You do realize Apple hasn't discontinued their macbooks, imac, mac minis, mac pros, etc etc.
Nobody is forcing you to buy the damn thing, but apparently tens of millions have, and tens of millions more will. But I guess Apple should say no to billions in sales and an insanely well received product because some angry nerds don't want a 'toy'.
You're a moron.
I wish he would elaborate about that one woman who opted out...
Grown ups create things, they don't spend all day consuming content and playing games. Since the iPad is primarily designed for the later, it is not for adults and therefore a toy.
Certainly at the big family get-together at Christmas, while the kids/teenagers were glued to their Touches and iPads, with the exception of one woman, all the other adults had laptops and BlackBerries.
Care to elaborate on just exactly what that one exceptional woman was doing. I mean even you noticed.
Thank you. I wonder how many people here who insist the iPad is a professional tool have actually tried to get work done on one. I grant there could be a few niches (such as education) but to call it a professional tool *in general* would be grossly misleading. In general it's a media consumption/light gaming device (which to any serious person means a toy).
I have the unshakeable impression that your voice would be exactly like Dick Cavett's. I am never wrong about these things. Well, except for the time I .....
I have an iPad, I work for IBM (gee wiz - really - that gives you an incredible amount of credence) . While I love my iPad make no mistake its a toy - make no mistake you're wrong!. Ther isn't any critical work I do at my job that can be done on my iPad. There is nothing wrong with a product being for pleasure- OMFG what do you use it for - sounds disgusting, or is it just for porn?.
I don't have an iPad
I purchased the first Atari 2600 in Sydney circa 1975
I purchased my Apple ll in 1979
I purchased my first Mac in 1984
I purchased my 2nd MBP yesterday (17" 2.2G with SSD)
however, you haven't made a 'point' worth proving.
In the post above you accuse extremeskater of not knowing of what he speaks, even though he owns an iPad and you don't. That is just ridiculous.
He works for a major computer firm and I've also worked in computers all my life. Why does that matter? Because what is a toy and what is not is all relative. The wider variety of devices you have experienced, the more objectively you can classify any new device that comes along.
I have seen a huge range. Right now programs of mine are running on everything from 64 CPU Sun servers to tiny Java applets, and everything in-between (including, yes, iPads). In your list of computers above, everything is a consumer device, so it is not surprising you would classify the iPad differently from people like he and I. That doesn't mean he and I are trolls.
It is my opinion that in future the iPad will continue to be used for what it is today. It is not "at the start of it's limitless potential," as many tech pundits seem to believe, rather it has quickly found the niches it is best for and already filled them.
In future schools will likely adopt them for education, but primarily younger children. Apple's focus on simplicity is why they are so useful in education, and the iPad is no exception.
Companies will likely see the iPad as a potential easy to administer thin-client (their holy grail), especially for web-based off-the-shelf and in-house apps. But the same thing will happen as always happens with the thin-client dream. Users just don't want it. They will demand Office on whatever device they are issued and the iPads will be replaced with full laptops.
So at the end of the day the iPad will have web browsing, email, media consumption, social networking, gaming and education for tots. It is not, and will not become, a serious work tool (expect by those who force themselves to use it for that even though they know a Macbook Air would work better).
But what does seeing your point of view have to do with the discussion? Is that what this is all about? You want Internet strangers to agree with you?
Because the issue on this thread is that people are failing to grasp that two people can disagree, and both sides still be rational. This can happen when both sides think rationally but start from different sets of facts or experiences.
Instead what I see is "Hey this guy disagrees with me therefore he must be trolling or a pinhead or ignorant." Which does not follow logically. I thought if others could at least see my point of view they could realise their mistake in assuming they were the only rational one.
I own a MacBook Air 11" and an iPad. There are times and tasks for which one or the other is better suited. Suffice it to say, they are both important tools in my work life. I certainly don't force myself to use the iPad when I could go with the MBA... or vice versa.
