines may suffer because of powering the GPU.

    Or, the animation done on an iPad vs Flash. Yes, Core Image and iPad would be proprietary versions but again it could hint as to how to better render Flash.
  • Reply 117 of 120
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    You have been told a number of times, so why are you still spouting this rubbish. Why are you constantly complaining that a company wasn't supporting a brand new OS on brand new hardware that next to no one was using? There was no reason for Flash to be released on 64bit Linux in 2004

    I spent some months in 2005-2007 with 64bit Linux on Athlon64. Great processor, gave up on Linux though.
  • Reply 118 of 120
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    I spent some months in 2005-2007 with 64bit Linux on Athlon64. Great processor, gave up on Linux though.

    Still doesn't change the fact that the number of people using 64bit Linux back there would have been very low, not worth the effort of releasing a 64bit version of flash for it.
  • Reply 119 of 120
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
  • Reply 120 of 120
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    A good comparison would be that animation rendered using Core Image vs Flash.

    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    A good comparison indeed. All we need to do now is convince the

    other 90% of the world to throw their computers out and get Macs.

    Adobe just needs to get a bunch of engineers, look at Core Image, and implement that for Flash. Oh, and they need to make a decent mobile version.
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