Samsung caught presenting actors as Galaxy Tab "consumers," fudging thinnest tablet claims



  • Reply 21 of 188
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Now I'm wondering if Samsung isn't getting jealous of how RIM is getting all the crazy points of late.

    After their unnervingly unhinged "Zoll" fest last month and the odd equivocating on Tab sell through numbers, now this?

    And what's with the utterly tone-deaf, Amway in hell style of presentation? They're completely depressing. Shitty music, shitty graphics, shitty concepts, shitty choreography, coupled to a completely unwarranted self image as one of the world's great innovators, or something. Is it a Korean thing?

    And how garbled is the message when you show a tablet, unshow it, have an employee admit that the iPad 2 made them realize they had to rethink things, deny that ever happened, then show up a few weeks later claiming that you've developed and engineered two new products in less than a month because the mobile space "moves so quickly"? They're coming off like malfunctioning hype robots, just spewing market speak in over-amplified chunks of non sequitur.

    The merits of their hardware notwithstanding, their marketing makes Apple looks like an advanced race of space aliens.
  • Reply 22 of 188
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Huh? I'm not sure what you saw, but Samsung doesn't have any working versions to show and say they won't be shipping till June. They are going to sell the original, "fat" version, so maybe you saw one of those.

    This is the only photo I took.

    Maybe it is the "fat" version 10.99mm
  • Reply 23 of 188
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Originally Posted by euler View Post

    I assumed that everyone in commercials was an actor!

    Me too. This is not a scandal, as far as I know everyone just assumes the "real people" in these slickly produced things are not actually real people.
  • Reply 24 of 188
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    "Given that the device does not actually turn on yet, real gains in productivity would be rather surprising.”


    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    Me too. This is not a scandal, as far as I know everyone just assumes the "real people" in these slickly produced things are not actually real people.

    Everyone assumes that actors are common in marketing, yes. But everyone also knows that real testimonials ARE used in marketing as well.

    Passing one off as the other is what’s in question here: such as the phrase "true-life stories,” which is phrasing NOT commonly used with actors. Although in this case, Samsung did not pull it off at all well They weren’t going to fool anyone... they probably just didn’t think it through fully (not unlike the product itself?).
  • Reply 25 of 188
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    This is the only photo I took.

    Isn't it weird that Samsung themselves can't get a working version at their event, then?
  • Reply 26 of 188
    jpellinojpellino Posts: 706member
    8.9 and 10.1? There is near zero differentiation here. They made a bunch of 8.9s and have to sell them. They can't not make an iPad-sized version. They're stuck with two.

    Did I miss something or did NONE of the on-stage units have a screen that so much as lit up?

    Surround sound? From a small unit like that? Zero actual value.

    Isn't the travel agent using the white-backed 7" unit? That's like running an iPad ad and having someone use an iPT...

    At least they were savvy enough to have the film director wearing the trendy scarf and stroking his beard thoughtfully.

    That exec keeps operating his Tab while crossing the street he'll be multitasking. He'll learn to zip off emails while trying to use a bedpan in traction.

    This must be the gig you get after staging the Microsoft iPhone funeral procession.
  • Reply 27 of 188
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    Me too. This is not a scandal, as far as I know everyone just assumes the "real people" in these slickly produced things are not actually real people.

    As far as you know, should companies follow the FTC Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising, which state:


    When the advertisement represents that the endorser uses the endorsed product, the

    endorser must have been a bona fide user of it at the time the endorsement was given.

    Additionally, the advertiser may continue to run the advertisement only so long as it has good

    reason to believe that the endorser remains a bona fide user of the product.



    Advertisers are subject to liability for false or unsubstantiated statements made through endorsements, or for failing to disclose material connections between themselves and their endorsers

  • Reply 28 of 188
    easyeeasye Posts: 20member
    Seriously, great read. Tone is classic, yet writing still concise and clear. AI is one of the greats.

    And well I lol'd as I read, and respond now, to this on my new iPad 2.
  • Reply 29 of 188
    As stated in Samsung's presentation, these may be real consumers' stories, the actors in the videos are merely portraying the consumer. There's simply no way that your typical person on the street acts that way in front of a camera. Especially the intro, walk-up scene. This is way to involved for non-actors, even many film makers are awkward on the lens side of the camera. Like microsoft's pathetic attempts, this is just as phony

    Cheers !
  • Reply 30 of 188
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by AaronJ View Post

    Isn't it weird that Samsung themselves can't get a working version at their event, then?

    Pretty sure the one hill60 played with is the yet-to-be-released in Australia yet-already-superceded model, which is still coming here sometime soon-ish.
  • Reply 31 of 188
    I guess my comment on this article is the same as those about the Xoom - there's no need to do that, these tablets are not even in the same league as the iPad, very few people are buying them, they're not a threat and it's a waste of resources to generate negative PR about these tablets.
  • Reply 32 of 188
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Oh man, that video is hard to watch. A bunch of script reading walking dead. They can't even look into the camera. How embarrassing for them. Painful.
  • Reply 33 of 188
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member
    Originally Posted by sennen View Post

    Pretty sure the one hill60 played with is the yet-to-be-released in Australia yet-already-superceded model, which is still coming here sometime soon-ish.


