Attempt to link Foxconn's slowed growth to Apple viewed as questionable theory



  • Reply 41 of 56
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    Originally Posted by Andykemp View Post

    I own devices on both platforms. And actually the Android blogs and forums are much more tolerable. Less finger pointing and platform trash talk.

    So that makes you what? The brightest bulb in the room? Hardly. Just another clueless techtard that doesn't understand the basics of business or consumer demand/intent/needs.
  • Reply 42 of 56
    joshajosha Posts: 901member
    Originally Posted by RMBootneck View Post

    I don't think anyone with half a brain would be so dumb as to buy MMI's tablet just because Apple is sold out. The reason they're sold out is because knowledgeable users KNOW that the iPad2 is superior and they'll wait for it.

    Quite correct. We are new iPad buyers, who are waiting out the panic. Then we'll not get the first off and the IOS will be up to date.

    When I can walk in the shop and pick it up without a line, it will be time to buy.

    Did the same with a iPhone 4 a few months ago, although I had to walk into 3 stores before I found them in stock. That store had just received a small shipment and the chap next to me at the counter also was buying an iPhone.
  • Reply 43 of 56
    isaidsoisaidso Posts: 750member
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    Unsupported allegations of conspiracy and trading fraud in just the second post?

    Congrats - I think that' a new record here.

    Uh.. So you're saying; unsupported allegations about unsupported allegations?

    That would actually lend some credence to the original allegation.
  • Reply 44 of 56
    Well we'll see who is right, but Goldman is usually right on the money.

    JMP is risking their reputation on this one, and yes it was an attempt to short the stock that somewhat succeeded. If you got extra cash, I'd say aapl is a good buy now, foxconn or not
  • Reply 45 of 56
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    Originally Posted by Andykemp View Post

    I own devices on both platforms. And actually the Android blogs and forums are much more tolerable. Less finger pointing and platform trash talk.

    I guess knowing your platform of choice is a total rip off of other's hard work adds a level of humility to the more intelligent members. I often wonder how they'd be enjoying the BB rip off that was planned prior to iOS's release?
  • Reply 46 of 56
    Originally Posted by Andykemp View Post

    LOL! I thought the Apple Store was more like entering a Hare Krishna Temple. Actually made me uncomfortable. It seemed like someone spiked their juice with MDMA. I ended up getting 2 32GB models and sold them over the weekend unopened.

    I agree that the Android tablet market needs to mature some more. I'm personally tired of iOS and traded in my iPhone (after 4yrs of iPhones) over the holidays. I like to try new things. After looking at my iPhone for years I like having something new to tinker with. Had no problem replacing all my iPhone apps since most app stores have all the same Core apps + thousands of useless ones. Apples slick marketing has never cemented me into the brand. Its just another OS and similar computer hardware in a well designed box. I guess I just like to taste all that technology has to offer. Tablets just aren't on the menu yet for me.

    so you are one of the tools buying Ipads and scalping them on EBay
  • Reply 47 of 56
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I guess knowing your platform of choice is a total rip off of other's hard work adds a level of humility to the more intelligent members. I often wonder how they'd be enjoying the BB rip off that was planned prior to iOS's release?

    Not sure if I follow you? What platform rip off? Almost everything is a rip off of one thing or another these days. If you go back far enough you can find something most popular technology is based on. When something becomes popular you have to expect companies are going to try and improve on it and attempt to make money.

    "level of humility to the more intelligent members". Who are these more intelligent members? Most people that think they are more intelligent than others lack humility.
  • Reply 48 of 56
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 863member
    Seems as though Apple needs to put some limits and safeguards in place to avoid whats happening. I wouldn't be surprised to see some throttles in place before the next shipment hits.

    As for Foxconns story............production is most likely ramped up already. As in most situations with Apple products Demand overwelms supply for about 2-3 months. Not to worry
  • Reply 49 of 56
    Originally Posted by syracuse View Post

    so you are one of the tools buying Ipads and scalping them on EBay

    When did buying something and reselling it make someone a "Tool".
  • Reply 50 of 56
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Granmastak View Post

    Well we'll see who is right, but Goldman is usually right on the money.