How come nobody is laughing at the "iPad" now. Remember one year ago, the guffawing was almost universal outside of the Apple orbit and not a few of those inside wondered whether Jobs had lost the plot.
I imagine that it is difficult to quarrel with 15 million having been sold!
Care to elaborate on just exactly what that one exceptional woman was doing. I mean even you noticed.
I assumed she was the "entertainment".
Originally Posted by ascii
In your list of computers above, everything is a consumer device, so it is not surprising you would classify the iPad differently from people like he and I. That doesn't mean he and I are trolls.
It is my opinion that in future the iPad will continue to be used for what it is today. It is not "at the start of it's limitless potential," as many tech pundits seem to believe, rather it has quickly found the niches it is best for and already filled them.
I agree,, it just means you are both narrow minded and short sighted. It also means you believe everyone should agree with your viewpoint. You have completely ignored the dozens of people in this thread (including me) who have posted their personal real-world professional uses of the iPad. Your selective responses show that you clearly have no interesting in acknowledging there is a viewpoint different from your own.
In your mind anything that factual disproves your statement doesn't exist.
I have written code running on everything from 200+ core IBM P-Series servers to iPhones, does this make me better than you, or some how more relevant to the discussion?
Originally Posted by ascii
Because the issue on this thread is that people are failing to grasp that two people can disagree, and both sides still be rational. This can happen when both sides think rationally but start from different sets of facts or experiences.
Instead what I see is "Hey this guy disagrees with me therefore he must be trolling or a pinhead or ignorant." Which does not follow logically. I thought if others could at least see my point of view they could realise their mistake in assuming they were the only rational one.
You are the one failing to grasp it at all. You call anyone a child who disagrees with you. Anyone who factual disproves your claims, you completely ignore. In fact every word in the section quoted above applies to you more than anyone else in the thread.
I don't know why they didn't change their name from Apple Computer Inc to Apple Toy Co, Inc.
So you understand chip design, integrated circuitry, buses, leading edge battery chemistry, aluminum construction, touch display screen technology.
Operating system architecture and full hardware and software integration.
I have a degree in chemistry and most probably have not too much trouble in understanding the battery chemistry. I guess you would also understand it because you refer to the whole product as a toy.
I have an iPad, I work for IBM. While I love my iPad make no mistake its a toy. Ther isn't any critical work I do at my job that can be done on my iPad. There is nothing wrong with a product beingfor pleasure.
IBM ! Wow what a great company. They have DBAs that cannot even answer the simpliest Oracle questions for us. The worse company on the Planet except for google and m$.
I agree,, it just means you are both narrow minded and short sighted. It also means you believe everyone should agree with your viewpoint. You have completely ignored the dozens of people in this thread (including me) who have posted their personal real-world professional uses of the iPad. Your selective responses show that you clearly have no interesting in acknowledging there is a viewpoint different from your own.
Even now you can't be civil. As for the counter examples, the fact is that people's personal annecdotes, and a few special interest stories from the news do not outweight the fact that 16 of the top 20 apps are games/entertainment. If I am to be objective, I have no choice but to base my conclusions on the mvast majority of examples. If you think I am wrong in my conclusion you must also disagree with most of modern physics, since even relativity does not cover 100% of examples.
I have written code running on everything from 200+ core IBM P-Series servers to iPhones, does this make me better than you, or some how more relevant to the discussion?
There comes a point when you've seen a wide enough range of examples that more doesn't matter. I think I am already past that point, so "no."
You are the one failing to grasp it at all. You call anyone a child who disagrees with you. Anyone who factual disproves your claims, you completely ignore. In fact every word in the section quoted above applies to you more than anyone else in the thread.
In my initial post I simply stated my technical evaluation of the iPad within my context of knowledge, I did not call anyone names. In fact you, and 5 others all called me names just for doing that.
