Google Android counts include rival Chinese variants



  • Reply 61 of 105
    Originally Posted by jd_in_sb View Post

    Dude ... Don't you read the news? Samsung admitted that the 2 million number was a lie and that the actual number of units sold to consumers was "quite small." In other words, the Galaxy Tab was a flop.

    Turns out that the "quite small" quote was incorrect; what was actually said is that sales were "quite smooth". However, Samsung has still not quantified that "quite smooth" number. Was it 500k, 1M, 1.5M, 2M? It's anyone's guess.
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  • Reply 62 of 105
    Bullies push people's buttons because they get reactions. Trolls take the opposing view because they get responses.

    What the two have in common is a need for attention. If you want to get rid of a troll or bully, don't react to their absurdities, unless you enjoy arguing foolishness. A two year old, who throws a temper tantrum, eventually learns his action doesn't work with parents who ignore it.

    Why do many here feed the trolls?
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  • Reply 63 of 105
    Exaclty! comparing Tapas OS to google is dumb.. Android has an edge over all the other competitors..
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  • Reply 64 of 105
    Just another data point. Google said some time back that they were activating over 300K Android phones per day. That only includes phones with Google services (and thus not the Chinese variants, etc.) That was also before the typical big spike in Christmas sales at the very end of the quarter.

    Apple in their quarterly conference call announced they sold 16.2 million iPhones in the 4th quarter which is about 180K per day. That includes any Christmas spike in sales.
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  • Reply 65 of 105
    Originally Posted by fila97 View Post

    I'm curious what scientific methodology did you use to measure the degree of DED's obsessiveness with andriod to determine it is more than of those sites are with iPhone?

    Or is it just your personal feeling against him spurred out such statement?

    I have no personal feeling against Daniel and never stated otherwise.
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  • Reply 66 of 105
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by roocka View Post

    ..... What do you think is going to happen on the future when Apple starts loading an Apple search engine into every Apple device? Google is going to smolder!

    Mark my words. Google is the next Microsoft.. Apple is the next Apple!

    In a way, it's already happening. More and more people everyday use Apps to "find things". They have a handful of apps that let them find what they want without ever going 'thru a search engine. I'd be willing to bet that in 4 or 5 years ... apps will overtake the traditional search business.
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  • Reply 67 of 105
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    I guess they'll still count as market share, but markets like India and China look set to explode. There's a chance that global growth of "Android" devices could increasingly be a matter of regional customizations, largely cutting Google out of the picture.

    And why not? If you have a free, customizable OS that allows you to keep subscribers services within your channels (instead of reverting to Google) and take any money to be had for yourself, it makes perfect sense. And if you're selling into a culture that might take pride in supporting a local variant, one that explicitly caters to local taste and custom, you might do very well with such a model.


    It really doesn't matter, and I fully expect Android and all of it's variants, forks, localizations, etc. to "RULEZ Da WORLDZ"... whatever.

    In fact, even up to 98% of all mobile devices within the next 2 years.

    However, that last 2% is, and will be, worth billions of $$ more than all of the Android devices combined.

    Apple will still be the #1 tech, and #2 profitable company in the world.

    The rest will be killing themselves and their profits to out-do each other on specs.

    We'll surely see $1.00 phones and tablets within 2 years, along with BOGO offers for the whole family (5 Android phones/devices for the price of 1).

    Even Google will not see the profits from ads and services that they're expecting.
    • Ad-Block coming soon,

    • "rooting" on devices still using an "official Android" fork,

    • Customization from providers, and even media conglomerates (think "Fox Fone"), showing their own content and ads.

    The winners are the consumers that wouldn't get an iDevice anyway, that is until security becomes a major issue.

    The losers are splattered all over the place. Most of all the manufacturers, the factory workers who work for them, and Nokia, MSFT and RIM...who MSFT will buy by the end of the year.

    Lesson here is: yes, history repeats itself, to a degree. Even MSFT wasn't stupid enough to make their OS free for anyone to do whatever they want with it.

    But then again, Google is betting on a different "dessert" rather than OS/Office lock-in. I'm not so sure it's going to work out as they planned though... and I even foresee them dropping it at some point, and moving their dev efforts to Chrome... which will be a licensed and authorized OS.

    Just my 2 c's.
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  • Reply 68 of 105
    I forgot about, "The Devs".

    If you want to make money using Android, better get yourself a job with a big company that is developing business solutions in-house.

    Actually, I would even say that your job might be secure for 2 reasons:

    1) a business will NOT outsource this work to India or anywhere else without legal repercussions and control;

    2) Because no-one in their right mind will use a Marketplace app, or even publish an app with 100's-1000's of manhours involved in dev time. Simply because it will be ripped-off, recoded, and posted probably 100 times within 24-hours of it's initial listing.

