Often the articles posted contain quite a bit of FUD and when corrections come out, the original article is never updated (and by corrections, I mean from official sources, not in comments).
Can you provide a couple of examples of such 'official corrections' that counter AI 'FUD'? Not disagreeing as much as asking you to back up your sweeping claim.
Poor reading skills? If you can't handle Dilger's writing, perhaps you could just go to the security site and read it directly. It's the same message though. If an account is compromised (and millions of accounts are fished all the time), you're not just facing apps you didn't pay for that you need to ask to be refunded. You're ACTUALLY GETTING THEM INSTALLED ON YOUR PHONE!
So its a PEBKAC issue, one that existed regardless of the web browser setup or not.
Yes, and malware doesn't exist on Windows because everyone can see it in their Registry. How moronic, a new low for you, anonymous troll/Dilger-hater.
Still haven't proved that apps auto run upon install.
That's your reaction? Not, "Whoa, Google should fix this," but "NO PROBLEMS!!!!! PAY NO ATTENTION!! ANDROID IS FLAWLESS!!!"
You can't fix stupid.
Seriously, that's your solution? After you've had malware installed on your phone, you "just" reinstall everything? Hey, worked for Windows XP, didn't it?
Yep, except this time it takes minutes and not hours.
I see you are as grossly hypocritical as Google is in the whole Bing situation. Pot kettle black.
Right. Mr. DED is the biggest hypocrite of them all. When apple whines about people stealing their ideas, its righteous vengeance. When anyone else does it, they are cry babies.
Which model phone? HTC, Samsung, Huawei, ZTE, etc., etc.?
Which (probably non-updated) version of Android?
So far there's a lot more confusion than fright.
First of all, its uninformed people like you that make apple fanboys look bad. All phones on Verizon update incredibly fast and Sprint updated the Evo incredibly fast. Chances are, if you get an android phone on the same or on a higher caliber than the iphone, it will be updated fairly quickly. In addition, a simple root and flashing of CyanogenMod will increase any Android phone's performance quite a bit as well as update it to the latest version. For example, Android Gingerbread came out mid december. CyanogenMod with gingerbread came out a week later. While this is not as fast as iphone updates, it really is not that much of an issue. Also, android updates come out faster.
This article is pure FUD. Android's sandboxed VM model keep applications isolated. With regard to user data protection, like mentioned earlier on, the notification bar tells you than an application was installed and unless you requested the install, common sense dictates that you remove it. This is similar to running a trojan application on the Mac. If common sense fails on the part of the user, nothing can be done about it. I personally like the over the air install feature of the Android Market. It is more convenient than plugging in the iPod / iPhone / iPad if you want to browse and install apps using iTunes on the Desktop.
On a unrelated note, Cyanogen requires that you root your phone and void the warranties. To state that you get regular updates once you use Cyanogen just to put things on par with Apple is stupid. I do agree with performance improvement due to Cyanogen.
Chances are, if you get an android phone on the same or on a higher caliber than the iphone, it will be updated fairly quickly.
All anyone has to do is read an Android blog to see all the bitter complaints about all the recent-vintage phones that either won't or can't be upgraded. Motorola's latest Android phone, for example. And here are a few words about Verizon's "fast" updates. There are much bigger complaints out there, though, for anyone who cares to poke around.
Took about 30 seconds to factcheck Sonelone's statement, which isn't even close to being true. Not. Even. Close.
Can you provide a couple of examples of such 'official corrections' that counter AI 'FUD'? Not disagreeing as much as asking you to back up your sweeping claim.
Do a search for ANY "security risk" article AI has run. the biggest ones being about the wallpaper app stealing your data. These were all big press releases that swept through sites like AI and others and then (often within 48 hours) the whole thing amounted to little less than fluff and clickbait.
which is a clickbait to imply that Google's counting these other OS's as android activations. When in fact it's third party organizations that are doing so (which the article explains, but the title was intentionally worded to hint otherwise) Something like this should be reported, but to point out that the numbers making their rounds now were including phones that Google doesn't count as android.
Samsung updated with official numbers. On top of that, that article posted from a SINGLE ipad source (Verizon corp stores).
And others. A site for Apple related news is one thing. A site that uses it's platform to sling mud at competitors via shoddy journalism is another thing entirely.
All anyone has to do is read an Android blog to see all the bitter complaints about all the recent-vintage phones that either won't or can't be upgraded. Motorola's latest Android phone, for example. And here are a few words about Verizon's "fast" updates. There are much bigger complaints out there, though, for anyone who cares to poke around.
Took about 30 seconds to factcheck Sonelone's statement, which isn't even close to being true. Not. Even. Close.
The Droid took awhile to get 2.1, but it was already on 2.0, and on top of that it was still one of the quickest devices to get 2.1. It was one of the first handful to get 2.2 as well. Alpha's for Gingerbread on the Dx and D2 already exist, and they do for the Evo as well (and by extension the Dinc)
In fact, on the current Verizon android lineup, there is only three phones that arn't 2.2 (and they're all 2.1) and all three have very good reasons. The Citrus is a POS for idiots who demand free and the continuum/fascinate are samsung.