I then defended myself in 40, 42 and 43 with the rather mild "child" "thoroughly modern" and "proving my point." Far more civilised responses relative to what I was replying to. That was the extent of my name calling, and it was all in self-defence. And then after that I get:
"hilarious" boeycc15 in 46
"moronic" NextTechnorati in 47
"Sage" (sarcastic) cgc020 in 56
"Serious" (sarcastic) cgc020 in 61
"no capacity for out of the box thinking" CQB in 74
"Dysfunctional" Carmissimo in 80
"troll, dumb" newbee in 92
"confused, troll" Wovel in 94
"insuferable pinhead" Sacto Joe in 95
"sad" Blah64 in 96
"short-sighted" walshbj in 98
"predjudiced" Suddenly Newton in 99
"teenager pretending to be an adult" Bakloyd in 102
The fact that you would accuse me of being the one doing the name calling, is the same mistake you're making in the iPad argument itself, failing to see relative numbers on each side.
So, I don't think top seller ranking should suggest the iPad being a toy. We need to have data about how people actually use their iPads. I figure I have a game/entertainment app to work app ratio of 2 to 1 on my iPad, yet the work apps are the ones I spend 95% of my time using. Many people could be the same.
If you want, you could start a poll and get some data. Here on AI, however, the data might be a bit skewed.
Yes, I guess hard work is old fashioned these days. I take it you are thoroughly modern?
Why do you insist on prattling on with such nonsense? Most of the time the iPad suffices for tasks that otherwise requires a laptop. When significant amounts of keyboard input is needed any Bluetooth keyboard works quite well.
The crucial fact is that developer innovation has been captivated by this emerging platform with it's new, more intuitive UI. I like my MBP but I carry my iPad on the go. So compiling code in Xcode occurs when I am at home. Meanwhile I have six GB of books and eBooks immediately available from the same device I use to ssh into my servers and find information on the web. The iPad is a great tool already with greater potential than its predecessors.
We wrinlkers remember having... Ah, er... What were we discussing?
OK Dick
Who are you really?
You do realize Apple hasn't discontinued their macbooks, imac, mac minis, mac pros, etc etc.
Nobody is forcing you to buy the damn thing, but apparently tens of millions have, and tens of millions more will. But I guess Apple should say no to billions in sales and an insanely well received product because some angry nerds don't want a 'toy'.
You're a moron.
I wish he would elaborate about that one woman who opted out...
Grown ups create things, they don't spend all day consuming content and playing games. Since the iPad is primarily designed for the later, it is not for adults and therefore a toy.
Certainly at the big family get-together at Christmas, while the kids/teenagers were glued to their Touches and iPads, with the exception of one woman, all the other adults had laptops and BlackBerries.
Care to elaborate on just exactly what that one exceptional woman was doing. I mean even you noticed.
Thank you. I wonder how many people here who insist the iPad is a professional tool have actually tried to get work done on one. I grant there could be a few niches (such as education) but to call it a professional tool *in general* would be grossly misleading. In general it's a media consumption/light gaming device (which to any serious person means a toy).
I have the unshakeable impression that your voice would be exactly like Dick Cavett's. I am never wrong about these things. Well, except for the time I .....
I have an iPad, I work for IBM (gee wiz - really - that gives you an incredible amount of credence) . While I love my iPad make no mistake its a toy - make no mistake you're wrong!. Ther isn't any critical work I do at my job that can be done on my iPad. There is nothing wrong with a product being for pleasure - OMFG what do you use it for - sounds disgusting, or is it just for porn?.
I don't have an iPad
I purchased the first Atari 2600 in Sydney circa 1975
I purchased my Apple ll in 1979
I purchased my first Mac in 1984
I purchased my 2nd MBP yesterday (17" 2.2G with SSD)
I will be purchasing my first iPad next week
You, sir, have no idea, of what you speak.
You drop-kick.
Ahh.. a cartoon reference. Another guy proving my point.
Well yes, maybe,
however, you haven't made a 'point' worth proving.
Well yes, maybe,
however, you haven't made a 'point' worth proving.
In the post above you accuse extremeskater of not knowing of what he speaks, even though he owns an iPad and you don't. That is just ridiculous.
