Yet another STUPID Lawsuit

in General Discussion edited January 2014
On the heels of the Albertson's thread:<a href=""; target="_blank">Mother sues drug company</a>

The mother of the teenage boy who flew an airplane into the Bank of America building is suing the drug company who produces "pimple cream".. Personally I feel she should be put in jail for not having an abortion...


  • Reply 1 of 21
    ijerryijerry Posts: 615member
    Hey she tried, he just dodged the damn hanger for nine months.
  • Reply 2 of 21
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    That case is a little lite on controversy. The only way she wins is if she can prove that the company willing has suppressed info about their product that supports the theory that it causes neurotic behavior. Any better links about Accutane?
  • Reply 3 of 21
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Seems fairly ridiculous. Unless, of course, Accutane makes you want to fly into office buildings.

    Reminds me of the case against Judas Priest or Ozzy or Manson or any other metal singer.

    "My baby dun killed hisself 'cuzin of the records!"

    "No, your baby killed himself because he was depressed, which is why he chose that music in the first place."
  • Reply 4 of 21
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:

    <strong>Seems fairly ridiculous. Unless, of course, Accutane makes you want to fly into office buildings.

    Reminds me of the case against Judas Priest or Ozzy or Manson or any other metal singer.

    "My baby dun killed hisself 'cuzin of the records!"

    "No, your baby killed himself because he was depressed, which is why he chose that music in the first place."</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Agree on the quoted but not the comparisment. The logic is too screwed:

    "My son flew the plane into that building because of Accutane"

    "No your son flew that plane into the building because he was suicidal/mentally ill/wanted attention. Thats why he used Accutane in the first place" <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />

    But its cool. I know what you mean
  • Reply 5 of 21
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Well, if you analyze it a lot then it's not a perfect analogy.

    Maybe he was just a freak-show nutcase.
  • Reply 6 of 21
    tmptmp Posts: 601member

    <a href=""; target="_blank">Accutane suicide help line</a>

    [quote]Accutane has been linked with more than 1,300 psychiatric side effects including severe depression and more than 66 cases of suicide.

    The FDA now requires doctors to have patients sign a consent form that says they understand the risks associated with Accutane including depression and suicide. Pharmacists must also hand out a detailed warning brochure called a Medguide. Accutane is one of only 3 drugs that has ever required a Medguide.<hr></blockquote>
  • Reply 7 of 21
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Oooooooh... the plot thickens!

    Facts are good, me likes informations.

    And here all this time I thought it was a simple acne medication... damn those naughty corporations. Damn them all to hell.
  • Reply 8 of 21
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    I cant really post any links, but I am on accutane now... its not a "pimple cream" its a pill that most definately ****s with your head... i have been on it for around 6-8 months (was off and on it in the beginning because of tiring side effects during soccer...) and I am coming to the end of the treatment...

    It was the only treatment that worked for my acne but it definately made me really depressed... although i was depressed before i even went on the medicine--but thats a whole other story...

    anyways, i would have to say that because of the medicine I have had suscidal (sp?) thoughts...they were just passing thoughts, and like 2 seconds later I would think to myself what the hell is the matter with you--why would you want to do that... i mean i in no way want to kill myself and yet every once in a while the thought just pops in... and i really have no other explanation for it other then the accutane...

    A friend of mine took accutane 2-3 years before i did (he was in 8th grade) when it was still being tested... he was also severely(sp?) depressed... another friend of mine is on it right now... its not too uncommon.

    Another big side effect with the drug is if you get pregnant, the child gets extrememly deformed... so they suggest abortion... Another friend of mine's parents wouldnt let her go on it solely because of that reason--even though she wasnt going to get pregnant anyways..

    Accutane is a very serious drug that just have to be careful when you are on it...
  • Reply 9 of 21
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by tmp:


    <a href=""; target="_blank">Accutane suicide help line</a>


    I didnt have to sign any forms, either did my parents, although we were informed about the side effects...
  • Reply 9 of 21
    tmptmp Posts: 601member
    I guess they should be adding the warning "do not operate heavy machinery, automobiles, cutlery, or stand on subway platforms of high cliffs while using Accutane. Doing so may result in severe injury or death..."

    How would that sound in a voice over in the commercial? :eek:
  • Reply 11 of 21
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    they have commercials for accutane?? never seen one...
  • Reply 12 of 21
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    This drug inhibits sebaceous glands in the skin - basically, it makes your skin drier. I really doubt it's making people depressed. It's possibe, but I'm skeptical.

    They did the same thing with Prozac. People said "look how many people commit suicide on Prozac. It's a much higher rate compared to those not on the drug." It's true, it is higher.

    But those people were depressed to begin with - that's why they got Prozac in the first place. I wonder if it's the same thing here. These are people with extremely bad acne. I'd be depressed too, even if I wasn't on the drug.