    JMP is risking their reputation on this one, and yes it was an attempt to short the stock that somewhat succeeded. If you got extra cash, I'd say aapl is a good buy now, foxconn or not

    This call by JMP borders on blatant stock manipulation. They deserve a visit from the SEC.
  • Reply 51 of 56
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by Freshmaker View Post

    What? I would call one customer bringing in 21% of your total revenue more than "relatively modest." Apple has to be their largest customer, unless Foxconn has like 5 total customers.

    I think the bigger point is that Foxconn is supposedly not making as much money and Analyst One tried to claim there was some effect on Apple. Like some notion that Foxconn can't produce like they used to, cause of like all their staff going crazy and trying to kill themselves and that's why there aren't enough ipads etc. Or some such nonsense.

    When in fact the Apple lines could be fine (and are 1/5 of Foxconn's business by themselves) and the slower production is cause Samsung delayed the Tab 2 and well we know about that only 9k HP tablets etc

    Originally Posted by AdonisSMU View Post

    I think this may be an attempt to lower apple stocks so they can pick up some cheap shares.

    very possible


    Apple has a supply problem. If they can't figure out a way to get Ipads into people's hands fast enough I think people may go to Xoom and these other tabs. They should've made sure they shipped at least 5 million to US stores at the outset.

    If you are saying they should have shipped 5 million then you must know how many they did ship. So tell us, how many was it and what exactly is your connection to know that.

    Fact is, folks are still lining up, still ordering online etc. They aren't running off to get other stuff. ANd they likely won't. Even if it takes them 2 months to put their hands on an ipad, they will wait. Why? Because it's Apple. Seems crazy but that crazy is a good thing for Stevie and the gang
  • Reply 52 of 56
    Originally Posted by maccherry View Post

    That is absolute BS!

    Nobody is going to head for a freaking Xoom tablet over and ipad 2. Sorry for sounding so pompous but that is how I feel.


    It is not like all consumers are fully informed or are capable to understand the importance of a proper ecosystem, let alone ease of use. All they care about is: the looks, the price (not so favorable for the Xoom), their PC-loving/Apple-bashing/familyITsupport cousin's advice.
  • Reply 53 of 56
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    Unsupported allegations of conspiracy and trading fraud in just the second post?

    Congrats - I think that' a new record here.

    If it was 'supported,' the right forum would be the SEC, not AI, no?
  • Reply 54 of 56
    b9botb9bot Posts: 238member
    Sorry it is just down right WRONG!!!! There is no question at all. Apple's sales prove that over and over and yet some dimwit can write one negative story about Apple and all hell breaks loose like always. Partly to blame is the markets computer software which feeds on negative stories like the plague! Short term investors also like to cut the price and then buy again.

    But the real story is that Apple is not slowing down at all and common sense should have played a role here but that never seems to be the case when it comes to Apple and the stock market now does it. Why is the most valuable company in the world only at $300 a share when Google rose to over $600 a share within the first year it was on the stock market?

    Apple has has record breaking quarters in a row and yet the stock price doesn't even come close to reflecting this and in many cases the stock goes down after they announce earnings which is totally rediculous!!!
  • Reply 55 of 56
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by b9bot View Post

    Sorry it is just down right WRONG!!!! There is no question at all. Apple's sales prove that over and over and yet some dimwit can write one negative story about Apple and all hell breaks loose like always. Partly to blame is the markets computer software which feeds on negative stories like the plague! Short term investors also like to cut the price and then buy again.

    But the real story is that Apple is not slowing down at all and common sense should have played a role here but that never seems to be the case when it comes to Apple and the stock market now does it. Why is the most valuable company in the world only at $300 a share when Google rose to over $600 a share within the first year it was on the stock market?

    Apple has has record breaking quarters in a row and yet the stock price doesn't even come close to reflecting this and in many cases the stock goes down after they announce earnings which is totally rediculous!!!

    It's a good idea to to watch the markets from a broader view. Most of that drop is the market as a whole going apesh!t yesterday, Apple rarely escapes market wide turmoil. From the trends, I'd say those "research" notes had a marginal effect at best.
  • Reply 56 of 56
    When you're in a market where other investors are placing their emotions/knee-jerk reactions ahead of logic, you're not betting on reason, you're betting on chaos. Quite frankly I'm glad I'm making money off uneducated speculators, I just sit back and watch and let the money roll in.
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