If you think samsung will update ANYTHING you're fooling yourself. Heck, I got a samsung Blu-Ray for black friday and it already is out of date with some apps. That's a manufacturer problem.
As for that other link about Motorola's upgrade path, Alpha (official) builds for Gingerbread on the DX already exist, so that article, like DED's, is Fud.
It only took general knowledge of the android platform to factcheck your statements, which arn't even close to being true. Not. Even. Close.
which is a clickbait to imply that Google's counting these other OS's as android activations. When in fact it's third party organizations that are doing so (which the article explains, but the title was intentionally worded to hint otherwise) Something like this should be reported, but to point out that the numbers making their rounds now were including phones that Google doesn't count as android.
Samsung updated with official numbers. On top of that, that article posted from a SINGLE ipad source (Verizon corp stores).
These are actually poor examples of a sweeping claim of AI 'FUD' on your part.
The first story, by your own admission, was reported by many outlets (i.e., not just by AI) and you also agree that the article itself explains that. Perhaps the headline was a tad overblown, but that's hardly FUD. Even mainstream papers sometimes adopt that technique. AI is not NPR, it's an Apple fan site.
Re. the second story, I missed Samsung's update with the official numbers for Galaxy Tab returns -- can you please point to a link or cite?
These are actually poor examples of a sweeping claim of AI 'FUD' on your part.
The first story, by your own admission, was reported by many outlets (i.e., not just by AI) and you also agree that the article itself explains that. Perhaps the headline was a tad overblown, but that's hardly FUD. Even mainstream papers sometimes adopt that technique. AI is not NPR, it's an Apple fan site.
Re. the second story, I missed Samsung's update with the official numbers for Galaxy Tab returns -- can you please point to a link or cite?
http://www.slashgear.com/samsung-gal...er-2-03130575/ This is the first of many articles on it. I read it originally on AndroidCentral but BGR and Engadget (two who reported initial story) both posted the update.
and I'm not going to dig through AI's articles to point out the fud. I've been reading this site off and on since I was in college and I've watched it's descent from a decent news source to clickbait.
Any article about android + security invariably has fud in it. In fact, most Android related articles intentionally misconstrue information to try and make a point. I understand that this is an apple site, so it has to take a pro-apple spin to articles, but that doesn't mean they're required to post on EVERYTHING android supposedly messes up on. I have yet to read a popular Android/WindowsPhone/Palm blog that does the same about iOS.
And misleading article titles are FUD because they're clickbait. They exist purely to pull traffic to the site with a misleading title so that AI can collect the Adwords revenue. The fact that printmedia does the same thing doesn't justify the practice.
Print media also often understands next to nothing about tech, that doesn't mean tech blogs can be idiots as well.
These are actually poor examples of a sweeping claim of AI 'FUD' on your part.
The first story, by your own admission, was reported by many outlets (i.e., not just by AI) and you also agree that the article itself explains that. Perhaps the headline was a tad overblown, but that's hardly FUD. Even mainstream papers sometimes adopt that technique. AI is not NPR, it's an Apple fan site.
Re. the second story, I missed Samsung's update with the official numbers for Galaxy Tab returns -- can you please point to a link or cite?
Everytime a DED article runs he still posts the old information.
His article headline about a CEO trashing android was also flame bait.
If your password is compromised, you're in trouble. Same is true for iTunes store. imagine waking up and finding out you've purchased the entire Beatles back catalogue.
No amount of security can compensate for carelessness.
http://www.slashgear.com/samsung-gal...er-2-03130575/ This is the first of many articles on it. I read it originally on AndroidCentral but BGR and Engadget (two who reported initial story) both posted the update.
You are right about this. I followed up on the links, and Samsung does, indeed, say that it's 2% returns (not sure if that's that point of sale, but that's OK). Also, in its IR presentation of results from the most recent quarter, the slides talk about 'strong sales' Samsung Android products (which presumably includes the Tab).
They could easily clear up much of this if they would simply report the numbers for units sold versus shipped for the Tab. Unfortunately, the coyness on their part simply feeds misinformation and speculation.
You are right about this. I followed up on the links, and Samsung does, indeed, say that it's 2% returns (not sure if that's that point of sale, but that's OK). Also, in its IR presentation of results from the most recent quarter, the slides talk about 'strong sales' Samsung Android products (which presumably includes the Tab).
They could easily clear up much of this if they would simply report the numbers for units sold versus shipped for the Tab. Unfortunately, the coyness on their part simply feeds misinformation and speculation.
Most hardware companies report units sold. Why? Because that's the ONLY number that matters. Once someone, ANYONE buys their product, even if it's best buy, they get paid. If best buy sells them or doesn't, it doesn't matter.
