Steve Jobs surprises with return to the stage at Apple's iPad 2 event



  • Reply 21 of 83
    ouraganouragan Posts: 437member

    Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs surprised the crowd Wednesday by taking the stage at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, just weeks after he left his daily duties for health reasons.

    Jobs was greeted with a standing ovation when he took the stage. He noted to the audience that Apple has been working on the second-generation iPad for awhile, and that he didn't want to miss its unveiling.

    It was a big surprise to me that Steve Jobs was well enough to carry some of his CEO duties, namely to unveil new products on stage with his famed 'Reality Distortion Field'.

    I salute Steve Jobs' apparent good health and wish him well. May Steve Jobs live long to appreciate his retirement and enjoy his wealth. It's time for Steve Jobs to leave Apple on a high note and wish the best to his successor. Steve Jobs is part of Apple's history, not its future, especially with continuing health issues.

    Thank you for a job done to the best of your abilities. But now, its time for someone else to show his abilities to lead Apple to new heights.

  • Reply 22 of 83
    God bless the man! so glad to see him back on stage.
  • Reply 23 of 83
    ameldrum1ameldrum1 Posts: 255member
    Originally Posted by Macfreak7 View Post

    God bless the man! so glad to see him back on stage.

    Pretty sure God has already blessed this man. Fairly successful life by many measures.

    Out of curiosity, would you want to swap places with him right now? (Ie, rich beyond measure, highly respected, lunch with the president, etc etc, BUT with a potentially fatal disease about which you can do little).

    I ask only because I was thinking about it myself this morning, and came to the conclusion that my health actually matters more to me than everything that he has achieved. Not sure whether that is surprising or standard?

  • Reply 24 of 83
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    yippie skippie
  • Reply 25 of 83
    'scuse me, while I shout over this sourpuss:


    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    yippie skippie

    and now, under him:

  • Reply 26 of 83
    moxommoxom Posts: 326member
    Hi guys,

    Just got back from work. Is there any way I can watch the stream of this event? I tried looking at Apples website but couldn't find a link.

    Thanks in advance =D
  • Reply 27 of 83
    tomsoptomsop Posts: 6member
    Originally Posted by Mister Snitch View Post

    'scuse me, while I shout over this sourpuss:


    and now, under him:


    Any normal man with such an affliction would be probably in a hospice setting wearing depends undergarments.

    Way to go Steve!!
  • Reply 28 of 83
    Originally Posted by ameldrum1 View Post

    Pretty sure God has already blessed this man. Fairly successful life by many measures.

    Out of curiosity, would you want to swap places with him right now? (Ie, rich beyond measure, highly respected, lunch with the president, etc etc, BUT with a potentially fatal disease about which you can do little).

    I ask only because I was thinking about it myself this morning, and came to the conclusion that my health actually matters more to me than everything that he has achieved. Not sure whether that is surprising or standard?


    You're going to die anyway, it's not as if you're making a choice between success and death. Besides, Steve Jobs has achieved a unique kind of success. It's not Larry Ellison success, or Bill Gates success. All they did was make business machines, and a whole lot of money.

    rich beyond measure, highly respected, lunch with the president

    Wow. You are measuring the man by all the wrong standards. None of that means anything to Jobs.

    Steve Jobs is this generation's Disney. He brought some special things into the world. That's what is enviable about him - but anyone can (and more people should) set out to do that. Unfortunately, most of us see things like being knighted, meeting with the President, etc., as the measures of success. Most of us make recognition by other men our goal.

    And for all the yapping about how self-involved the guy is, you know what? He's dying, but the only time you'll even hear him mention it is when he's raising money for research. Some ego.

    Most of us will not live to see another extraordinary life like his.
  • Reply 29 of 83
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by MoXoM View Post

    Hi guys,

    Just got back from work. Is there any way I can watch the stream of this event? I tried looking at Apples website but couldn't find a link.

    Thanks in advance =D

    Because it isn't up yet. Give it until tomorrow.
  • Reply 30 of 83
    moxommoxom Posts: 326member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Because it isn't up yet. Give it until tomorrow.