    By the way, guess who funds that Accutane Suicide Hotline page?
  • Reply 13 of 21
    tristantristan Posts: 79member
    I saw this last night on the news and I think its ridiculous. I was on the med. off and on for two years and the only thing we had to watch was my cholesterol level other than that everything was fine. In fact my self esteem shot through the roof because of it! Anyway, last night NBC reported that 30 million people have taken the drug since it was introduced and of that 30 million 160 or so have committed suicide. Come on, you can link anything to suicide. I'm sure of those 160 so cases they probably all listened to FM radio in the mornings. Maybe thats what prompted suicide, radio waves!
  • Reply 14 of 21
    tmptmp Posts: 601member
    [quote]Originally posted by Paul:

    <strong>they have commercials for accutane?? never seen one...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I haven't either- I just love the commercials for drugs now, since the government makes the companies disclose possible side effects. It's always in a soft, breezy voice over shots of kitttens frolicing in a field that they tell you that the side effects of Fraudjalyn are bleeding from the eyes, explosive diarrhea, and murderous rages.
  • Reply 15 of 21
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by BRussell:

    <strong>This drug inhibits sebaceous glands in the skin - basically, it makes your skin drier. I really doubt it's making people depressed. It's possibe, but I'm skeptical.

    They did the same thing with Prozac. People said "look how many people commit suicide on Prozac. It's a much higher rate compared to those not on the drug." It's true, it is higher.

    But those people were depressed to begin with - that's why they got Prozac in the first place. I wonder if it's the same thing here. These are people with extremely bad acne. I'd be depressed too, even if I wasn't on the drug.

    By the way, guess who funds that Accutane Suicide Hotline page?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    using this logic, since the acne went away during the use of the drug, shouldnt their self-esteem go up, like tristian? this is not the case (for the most part) for me and my 2 freinds that have been/are on the medicine...

    actually the friend that took the medicine in 8th grade was NOT depressed before he went on the drug and became depressed while he was on it--AS it was working... its not the same for everyone

    [ 04-17-2002: Message edited by: Paul ]</p>
  • Reply 16 of 21
    tmptmp Posts: 601member
    [quote]Originally posted by BRussell:

    <strong>By the way, guess who funds that Accutane Suicide Hotline page?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Consumer Reports?


    I don't know.. could it be LAWYERS?!?

    [ 04-17-2002: Message edited by: tmp ]</p>
  • Reply 17 of 21
    tristantristan Posts: 79member
    [quote]Originally posted by Paul:


    using this logic, since the acne went away during the use of the drug, shouldnt their self-esteem go up, like tristian? this is not the case (for the most part) for me and my 2 freinds that have been/are on the medicine...

    actually the friend that took the medicine in 8th grade was NOT depressed before he went on the drug and became depressed while he was on it--AS it was working... its not the same for everyone

    [ 04-17-2002: Message edited by: Paul ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yeah, I see where you are coming from, but this lady has admitted to trying to commit suicide before her son got on the drug and was asked before she signed the consent form if there has ever been cases of suicide or attempts in her family. She choose not to tell the doctor about it, so in this case I think its more that this kid was prone to it from his mother rather than the accutane itself.
  • Reply 18 of 21
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    Have you ever noticed that...

    Lawyers sue companies even when a said company is not directly responsible for the injury or death.

    The Democrat party gets more in donations from the winnings of lawyers than does the Republican (or other) party.

    A very large percentage of Congressman or Senators who write the laws are lawyers.

    Quite a few democrat persons in congress and the senate are lawyers.

    Liberals (Democrats) hate private businesses.

    Kind of a nice "racket" if your in on it.
  • Reply 19 of 21
    tmptmp Posts: 601member
    Did you ever notice that

    Private companies often "price out" risk factors in their products, either design flaws (Ford Pinto), or risk factors (thalidomide, Phen-fen), weighing the cost against loss of life?

    Private companies give a lot of money to politicians?

    Nice racket if you can get in on it.
  • Reply 20 of 21
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by tmp:

    <strong>Did you ever notice that

    Private companies often "price out" risk factors in their products, either design flaws (Ford Pinto), or risk factors (thalidomide, Phen-fen), weighing the cost against loss of life?

    Private companies give a lot of money to politicians?

    Nice racket if you can get in on it.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    TMP, good points.

    Regarding your first point(s), I remember the pinto issue. In a case such as this, I have NO problem when lawyers go after companies for defective products that hurt people.

    What I have a problem with is frivolous lawsuits and/or when they go after companies that are not directly responsible when someone gets hurt. In the case of the pinto, if by some chance (for example), Ford was bankrupt and somebody was hurt in a crash, lawyers would then look to sue the oil companies for making the gas or the steel company that made the steel for the tanks or whoever they thought could get them the most amount of money.

    This is pure greed and pure BS. And I don't know why we've let it continue for so long.

    Private companies also donate to the democrats and left wing causes. In fact, I had heard a while ago that more of the money donated from companies in recent years goes to left leaning causes and politicians than to right leaning causes and politicians. If I find a link on this, I'll post it.
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