The misinformation comes from two-bit journalists who'd rather misquote to get a better headline (not saying AI here specifically, WSJ and others do as well) instead of spend a bit of time clarifying before they go to print.
First off, as many have mentioned... if my Google password was compromised then I have bigger problems.
Second, any time you 'remote install' an app it pops up in your notification bar.
You cannot hide this....
Third... now you have this 'malware' on your device.
You have to actually run it for it to do anything.
Now, the user CAN simply touch it on their notification bar and it will run.
Fourth, Google has been known to remote wipe stuff that sneaks into the market.
It's likely this will get nuked pretty quickly but there will be collateral damage...
(not that I approve of Google's remote app wipe feature..)
Last but not least.. why would anyone read too much into FUD from a security company that has a sole purpose of spreading said FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) in order to sell it's AV products?
Simply put it's not as 'simple' as they put forth.
The guys that wrote this clearly have never used an Android deice, and never used this market feature either.
The only way your going to get something installed on the deice without the user knowing it is to swipe it, install the app and put it back before it's discovered missing.
The same goes for an iPhone, BlackBerry or any other device.
Google must scare the bejesus out of you Apple fanboys, since you now seem to spend more time bashing Google and Android than talking about Apple products.
I would suggest that Sophos actually use the web-based Android Market before criticizing it. Any app that is downloaded to an Android phone shows up in the notification bar and the user must manually clear the notification to make it go away. It's hardly an "unattended, quiet install." Then again maybe the editors at AppleInsider don't understand a properly functioning notification system, because Apple has failed in its implementation on iOS.
I used to enjoy AppleInsider, but you've all gone round the bend with your slavish worship of all-things Apple and willingness to bash Google without even considering whether or not your arguments make sense.
Readers on this forum seem completely oblivious to the fantastic innovations google has made on the mobile front. So much so that apple cry babies resort to name calling and cheap insults.
Googles innovations are good for everyone. Wireless tethering comes immediately to mind, originally found on the nexus one. Only today apple users are finally receiving such benefit, and what a great benefit indeed.
I think there is some jealousy here that uncharacteristically, google has made something more user friendly than the iTunes store, heaven forbid. Anywhere I go, I can browse apps from a computer, using googles propriety search technology, to find apps i want, and to seamlessly send them to my phone. And how impressive and seamless it is.
The comments regarding security here are frankly stupid. If any user is dumb enough to let someone get hold of that password, or any password for that matter, are just asking for bad things to happen to them. For the record your password is asked for again during the purchasing phase in case you have saved it previsouly. The security alone is enough.
And at least purchases on android can be refunded in the first 15 minutes. In the unfortunate and highly unlikely event that you have apps purchased under your name, just refund them and reset your password. But this scenario has essentially zero chance of happening, unless you invite psychos into your house.
iTunes is crap plain and simple. As an android+iPad user, I dread the iTunes system, and apple device dependancy on the program is not a good thing. It's slow, it's ugly, and it crashes, the iPad iteration crashes when loading one too many results in a search. On the other hand the android market is clean, well spaced out, and has great features, including having the decency to actually show you that you have already purchased something when viewing an uninstalled app. Only in the last few days has apple quietly added this functionality on the iTunes store. And i applaud them for that.
Just face it. Competition is healthy, for both sides of the fence. I can understand that some people dont like android, but that's no excuse to rat on it every day in articles. Read android blogs. Hardly any even mention apple. We are not concerned with you. We see the benefits in everything, whereas exclusive apple users have tunnel vision, and let apple dictate to you how to think. And for that you miss out on great things elsewhere, and i feel sorry for you.
There are posts here telling us Apple fans to quiet down, not to bash others, not to defend Apple, not to call others by the term ****fanboys, not to discuss etc. etc.
Lets get some things straight, yes you know who you are:
1) The term Apple fanboy was coined by M$ zealots first then it caught on with the Android
crowd. I am no boy, I am a man, you can call me Apple fanman, I don't mind, actually I like the
2) This is OUR webblog, not android or M$ follows but ours. Hence you people who are Apple
Haters either behave or leave, its that simple
3) We can bash crap, yes android and M$ crap, its our right to, don't like it ? Tough luck
4) We can argue the merits of Apple vs brand X, it's our site, we have full rights to
The nerve and utter arrogance of you people telling, no ordering, us Apple fans on how to behave on our own webblog, the audacity is truly spine snapping.
A lot of you Apple Haters have parked your carcasses for way too long, and its time to move on.
Please leave our site.
Now back to the article DED, writes good stuff, he has obviously hit a raw nerve many a times with the anti-Apple brigade, that is why there is so many posts attacking him, even on a personal level.
If you disagree, state your stance, articulate it so it's fit for adult consumption, and don't do personal attacks, if you cannot abide these simple rules, you are free to move on.
