Apple's new MacBook Pros in production, due by early March - sources



  • Reply 21 of 72
    Originally Posted by Haggar View Post

    Make the optical drive bay modular so people can easily add what they want, whether it is a DVD drive, hard drive, or extra battery.

    Someone is still living in the late 1990s. Amazing that you think a modular optical drive would happen on an aluminium milled case from Apple or that Apple would waste time building in more moving parts when they are looking to move away from it.
  • Reply 22 of 72
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by Logisticaldron View Post

    Someone is still living in the late 1990s. Amazing that you think a modular optical drive would happen on an aluminium milled case from Apple or that Apple would waste time building in more moving parts when they are looking to move away from it.

    Apple will not make a video iPod. Nobody wants to watch video on an iPod.

    Apple should not allow third parties to create native iPhone applications. Nobody cares about native iPhone applications. Web apps are really SWEET.

    Apple will not add copy and paste to the iPhone. Nobody cares about copy and paste.

    Apple will not add multitasking to the iPhone. Nobody cares about multitasking.

    Apple should not make laptops easier to service. Making laptops easier to service makes laptops weaker and heavier. The unibody MacBook Pro with its lighter, stronger, and easier to service design compared to the original MacBook Pro is just an illusion.

    Apple will never switch to Intel processors.

    And speaking of the "late 1990s":

    Nobody cares about preemptive multitasking or memory protection in Mac OS.

    Nobody cares about dynamic memory allocation in Mac OS. Just click Get Info and change the number yourself.

    Nobody needs more than 640K of memory. Oh, wait. That one is OK because it didn't come from a Mac user.
  • Reply 23 of 72
    Originally Posted by Haggar View Post

    Apple will not make a video iPod. Nobody wants to watch video on an iPod.

    Apple should not allow third parties to create native iPhone applications. Nobody cares about native iPhone applications. Web apps are really SWEET.

    Apple will not add copy and paste to the iPhone. Nobody cares about copy and paste.

    Apple will not add multitasking to the iPhone. Nobody cares about multitasking.

    Apple should not make laptops easier to service. Making laptops easier to service makes laptops weaker and heavier. The unibody MacBook Pro with its lighter, stronger, and easier to service design compared to the original MacBook Pro is just an illusion.

    Apple will never switch to Intel processors.

    All those things are progress in design and all expected, yet your posts never progress. Why is that? Try stepping into the 21st century, you may find you like it.
  • Reply 24 of 72
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by Logisticaldron View Post

    All those things are progress in design and all expected, yet your posts never progress. Why is that? Try stepping into the 21st century, you may find you like it.

    You speak of progress, yet it was people like you who were dismissing those very ideas and more when people first asked for them. Progress occurred despite the dismissive, know-it-all attitudes of people like you. So for you to lecture others on "progress in design" is laughable. Enjoy using System 7 while defending all its limitations. Still think the original MacBook Pro design cannot be improved upon? Why don't you take your own advice and "Try stepping into the 21st century"?
  • Reply 25 of 72
    Originally Posted by Haggar View Post

    You speak of progress, yet it was people like you who were dismissing those very ideas and more when people first asked for them. Progress occurred despite the dismissive, know-it-all attitudes of people like you. So for you to lecture others on "progress in design" is laughable.

    I predicted everyone of the things you mention in your silly rebuttal, yet you say I stated the opposite. Go ahead and back up your claim with some proof since you are so sure that you have it. If you can prove it I?ll buy you a laptop with a CD-ROm drive you can replace with a 2nd hard disk drive.
  • Reply 26 of 72
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    I'm completely uninterested in the MacBook Pro line until the DVD drive is GONE.

    Then, I'll be ready to buy my second MacBook Pro. Last one was the first one, 2006.
  • Reply 27 of 72
    Originally Posted by monstermac77 View Post

    I haven't even read the article but I'm so excited just from the title. WAHOO! I've been checking five different rumors sites every hour for any update on the Macbook Pro. 17" i7 8GB maxed out here I come!