    Unless you truly are a "software belongs to the world for free" advocate, I don't see developing for the Marketplace being a steady source of income. Ad-Blocking, rooting, and open... are not as cool a feature as you initially thought if you're a developer that is.
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  • Reply 69 of 105
    realisticrealistic Posts: 1,154member
    Originally Posted by LarryV View Post

    People would take your article more seriously if you didn't start it with an outright lie. Samsung did no such thing and in fact every major news organization thst posted such are posting retractions as the "quite small" was proven wrong. So the 2 millions of Galaxy Tabs sold is actually as correct as Apple's numbers as they both report numbers of tablets shipped to stores not tablets sold to customers. In fact since Apple said that inventory grew by 525,000 iPads for the quarter and they have 4-6 weeks of iPad inventory, then that would mean that Apple actually sold between 2.5 million and 3.7 million iPads less than they reported as being shipped to stores. So in fact, the news that the Apple friendly media has not reported yet is the dismal showing of the iPad and the fact that iPad inventory is running at record high.

    Since Samsung itself is saying sales out is "quite small" how has that been proven wrong? Apple gives both sales in and sales out numbers each quarter. Most of the numbers you are stating for Apple you are pulling out of your arse.
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  • Reply 70 of 105
    realisticrealistic Posts: 1,154member
    Originally Posted by Paul94544 View Post

    So what do we actually have here

    Lies, dam lies , and statistics

    Tech companies are almost better at spin than Politicians

    Lets think, the ultimate winner is the one that will make the most money right? "Sales statistics" can't hide that can they for long?

    Who is making the most money?

    I'll let you work that one out....

    I agree most numbers can be presented in such a way as to support almost any position you wish to take. The one number that is hard to manipulate is profit, you either make it or you don't.
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  • Reply 71 of 105
    sambansamban Posts: 171member
    Originally Posted by ljocampo View Post

    Bullies push people's buttons because they get reactions. Trolls take the opposing view because they get responses.

    What the two have in common is a need for attention. If you want to get rid of a troll or bully, don't react to their absurdities, unless you enjoy arguing foolishness. A two year old, who throws a temper tantrum, eventually learns his action doesn't work with parents who ignore it.

    Why do many here feed the trolls?

    Troll needs eyeballs for .... Ads, I guess.

    Andriod =

    1. Art of Fragmenting

    2. Art of Spinning

    3. Art of number fudging

    4. Art of rooting

    5. Art of changing batteries (fast)

    6. Art of using Warranty less Software

    7. ....
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  • Reply 72 of 105
    The galaxy tab "sales" of 2M are a lie, so why isn't the same scrutiny being applied to samsung phones and android phone in general ?

    Some have commented that the iPad is common, and all around us, and hardly anybody has seen a galaxy tab. Guess what, I have seen lots of iPhones and never seen an android phone.

    Wow, if this is true, then anything said about android is a lie.

    Now getting back to the android crap ... Well lets not, we all knows its a shitty experience.
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  • Reply 73 of 105
    realisticrealistic Posts: 1,154member
    Originally Posted by LarryV View Post

    If Samsung can sell 2 million tablets and take a 20% market share from Apple in just 2 months, using Froyo 2.2, an OS that even Google said it was not meant for tablets, then imagine what the flood of Honeycomb Tablets will do to Apple. So I can see why the Apple people are trying to throw as much FUD as they can in this. Cause the fact is that Honeycomb will be introduced tomorrow with a flood of incredibly powerful and capable Android Tablets with an OS that was meant for tablets, start shipping this month. My prediction is that Android Tablets will have more than 50% market share by end of the year. The demand for Honeycomb tablets is just plain massive.

    Since you live in a fantasy world, you may as well dream big. The problem is that big dreams seldom translate well into reality but it does make you feel good for a bit.
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  • Reply 74 of 105
    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post


    It really doesn't matter, and I fully expect Android and all of it's variants, forks, localizations, etc. to "RULEZ Da WORLDZ"... whatever.

    In fact, even up to 98% of all mobile devices within the next 2 years.

    However, that last 2% is, and will be, worth billions of $$ more than all of the Android devices combined.

    Apple will still be the #1 tech, and #2 profitable company in the world.

    The rest will be killing themselves and their profits to out-do each other on specs.

    We'll surely see $1.00 phones and tablets within 2 years, along with BOGO offers for the whole family (5 Android phones/devices for the price of 1).

    Even Google will not see the profits from ads and services that they're expecting.
    • Ad-Block coming soon,

    • "rooting" on devices still using an "official Android" fork,

    • Customization from providers, and even media conglomerates (think "Fox Fone"), showing their own content and ads.

    The winners are the consumers that wouldn't get an iDevice anyway, that is until security becomes a major issue.

    The losers are splattered all over the place. Most of all the manufacturers, the factory workers who work for them, and Nokia, MSFT and RIM...who MSFT will buy by the end of the year.

    Lesson here is: yes, history repeats itself, to a degree. Even MSFT wasn't stupid enough to make their OS free for anyone to do whatever they want with it.

    But then again, Google is betting on a different "dessert" rather than OS/Office lock-in. I'm not so sure it's going to work out as they planned though... and I even foresee them dropping it at some point, and moving their dev efforts to Chrome... which will be a licensed and authorized OS.