Every time there are issues with android, up comes the force field, usually in the guise of attacking Apple first, then imply that the issue does not exist, or if it does, it can be minimised or removed with ease. Its amazing that the pro-android crowd always follows these methods, if they were a clock (Casio) you could set your time (+- 5 mins) by them.
There are unknown tribes in the Amazon that know how android lovers will react to any negative stories about their beloved and perfect system.
Some have, rightly suggested that these Apple Haters go and view some of the nasty comments that android owners have of their phones, but I guess these people don't exist in the eyes of the android lover, they must be Apple fans, how dare they complain out the perfect android product.
I have never heard such arrogance, ignorance, unintelligence, obnoxious bile frothing from the mouths of some of the people on this webblog. Some are so vile, that one questions their sanity.
Get a grip, its AI, its for us Apple lovers, we can mock, ridicule android and M$ to our heart's contents, don't like, then LEAVE PLEASE.
Readers on this forum seem completely oblivious to the fantastic innovations google has made on the mobile front. So much so that apple cry babies resort to name calling and cheap insults.
Googles innovations are good for everyone. Wireless tethering comes immediately to mind, originally found on the nexus one. Only today apple users are finally receiving such benefit, and what a great benefit indeed.
I think there is some jealousy here that uncharacteristically, google has made something more user friendly than the iTunes store, heaven forbid. Anywhere I go, I can browse apps from a computer, using googles propriety search technology, to find apps i want, and to seamlessly send them to my phone. And how impressive and seamless it is.
The comments regarding security here are frankly stupid. If any user is dumb enough to let someone get hold of that password, or any password for that matter, are just asking for bad things to happen to them. For the record your password is asked for again during the purchasing phase in case you have saved it previsouly. The security alone is enough.
And at least purchases on android can be refunded in the first 15 minutes. In the unfortunate and highly unlikely event that you have apps purchased under your name, just refund them and reset your password. But this scenario has essentially zero chance of happening, unless you invite psychos into your house.
iTunes is crap plain and simple. As an android+iPad user, I dread the iTunes system, and apple device dependancy on the program is not a good thing. It's slow, it's ugly, and it crashes, the iPad iteration crashes when loading one too many results in a search. On the other hand the android market is clean, well spaced out, and has great features, including having the decency to actually show you that you have already purchased something when viewing an uninstalled app. Only in the last few days has apple quietly added this functionality on the iTunes store. And i applaud them for that.
Just face it. Competition is healthy, for both sides of the fence. I can understand that some people dont like android, but that's no excuse to rat on it every day in articles. Read android blogs. Hardly any even mention apple. We are not concerned with you. We see the benefits in everything, whereas exclusive apple users have tunnel vision, and let apple dictate to you how to think. And for that you miss out on great things elsewhere, and i feel sorry for you.
Wow, 1st post, what a rant from an obvious troll. Okay I will bite.
I own an iPad, iPod & iPhone, I use iTunes for ALL my app purchases, and it has NEVER CRASHED on me. let me repeat, its has NEVER crashed.
So your statement is a brazen lie, and because it is, so is the rest of your rant, no need to waste my precious time in pointing out the obvious lies.
You android lovers don't mock us ? What planet are you living on, I haven't read so much vile bile in all my life, until an android fan opens it's mouth or posts.
Your arrogance is over whelming.
Intelligence is inversely proportional to arrogance.
You are right about this. I followed up on the links, and Samsung does, indeed, say that it's 2% returns (not sure if that's that point of sale, but that's OK). Also, in its IR presentation of results from the most recent quarter, the slides talk about 'strong sales' Samsung Android products (which presumably includes the Tab).
They could easily clear up much of this if they would simply report the numbers for units sold versus shipped for the Tab. Unfortunately, the coyness on their part simply feeds misinformation and speculation.
There was an interesting article about this on Daring Fireball, have a read, as the mathematics do give some reason to doubt the sincerity of Samsung's claims.
Google must scare the bejesus out of you Apple fanboys, since you now seem to spend more time bashing Google and Android than talking about Apple products.
I would suggest that Sophos actually use the web-based Android Market before criticizing it. Any app that is downloaded to an Android phone shows up in the notification bar and the user must manually clear the notification to make it go away. It's hardly an "unattended, quiet install." Then again maybe the editors at AppleInsider don't understand a properly functioning notification system, because Apple has failed in its implementation on iOS.
I used to enjoy AppleInsider, but you've all gone round the bend with your slavish worship of all-things Apple and willingness to bash Google without even considering whether or not your arguments make sense.
Originally Posted by derekmorr
Agreed. This site, along with others like electronista, have become full-time Android-bashing sites. It's almost as if the Apple fanboys are immature children who are upset that their device is no longer the only hot thing on the scene. Seriously, I've seen an incredible amount of ridiculous, hypocritical, contradictory pseudo-arguments on here in the past few months defending everything Apple does as perfect and everything Google and Microsoft do as horrible and yucky. It's a shame.