    You took the words right out of my mouth
  • Reply 28 of 72
    While Apple Store seems to be shipping MBPs as usual, all other retailers in Sweden are totally out of stock. Must be waiting for these.
  • Reply 29 of 72
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    I sure am looking forward to these.
  • Reply 30 of 72
    I don't care if the next MBP has a portrait of Jonathan Ive laser etched into the case or if it has five DVD drives, my late 06 2.33 15" MBP is basically at the end of its usefulness as a usable production tool. I need a replacement!

    As soon as these things are announced, I'll be getting a 15" i7 with the best graphics card and SSD, and then promptly buying as much ram as I can from OWC.
  • Reply 31 of 72
    15" i7 with dual 512gb SSD running in RAID 0 (striped)
  • Reply 32 of 72
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member
    Sounds like a standard annual upgrade before any transition to a MBA style next year? Was hoping they would make that jump now as I like the MBA but would prefer a 15" screen. Hope they tone down that glossy screen or develop a hybrid glossy/matte screen with less glare and make it 16:9. Wonder if they will keep/upgrade the MB?
  • Reply 33 of 72
    Thank you. Last year the Intel chips were out in Jan and the MacBook Pros not until

    April. Won't there be a similar time gap?

    Originally Posted by rjbruce View Post

    Feb 20th is the consumer launch date. Most computer manufacturers get their chipsets beforehand.

  • Reply 34 of 72
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    17" ship time just changed on Australia store from 24hr to 4-6 business days. Even Apple are running out now! US store still says 24hr.
  • Reply 35 of 72
    neilmneilm Posts: 995member
    Originally Posted by haruhiko View Post

    the March 1st release window means that Apple is not using fixed chipset.

    Which matters why?

    The chipset provides a total of six SATA ports, of which four are potentially affected by this problem. That leaves two that are good, and MBPs only use two SATA ports: one each for the hard drive and the internal optical drive. There aren't even any connectors on the motherboard for the unused ports.

    So why would anyone care?
  • Reply 36 of 72
    Light Peak?

    And I hope they don't go to a 128GB SSD like several other manufacturers have (*cough* Dell). I'm currently using just over 100GB on my main partition, plus a 20GB Windows partition; 128GB total would be too small.

    - Jasen.
  • Reply 37 of 72
    Where did that Haggar guy go? I’m waiting for him to copy/paste his post again because the change we want doesn’t jibe with the change he wants. I’m guessing that a smaller, lighter MBP with a longer battery life and option for no optical drive will happen and he’ll be saddened once again that Apple changed their product line… like they do every year.
  • Reply 38 of 72
    If any Apple folks are lurking.....

    We want MATTE SCREENS, pretty-please....

    Love my pre-unibody Macbook Pro with matte screen. Hate to get a new one with a glossy screen. Working right now on my PC at work with an annoyingly glossy screen.
  • Reply 39 of 72
    Originally Posted by Haggar View Post

    Make the optical drive bay modular so people can easily add what they want, whether it is a DVD drive, hard drive, or extra battery.

    Create a docking station accessory with its own power button so people can turn on the laptop while the screen is closed.

    Support daisy chaining of multiple monitors through the Mini Displayport connector.

    Totally agree. All HP, Dell, and Lenovo BUSINESS laptops are extremely modular. If Apple came out with another docking station (PowerBook Duo anyone?!) I'd cream myself! That would be freakin' awesome! The only reason why I don't recommend MBP's to clients is because the lack of a docking station (they love the fact that they can have a desktop when they want one and a laptop when they don't). And don't give me that BS where you can already do that - have you ever seen a computer illiterate person try to plug in power and ethernet, let alone a monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, etc?
  • Reply 40 of 72
    Will the new macbook have the new upcoming OS X Lion? If not, will it be free when it comes out?
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