Continued lines for Apple's iPad 2 create 'shock and awe,' sales forecasts surge



  • Reply 101 of 134
    zeromeuszeromeus Posts: 182member
    The reason for the lines is that people are smuggling the ipad 2's to take to other countries to sell them for big bucks. I have a friend who's doing that. His Chinese connection is willing to pay him $150/ipad... I'd imagine that the "connection" is selling these ipads for $1000 or so....

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    More than two weeks after the iPad 2 went on sale in the U.S., lines continue to form at Apple stores around the country as new shipments arrive, prompting one Wall Street analyst to significantly increase his forecast for 2011 shipments.

    Analyst Charlie Wolf with Needham & Company issued a new note to investors on Tuesday entitled "AAPL: Shock and Awe!" In it, Wolf reveals he has increased his projected iPad sales for 2011 by 10 million, to a total of 30 million.

    Wolf has also increased his prediction for 2012 iPad sales by 10 million, totaling 40 million next year. These changes amount to an earnings per share estimate increase of $1 in 2011 to $23.25, while he sees Apple earning $27.35 EPS in 2012.

    "Attempting to forecast the growth trajectory of a new category of computers is difficult, if not perilous," Wolf wrote. "However, the launch of the iPad 2 so far exceeded our expectations that it was evident our 2011 and 2012 shipment forecasts were dramatically low."

    He said that hopeful competitors to the iPad have missed the point: the device's success is tied to its software, not the hardware. But competing devices, like those running Android Honeycomb, don't offer enough applications to entice most users.

    "In our view, Android's problems go beyond the dearth of applications," he said. "The Honeycomb interface itself appears overly complex for the purpose it was intended -- an intuitive, easy-to-use platform for running applications written for Android."

    Wolf noted that there is a "robust gray market" for the iPad 2, as lines for the device continue to form across the U.S. He sees this as a sign that the biggest opportunity for Apple with the iPad may be in China.

    Lending support to Wolf's conclusions regarding the gray market, AppleInsider Noah sent details and video on Tuesday from the iPad 2 line at Apple's New York City retail store in SoHo. The line of customers reportedly wrapped around Prince Street, north on Greene Street and almost to Houston, while most who were waiting were said to be speaking mostly Mandarin and some Cantonese.

    "Ten or so minutes after they allowed the line in, we were told that all of the AT&T versions were sold out," he said in an e-mail. "Some people left grumbling (me included). Ten minutes from them, the same went for all Wifi models. Only Verizon's versions remain."

    Apple experienced crushing demand for the iPad 2 at launch in the U.S., and last week's international launch saw similar sellouts across the globe. But there have been signs that availability is improving, with shorter estimated shipping times from Apple's online store, and expanded retail availability at Radio Shack stores starting today.

  • Reply 102 of 134
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    Don't be fooled. Android will absolutely gain market share. With so many devices coming out, people will flock to them the same they flocked to handsets. People want choice and of course the people who love to heavily tinker will never get an iOS based product. Apple will lose ground and most likey not lead the tablet market in the very near future.

    That doesn't change the fact that the iPad will continue to offer the best experience and best ecosystem. As for me, no tablets for me.

    Replace "Android" with "Plays For Sure" and "handset" with "music player" and read that back. Oh choice again. Did choice stop iPod from conquering the world?
  • Reply 103 of 134
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,608member
    @SuddenlyNewton: While Android will never destroy Apple products (I don't even think that's their intent to be honest), I think you've been drinking a bit too much of DED's beverages if you equate PlaysForSure with them. That comparison never has made sense to me no matter how many times he repeated it.
  • Reply 104 of 134
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    Don't be fooled. Android will absolutely gain market share. With so many devices coming out, people will flock to them the same they flocked to handsets. People want choice and of course the people who love to heavily tinker will never get an iOS based product. Apple will lose ground and most likey not lead the tablet market in the very near future.

    That doesn't change the fact that the iPad will continue to offer the best experience and best ecosystem. As for me, no tablets for me.

    Another clueless poster. It's the software and ecosystem stupid! Android falls completely flat in the tablet space.
  • Reply 105 of 134
    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    I wasn't impressed with the web-browsing speed of the iPad 1, so I never bought one.

    However, now that the thing is snappier, I'd be willing to buy one.

    I joined the rest of you in the ranks of the waiting list. I ordered a white 16GB model for my retired parents, who will love using the camera connector. I envision them getting back back to the car from a bird-watching or lighthouse-seeking trip, plugging the camera into their iPad, and using it to view the shots they just took on a bigger screen. And they can also use it to email while they're out and about on their weekend jaunts.

    If even senior citizens love the iPad....yeah, these things will sell like hotcakes.

    Disagree entirely with you, the iPad 1 had a very good browser and the speed was excellent.

    Are you referring to 3G or Wi-Fi ? If 3G, then its the locale or carrier, if Wi-Fi perhaps you have not set it up correctly. In future you need to be a little bit more clear in your posts.
  • Reply 106 of 134
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    Don't be fooled. Android will absolutely gain market share. With so many devices coming out, people will flock to them the same they flocked to handsets. People want choice and of course the people who love to heavily tinker will never get an iOS based product. Apple will lose ground and most likey not lead the tablet market in the very near future.

    That doesn't change the fact that the iPad will continue to offer the best experience and best ecosystem. As for me, no tablets for me.

    Not at all interested in your last comment, keep your personal tastes to your self, simply not interested okay !

    If you don't like Tablets why are you posting on this article, did you read the bloody title ?

    Now for your misinformed rant about android tables. What do you base it on, your gut feeling ?

    The android mobile phone market perhaps ?