  • Reply 31 of 83
    penchantedpenchanted Posts: 1,070member
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    is it really that big of a surprise. Not to me or a lot of folks that I know

    Now if he had been in the hospital all this time pretty much on his death bed, THEN that would be surprising.

    What is more of a surprise to me is that nothing was said about mobileme. Aren't there tons of rumors about new streaming, new prices, better idisk system (more like dropbox) etc. Wouldn't it have been appropriate to mention all that when it was brought up that they aren't increasing the internal storage sizes. to offset concerns about not having enough space for apps, photos, videos etc. or even these new imovie&garageband apps which I"m sure won't be small in size

    I was pretty surprised at Jobs' presence. I thought Apple might be concerned that Jobs would be the news instead of the new iPad. It looks like he did another stellar presentation - hopefully, it will be available soon.

    I think the MobileMe announcements might come next month. They announced that the NC data center would not be operational until spring. Assuming they get things up-to-speed there in April, I can see a late-April/early-May announcement - conveniently between today's event a presumed iPhone/iOS5 announcement at WWDC.
  • Reply 32 of 83
    penchantedpenchanted Posts: 1,070member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    I felt bad for him, I didn't think he looked well at all. He lookes really thin and his face looks like he is 77 rather then 57. Not trying to be disrespectful to him, I just looked at some pictures from two years ago and he looks like he aged 20 years instead of 2 years.

    I thought he looked pretty good but then I didn't expect that he was going to have some amazing transformation in a mere six weeks. People need to accept that he will likely always be thin the rest of his life due to his illnesses and their treatment. I'm hoping Apple puts the event up soon as that will give a better indication of his energy level.
  • Reply 33 of 83
    I was surprised to see Steve at this event. I thought it was strange that the recent photo with the tech titans and President Obama only showed the back of Steve's head. Then there was that awful tabloid story with a "doctor" making predictions about his health.

    Given all that he has been through I was pleasantly surprised that he looked ok. Not great, very thin etc. But he has always been very thin and a liver transplant is no walk in the park. But on stage he moved well, seemed sharp and his voice was strong.

    He has been working from home, going out, meeting the president, and making a stressful presentation under intense media scrutiny. Reason to be hopeful...
  • Reply 34 of 83
    moxommoxom Posts: 326member
    Originally Posted by MoXoM View Post


    Event can now be seen here:


  • Reply 35 of 83
    strobestrobe Posts: 369member
    Steve, eat a cheeseburger.

    Make it a healthy organic grass-fed raw milk cheeseburger if you must, but eat one. Hell, eat two
  • Reply 36 of 83
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by ameldrum1 View Post

    Pretty sure God has already blessed this man. Fairly successful life by many measures.

    Out of curiosity, would you want to swap places with him right now? (Ie, rich beyond measure, highly respected, lunch with the president, etc etc, BUT with a potentially fatal disease about which you can do little).

    I ask only because I was thinking about it myself this morning, and came to the conclusion that my health actually matters more to me than everything that he has achieved. Not sure whether that is surprising or standard?


    Very interesting question. Let me rephrase to suit my view on it. Would I like a life fully-lived and making a huge impact but with poor health, or a boring, pedestrian one with little or no impact on those around me but with great health?

    It'd be a toss-up for me.
  • Reply 37 of 83
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,583member
    Somehow, I think his doctors have this covered.

    He did look ok to me. He smiled a lot, and he didn't look or act tired. I was disappointed he didn't show for the stockholder meeting. That had me concerned. But as he appeared here, it shows he isn't going into isolation.
  • Reply 38 of 83
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,583member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Very interesting question. Let me rephrase to suit my view on it. Would I like a life fully-lived and making a huge impact but with poor health, or a boring, pedestrian one with little or no impact on those around me but with great health?

    It'd be a toss-up for me.

    We don't really want to go before we have to. But, if I had a choice of giving up ten or possibly even twenty years, but would make a big, positive, impact on society when I was around, and so people would remember me for decades, and even possibly, hundreds of years later, I would trade the extra years for that.
  • Reply 39 of 83
    bosebose Posts: 3member
    Go Steve! so nice to see steve back in action!
  • Reply 40 of 83
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    Glad to see him, but he looked the thinnest I've ever seen him. Though, If anyone can beat it, it's him.
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