Apple's new MacBook Pros in production, due by early March - sources



  • Reply 41 of 72
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by nilsen View Post

    Will the new macbook have the new upcoming OS X Lion? If not, will it be free when it comes out?

    It most likely will not have Lion. Lion will most likely not be free for it.
  • Reply 42 of 72
    Originally Posted by nilsen View Post

    Will the new macbook have the new upcoming OS X Lion? If not, will it be free when it comes out?

    No and no. Buy a MacBook from the Winter 2011 refresh and you'll get it free.
  • Reply 43 of 72
    Originally Posted by UltraSPARC View Post

    Totally agree. All HP, Dell, and Lenovo BUSINESS laptops are extremely modular. If Apple came out with another docking station (PowerBook Duo anyone?!) I'd cream myself! That would be freakin' awesome! The only reason why I don't recommend MBP's to clients is because the lack of a docking station (they love the fact that they can have a desktop when they want one and a laptop when they don't). And don't give me that BS where you can already do that - have you ever seen a computer illiterate person try to plug in power and ethernet, let alone a monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, etc?

    I don't see Apple coming out with another docking laptop (despite the fact that they pretty much invented, or at least popularised the concept with the Duo). It looks like their answer to the dock may be something like this.
  • Reply 44 of 72
    I don't know about you guys but I'm seriously worried about what GPU they decide to use in the new 15/17'' models. The GT 330M was a total joke (considering the price of the laptop) \
  • Reply 45 of 72
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member
    Originally Posted by slava888 View Post

    I don't know about you guys but I'm seriously worried about what GPU they decide to use in the new 15/17'' models. The GT 330M was a total joke (considering the price of the laptop) \

    I heard somewhere a rumor about a Radeon 6870m, which would be insane has it would mean MBP would have top gaming performance.

    but I think its going to be a Radeon something...
  • Reply 46 of 72
    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post

    I heard somewhere a rumor about a Radeon 6870m, which would be insane has it would mean MBP would have top gaming performance.

    but I think its going to be a Radeon something...

    I could live with 6870m. Although I'm not too sure how i feel about Apple leaving NVIDIA in favor of AMD.

    Why not GTX 485M?
  • Reply 47 of 72
    ruel24ruel24 Posts: 432member
    Originally Posted by mitchelljd View Post

    Without Blu-Ray, USB 3, and an guaranteed open install ability. not locking Mac OSX down to only apply sold or subscribed ... i may bolt to Windows laptop.

    Sorry, i just don't think Netflix, books, Spotify and others ought to be paying a vig fee to apple to be on their platform. and stop censoring software that can be installed as well.

    Apple makes tons of cash. let people use their devices as they see fit, not only as apple can monetize

    Amen! I've long wished to go back to using a Mac but the current state of how Apple seems to want to decide what's best for me is unacceptable. I'm even considering the Android platform for my next phone.
  • Reply 48 of 72
    Originally Posted by ruel24 View Post

    Amen! I've long wished to go back to using a Mac but the current state of how Apple seems to want to decide what's best for me is unacceptable. I'm even considering the Android platform for my next phone.

    I like BMW's too. Lexuses are nice, the dashboard looks amazing but the performance is not quite there.
  • Reply 49 of 72
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Originally Posted by ruel24 View Post

    Amen! I've long wished to go back to using a Mac but the current state of how Apple seems to want to decide what's best for me is unacceptable. I'm even considering the Android platform for my next phone.

    me too. Apple has become The Man.
  • Reply 50 of 72
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by mitchelljd View Post

    Without Blu-Ray, USB 3, and an guaranteed open install ability.

    1. Most rational people don't even want an optical in their portables.

    2. USB is hardly pressing and frankly it will be implemented when it is in an AMD or Intel chipset. The potential is there for a PCI-Express connected adapter but Tuesday's just becoming practical for low power design.

    3. Apple has already indicated that they are not going to block third party installs. Frankly it would be extremely stupid if they did. On the other hand I'm really into app store as it greatly simplifies keeping a Mac up to date.


    not locking Mac OSX down to only apply sold or subscribed ... i may bolt to Windows laptop.

    Please do and while you are at it stay away from this forum. A bit of trolling is one thing but this venting goes beyond that. You need to chill out and recognize the good from the bad and weigh one against the other.


    Sorry, i just don't think Netflix, books, Spotify and others ought to be paying a vig fee to apple to be on their platform. and stop censoring software that can be installed as well.

