Senior pranks

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Ok, it's that time of year again...

now i know all of you remember <a href=""; target="_blank">this</a>...(BIG-20MB--d/l) (no that was NOT my school--got it from AtAT last year--btw anyone have the story that they gave about it saved?) My grade this year really wants to do somehting like this... now, we are only a class of 46--and there is a new headmaster this year--we all want to get him bad this year.... so, anyone have any good ideas for a senior prank? the school is in the city so it would have to be possible within the confines of the building, but all ideas are welcome! thanks...


  • Reply 1 of 20
    ghost_user_nameghost_user_name Posts: 22,667member

    trying to remember what we did.

    okay. switching contents of rooms around. one building had identical desks/everything in each room. move one room's contents into the next, and so forth. good, relatively easy to fix fun.

    we also took all the chairs out of one building and lined them down the main drive. that was bad though, because it kinda rained overnight...

    ummm we took the dean of students' office and put it onto the stage in the theatre... had assembly the next morning...
  • Reply 2 of 20
    nostradamusnostradamus Posts: 397member
    When I watch that movie, only one comment comes to my mind.

    Bored suburban white kids.

    <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />
  • Reply 3 of 20
    g4dudeg4dude Posts: 1,016member
    Step 1) Go to army surplus store and buy some military outfits.

    Step 2) Set up prank in middle of the night

    2A) Release petting zoo into halls

    2B) Remove signs from handicapped spots and replace with "this space reserved for (your name here)" signs

    2C) Put "2002" flag on flagpole

    2D) Insert an adult DVD into DVD player hooked up to projector and aim it at and external wall

    2E) Setup toll booth

    2F) Set up valet parking signs in teacher parking lot

    2G) Set up ladder to roof

    2H) Disassemble VW bug and rebuild it in the gym or library

    Step 3) Begin the prank

    3A) Play the adult movie

    3B) Offer teachers valet parking and drive their cars several miles away

    3C) Charge $5 toll to enter school. Have 2 guys armed with paintball guns make sure they pay

    3D) Have people w/ paintblal guns on top of the roof targeting random people.

    Note: I don't know your school's policy regarding paintball guns, they might not be allowed. If they aren't, try squirt guns filled with milk.
  • Reply 4 of 20
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by G4Dude:

    <strong>Step 1) Go to army surplus store and buy some military outfits.

    Step 2) Set up prank in middle of the night

    2A) Release petting zoo into halls</strong><hr></blockquote> we have a small school with 5 floors... farm animals are expensive to get into the city and would cause problems with smell...hey wait, we have some really ****ing rich kids in the school and classes are over for us in a week... maybe thats a good idea...--ehh the administration wouldnt like it at all(read: suspensions)<strong> [quote]

    2B) Remove signs from handicapped spots and replace with "this space reserved for (your name here)" signs</strong><hr></blockquote> no parking lot---good idea tho<strong> [quote]

    2C) Put "2002" flag on flagpole</strong><hr></blockquote> could work--flag "pole" not easily seen in any of the classrooms tho--a pirate flag a la Apple Computer would be cooler...<strong> [quote]

    2D) Insert an adult DVD into DVD player hooked up to projector and aim it at and external wall</strong><hr></blockquote> umm administration would freak----something a little less, illegal...<strong> [quote]

    2E) Setup toll booth</strong><hr></blockquote> would get shut down before anyone came to school...our school sucks<strong> [quote]

    2F) Set up valet parking signs in teacher parking lot</strong><hr></blockquote> see 2b, if it could work that would be SWEET<strong> [quote]

    2G) Set up ladder to roof</strong><hr></blockquote> 5 story building---not a good idea... there IS a door to the roof tho, still not a good idea--the boneheads @ my school would end up falling off and then we all would get expelled...<strong> [quote]

    2H) Disassemble VW bug and rebuild it in the gym or library</strong><hr></blockquote>with only 46 kids and like 3 of them technically inclined the posibility of something like that happeneing is very slim... maybe in college what was that school that hung a VW off the Golden Gate bridge?<strong> [quote] &lt;&lt;snip&gt;&gt;Have 2 guys armed with paintball guns make sure they pay

    3D) Have people w/ paintblal guns on top of the roof targeting random people.

    Note: I don't know your school's policy regarding paintball guns, they might not be allowed. If they aren't, try squirt guns filled with milk.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I dono the deal with paintball guns either... but I know the moment they saw them they would be confiscated... My school really sucks when it comes to things like this... thats why we need something "covert" something that everyone knows the seniors did--but cant single out any one of them... some ideas have been to let rats or crickets all through the school, but thats disgusing (rats) over-done (crickets) and they both are pretty expensive (well maybe not the crikets...)

    G4 dude, thanks for the suggestions, but because we're in the city a lot of them are not possible... good ideas for other people tho...

  • Reply 5 of 20
    falconfalcon Posts: 458member
    Our seniors are planning to highjack the in-school TV network and play random 'illegal' shit.
  • Reply 6 of 20
    You need two pigs, a can of paint, and a bucket of crisco.

    Step 1: Take the paint and write a large "1" on the first pig.

    Step 2: Paint a large "3" on the second pig.

    Step 3: Let the paint dry.

    Step 4: Soak the pigs in crisco.

    Step 5: Let them loose from opposite sides of the campus during lunch.

    Oh, they will catch pig number one eventually. They'll catch pig number three. But where the hell is pig number 2? They will search for hours.
  • Reply 7 of 20
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    Senior pranks are lame, or at least ours were.

  • Reply 8 of 20
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member
    how's this for a prank

    I didn't do this, but a friend of mine did.