So when did the big, tough "Droid does" scud missile thing turn into a little, snivelling girl's toy, sitting next to a Chihuahua in a pink handbag?
It's almost comical how consistently I can guess when it's one of Daniel's articles just from the headline.
And I can guess from all the trolls it brings out of the woodwork...... great stuff from DED!
Often the articles posted contain quite a bit of FUD and when corrections come out, the original article is never updated (and by corrections, I mean from official sources, not in comments).
Can you provide a couple of examples of such 'official corrections' that counter AI 'FUD'? Not disagreeing as much as asking you to back up your sweeping claim.
Poor reading skills? If you can't handle Dilger's writing, perhaps you could just go to the security site and read it directly. It's the same message though. If an account is compromised (and millions of accounts are fished all the time), you're not just facing apps you didn't pay for that you need to ask to be refunded. You're ACTUALLY GETTING THEM INSTALLED ON YOUR PHONE!
So its a PEBKAC issue, one that existed regardless of the web browser setup or not.
Yes, and malware doesn't exist on Windows because everyone can see it in their Registry. How moronic, a new low for you, anonymous troll/Dilger-hater.
Still haven't proved that apps auto run upon install.
That's your reaction? Not, "Whoa, Google should fix this," but "NO PROBLEMS!!!!! PAY NO ATTENTION!! ANDROID IS FLAWLESS!!!"
You can't fix stupid.
Seriously, that's your solution? After you've had malware installed on your phone, you "just" reinstall everything? Hey, worked for Windows XP, didn't it?
Yep, except this time it takes minutes and not hours.
I see you are as grossly hypocritical as Google is in the whole Bing situation. Pot kettle black.
Right. Mr. DED is the biggest hypocrite of them all. When apple whines about people stealing their ideas, its righteous vengeance. When anyone else does it, they are cry babies.
That depends.
Which model phone? HTC, Samsung, Huawei, ZTE, etc., etc.?
Which (probably non-updated) version of Android?
So far there's a lot more confusion than fright.
First of all, its uninformed people like you that make apple fanboys look bad. All phones on Verizon update incredibly fast and Sprint updated the Evo incredibly fast. Chances are, if you get an android phone on the same or on a higher caliber than the iphone, it will be updated fairly quickly. In addition, a simple root and flashing of CyanogenMod will increase any Android phone's performance quite a bit as well as update it to the latest version. For example, Android Gingerbread came out mid december. CyanogenMod with gingerbread came out a week later. While this is not as fast as iphone updates, it really is not that much of an issue. Also, android updates come out faster.
On a unrelated note, Cyanogen requires that you root your phone and void the warranties. To state that you get regular updates once you use Cyanogen just to put things on par with Apple is stupid. I do agree with performance improvement due to Cyanogen.
Chances are, if you get an android phone on the same or on a higher caliber than the iphone, it will be updated fairly quickly.
All anyone has to do is read an Android blog to see all the bitter complaints about all the recent-vintage phones that either won't or can't be upgraded. Motorola's latest Android phone, for example. And here are a few words about Verizon's "fast" updates. There are much bigger complaints out there, though, for anyone who cares to poke around.
Took about 30 seconds to factcheck Sonelone's statement, which isn't even close to being true. Not. Even. Close.
Can you provide a couple of examples of such 'official corrections' that counter AI 'FUD'? Not disagreeing as much as asking you to back up your sweeping claim.
Do a search for ANY "security risk" article AI has run. the biggest ones being about the wallpaper app stealing your data. These were all big press releases that swept through sites like AI and others and then (often within 48 hours) the whole thing amounted to little less than fluff and clickbait.
Or this:
which is a clickbait to imply that Google's counting these other OS's as android activations. When in fact it's third party organizations that are doing so (which the article explains, but the title was intentionally worded to hint otherwise) Something like this should be reported, but to point out that the numbers making their rounds now were including phones that Google doesn't count as android.
Or the Samsung return rate article:
Samsung updated with official numbers. On top of that, that article posted from a SINGLE ipad source (Verizon corp stores).
And others. A site for Apple related news is one thing. A site that uses it's platform to sling mud at competitors via shoddy journalism is another thing entirely.
All anyone has to do is read an Android blog to see all the bitter complaints about all the recent-vintage phones that either won't or can't be upgraded. Motorola's latest Android phone, for example. And here are a few words about Verizon's "fast" updates. There are much bigger complaints out there, though, for anyone who cares to poke around.
Took about 30 seconds to factcheck Sonelone's statement, which isn't even close to being true. Not. Even. Close.
The Droid took awhile to get 2.1, but it was already on 2.0, and on top of that it was still one of the quickest devices to get 2.1. It was one of the first handful to get 2.2 as well. Alpha's for Gingerbread on the Dx and D2 already exist, and they do for the Evo as well (and by extension the Dinc)
In fact, on the current Verizon android lineup, there is only three phones that arn't 2.2 (and they're all 2.1) and all three have very good reasons. The Citrus is a POS for idiots who demand free and the continuum/fascinate are samsung.
