iTunes 10.1.1 update causing crashes instead of fixing them



  • Reply 61 of 64
    anyaanya Posts: 14member
    Had "iTunes cannot be opened because of a problem.". :/ *is on a MacBook Pro 5,5* Gonna try and reinstall it from their website.
  • Reply 62 of 64
    Originally Posted by iLoveMYiPhoneAndWantToGetaMAC View Post

    This whole thing seems overblown to me. A very few people are having problems, and the symptoms are inconsistent. I say user error.

    I say it's easy to say It's hard for me to understand how "user error" applies to using software update (did I confirm with the wrong finger?) But hey.

    It is a bit different from what is described. The only unusual thing I saw with the new messages were two alerts saying that the identity certs of the iTunes store were not signed by a trusted authority. I doubt I was a victim of a real MIM attack. The only announced security fixes in 10.1.1 that I could find were for WebKit for Windows, and I'm on a MB Air.

    I restored the ITunes app and the library to 10.0.1 (22) from TimeMachine and am back in the air. I use both my iPhone and iPad at work and am glad I can back them up again. I'll try a roll forward when I have some time, or just wait for the next version.

    I sent a few logs to Apple, but I doubt much is done with these things...

    Thanks, all,

  • Reply 63 of 64
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Kilioopu View Post

    I say it's easy to say It's hard for me to understand how "user error" applies to using software update (did I confirm with the wrong finger?) But hey.

    It is a bit different from what is described. The only unusual thing I saw with the new messages were two alerts saying that the identity certs of the iTunes store were not signed by a trusted authority. I doubt I was a victim of a real MIM attack. The only announced security fixes in 10.1.1 that I could find were for WebKit for Windows, and I'm on a MB Air.

    I restored the ITunes app and the library to 10.0.1 (22) from TimeMachine and am back in the air. I use both my iPhone and iPad at work and am glad I can back them up again. I'll try a roll forward when I have some time, or just wait for the next version.

    I sent a few logs to Apple, but I doubt much is done with these things...

    Thanks, all,


    Don't worry about it, that was just the latest in a long line of aliases for a repeat troll who likes to post brain-damaged "fan boy" style-- which is why he's banned (again). When you see someone with a low post count and a slightly dim-witted posting style it's probably the same guy-- he'll be back for sure.
  • Reply 64 of 64
    Mid 2010 13" Macbook Pro. Not working via software update. And it doesn't work when I download it off either.

    Also the recent Aiport utility update crashes. Even downloaded manually. Worst of all now the machine boots slower And sometimes hangs completely. Bummer....
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