He works for a major computer firm and I've also worked in computers all my life. Why does that matter? Because what is a toy and what is not is all relative. The wider variety of devices you have experienced, the more objectively you can classify any new device that comes along.
I have seen a huge range. Right now programs of mine are running on everything from 64 CPU Sun servers to tiny Java applets, and everything in-between (including, yes, iPads). In your list of computers above, everything is a consumer device, so it is not surprising you would classify the iPad differently from people like he and I. That doesn't mean he and I are trolls.
It is my opinion that in future the iPad will continue to be used for what it is today. It is not "at the start of it's limitless potential," as many tech pundits seem to believe, rather it has quickly found the niches it is best for and already filled them.
In future schools will likely adopt them for education, but primarily younger children. Apple's focus on simplicity is why they are so useful in education, and the iPad is no exception.
Companies will likely see the iPad as a potential easy to administer thin-client (their holy grail), especially for web-based off-the-shelf and in-house apps. But the same thing will happen as always happens with the thin-client dream. Users just don't want it. They will demand Office on whatever device they are issued and the iPads will be replaced with full laptops.
So at the end of the day the iPad will have web browsing, email, media consumption, social networking, gaming and education for tots. It is not, and will not become, a serious work tool (expect by those who force themselves to use it for that even though they know a Macbook Air would work better).
Care to elaborate on just exactly what that one exceptional woman was doing. I mean even you noticed.
Checking email.
But what does seeing your point of view have to do with the discussion? Is that what this is all about? You want Internet strangers to agree with you?
Because the issue on this thread is that people are failing to grasp that two people can disagree, and both sides still be rational. This can happen when both sides think rationally but start from different sets of facts or experiences.
Instead what I see is "Hey this guy disagrees with me therefore he must be trolling or a pinhead or ignorant." Which does not follow logically. I thought if others could at least see my point of view they could realise their mistake in assuming they were the only rational one.
I imagine that it is difficult to quarrel with 15 million having been sold!
I still think it would have been hilarious if Aron Ralston had said that into the camera in "127 Hours"...
Care to elaborate on just exactly what that one exceptional woman was doing. I mean even you noticed.
I assumed she was the "entertainment".
In your list of computers above, everything is a consumer device, so it is not surprising you would classify the iPad differently from people like he and I. That doesn't mean he and I are trolls.
It is my opinion that in future the iPad will continue to be used for what it is today. It is not "at the start of it's limitless potential," as many tech pundits seem to believe, rather it has quickly found the niches it is best for and already filled them.
I agree,, it just means you are both narrow minded and short sighted. It also means you believe everyone should agree with your viewpoint. You have completely ignored the dozens of people in this thread (including me) who have posted their personal real-world professional uses of the iPad. Your selective responses show that you clearly have no interesting in acknowledging there is a viewpoint different from your own.
In your mind anything that factual disproves your statement doesn't exist.
I have written code running on everything from 200+ core IBM P-Series servers to iPhones, does this make me better than you, or some how more relevant to the discussion?
Because the issue on this thread is that people are failing to grasp that two people can disagree, and both sides still be rational. This can happen when both sides think rationally but start from different sets of facts or experiences.
Instead what I see is "Hey this guy disagrees with me therefore he must be trolling or a pinhead or ignorant." Which does not follow logically. I thought if others could at least see my point of view they could realise their mistake in assuming they were the only rational one.
You are the one failing to grasp it at all. You call anyone a child who disagrees with you. Anyone who factual disproves your claims, you completely ignore. In fact every word in the section quoted above applies to you more than anyone else in the thread.
Surprise! Your toy is ready early.
I don't know why they didn't change their name from Apple Computer Inc to Apple Toy Co, Inc.
So you understand chip design, integrated circuitry, buses, leading edge battery chemistry, aluminum construction, touch display screen technology.
Operating system architecture and full hardware and software integration.
