Apple approves official Google Voice application for iPhone



  • Reply 21 of 39
    Originally Posted by 2oh1 View Post

    I think it's pretty easy, actually. The app store needs a way to quickly filter and sort apps. In iTunes, I can sort by date added, date modified, genre, rating, etc etc etc. Why can't I do that in the app store too?

    The app store desperately needs an overhauled ratings system as well as a ratings-dispute system. In other words, there needs to be a way to get bogus ratings off the system. Take the new Google Voice app, for example. There are a ton of people giving the app 1 star ratings because they can't use it on an iPod. In other words, they're not rating the app (obviously, since they can't use it!). Instead, they're giving a bad rating to complain about not being able to use an IPHONE app on a device that isn't an iPhone. Well sheesh! I'm pissed that I can't IM people with my toaster, but that doesn't mean my toaster doesn't make great toast. (Mmmmm... and toasted bagels).

    While we're on "wish lists", why can't there be a "wish list" for apps? I have one for music. Sometimes I search for apps and think 'I would like to check that out later', but usually once it's out of sight either I forget about it, or it's impossible to find again. Maybe it's tough coding, but I figured this feature would have been a shoe-in. I use that same feature in iTunes constantly.

    Just my 2 cents.
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  • Reply 22 of 39
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Yeah wish lists or bookmarks for apps would be nice as would filters. Not tough coding at all.

    My BIGGEST peeve is when you search via Genius or other methods then click on an app to view the info. When you return to the previous main menu, you get shoved all the way to the top of the app listings again. This means if you were on the 8th page of app browsing, you will be forced to start all over again...and when you start all over again the list often changes since the Genius listings is generated randomly which means you can often lose track of apps you were interested in.
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  • Reply 23 of 39
    Originally Posted by Aeolian View Post

    While we're on "wish lists", why can't there be a "wish list" for apps? I have one for music. Sometimes I search for apps and think 'I would like to check that out later', but usually once it's out of sight either I forget about it, or it's impossible to find again. Maybe it's tough coding, but I figured this feature would have been a shoe-in. I use that same feature in iTunes constantly.

    Just my 2 cents.

    There is a Wish List for Apps. Click on the arrow next to the price/Free App button. Add to Wish List is right there.
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  • Reply 24 of 39
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Originally Posted by Yavanna View Post

    There is a Wish List for Apps. Click on the arrow next to the price/Free App button. Add to Wish List is right there.

    Not on the iPhone.
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  • Reply 25 of 39
    Originally Posted by success View Post

    Not on the iPhone.

    Okay. I was browsing on my MacBook Air in the ITS App Store. I don't have an iPhone, but I do have an iPod Touch 4G, and you are right: there doesn't seem to be an option for a Wish List. But I find it easier generally to search on my computer for Apps and installing them when I sync.

    If that's not a viable option for you, so be it.
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  • Reply 26 of 39
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Originally Posted by Yavanna View Post

    Okay. I was browsing on my MacBook Air in the ITS App Store. I don't have an iPhone, but I do have an iPod Touch 4G, and you are right: there doesn't seem to be an option for a Wish List. But I find it easier generally to search on my computer for Apps and installing them when I sync.

    If that's not a viable option for you, so be it.

    Except that the reason why they made an iPhone was so that we didn't have to stay home to use the internet.

    And...this is an iPhone thread.
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  • Reply 27 of 39
    Originally Posted by DCJ001 View Post

    But it's only compatible with iPhones, for now.

    But it does make sense to be able to use Google Voice on an iPod touch/iPad because some people use Skype and/or Gizmo5 which, when used with an iPod touch/iPad, would allow calls to be made very inexpensively or for free.

    Skype calls on an iPod touch/iPad with Google Voice would be great. Gizmo5 calls on an iPod touch/iPad need the Google Voice app to work on them.

    What about using Line2?

    Looks like a good VOIP app for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad with unlimited US / Canada calling for 9.99 a month plus SMS...too bad you can't SMS Canadian numbers yet.
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  • Reply 28 of 39
    ajitmdajitmd Posts: 365member
    Originally Posted by aaarrrgggh View Post

    If there is a market for it, don't quite see why not. It does improve the case for a cheap phone plus iPad rather than the fanboy (a la me) approach to a iPhone, iPad, iMac, and an iPodNano just to round things out on the desk. (It's a good thing I have made good money with the stock...)