If you think samsung will update ANYTHING you're fooling yourself. Heck, I got a samsung Blu-Ray for black friday and it already is out of date with some apps. That's a manufacturer problem.
As for that other link about Motorola's upgrade path, Alpha (official) builds for Gingerbread on the DX already exist, so that article, like DED's, is Fud.
It only took general knowledge of the android platform to factcheck your statements, which arn't even close to being true. Not. Even. Close.
which is a clickbait to imply that Google's counting these other OS's as android activations. When in fact it's third party organizations that are doing so (which the article explains, but the title was intentionally worded to hint otherwise) Something like this should be reported, but to point out that the numbers making their rounds now were including phones that Google doesn't count as android.
Or the Samsung return rate article:
Samsung updated with official numbers. On top of that, that article posted from a SINGLE ipad source (Verizon corp stores).
These are actually poor examples of a sweeping claim of AI 'FUD' on your part.
The first story, by your own admission, was reported by many outlets (i.e., not just by AI) and you also agree that the article itself explains that. Perhaps the headline was a tad overblown, but that's hardly FUD. Even mainstream papers sometimes adopt that technique. AI is not NPR, it's an Apple fan site.
Re. the second story, I missed Samsung's update with the official numbers for Galaxy Tab returns -- can you please point to a link or cite?
These are actually poor examples of a sweeping claim of AI 'FUD' on your part.
The first story, by your own admission, was reported by many outlets (i.e., not just by AI) and you also agree that the article itself explains that. Perhaps the headline was a tad overblown, but that's hardly FUD. Even mainstream papers sometimes adopt that technique. AI is not NPR, it's an Apple fan site.
Re. the second story, I missed Samsung's update with the official numbers for Galaxy Tab returns -- can you please point to a link or cite?
http://www.slashgear.com/samsung-gal...er-2-03130575/ This is the first of many articles on it. I read it originally on AndroidCentral but BGR and Engadget (two who reported initial story) both posted the update.
and I'm not going to dig through AI's articles to point out the fud. I've been reading this site off and on since I was in college and I've watched it's descent from a decent news source to clickbait.
Any article about android + security invariably has fud in it. In fact, most Android related articles intentionally misconstrue information to try and make a point. I understand that this is an apple site, so it has to take a pro-apple spin to articles, but that doesn't mean they're required to post on EVERYTHING android supposedly messes up on. I have yet to read a popular Android/WindowsPhone/Palm blog that does the same about iOS.
And misleading article titles are FUD because they're clickbait. They exist purely to pull traffic to the site with a misleading title so that AI can collect the Adwords revenue. The fact that printmedia does the same thing doesn't justify the practice.
Print media also often understands next to nothing about tech, that doesn't mean tech blogs can be idiots as well.
These are actually poor examples of a sweeping claim of AI 'FUD' on your part.
The first story, by your own admission, was reported by many outlets (i.e., not just by AI) and you also agree that the article itself explains that. Perhaps the headline was a tad overblown, but that's hardly FUD. Even mainstream papers sometimes adopt that technique. AI is not NPR, it's an Apple fan site.
Re. the second story, I missed Samsung's update with the official numbers for Galaxy Tab returns -- can you please point to a link or cite?
Everytime a DED article runs he still posts the old information.
His article headline about a CEO trashing android was also flame bait.
If your password is compromised, you're in trouble. Same is true for iTunes store. imagine waking up and finding out you've purchased the entire Beatles back catalogue.
No amount of security can compensate for carelessness.
http://www.slashgear.com/samsung-gal...er-2-03130575/ This is the first of many articles on it. I read it originally on AndroidCentral but BGR and Engadget (two who reported initial story) both posted the update.
You are right about this. I followed up on the links, and Samsung does, indeed, say that it's 2% returns (not sure if that's that point of sale, but that's OK). Also, in its IR presentation of results from the most recent quarter, the slides talk about 'strong sales' Samsung Android products (which presumably includes the Tab).
They could easily clear up much of this if they would simply report the numbers for units sold versus shipped for the Tab. Unfortunately, the coyness on their part simply feeds misinformation and speculation.
You are right about this. I followed up on the links, and Samsung does, indeed, say that it's 2% returns (not sure if that's that point of sale, but that's OK). Also, in its IR presentation of results from the most recent quarter, the slides talk about 'strong sales' Samsung Android products (which presumably includes the Tab).
They could easily clear up much of this if they would simply report the numbers for units sold versus shipped for the Tab. Unfortunately, the coyness on their part simply feeds misinformation and speculation.
Most hardware companies report units sold. Why? Because that's the ONLY number that matters. Once someone, ANYONE buys their product, even if it's best buy, they get paid. If best buy sells them or doesn't, it doesn't matter.
