Went to bestbuy to check out the iPad 2.....gonna wait till iPad 3



  • Reply 21 of 50
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by PeachesCat View Post

    My problem is that there is no Flash. What are the benefits of an IPAD over Mac Air which has Flash.. besides the price?

    Flash has zero reason to exist. Name something for which Flash is used. There's an open implementation available that doesn't kill your battery life.

    You. Don't. Want. Flash.
  • Reply 22 of 50
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Flash has zero reason to exist. Name something for which Flash is used. There's an open implementation available that doesn't kill your battery life.

    You. Don't. Want. Flash.

    Sorry. I have to disagree. I run several radio station with chat rooms which are on the internet. What do I need Flash for? To access my RADIO STATIONS chat rooms. How about I can't do my job?
  • Reply 23 of 50
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by PeachesCat View Post

    Sorry. I have to disagree. I run several radio station with chat rooms which are on the internet. What do I need Flash for? To access my RADIO STATIONS chat rooms. How about I can't do my job?

    While my point stands, you're never going to get Flash on an iPad. Just get a real computer until your site is redone.
  • Reply 24 of 50
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    While my point stands, you're never going to get Flash on an iPad. Just get a real computer until your site is redone.

    Do we know that for a fact that IPad will never have flash since that has been one of the main complaints. Even Howard Stern discussed the lack of flash.
  • Reply 25 of 50
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by PeachesCat View Post

    Do we know that for a fact that IPad will never have flash since that has been one of the main complaints.

    Yes. It's future-talk, but yes. Flash is dead. Even Adobe realizes it. Wallaby and Edge are proof of that.


    Even Howard Stern discussed the lack of flash.

    Who cares about Howard Stern? Is he in charge of Apple?
  • Reply 26 of 50
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Yes. It's future-talk, but yes. Flash is dead. Even Adobe realizes it. Wallaby and Edge are proof of that.

    Who cares about Howard Stern? Is he in charge of Apple?

    His millions of listeners care lol

    So, what is the benefit of having an IPAD over Mac Air which has more features? Hate to tell you. Flash is not dead. Without it, my radio stations on the internet would not run. But then, I guess music is dead too? Please tell that to Britney Spears and Lady Gaga since I am promoting their new singles lol.
  • Reply 27 of 50
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by PeachesCat View Post

    My problem is that there is no Flash. What are the benefits of an IPAD over Mac Air which has Flash.. besides the price?

    I advise you to go check out and buy the Xoom. It's great. It has a higher resolution display than the iPad and it's widescreen! It also has better specs than the iPad on a number of features, and that's very, very important.

    Flash is not fully available yet on it, but it's coming soon I'm sure.
  • Reply 28 of 50
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    I advise you to go check out and buy the Xoom. It's great. It has a higher resolution display than the iPad and it's widescreen! It also has better specs than the iPad on a number of features, and that's very, very important.

    Flash is not fully available yet on it, but it's coming soon I'm sure.

    Thank you, and it appears that PC World agrees with you, as their choice in a lot of areas is the Xoom out of all devices.

  • Reply 29 of 50
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by PeachesCat View Post

    Thank you, and it appears that PC World agrees with you, as their choice in a lot of areas is the Xoom out of all devices.


    I was actually being sarcastic and joking with my post, and I would definitely not advise you to buy a Xoom, for a whole number of reasons.

    But if you do need and depend on Flash, I probably wouldn't advise you to get an iPad2 either, as it's probably not for you.

    The HP Touchtablet coming out might be better than the Xoom, because the Xoom is horrible and buggy. The Touchtablet uses webos and the xoom uses android, which is not working well at the moment. I also wouldn't rely on that pcworld article as they clearly have an agenda and that article is propaganda.

    Or if you don't need a tablet, just get the Macbook Air which you mentioned. That machine is great and will do Flash no problem. Personally, I hate Flash and disable it on all of my machines. But if you say you need it and depend on it, then I'm not going to argue with that. Just buy a machine that does flash.
  • Reply 30 of 50
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    Originally Posted by rnb2 View Post

    You're entitled to your opinion, and others have already commented on the difference between what you want and what is currently possible, but I couldn't let this statement go by without commenting.

    Tim Cook is the guy 'Jobs hired to run his inventory'. He has been lauded as an inventory-management genius, and is credited with getting Apple's inventory situation under control when he joined the company. He is one of the three most important people at Apple (along with Jobs and Ive). He has been the interim CEO whenever Jobs has been on medical leave. His contribution to the success of Apple over the last decade can't be overstated.

    To suggest that he should be fired because it was impossible to manufacture and store enough iPads to satisfy 1st-weekend demand is beyond comical. No other electronics company in the world would have been able to put as many units on sale at as many places in one day as Apple did with iPad 2. Sometimes, there's just no way to satisfy demand, and Apple is in the enviable position of creating products that spur that kind of demand.

    No. The guy to fire has to be several levels below Cook. Because Apple has had time and the intention to plan the iPad 2's inventory based on the well expected anticipation of a much greater demand this time around.

    It was widely expected that distribution was going to be wide and inventory very well stocked.

    But that didn't happen. Jobs may be happy at the demand of the iPad 2 but he just CAN NOT be happy with how actual sales are happening. How can any boss be happy if customers are forced to leave the store without being able to buy his product?
  • Reply 31 of 50
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    I advise you to go check out and buy the Xoom. It's great. It has a higher resolution display than the iPad and it's widescreen! It also has better specs than the iPad on a number of features, and that's very, very important.

    Flash is not fully available yet on it, but it's coming soon I'm sure.

    I wanted to like the xoom but I simply do not. It is certainly a generation 1 android tablet with the same clumsy feel as the t-mobile G1 back in the beginning of Android. I just hope that they evolve android for tablets VERY quickly.