    You need a MacMini in the bedroom hooked up to the TV to access the internet, newspapers, mail, netflix. Optional Apple TV for the den. Hard wired/WiFi to a Time Machine device.
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  • Reply 29 of 39
    Originally Posted by amerist View Post

    ... Apple needs to change the way they organize apps so it's easier to find what you are looking for. I don't have the solution but I'm sure Apple can find a way. There should be a way to set filters in the app store so you don't have to look at search results containing "fart apps" or party amusement apps like body scanner or iBeer.

    I think there are a few things they need to do to improve discoverability in the App Store.

    * Expanded Categories: Possibly more top level categories, but, absolutely, more subcategories, and perhaps greater subcategory depth. Right now, Games is the only category with subcategories, but most of the other categories have grown so large that they are no longer useful by themselves. Even the subcategories in Games are barely useful at this point.

    * View by Ratings: Customers need to be able to sort app listings by rating. Right now it's very difficult for the cream to rise to the top. Yes, the various featured app listings, top seller lists (although, top grossing is not a useful list for consumers, this is really just providing bragging rights for developers) help somewhat with this, but they only reflect apps with wide appeal, not apps that are excellent but targeted toward a narrower audience.

    * A Better Genius Feature and/or Improved Search: While the current approach may work fine for music, I find it almost entirely useless for discovering apps. The problem is that what apps other users, who happen to have some app I have, also downloaded has little or no bearing on apps that I may need or want. There needs to be a better, more "natural" way to describe the kind of app you want or need and for the App Store to provide you with a list of relevant options. (Sometimes this works ok now, especially if you have a fairly precise understanding of what you are looking for and it's a fairly specific need, but, as your idea of what you are looking for becomes more vague, your need more general or less mainstream, it begins to be less and less helpful. This is somewhat difficult, since it depends on developer keywording and app descriptions, but, what they currently have just doesn't work well enough at this point. Perhaps the Search would improve if there we simply better categorization to search within. I'm not really sure what the answer is for a useful Genius feature.
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  • Reply 30 of 39
    Originally Posted by gauravchak View Post

    Can't see Apple, ever porting ITunes to Android

    Don't need too. There are seveal apps that will allow you to put anything you have in iTunes onto your Android phone. Its extremely easy.
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  • Reply 31 of 39
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Don't need too. There are seveal apps that will allow you to put anything you have in iTunes onto your Android phone. Its extremely easy.

    Porting iTunes to Android would mean creating apps to purchase (and utilize) content from iTunes directly from Android devices. You can't do this (purchase) now, and it will never happen.

    (Direct support for non-iOS platforms in Mac and Windows versions of the iTunes app will also never happen, but that's not what porting to Android would be.)
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  • Reply 32 of 39
    I setup the new app but now I am getting double texts. If someone texts my GV number, I get the notification and the text in GV, and I am getting an SMS in the Apple Messages app. Is anyone else seeing this? It sucks because it means no "free" SMS if it sends a copy over AT&T every time.

    Edit: I found it! On the google voice web page, "Receive text messages on this phone" was checked. This is a bit of a bug in the setup process, but easy enough to fix.
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  • Reply 33 of 39
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Porting iTunes to Android would mean creating apps to purchase (and utilize) content from iTunes directly from Android devices. You can't do this (purchase) now, and it will never happen.

    (Direct support for non-iOS platforms in Mac and Windows versions of the iTunes app will also never happen, but that's not what porting to Android would be.)

    Any app I use on my iPad I have the same App available in the Android Market. That is not an issue for me. Any music, videos, podcasts, pictures, audio books I have in my iTunes I can move directly onto my Android phone and sync everytime I connect to my system. Thats all I care about. This can all be done by any number of free Android apps.
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  • Reply 34 of 39
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Any app I use on my iPad I have the same App available in the Android Market. That is not an issue for me. Any music, videos, podcasts, pictures, audio books I have in my iTunes I can move directly onto my Android phone and sync everytime I connect to my system. Thats all I care about. This can all be done by any number of free Android apps.