    1. buy a shite load of little plastic cups

    2. fill each one with water

    3. place cd player on far end of room, put on really annoying song on loop

    4. place them in the main office, admissions, or whatever building is used ALOT by faculty members COVER EVERY LAST SQUARE INCH OF THE FLOOR with little plastic cups filled with water

    5. enjoy
  • Reply 9 of 20
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    Here's what I remember doing:

    Minor league -

    Buy a couple of boxes of 5oz paper cups. coat a hallway with them. Fill them up with water. Reminds me of the stupid video. This was essentially the virgin prank for us.

    Major league -

    Take the school for hostage:

    At my high school, teachers had a thursday meeting were basically all of the faculty show up.

    Materials needed

    Kevlar rope (2 lengths): $10

    hand held blowtorch: $20

    a couple pizzas & soda: $20

    Lure in most freshman and non seniors into the library with the claim of "free pizza." At a boys' school, this works wonders. Or library had a single entrance, and it was on a second floor. As was the conference room.

    Unplug the phone line from the conference room before the meeting, and make sure to take it with you.

    Have two teams. When the time comes, wrap the kevlar rope around the door handles many times, and knot it and melt it together with the blowtorch. Do this to the library and the conference room.

    Kevlar rope is very difficult to cut. At this point everybody is locked inside some room or another, and there's not a whole lot that anyone can do about it.

  • Reply 10 of 20
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    Oh yeah. . . . Crickets bring back the memories.

    Seniors a coupl'a years before mine released a lot of crickets into the library. . . Then they were told that they'd have to get rid of the crickets, so they bought a whole lot of geckos and let them loose in the library as well.

    One other year actually laid bricks in front of various administrator's doors. cement and all.

    Another year, one kid volunteered for the fire department. He managed to get some hook and ladder truck on campus late at night, and he tossed a dozen or so tires around the flagpole. Nobody had idea how he did it, until he told them himself.

    Year before me. The athletic director was known for driving a little, tiny honda (80s tiny) around campus and also for his mad-man like devotion to his football field. A bunch of guys carried the car into the middle of the field.

    Legendary old prank. We have a mascot, a bear, and there's a little statuette on campus. Often that bear will be sporting orange testicles and a large erection a la "emergency orange" spray paint.

    Another one: 2 liter bottles. water. dry ice. Sounds like a bomb going off when the pressure explodes the bottle. Also, you can completely fog up the bathroom to the point where it's like a cloud by dropping some chopped dry ice in the toilets.
  • Reply 11 of 20
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Our class created a detour with construction / road work signs that sent all the people arriving at school on a scenic drive to the back exit instead of the front gate.

    My personal prank was a fake sheet of Morning Announcements (read aloud in 1st period class) so with humor a few people did not appreciate. I had to write a formal apology to the headmaster.

    This was the prank attempted by a few of my friends...

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    They were slapped on the wrists as well...because roof access was not permitted.

    [ 05-09-2002: Message edited by: Eugene ]</p>
  • Reply 12 of 20
    sebseb Posts: 676member
    Here's an easy one to single out a certain faculty member.

    Take the drawers out of their desk.

    Turn the desk upside down and put the drawers back in.

    Turn the desk right side up.

    When they open a drawer, it's upside down and everything falls out.

    Simple, easy, and no one gets hurt.

    It's always fun to put a coke machine or some other vending machine (if your school has them) into their office - just to throw em off (be careful though, those things are heavy - don't get crushed).
  • Reply 13 of 20
    finboyfinboy Posts: 383member
    [quote]Originally posted by Exercise in Frivolity:

    <strong>You need two pigs, a can of paint, and a bucket of crisco.

    Step 1: Take the paint and write a large "1" on the first pig.

    Step 2: Paint a large "3" on the second pig.

    Step 3: Let the paint dry.

    Step 4: Soak the pigs in crisco.

    Step 5: Let them loose from opposite sides of the campus during lunch.

    Oh, they will catch pig number one eventually. They'll catch pig number three. But where the hell is pig number 2? They will search for hours.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Pure genius.
  • Reply 14 of 20
    finboyfinboy Posts: 383member
    My senior prank: put silver nitrate in the soap dispensers in the chem lab. Some folks still had black spots at graduation. It wasn't original. My chem & physics instructor, the Magnificent Ernie Faw, had told us about it the year before.

    [ 05-09-2002: Message edited by: finboy ]</p>
  • Reply 15 of 20
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member

    never seen that before... whoops! <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
  • Reply 16 of 20
    ms07ms07 Posts: 1member
    When i was a sophmore the seniors got up into the heating vents and placed dead fish up there, so within a day or two the entire school reaked of dead stinky fish.

    The following year:

    My school last year for their senior prank was done by about 10 or 15 people. My school is securely locked and shut down at the end of the school day. So these seniors hid throughout the school and waited for everyone including the janitor to leave. Then they flooded the school with hand soap and dish soap; the cafeteria classrooms stairs, everywhere. So the next morning we had a 4 hour delay because they had to call in more help tp clean it up. (soap does not mop up easily)

    And now My senior class is planning on after we graduate we know that all of the juniors will park in the parking lot. So we are going to take off all of their license plates and put them in the field. No one will know where theirs is. And will get pulled over for not having license plates.

    Just some ideas
  • Reply 17 of 20
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    how about this novel idea

    with all the time you have for pranks

    get a job pay your parents back, be responsible.
  • Reply 18 of 20
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Did someone NOT see the DNR order on this thread?
  • Reply 19 of 20
    I believe he has a job. Considering the fact you are replying to a thread that is over FIVE YEARS OLD...
  • Reply 20 of 20
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood View Post

    I believe he has a job. Considering the fact you are replying to a thread that is over FIVE YEARS OLD...

    Good grief, someone's been sifting through the archives. \
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