    1. Apple needs policies in place that helps them cover the expenses of running an app store. All those downloads, each and every one, cost Apple money. Their 30% cut might be a bit stiff but it is hard to imagine the store lasting long without the expenses being covered. In effect Apple is just taking away the free ride. As to the whinning developers, screw them, honestly if it is a huge problem charge a $1.99 instead of $0.99.

    2. So if the local super market doesn't sell your precious porn, do you run into the managers office demanding that they sell Penthouse or your preferred crap? It just amazes me that people have this double standard here in demanding that Apple sells something they wouldn't demand of the local super market. On top of that one is pretty inept if they can't find porn with their Apple hardware.


    Apple makes tons of cash. let people use their devices as they see fit, not only as apple can monetize

    Yes Apple makes a ton of cash but does the App Store. Especially when in app purchases are being used to circumvent Apples cut. Apple needs to keep App Store profitable or at least break even, they can't do that if nobody is paying for the bandwidth and server farms.

    In the end all this recent whinning about App Store is knee jerk reactionary. If Apples cut becomes a problem, the natural solution is to tack another buck onto your price. In the end many developers would actually make more money. From the standpoint of the consummer things might be slightly more expensive but long term it prevents the App Store from becoming a Ghetto.
  • Reply 51 of 72
    I hope they keep the optical drive. Most "pro" mac users, like myself, who use their MBP to install and run many large adobe programs, etc would rather not wait hours and hours to download huge installation packages. It's so much easier just to stick in the disc. And sometimes I have to burn dvds of files on the go, i'd rather not have to have another peripheral to plug in.

    I would like a blu-ray drive as well for burning high def video after i edit it, but that seems unlikely.
  • Reply 52 of 72
    ruel24ruel24 Posts: 432member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    1. Most rational people don't even want an optical in their portables.

    Wrong. Having a USB optical drive sucks and having none is worse.


    Please do and while you are at it stay away from this forum.

    So, everyone that disagrees with you should stay away? Nice...
  • Reply 53 of 72
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    1. Most rational people don't even want an optical in their portables.

    I'm torn with this. If I had my druthers (chr*st, I sound like my grandfather now), I would be with everyone else, dumping the optical in favor of a bigger battery, a primary OS SSD, built-in espresso maker, anything.

    Something funny has happened the last few years tho and that's been my entire workflow has transitioned to my MBP, which I thought would never happen. My latests 'kick' is audio recording/engineering, and many of the software packages I've been buying are multi-DVD install monsters. Spectrasonic's Omnisphere was a 6 DVD install, and their Trilian module was 5 DVD. 90GB of data ain't downloadable in these parts.

    I guess if it came down to it, these multi-DVD behemoth installs are pretty rare, maybe 1-2x a year. I'd probably skip the optical drive in favor of more practical day-to-day features that could use that extra space. If/when another monster install comes along, I'd just have to factor in an extra $100 for an ext. drive.

    One gotcha is recording/mixing in the field and burning discs for clients/bands. Schlepping an additional external drive is a hassle but I'd do it. As much as I bellyache about possible scenarios where I need an optical, there are workarounds (ie, dropboxing files to clients), and the practical day-to-day benefits can't be denied.

    Apple are usually the first to 'dump the buggy whips', so maybe we'll see them make some forward-thinking changes in the new lineup.

    My 17" 2006 MBP has been my longest-serving Mac and it's hanging by a thread. The LCD is fading fast, and it no runs on battery power after having to replace the internal left I/O board. It's not a matter of wanting to get another MBP, I have to get one soon, so the rumored March refresh can't come soon enough.

    An 8GB i7 SSD/HDD? Yeah, I'll sell a kidney, my Mamiya and maybe my Fender Jazz.
  • Reply 54 of 72
    svnippsvnipp Posts: 430member
    Originally Posted by hlfnlsn View Post

    15" i7 with dual 512gb SSD running in RAID 0 (striped)

    OK, seriously? Do you really think you are going to notice anything in performance by striping SSD drives or are you planning this simply for having a 1TB single logical drive?
  • Reply 55 of 72
    svnippsvnipp Posts: 430member
    Originally Posted by idir View Post

    I hope they keep the optical drive. Most "pro" mac users, like myself, who use their MBP to install and run many large adobe programs, etc would rather not wait hours and hours to download huge installation packages. It's so much easier just to stick in the disc. And sometimes I have to burn dvds of files on the go, i'd rather not have to have another peripheral to plug in.