    Just my 2 c's.

    Couldn't have said it better myself.

    Just want to add, with the hundreds, if not thousands of different android devices, with OS fragmentation hell, how will Mr & Mrs average (non-geek) citizen choose ?

    Too much choice is just as bad as not enough. Yes android will win the market, but really does it matter ? I don't think so. As long as Apple are successful, making money, giving us a fantastic UI, ploughing money into R&D, then I will continue to buy, as I have done in the past.

    I own a Mercedes, I'm not saying its better than this or that car, I bought it because I like it, and it and it meets my needs, has great re-sell value, well built and has features that I like/need.

    Yes it costs more, but so what, I bought it. Same with Apple products.

    Both companies don't have a huge market share (apart from iPad/iPod), but both are very successful and people still buy them, and always will. And why not ? They produce the goods.

    Tech products are no different from other consumer products, same economics, emotions are involved.
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  • Reply 75 of 105
    I can't believe that nobody seems to understand that the report dicusses the different operating systems and the table displays the higher-level operating system vendors. That's why the numbers don't match!

    It's not that difficult to understand and, even if you remove OMS and Tapas from Google's shipments (i.e. Android-only), Google has 32.9m units shipped and Nokia has 31.0m. So Android STILL beats Nokia - which makes this Apple Insider report and all these discussions a waste of time.
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  • Reply 76 of 105
    Originally Posted by LarryV View Post

    If Samsung can sell 2 million tablets and take a 20% market share from Apple in just 2 months, using Froyo 2.2, an OS that even Google said it was not meant for tablets, then imagine what the flood of Honeycomb Tablets will do to Apple. So I can see why the Apple people are trying to throw as much FUD as they can in this. Cause the fact is that Honeycomb will be introduced tomorrow with a flood of incredibly powerful and capable Android Tablets with an OS that was meant for tablets, start shipping this month. My prediction is that Android Tablets will have more than 50% market share by end of the year. The demand for Honeycomb tablets is just plain massive.

    You're delusional. Samsung Galaxy Tab is clear failure: low sell-through and high return rate. If you see the preview of HoneyComb, it just as ugly as linux, thus it's failure in the making. Honeycomb tablets will flood ebay at 1/3 buying price.
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  • Reply 77 of 105
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    For those who can't be bothered to read the original article:

    Regardless of the discrepancy, I doubt they will account for the 17+ million lead Android has.

    What I take from the results is easy. Apple sold a hell of a lot of phones and did great, while a bunch of OEMs sold Android as well.

    Course DED will never admit the obvious.

    Typical trash talk at the end of each article. Surprised he didn't add the whole stupid web pixel issue again of the galaxy tab.

    May be I need to remain you again: there are 170+ android phone, only 10% is comparable or slightly better than 3GS, the rest are cheap junk disposable phone from unknown maker like Forsa, 1und1, MENQ, Eken, Dopod, FirstOne, etc.
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  • Reply 78 of 105
    Originally Posted by penchanted View Post

    Turns out that the "quite small" quote was incorrect; what was actually said is that sales were "quite smooth". However, Samsung has still not quantified that "quite smooth" number. Was it 500k, 1M, 1.5M, 2M? It's anyone's guess.

    There 2 possible reasons why the number is not revealed:

    1. It is bad.

    2. It is damn very bad.

    If it is good, why not say it and brag GT as iPad killer?
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  • Reply 79 of 105
    Originally Posted by jd_in_sb View Post

    Dude ... Don't you read the news? Samsung admitted that the 2 million number was a lie and that the actual number of units sold to consumers was "quite small." In other words, the Galaxy Tab was a flop.

    You haven't kept up with the news. The "quite small" quote was a complete lie. They never said that. Every major news source has issued a retraction but I don't expect fanboy sites to do so. Anything negative thing for them is news, even when it's an outright lie. Which is sad cause it makes them untrustworthy even for the stories that they may get right.
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  • Reply 80 of 105
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Gartner similarly counted blockbuster growth for Android in the third quarter of 2011, but relegated most of this growth into a bucket of "other" manufacturers. The top tier of recognizable Android makers, including HTC, Motorola and Samsung, all of which Google has partnered with to release new versions of Android, have all experienced far more moderate growth in sales numbers (or in the case of Motorola, shrinking sales).

    Actually, not only Motorola but LG and Sony Ericsson actually saw a drop in quarter to quarter sales, despite the overall growth of the market in the same quarter.

    In terms of units, Nokia had a very small increase, Samsung a significant increase, and Apple almost doubled the number of units shipped.

    It's bad enough that just as in the operating systems market, Apple as an integrated product gets compared to Microsoft, rather than to individual vendors, but being compared to Google, where the connection is even more ephemeral, is even sillier, especially when you add in variants that are incompatible and don't use Google services. Android doesn't exist as a "platform" without binary compatibility (for app developers) or integration of Google services (for the OS developer to monetize, since they do not charge license fees.

    I wonder who is drawing the attention of analysts to all these "other" vendors?
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