The misinformation comes from two-bit journalists who'd rather misquote to get a better headline (not saying AI here specifically, WSJ and others do as well) instead of spend a bit of time clarifying before they go to print.
First off, as many have mentioned... if my Google password was compromised then I have bigger problems.
Second, any time you 'remote install' an app it pops up in your notification bar.
You cannot hide this....
Third... now you have this 'malware' on your device.
You have to actually run it for it to do anything.
Now, the user CAN simply touch it on their notification bar and it will run.
Fourth, Google has been known to remote wipe stuff that sneaks into the market.
It's likely this will get nuked pretty quickly but there will be collateral damage...
(not that I approve of Google's remote app wipe feature..)
Last but not least.. why would anyone read too much into FUD from a security company that has a sole purpose of spreading said FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) in order to sell it's AV products?
Simply put it's not as 'simple' as they put forth.
The guys that wrote this clearly have never used an Android deice, and never used this market feature either.
The only way your going to get something installed on the deice without the user knowing it is to swipe it, install the app and put it back before it's discovered missing.
The same goes for an iPhone, BlackBerry or any other device.
Now stop this Android vs. iPhone dribble.
They both have their flaws and strengths.
Be secure in your purchase!
It's getting old now.
Google must scare the bejesus out of you Apple fanboys, since you now seem to spend more time bashing Google and Android than talking about Apple products.
I would suggest that Sophos actually use the web-based Android Market before criticizing it. Any app that is downloaded to an Android phone shows up in the notification bar and the user must manually clear the notification to make it go away. It's hardly an "unattended, quiet install." Then again maybe the editors at AppleInsider don't understand a properly functioning notification system, because Apple has failed in its implementation on iOS.
I used to enjoy AppleInsider, but you've all gone round the bend with your slavish worship of all-things Apple and willingness to bash Google without even considering whether or not your arguments make sense.
Readers on this forum seem completely oblivious to the fantastic innovations google has made on the mobile front. So much so that apple cry babies resort to name calling and cheap insults.
Googles innovations are good for everyone. Wireless tethering comes immediately to mind, originally found on the nexus one. Only today apple users are finally receiving such benefit, and what a great benefit indeed.
I think there is some jealousy here that uncharacteristically, google has made something more user friendly than the iTunes store, heaven forbid. Anywhere I go, I can browse apps from a computer, using googles propriety search technology, to find apps i want, and to seamlessly send them to my phone. And how impressive and seamless it is.
The comments regarding security here are frankly stupid. If any user is dumb enough to let someone get hold of that password, or any password for that matter, are just asking for bad things to happen to them. For the record your password is asked for again during the purchasing phase in case you have saved it previsouly. The security alone is enough.
And at least purchases on android can be refunded in the first 15 minutes. In the unfortunate and highly unlikely event that you have apps purchased under your name, just refund them and reset your password. But this scenario has essentially zero chance of happening, unless you invite psychos into your house.
iTunes is crap plain and simple. As an android+iPad user, I dread the iTunes system, and apple device dependancy on the program is not a good thing. It's slow, it's ugly, and it crashes, the iPad iteration crashes when loading one too many results in a search. On the other hand the android market is clean, well spaced out, and has great features, including having the decency to actually show you that you have already purchased something when viewing an uninstalled app. Only in the last few days has apple quietly added this functionality on the iTunes store. And i applaud them for that.
Just face it. Competition is healthy, for both sides of the fence. I can understand that some people dont like android, but that's no excuse to rat on it every day in articles. Read android blogs. Hardly any even mention apple. We are not concerned with you. We see the benefits in everything, whereas exclusive apple users have tunnel vision, and let apple dictate to you how to think. And for that you miss out on great things elsewhere, and i feel sorry for you.
Lets get some things straight, yes you know who you are:
1) The term Apple fanboy was coined by M$ zealots first then it caught on with the Android
crowd. I am no boy, I am a man, you can call me Apple fanman, I don't mind, actually I like the
2) This is OUR webblog, not android or M$ follows but ours. Hence you people who are Apple
Haters either behave or leave, its that simple
3) We can bash crap, yes android and M$ crap, its our right to, don't like it ? Tough luck
4) We can argue the merits of Apple vs brand X, it's our site, we have full rights to
The nerve and utter arrogance of you people telling, no ordering, us Apple fans on how to behave on our own webblog, the audacity is truly spine snapping.
A lot of you Apple Haters have parked your carcasses for way too long, and its time to move on.
Please leave our site.
Now back to the article DED, writes good stuff, he has obviously hit a raw nerve many a times with the anti-Apple brigade, that is why there is so many posts attacking him, even on a personal level.
If you disagree, state your stance, articulate it so it's fit for adult consumption, and don't do personal attacks, if you cannot abide these simple rules, you are free to move on.
Every time there are issues with android, up comes the force field, usually in the guise of attacking Apple first, then imply that the issue does not exist, or if it does, it can be minimised or removed with ease. Its amazing that the pro-android crowd always follows these methods, if they were a clock (Casio) you could set your time (+- 5 mins) by them.
