Samsung caught presenting actors as Galaxy Tab "consumers," fudging thinnest tablet claims



  • Reply 140 of 188
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    I think Samsung just needs to relax and take their time. The iPad is already in a position of dominance, so no point trying to rush a product to market to prevent that from happening. They should take one of the open source OSes, build their own touch GUI for it, and go from there.
  • Reply 142 of 188
    desuserigndesuserign Posts: 1,316member
    Originally Posted by fila97 View Post

    Forget about tablets. Samsung should just concentrate on churning out as many A5 chips possible as Apple will sell millions and millions of iPad, iPhone iPod touch (and maybe Apple TV) this year.

    I imagine Samsung (like Google RE: GoogleMaps) has killed their golden goose (revenues from manufacturing the A5.) Fortunately for them Apple has no alternative sources for flash RAM and multitouch screens.

    History shows that Steve remembers treachery and always punishes it.
  • Reply 143 of 188
    Originally Posted by helmut View Post

    what I don't understand is why they wouldn't get a haircut or wear suits that fit...

    zombies on stage... i can't really believe it. they look like they have been gambling all night in a poker room or something.

    The reason they look like they have been gambling all night is because they probably haven't slept since the iPad 2 was announced. They probably haven't left the office to go to there homes to shave and change clothes. They've been up 24/7 and at the office trying to figure out how to cram the fat tab into that thin case and fool the world into thinking they have something.
  • Reply 144 of 188
    sevenfeetsevenfeet Posts: 471member
    Originally Posted by Galbi View Post

    The stories are real. The actors are representative of the real story.

    The real life players probably refused to do the interview but gave the story to Samsung. Samsung used it with hired actors to portray them.

    Whats so "news worthy" about this? Another lame attempt by Apple fans to pick on something as frivolous as actors.

    This just goes to show you how much Apple fans are taking Samsung seriously if they have to stoop down this low just to win bragging rights.

    Seriously? That's the best excuse you could come up with?

    There are legions of Fandroids who would be extremely happy to go on camera with a pre-released Android tablet and spout platitudes for weeks. Finding someone to say something nice isn't the problem. The problem is that few of these Fandroids actually look like the people in the videos. Most of the hard core Android fan base are IT professionals who look like, well, IT professionals.

    This whole thing was obviously handled by Samsung's marketing and ad people who did what they always do....they hire actors. The nice thing about actors is that you can easily cast for a specific look/type of person and get that person to say whatever message you are trying to convey.

    The real problem here is that actors were passed as as real life people who weren't actors wity the exception of the film director and he has already been outed as working for Samsung before (which is why Samsung's ad people thought of him in the first place). This was completely unnecessary. You could have put the product in a bunch of people's hands, filmed how they used it and came back for comments.

    But the second problem here is that the product (as announced) does not yet exist. The ad people literally had nothing to work with except for the 7" Galaxy Tab which has been out for months now. Even on stage the prototypes weren't working (nor in the booth). The reason they are non-functional is that Samsung's own VP spoke of having to "go back to the drawing board". It was a freudian slip since it basically encapsulated in a nutshell the "oh s#%t!" moment that all had when the iPad 2 dropped and they compared it to the specs of their soon-to-be-announced Galaxy Tabs that had already been designed and were moving through the supply chain to be manufactured soon. All that had to be stopped at great expense and "go back to the drawing board". When can you get a Tab 10.1? June. How about a 8.9? Sometime in "early summer". Really guys? You've had a year to do this and by the time summer gets here, Apple will have moved 10 million iPad 2s easy.

    Samsung tried to make the best out of a horrible situation for them. The late launch of the 10.1 and 8.9 is bad enough but the last thing you needed was the press to put 2 and 2 together about the testimonials from "excited users". I'm sure someone in the Android camp will note that in January 2007, the press wasn't allowed to use the iPhone as announced until when it was ready to ship in June. But at least Steve Jobs used a working prototype on stage as opposed to showing nice slide mockups and animations.
  • Reply 145 of 188
    oldmacguyoldmacguy Posts: 151member
    ...small print on the bottom, like in the car ads "Professional driver on a closed course. Don't drive like this nitwit in your own car anywhere on earth..."

    The could say "Professional actor being paid to shill this crap. Buy at your own risk..."
  • Reply 146 of 188
    Originally Posted by OldMacGuy View Post

    ...small print on the bottom, like in the car ads "Professional driver on a closed course. Don't drive like this nitwit in your own car anywhere on earth..."

    The could say "Professional actor being paid to shill this crap. Buy at your own risk..."

    There was nothing professional about that acting...
  • Reply 147 of 188
    Originally Posted by OldMacGuy View Post

    ...small print on the bottom, like in the car ads "Professional driver on a closed course. Don't drive like this nitwit in your own car anywhere on earth..."

    The could say "Professional actor being paid to shill this crap. Buy at your own risk..."