    I would like a blu-ray drive as well for burning high def video after i edit it, but that seems unlikely.

    Honestly I think the best option for Apple is to offer options. For those who are really attached to the internal optical drive, leave that as an option. I think the majority of folks though would prefer to cannibalize the optical drive space for more battery and/or a second HDD. Personally, I like the option of say a 128GB SSD for the OS and then todd in a 512GB or 1TB HHD in place of the optical. There should even be some leftover room to expand the battery into the former optical drive space gaining you both SSD speed for the OS, ample storage for most users, AND significantly extended battery life. Of course an external optical drive option would be an absolute must at that point.

    I also like the dock idea. Be really sweet if you could have an internal hard drive in the dock too. I really don't see myself booting the MBP into Windoze to play games unless I'm on the big screen anyway.
  • Reply 56 of 72
    Originally Posted by ruel24 View Post

    Amen! I've long wished to go back to using a Mac but the current state of how Apple seems to want to decide what's best for me is unacceptable. I'm even considering the Android platform for my next phone.

    Don't worry. After a year of Microsoft, he'll come crawling back.
  • Reply 57 of 72
    Originally Posted by idir View Post

    I would like a blu-ray drive as well for burning high def video after i edit it, but that seems unlikely.

    So buy one and put it in yourself. You'd just complain that Apple's offering would be $500 extra, anyway.
  • Reply 58 of 72
    Glad to hear the new machines may be out soon. I am waiting for it to purchase my first Mac after years of Win PCs (had to have compatibility with work).

    A solid state drive would be nice, however, unlike like some I do not want to see the optical drive go away. If I want to watch a movie on a plane or otherwise use something I have on an existing optical disk at a remote location - an external drive is very impractical. One does not always have space (as in a lap or airplace tray) to set it up. And if you need to move your laptop (picture plane and letting the window seat person out) having an external drive hanging off it is an accident waiting to happen. So my vote is to keep the optical drive in place. Get an Mac Air if you want to go without. Maybe that should be one of the differentiating items between the Pro and the Air. Or perhaps and option optical drive or 2 SSDs.
  • Reply 59 of 72
    Originally Posted by NeilM View Post

    The chipset provides a total of six SATA ports, of which four are potentially affected by this problem. That leaves two that are good, and MBPs only use two SATA ports: one each for the hard drive and the internal optical drive. There aren't even any connectors on the motherboard for the unused ports.

    Just for the sake of argument, let's say that the problem with the four unused ports (or some other similar problem) is eventually found to also affect the two ports used in MBPs. What exactly is the downside? Data loss? Slower HD read/write times? Something else?

    I'm way overdue for a new machine, so I'll probably break with my custom and buy almost as soon as the next MBPs are shipping. This little hiccup with Sandy Bridge likely won't change that, but I'm curious what the possible long-term implications might be if it turns out the problem is worse than currently believed/reported. Thanks.
  • Reply 60 of 72
    Originally Posted by Talindar View Post

    Glad to hear the new machines may be out soon. I am waiting for it to purchase my first Mac after years of Win PCs (had to have compatibility with work).

    A solid state drive would be nice, however, unlike like some I do not want to see the optical drive go away. If I want to watch a movie on a plane or otherwise use something I have on an existing optical disk at a remote location - an external drive is very impractical. One does not always have space (as in a lap or airplace tray) to set it up. And if you need to move your laptop (picture plane and letting the window seat person out) having an external drive hanging off it is an accident waiting to happen. So my vote is to keep the optical drive in place. Get an Mac Air if you want to go without. Maybe that should be one of the differentiating items between the Pro and the Air. Or perhaps and option optical drive or 2 SSDs.

    So you want an optical drive that will take up 25% of the internal space just in case you are on a plane and want to watch a DVD because you decided you didn?t want to take 5 minutes to copy the DVD to your HDD or stick the external optical drive into the seatback or on your lap because you think that is more inconvenient than planning ahead a couple minutes or having 25% of laptop being a complete waste of space for most users almost all of the time. Soooo glad you are not running Apple. The future is the removable of the optical drive, just like Apple lead the way in removing all the floppy drives, serial ports and parallel ports from their machines. If you don?t like the future there will be plenty of PC makers that will be selling older HW for many years. You can still get parallel ports on notebooks, so you?re in luck.
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