Apple has have enough iPad 2 components to maintain production for 2-3 weeks



  • Reply 41 of 96
    ddubsddubs Posts: 2member
    Originally Posted by cronked View Post

    Hire a freaking editor! The frequent grammar errors I see here are really rediculous.

    I hope this was a joke and that you really aren't making fun of grammar errors, because it would actually be ridiculous.
  • Reply 42 of 96
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    I couldn't care less as to where they're from. The fact remains that virtually all of them are Chinese. If they were Mexican or Swedish or whatever, I would still think that scalpers suck and every method should be undertaken in order to stop the hoodlums.

    Sorry, Apple ][, I can't resist: You do realize that the scalper bosses are bankrolled and masterminded by Hasidic wirepullers. No mainland Chinese immigrants could handle international business like this on their own . . .
  • Reply 43 of 96
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    Sorry, Apple ][, I can't resist: You do realize that the scalper bosses are bankrolled and masterminded by Hasidic wirepullers. No mainland Chinese immigrants could handle international business like this on their own . . .

    I have no idea who is bankrolling them. Arrest them all, from the top down.
  • Reply 44 of 96
    sacto joesacto joe Posts: 895member
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    I see that you keep attacking them. Let me get this straight - in order to defend the rights or reputation of a group of individuals who are doing nothing illegal or immoral, you have to be one of them? Boy I'd hate to have seen what would happen to a homosexual who showed up at your door during the Holocaust.

    So I gather what you're really upset about are the brown people ahead of you who bought iPads before you did? Because, last time I checked, a white guy who speaks english (like me) can also be buying an iPad to sell on Craigslist, yet, surprisingly, you haven't considered the possibility that the $300 profit you could make by flipping an iPad would entice anyone buy minorities and foreigners.

    I just hate racists, especially ones who try to claim moral high ground with an arbitrary reason to hate some other group.

    Standing in a line for three hours to try to make $300 does not make you a hoodlum. You're clearly a racist and a xenophobe though.

    I agree. Apple }{ is a twisted little person who needs some serious self-realization but is unlikely to ever achieve it. Sadly, there seems to be no end of such people these days. Their self-absorbency and selfishness is a big piece of what's wrong with this country - and the world. Oddly enough, many of them think of themselves as good Christians. Go figure.
  • Reply 45 of 96
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    I have no idea who is bankrolling them. Arrest them all, from the top down.

    I give up. You are supposed to say, "Ok, I see your point, no more ethnic baiting in my rants about scalpers, I realize it is no longer acceptable in the modern world, Auschwitz and Bosnia have taught us that, it's one big world now and we all have to get along."

    But I suspect that didn't cross your mind, so I give up on you.
  • Reply 46 of 96
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by Sacto Joe View Post

    I agree. Apple }{ is a twisted little person who needs some serious self-realization but is unlikely to ever achieve it. Sadly, there seems to be no end of such people these days. Their self-absorbency and selfishness is a big piece of what's wrong with this country - and the world. Oddly enough, many of them think of themselves as good Christians. Go figure.

    Thanks to you and cameronj and some others over the last few days, maybe at least he will begin to reflect. But I really give up.
  • Reply 47 of 96
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    it's one big world now and we all have to get along."

    I disagree with that. There will always be wars and sometimes war is the best option. Peace is often for the weak minded and cowardly, especially when it's a false peace brought on by appeasement.

    And I am not against any Chinese people at all, only Chinese scalpers, which is something that I've stated numerous times. Even the Chinese guy waiting on line next to me thought that the Chinese scalpers sucked, since he wasn't able to get his iPad either.

    Even newspaper articles which refer to the scalpers mention their ethnicity specifically. Political correctness is an ugly disease which will never infect me. There is nothing wrong with stating and reporting simple facts.
  • Reply 48 of 96
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by ddubs View Post

    I hope this was a joke and that you really aren't making fun of grammar errors, because it would actually be ridiculous.

    Not to mention rediculous.
  • Reply 49 of 96
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    I disagree with that. There will always be wars and sometimes war is the best option. Peace is often for the weak minded and cowardly, especially when it's a false peace brought on by appeasement.

    And I am not against any Chinese people at all, only Chinese scalpers, which is something that I've stated numerous times. Even the Chinese guy waiting on line next to me thought that the Chinese scalpers sucked, since he wasn't able to get his iPad either.

    Even newspaper articles which refer to the scalpers mention their ethnicity specifically. Political correctness is an ugly disease which will never infect me. There is nothing wrong with stating and reporting simple facts.

    Teckstud's latest alias... exposed!
  • Reply 50 of 96
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    Aside from the bad here, Apple won't, no, they can't wait, they will HAVE to find a way to produce these products or it's going to suck for them big time.

    They WILL dig into that stock pile of cash, and make some amazing things happen ? they will.

  • Reply 51 of 96
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Teckstud's latest alias... exposed!

    No other way to explain such voluminous intransigence. Agreed.
  • Reply 52 of 96
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Teckstud's latest alias... exposed!

    Isn't that some anti-Apple person?

    Just last week somebody else on here was accusing me of being one of the worst and most biased pro-Apple people on this site.
  • Reply 53 of 96
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    JIT Supply Stability fail.
  • Reply 54 of 96
    macnycmacnyc Posts: 342member
    Originally Posted by Freshmaker View Post

    I take it your misspelling of ridiculous was intentional, correct.

    mispellings are ok, only bad grammer is bad.
  • Reply 55 of 96
    lostkiwilostkiwi Posts: 640member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Teckstud's latest alias... exposed!

    Nah, I don't think he is Teckstud or Daharder.

    Quite a different style of writing.

    In any case, he is entitled to his opinion here, as are you and I.
  • Reply 56 of 96
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    If, on top of everything else, Japan's government sees that critical industries are about to go under, you can bet that arrangements will be made to prioritize electricity in their direction.
  • Reply 57 of 96
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by lostkiwi View Post

    Nah, I don't think he is Teckstud or Daharder.

    Quite a different style of writing.

    In any case, he is entitled to his opinion here, as are you and I.

    Don't know Teckstud, definitely not Da--who said anything about him? He lives in Las Vegas, this one is in NY. You are right, he's entitiled to his opinion, but his 25 snaggly posts per day are a drag on the forum, just like his sower-of-discord predecessors. He got me early with his totally gratuitous Obama dig, meant only stir up trouble.

    They get banned for being provocateurs, not for their opinions.
  • Reply 58 of 96
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member
    I think I'll just donate the money I would have spent on an iPad to the Japan recovery effort.
  • Reply 59 of 96
    xsamplexxsamplex Posts: 214member
    THANK GOD. We could have had a global crisis on our hands!
  • Reply 60 of 96

    they knew that it would be sold out.
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