There are unknown tribes in the Amazon that know how android lovers will react to any negative stories about their beloved and perfect system.
Some have, rightly suggested that these Apple Haters go and view some of the nasty comments that android owners have of their phones, but I guess these people don't exist in the eyes of the android lover, they must be Apple fans, how dare they complain out the perfect android product.
I have never heard such arrogance, ignorance, unintelligence, obnoxious bile frothing from the mouths of some of the people on this webblog. Some are so vile, that one questions their sanity.
Get a grip, its AI, its for us Apple lovers, we can mock, ridicule android and M$ to our heart's contents, don't like, then LEAVE PLEASE.
Readers on this forum seem completely oblivious to the fantastic innovations google has made on the mobile front. So much so that apple cry babies resort to name calling and cheap insults.
Googles innovations are good for everyone. Wireless tethering comes immediately to mind, originally found on the nexus one. Only today apple users are finally receiving such benefit, and what a great benefit indeed.
I think there is some jealousy here that uncharacteristically, google has made something more user friendly than the iTunes store, heaven forbid. Anywhere I go, I can browse apps from a computer, using googles propriety search technology, to find apps i want, and to seamlessly send them to my phone. And how impressive and seamless it is.
The comments regarding security here are frankly stupid. If any user is dumb enough to let someone get hold of that password, or any password for that matter, are just asking for bad things to happen to them. For the record your password is asked for again during the purchasing phase in case you have saved it previsouly. The security alone is enough.
And at least purchases on android can be refunded in the first 15 minutes. In the unfortunate and highly unlikely event that you have apps purchased under your name, just refund them and reset your password. But this scenario has essentially zero chance of happening, unless you invite psychos into your house.
iTunes is crap plain and simple. As an android+iPad user, I dread the iTunes system, and apple device dependancy on the program is not a good thing. It's slow, it's ugly, and it crashes, the iPad iteration crashes when loading one too many results in a search. On the other hand the android market is clean, well spaced out, and has great features, including having the decency to actually show you that you have already purchased something when viewing an uninstalled app. Only in the last few days has apple quietly added this functionality on the iTunes store. And i applaud them for that.
Just face it. Competition is healthy, for both sides of the fence. I can understand that some people dont like android, but that's no excuse to rat on it every day in articles. Read android blogs. Hardly any even mention apple. We are not concerned with you. We see the benefits in everything, whereas exclusive apple users have tunnel vision, and let apple dictate to you how to think. And for that you miss out on great things elsewhere, and i feel sorry for you.
Wow, 1st post, what a rant from an obvious troll. Okay I will bite.
I own an iPad, iPod & iPhone, I use iTunes for ALL my app purchases, and it has NEVER CRASHED on me. let me repeat, its has NEVER crashed.
So your statement is a brazen lie, and because it is, so is the rest of your rant, no need to waste my precious time in pointing out the obvious lies.
You android lovers don't mock us ? What planet are you living on, I haven't read so much vile bile in all my life, until an android fan opens it's mouth or posts.
Your arrogance is over whelming.
Intelligence is inversely proportional to arrogance.
You are right about this. I followed up on the links, and Samsung does, indeed, say that it's 2% returns (not sure if that's that point of sale, but that's OK). Also, in its IR presentation of results from the most recent quarter, the slides talk about 'strong sales' Samsung Android products (which presumably includes the Tab).
They could easily clear up much of this if they would simply report the numbers for units sold versus shipped for the Tab. Unfortunately, the coyness on their part simply feeds misinformation and speculation.
There was an interesting article about this on Daring Fireball, have a read, as the mathematics do give some reason to doubt the sincerity of Samsung's claims.
Google must scare the bejesus out of you Apple fanboys, since you now seem to spend more time bashing Google and Android than talking about Apple products.
I would suggest that Sophos actually use the web-based Android Market before criticizing it. Any app that is downloaded to an Android phone shows up in the notification bar and the user must manually clear the notification to make it go away. It's hardly an "unattended, quiet install." Then again maybe the editors at AppleInsider don't understand a properly functioning notification system, because Apple has failed in its implementation on iOS.
I used to enjoy AppleInsider, but you've all gone round the bend with your slavish worship of all-things Apple and willingness to bash Google without even considering whether or not your arguments make sense.
Agreed. This site, along with others like electronista, have become full-time Android-bashing sites. It's almost as if the Apple fanboys are immature children who are upset that their device is no longer the only hot thing on the scene. Seriously, I've seen an incredible amount of ridiculous, hypocritical, contradictory pseudo-arguments on here in the past few months defending everything Apple does as perfect and everything Google and Microsoft do as horrible and yucky. It's a shame.
So when did the big, tough "Droid does" scud missile thing turn into a little, snivelling girl's toy, sitting next to a Chihuahua in a pink handbag?