I have a degree in chemistry and most probably have not too much trouble in understanding the battery chemistry. I guess you would also understand it because you refer to the whole product as a toy.
I love the sheer arrogance of trolls.
I have an iPad, I work for IBM. While I love my iPad make no mistake its a toy. Ther isn't any critical work I do at my job that can be done on my iPad. There is nothing wrong with a product beingfor pleasure.
IBM ! Wow what a great company. They have DBAs that cannot even answer the simpliest Oracle questions for us. The worse company on the Planet except for google and m$.
Your post in it's stupidity only proves my point.
I agree,, it just means you are both narrow minded and short sighted. It also means you believe everyone should agree with your viewpoint. You have completely ignored the dozens of people in this thread (including me) who have posted their personal real-world professional uses of the iPad. Your selective responses show that you clearly have no interesting in acknowledging there is a viewpoint different from your own.
Even now you can't be civil. As for the counter examples, the fact is that people's personal annecdotes, and a few special interest stories from the news do not outweight the fact that 16 of the top 20 apps are games/entertainment. If I am to be objective, I have no choice but to base my conclusions on the mvast majority of examples. If you think I am wrong in my conclusion you must also disagree with most of modern physics, since even relativity does not cover 100% of examples.
I have written code running on everything from 200+ core IBM P-Series servers to iPhones, does this make me better than you, or some how more relevant to the discussion?
There comes a point when you've seen a wide enough range of examples that more doesn't matter. I think I am already past that point, so "no."
You are the one failing to grasp it at all. You call anyone a child who disagrees with you. Anyone who factual disproves your claims, you completely ignore. In fact every word in the section quoted above applies to you more than anyone else in the thread.
In my initial post I simply stated my technical evaluation of the iPad within my context of knowledge, I did not call anyone names. In fact you, and 5 others all called me names just for doing that.
"snob" anantksundaram in #13
"dinosaur" DocNo42 in #26
"ignorant, shortsighted, clueless" Apple II in #27
"wierd" Wovel in #28
"maroon" Sacto Joe in #29
"moron" Slurpy in #37
I then defended myself in 40, 42 and 43 with the rather mild "child" "thoroughly modern" and "proving my point." Far more civilised responses relative to what I was replying to. That was the extent of my name calling, and it was all in self-defence. And then after that I get:
"hilarious" boeycc15 in 46
"moronic" NextTechnorati in 47
"Sage" (sarcastic) cgc020 in 56
"Serious" (sarcastic) cgc020 in 61
"no capacity for out of the box thinking" CQB in 74
"Dysfunctional" Carmissimo in 80
"troll, dumb" newbee in 92
"confused, troll" Wovel in 94
"insuferable pinhead" Sacto Joe in 95
"sad" Blah64 in 96
"short-sighted" walshbj in 98
"predjudiced" Suddenly Newton in 99
"teenager pretending to be an adult" Bakloyd in 102
The fact that you would accuse me of being the one doing the name calling, is the same mistake you're making in the iPad argument itself, failing to see relative numbers on each side.
So, I don't think top seller ranking should suggest the iPad being a toy. We need to have data about how people actually use their iPads. I figure I have a game/entertainment app to work app ratio of 2 to 1 on my iPad, yet the work apps are the ones I spend 95% of my time using. Many people could be the same.
If you want, you could start a poll and get some data. Here on AI, however, the data might be a bit skewed.
Here's an old article:
Yes, I guess hard work is old fashioned these days. I take it you are thoroughly modern?
Why do you insist on prattling on with such nonsense? Most of the time the iPad suffices for tasks that otherwise requires a laptop. When significant amounts of keyboard input is needed any Bluetooth keyboard works quite well.
The crucial fact is that developer innovation has been captivated by this emerging platform with it's new, more intuitive UI. I like my MBP but I carry my iPad on the go. So compiling code in Xcode occurs when I am at home. Meanwhile I have six GB of books and eBooks immediately available from the same device I use to ssh into my servers and find information on the web. The iPad is a great tool already with greater potential than its predecessors.