Inside Mac OS X 10.7 Lion: AirDrop local file sharing



  • Reply 21 of 28
    Originally Posted by MacRR View Post

    Imagine air dropping over a WAN..

    that doesn't make sense. AirDrop does not use a network infrastructure, meaning it does not utilize a LAN or WAN. it only works between Macs that are physically close to one another (within wifi range).
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  • Reply 22 of 28
    myapplelovemyapplelove Posts: 1,515member
    Well at least they didn't grey out the preferences pane too, as in itunes, or they haven't yet (oh dear), what's with apple these days and interfaces of grey from the mid 80s? As with the orientation lock, I foresee much annoyance for users, and apple reverting this one, or giving an option to, at least I hope they do...
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  • Reply 23 of 28
    crees!crees! Posts: 501member
    Check your images. You missed one. You NDA violator you.
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  • Reply 24 of 28
    koheletkohelet Posts: 58member
    Originally Posted by Targon View Post

    * don't like the name changes in the sidebar from "Places" to Favorites". Makes no sense, we go to places in the file system not favorites, maybe favorite places but that complicates things, something M$ would do for the sake of change.

    * don't like the rearrangement of "Devices" from the top of the sidebar to the bottom. Again, this doesn't follow any logic based on the hierarchy of hardware and is just a silly complication of changes for the sake of it. This can't be changed in Apple's stupid fsck'n Finder. This is exactly like Windows 7 Explorer and which also cannot be rearranged in the GUI. What is this Apple, doing the M$ copycat for nothing other than to appease the switchers?

    * Finder needs a fsck'n drop stack (shelf) and a dual pane mode to set two different directories up either vertically or horizontally.

    Have you tried TotalFinder? I think it will meet most of your needs. It also allows supports tabs in finder windows and allows you to bring up a FinderVisor with a key-command. Very nifty. I use it every day.
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  • Reply 25 of 28
    ouraganouragan Posts: 437member

    Readers running Lion can report whether AirDrop shows up on their model, and AppleInsider will update this report. Machines that can run Lion but can't (currently) support the AirDrop feature simply lack an AirDrop Finder Sidebar icon, nor any option in Finder Preferences to turn it on or off.

    AirDrop is present on Late 2009 quad-core iMacs!

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  • Reply 26 of 28
    In the Mac Pro 1,1 (2006) is not present Airdrop.
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  • Reply 27 of 28
    Lion installed

    MacBook early 2008 Intel Core 2 Duo

    AirDrop doesn't appear on the Finder sidebar

    Only other difference with my iMac is that I can't get swipes to page through Safari pages or back to the Widget page.

    Hugely impressed with Lion overall
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  • Reply 28 of 28
    Originally Posted by mad102190 View Post

    Airdrop is completely absent from my Finder (and the preferences window) on my Early 2008 15.4" Macbook Pro (MacBookPro 4,1; 2.5 GHz; 4GB RAM).

    I wonder if there's a way to modify a plist somewhere to enable it, since Apple has a tendency to disable features on models that do actually support them by saying they're incompatible.

    Me too. Early 2008 MacBook Pro is not showing AirDrop in Finder.

    Model NametMacBook Pro

    Model IdentifiertMacBookPro4,1

    Processor NametIntel Core 2 Duo

    Processor Speedt2.5 GHz

    Number of Processorst1

    Total Number of Corest2

    L2 Cachet6 MB

    Memoryt4 GB

    Bus Speedt800 MHz

    Boot ROM VersiontMBP41.00C1.B03


    Card TypetAirPort Extreme (0x14E4, 0x8C)

    Firmware VersiontBroadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (

    Supported PHY Modest802.11 a/b/g/n
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