    This whole thing was a train-wreck.
  • Reply 34 of 188
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    I do not think there was a single person in the auditorium where they made the announcement. That too looked to be staged as well, you did not hear a single clap or comment, unlike an Apple event.

    The whole press event, or whatever they called it, reeked of fraud from top to bottom. And the first two execs who spoke seemed to be 'demanding' you believe them. They were practically shouting at the camera, while speaking in the vaguest terms. And I loved the disingenuous references to 'the competition'. Gee, wonder who THAT might be? (Maybe if they don't mention 'Apple' it'll go away.)

    I think the avoidance of the word 'Apple' bothered me as much as anything, because if you're honest, you admit first off that Apple invented the category. Acknowledge the obvious, for crying out loud. Then, if you have a real innovation to offer, it's in context and people might hear and believe you.

    The whole thing was just ugly, lying garbage.
  • Reply 35 of 188
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member
    Samsung has poop all over themselves.

    they have yet to own up to the 7" Galaxy charade. probably a million or more unsold in warehouses. that can never be upgraded beyond Android 2.x. how long can they hide the loss/truth?

    then the "V" tab hype. it's great! oh, wait a minute, it's not. but buy one anyway, you suckers in GB.

    and now we have actors and vaporware. except the 10.1 prototype is not as thin as the press release says. and they get busted for it.

    clearly there is a desperate CEO in Korea who is totally desperate, saying anything to try to hang on to his job. and instructing his minions accordingly. he's DOA today, right now.

    Bye Bye.
  • Reply 36 of 188
    I'm lost at words, aghast at what Samsung desperately would do for the sake of 'competition'.. But thank goodness, Harry McCracken, the writer of that Technologizer article said it perfectly: "... (Samsung) decided to build its own happy Galaxy Tab users rather than find them in the wild." LOL

    Samsung has gone so low to shoot itself on its own foot, like McCracken has said it too, the ad clip is not a documentary but it's actually a mockumentary. Samsung, do you think no one will ever find out? Shame on you Samsung, you're drowning into the same level as Microsoft.. *snicker*
  • Reply 37 of 188
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Mister Snitch View Post

    The whole press event, or whatever they called it, reeked of fraud from top to bottom. And the first two execs who spoke seemed to be 'demanding' you believe them. They were practically shouting at the camera, while speaking in the vaguest terms. And I loved the disingenuous references to 'the competition'. Gee, wonder who THAT might be? (Maybe if they don't mention 'Apple' it'll go away.)

    I think the avoidance of the word 'Apple' bothered me as much as anything, because if you're honest, you admit first off that Apple invented the category. Acknowledge the obvious, for crying out loud. Then, if you have a real innovation to offer, it's in context and people might hear and believe you.

    The whole thing was just ugly, lying garbage.

    Yeah, that's part of the vibe I was talking about in my previous post-- they come on like they're the acknowledged rulers of the universe and it's almost threatening.

    If you haven't seen it, you owe it to yourself to check out the video of the Zoll fiasco. It's like they're putting their marketing instincts through one of those shitty online translations and getting mangled gibberish.
  • Reply 38 of 188
    Originally Posted by Mister Snitch View Post

    The whole press event, or whatever they called it, reeked of fraud from top to bottom. And the first two execs who spoke seemed to be 'demanding' you believe them. They were practically shouting at the camera, while speaking in the vaguest terms. And I loved the disingenuous references to 'the competition'. Gee, wonder who THAT might be? (Maybe if they don't mention 'Apple' it'll go away.)

    I think the avoidance of the word 'Apple' bothered me as much as anything, because if you're honest, you admit first off that Apple invented the category. Acknowledge the obvious, for crying out loud. Then, if you have a real innovation to offer, it's in context and people might hear and believe you.

    The whole thing was just ugly, lying garbage.

    Hear, hear..

    PS: but keep in mind though, Apple didn't actually 'invented' the tablet category, it already exist long before the iPad launched. Apple just make it so cool and good, that everybody now know what a tablet is.
  • Reply 39 of 188
    This can't be real. I am sure there must be a better explanation.

    Then again......
  • Reply 40 of 188
    Originally Posted by euler View Post

    What's next? Are we to find out that Justin Long is not really a Mac?

    I assumed that everyone in commercials was an actor!

    I am posting this because people seem to have forgotten iPad video at the keynote. All real people, and many have said the same stuff many months before Apple even approached them.

    This is how it's done. In fact, I find Samsung trying to copy that, just like the specs.
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