    Also, because Steve Jobs sewed up all the suitable tablet panels from his component deals, manufacturers had no choice but to use whatever else was availabe.

    I'm referring to the 10.1 inch panels. They were made for laptops. Tablets made from displays literally ripped off a notebook computer do not make a tablet. The native landscape mode totally misses the point of a modern capacitive display tablet computer.

    I'm all for open, but until the manufacturers and Google continue to get humiliated like this they will not learn.

    Palm seems to get it.....somewhat. But their vision seems to be limited as well. And I'm not sure I trust that new HP head Leo...something.

    Gawd, without decent competition we will never see Steve Jobs or Apple push the limits to the utmost! At least, that is my fear.
  • Reply 32 of 50
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by PeachesCat View Post

    Hate to tell you. Flash is not dead.

    Hate to tell you, even Adobe says otherwise.


    Without it, my radio stations on the internet would not run.

    Then you need to update your sites to support HTTP streaming and drop Flash entirely. You act as though it's not possible.


    But then, I guess music is dead too?

    Take an hour and explain how in the world you can derive this from what I've said.


    Please tell that to Britney Spears and Lady Gaga since I am promoting their new singles lol.

    There are reasons I only listen to one band this side of 1976. They're two of those reasons.
  • Reply 33 of 50
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    Originally Posted by PeachesCat View Post

    His millions of listeners care lol

    So, what is the benefit of having an IPAD over Mac Air which has more features? Hate to tell you. Flash is not dead. Without it, my radio stations on the internet would not run. But then, I guess music is dead too? Please tell that to Britney Spears and Lady Gaga since I am promoting their new singles lol.

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Hate to tell you, even Adobe says otherwise.

    Then you need to update your sites to support HTTP streaming and drop Flash entirely. You act as though it's not possible.

    Take an hour and explain how in the world you can derive this from what I've said.

    There are reasons I only listen to one band this side of 1976. They're two of those reasons.

    Read this post on alleyinsider:

  • Reply 34 of 50
    rnb2rnb2 Posts: 63member
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    No. The guy to fire has to be several levels below Cook. Because Apple has had time and the intention to plan the iPad 2's inventory based on the well expected anticipation of a much greater demand this time around.

    It was widely expected that distribution was going to be wide and inventory very well stocked.

    But that didn't happen. Jobs may be happy at the demand of the iPad 2 but he just CAN NOT be happy with how actual sales are happening. How can any boss be happy if customers are forced to leave the store without being able to buy his product?

    Which part of 'physically impossible to make enough to satisfy day 1 demand' did you not understand?
  • Reply 35 of 50
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Hate to tell you, even Adobe says otherwise.

    Then you need to update your sites to support HTTP streaming and drop Flash entirely. You act as though it's not possible.

    Take an hour and explain how in the world you can derive this from what I've said.

    There are reasons I only listen to one band this side of 1976. They're two of those reasons.

    So please tell Clear Channel and the BBC to change to change every single radio station that they own because you say otherwise. Sorry, that you are an Apple Troll and don't realize that people may require different operating systems for different reasons. I am sure you will hand over the millions of dollars necessary when there is a recession to change every single radio station throughout the United States and Britain to better suit you. No problem lol.
  • Reply 36 of 50
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    I was actually being sarcastic and joking with my post, and I would definitely not advise you to buy a Xoom, for a whole number of reasons.

    But if you do need and depend on Flash, I probably wouldn't advise you to get an iPad2 either, as it's probably not for you.

    The HP Touchtablet coming out might be better than the Xoom, because the Xoom is horrible and buggy. The Touchtablet uses webos and the xoom uses android, which is not working well at the moment. I also wouldn't rely on that pcworld article as they clearly have an agenda and that article is propaganda.

    Or if you don't need a tablet, just get the Macbook Air which you mentioned. That machine is great and will do Flash no problem. Personally, I hate Flash and disable it on all of my machines. But if you say you need it and depend on it, then I'm not going to argue with that. Just buy a machine that does flash.

    Thanks and that was my question and you are the only person who answered it. Tablet's don't meet my needs, and Macbook Air is the way to go. Very simple answer and thanks
  • Reply 37 of 50
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by PeachesCat View Post

    Sorry, that you are an Apple Troll

    HA! Hardly.


    and don't realize that people may require different operating systems for different reasons.

    Having what to do with Flash's uselessness on all tablet OS' as well as desktop OS'?
  • Reply 38 of 50
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    HA! Hardly.

    Having what to do with Flash's uselessness on all tablet OS' as well as desktop OS'?

    Not useless when it is needed to run every single radio station's website in the United States and Every single one in the United Kingdom.

    It seems as if a tablet is more for people who want a "toy" and Mac Air is for people who actually want to work.
  • Reply 39 of 50
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by PeachesCat View Post

    Not useless when it is needed to run every single radio station's website in the United States and Every single one in the United Kingdom.

    Exaggerating doesn't make your point. It breaks it.


    It seems as if a tablet is more for people who want a "toy" and Mac Air is for people who actually want to work.

    Ignorance is bliss. Enjoy your laptop.
  • Reply 40 of 50
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Exaggerating doesn't make your point. It breaks it.

    Ignorance is bliss. Enjoy your laptop.

    Exaggerating? Obviously, you are a Apple Troll who doesn't know anything outside of a message board lol. Highly entertaining. Reminds me of Trekkies who go to Star Trek conventions dressing up as their favorite characters. Maybe you should spend some time outside of a message board and in the real world.

    I came hear to ask a question regarding a product. Got my answer. I am a newly registered user if you notice, and came here for answers. This isn't my life, the way it is yours based on the amount of posts you have.

    Enjoy your message board and trolling. I will get back to reality now. Cheerio.
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