    AI posters, I haven't laughed so hard for a long time. Your sense of humour and well written comments crack me up. Keep 'em coming!
  • Reply 148 of 188
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    There was nothing professional about that acting...

    Maybe that's a new category of acting: "If I were a paid actor, would I be this lousy? LOL! You can totally believe what I say!"
  • Reply 149 of 188
    ljocampoljocampo Posts: 657member
    Actually I thought the acting was pretty good. A female actress portraying a fragment of a N.O.W. illusion. The illusion of the whole "Broadway Show" was right on the money. The illusion that she actually had the tab to use and do all those things with it before it existed. To pull off that, you have to be a professional actor.
  • Reply 150 of 188
    oldmacguyoldmacguy Posts: 151member
    ...we ARE going to ignore the huge sums that Apple pays for product placement in all those TV and movie dramas, right? But then, we KNOW the shows are fiction and the actors are, well, ACTORS.
  • Reply 151 of 188
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member
    Originally Posted by OldMacGuy View Post

    ...we ARE going to ignore the huge sums that Apple pays for product placement in all those TV and movie dramas, right? But then, we KNOW the shows are fiction and the actors are, well, ACTORS.


    Misread your post.
  • Reply 152 of 188
    Originally Posted by Mac-sochist View Post

    Maybe that's a new category of acting: "If I were a paid actor, would I be this lousy? LOL! You can totally believe what I say!"

    "Call me Joe."
  • Reply 153 of 188
    galbigalbi Posts: 968member
    Originally Posted by Sevenfeet View Post

    Most of the hard core Android fan base are IT professionals who look like, well, IT professionals.

    I just love to stir the pot.
  • Reply 154 of 188
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Galbi View Post


    The average Fandroid, the kind who likes to root their devices, looks like this.

  • Reply 155 of 188
    Re: product placement. How sure are we that Apple is paying anybody to show their computers on TV and in the movies? I think prop guys just use them because they're more photogenic than the other brands. Most of the time when they turn them around so you can only see the screen, you see they're running Windows—I don't know if Apple would pay for that.

    Then of course, for the last 3 years, every Apple computer on TV has had to have a sticker over the Apple logo so they don't get inundated with hate mail from right-wingers still infuriated about Apple's contribution to the "No on 8" campaign. (Of course, Google contributed as much or more, but that's OK.) Would Apple pay for that?

    I remember trying to sign up for the free limited service on one ISP, just as a backup, only to discover that you couldn't use a Mac on their service at all. Subsequently, I got a flyer in the mail from them, depicting dozens of happy people using their service, half of whom were using MacBooks. I know damn well Apple didn't pay for that!
  • Reply 156 of 188
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by OldMacGuy View Post

    ...we ARE going to ignore the huge sums that Apple pays for product placement in all those TV and movie dramas, right? But then, we KNOW the shows are fiction and the actors are, well, ACTORS.

    First, there's no evidence of that, but even if it's true, what difference does it make?

    When you watch The Office and the people are using a computer, do you take that as a real-life testimonial? Or, more appropriately for the age group of most of the Apple-bashers here, when you see a Pear computer on iCarly, do you think that's the real choice of real-life characters?

    The problem for Samsung is not that they paid people to advertise their product. The problem is that they LIED when they claimed that they were real people rather than paid actors. Apple never did that.
  • Reply 157 of 188
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member
    i've always assumed all those heart-warming Apple commercials and demo clips were pure fiction with actors. even all the kids. and that Apple spends a lot getting product placement in TV and movies. and also a lot on featured pop artists. and spends tons on billboards. and all the rest. Apple never said they don't. actually, Apple never says anything at all about its marketing ...

    no question Apple runs the state of the art consumer tech marketing machine today. really, in a class all by itself.

    but you never see the Apple guy in charge of this marketing empire. who is he/she? they are never on stage at any event. nothing gets in the way of the message.
  • Reply 158 of 188
    oldmacguyoldmacguy Posts: 151member
    OK. Product placement. Maybe I was wrong. Supposedly Apple does not pay for product placement, according to the Washngton Post article, so I will stand corrected on this point. Like… never mind.
  • Reply 159 of 188
    Originally Posted by OldMacGuy View Post

    OK. Product placement. Maybe I was wrong. Supposedly Apple does not pay for product placement, according to the Washngton Post article, so I will stand corrected on this point. Like? never mind.

    I've heard they don't either but I noticed at the end of House during the credits "promotional consideration was provided by the following... Apple (and others). Guess I'll have to read the links you provided, maybe they will explain it.
  • Reply 160 of 188
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by Doctor David View Post

    I've heard they don't either but I noticed at the end of House during the credits "promotional consideration was provided by the following... Apple (and others). Guess I'll have to read the links you provided, maybe they will explain it.

    Sometimes they provided for props but didn't pay for placement. This must be the case.

    Sometimes they paid. and other times the crew just got them themselves. Not every placements need to be paid. All they need to do is built the system which allows their products to be conveniently and speedily borrowed for shooting.
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