    That's all fine, but it has nothing to do with being able to purchase iTunes content directly from Android devices -- i.e., with Apple (not) porting iTunes to Android.
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  • Reply 35 of 39
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    That's all fine, but it has nothing to do with being able to purchase iTunes content directly from Android devices -- i.e., with Apple (not) porting iTunes to Android.

    You don't have too. You can purchase iTunes content from Windows and then load it on Android. So big deal. Apple should make it available to purchase directly from Android there is no reason not too except for those that think there should be a Android/iOS battle.

    Its not like they are keeping content off Android and Apple is getting the money anyways.

    If I can buy anything I want using iTunes via OSX or Windows and then simply sync my phone like I would any other iDevice then what is really being stopped?

    Wouldn't be to Apples advantage if they killed the Android Market by simply making it easier to get iTunes content directly on an Android device which are selling like crazy?

    Apple doesn't care if you are a Windows only user they will still sell you anything you want to buy why should Android be any different?
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  • Reply 36 of 39
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    You don't have too. You can purchase iTunes content from Windows and then load it on Android. So big deal. Apple should make it available to purchase directly from Android there is no reason not too except for those that think there should be a Android/iOS battle.

    Its not like they are keeping content off Android and Apple is getting the money anyways.

    If I can buy anything I want using iTunes via OSX or Windows and then simply sync my phone like I would any other iDevice then what is really being stopped?

    Wouldn't be to Apples advantage if they killed the Android Market by simply making it easier to get iTunes content directly on an Android device which are selling like crazy?

    Apple doesn't care if you are a Windows only user they will still sell you anything you want to buy why should Android be any different?

    Where to begin...

    What's being stopped is you being able to buy content from iTunes directly from the non-iOS device, for example, when you are away from your desktop.

    Apple isn't really competing against the Android Market, their iOS devices compete against other Android devices. Killing the Android Market (assuming that were possible) by making Android devices more convenient to use would be somewhat self-defeating.

    The difference between Windows and Android ought to be obvious.
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  • Reply 37 of 39
    Originally Posted by success View Post

    Except that the reason why they made an iPhone was so that we didn't have to stay home to use the internet.

    And...this is an iPhone thread.

    Well, wasn't that polite. I didn't realize that one had to actually own a product in order to read/comment in a thread. Sorry. My bad. And I was only trying to help. I won't make that mistake again.
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  • Reply 38 of 39
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Where to begin...

    What's being stopped is you being able to buy content from iTunes directly from the non-iOS device, for example, when you are away from your desktop.

    Apple isn't really competing against the Android Market, their iOS devices compete against other Android devices. Killing the Android Market (assuming that were possible) by making Android devices more convenient to use would be somewhat self-defeating.

    The difference between Windows and Android ought to be obvious.

    Mouse its not hard to understand what is being stopped if you understand it clearly anyone can.

    The point is Apple isn't really stopping anything. Which seems to be hard for you too understand.

    There is no difference between Windows and Android because MS and Windows use to be the big bad wolf now its Google and Android. Wasn't it once said that Steve Jobs would NEVER allow Windows to be loaded on a Mac. Yeah those were wise words. At some point the next to fall will be Flash will never be allowed on an iDevice. This little tidbit of wisdom falls in the same catagory.
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  • Reply 39 of 39
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Mouse its not hard to understand what is being stopped if you understand it clearly anyone can.

    The point is Apple isn't really stopping anything. Which seems to be hard for you too understand.

    There is no difference between Windows and Android because MS and Windows use to be the big bad wolf now its Google and Android. Wasn't it once said that Steve Jobs would NEVER allow Windows to be loaded on a Mac. Yeah those were wise words. At some point the next to fall will be Flash will never be allowed on an iDevice. This little tidbit of wisdom falls in the same catagory.

    As usual, you are so intent on being belligerent, that you entirely miss all the points, as well as the obvious fact that iTunes on Windows promotes iDevice sales while iTunes on Android would promote Android sales. iTunes is a marketing vehicle for iDevices, not a profit center in and of itself.
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