    The tablet market is unlike the phone market, no subsidies of product, many will go wi-fi only, those that go 3G will have flexible data plans with no tie ins, hence must pay the full price.

    I look at the exhume (xoom) and the samsung 7 incher as proof that android will fail.

    The demographics are different, people will buy tables to replace their computers, their phones are a different "kettle of fish". They won't want to tinker with them, maybe the handful of basement dwelling geeks who have not seen the light of day for months may get their mummies to buy one and slide it down the staircase for them.

    No android will not gain any meaningful headway at all, tops will be around 15%, others bringing up to 30%, Apple will have 70%.

    Maybe my gut feeling as least I put a little bit of thought into my post, unlike you.
  • Reply 107 of 134
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    The next person who mentions Japan in a thread that has nothing at all to do with what happened there should be smacked upside the head. I've donated also, and I don't care for any whiners, whining about what other people should do or care about.

    Challenge too good to refuse.

    Japan is the home of the Geisha girl, the place where the Americans dropped two atom bombs on.

    Oops, this is an American site, hope its okay to mention the war.
  • Reply 108 of 134
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Australian iPad 2 madness - Fans are "livid"

    Auztraylya, now where have I heard that name.
  • Reply 109 of 134
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    I was thinking the same thing... do we yet have any actual sales figures from Apple? Long lines can mean two things. There is huge demand. Or there is low supply. (Or, obviously, a combination of both.) Unless we have actual numbers, it's hard to reach conclusions. Is there a real supply constraint due to the situation in Japan? Is there a fear of a future supply constraint causing artificially high demand now (especially for the gray market in countries where it's not yet available), sort of a "get it while you can" mentality. Is Apple/Foxconn constraining production to stretch out their component inventories until Japan can get back on it's feet? Why pay workers over time now if you are just going to run out of components in 2-3 weeks?

    From what I've read elsewhere, while there are long lines, it also seems that even Apple's own stores are getting fairly low inventory restocking each day. Suggesting that at least some of the reason for continuging long lines is low supply. But even that could be a result of the large number of retail outlets selling the device, not due to low output from the factories.

    Or "magical".

    Apple hater ALERT.

    Who cares what you think buddy.

    May I suggest you go to north east Japan and take an inventory and get back to us.
  • Reply 110 of 134
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    It?s impossible for me to be a racist because I don?t believe there are such things as races. We are all the same species and subspecies. Homo sapiens sapiens, a species so good you have to say it twice.

    if you are a citizen of the US, that would be most funny comment, as your country is bombing the fuck out of everybody. They should use their munitions on Google and microshit, that is where the biggest danger stems from.
  • Reply 111 of 134
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by White Rabbit View Post

    if you are a citizen of the US, that would be most funny comment, as your country is bombing the fuck out of everybody. They should use their munitions on Google and microshit, that is where the biggest danger stems from.

    Could someone please translate that into English.
  • Reply 112 of 134
    #1 I swore, but those that are too gutless and use wild card characters are doing the same

    #2 In Australia, we would call you all "a bunch of whingers", complain, complain and complain.

    Just wait, if you want one now, wait in line, don't like doing that, order online, cat has crapped on the keyboard and this is not possible, tough luck.
  • Reply 113 of 134
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    Originally Posted by White Rabbit View Post

    iff yuoo ere-a a ceetizee ooff zee US, thet vuoold be-a must foonny cumment, es yuoor cuoontry is bumbeeng zee foock oooot ooff iferybudy. Zeey shuoold use-a zeeur mooneeshuns oon Guugle-a und meecrushit, thet is vhere-a zee beeggest dunger stems frum.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Could someone please translate that into English.

    Would Swedish Chef do? It's the only other language I know.
  • Reply 114 of 134
    realisticrealistic Posts: 1,154member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    To the competition it really is a 'Shocked & Aw-Sheit' moment.
  • Reply 115 of 134
    cgc0202cgc0202 Posts: 624member
    Originally Posted by Capnbob View Post

    It's the inverse...

    5 Billion have phones, 1.5Bn don't. Doesn't really change your point about the position of the tablet on the hierarchy of needs, but phones appear to be right up there.

    So, a blog site or some trendsupdates,com posted a graph, and yuou immediately accepted it to be factual? How reliable are they? Did they give any information to prove the veracity of their graph.

    Have you ever heard of the US Census? If you did, and ever spent time going through their website, you will find that they do more than the US Population.

    Here's a link that you should analyze:

    and that is the average for the whole world. You do understand averages, I hope.

    Then, if you still are not convinced of the ridiculousness of such data posted above, let me introduce you to the concept of population pyramids for different countries... rich countries, developing cournties, very poor coutries and very very poor countries.

    Then if that is not enough, let me go to the next level and introduce the concept of average per capita income.

    But we do not even have to go that deep. Let's take the United States, which is one of the riches countries in the world (but not the richest actually per capita): As of 20 March 2011, ] the best estimate of the population of the US is about 310 million

    and here's the corresponding US population pyramid:

    Then try to answer these:

    Do 15 year old Americans and under all have phones of their own?

    Do all American teenagers between 15-18 have phones?

    Then relate this with the total phone subrscribers for the major telephone companies, put an estimate on the other smaller phone companies, and relate these to the the above reliable population estimates for the US.

    Do the same for Bangladesh:



    How many hundreds of millions (if not billions can you safely include as not having any phones?

    And the above pyramids do not even include the impact of per capita income ot these countries. By the way, there are a lot of poor people in India and China, but they are not the poorest countries in the world.

    If the above information alone would not make you understand that the proposition that there are more about 5 billion individuals in the world, then count me out of your discussions.

  • Reply 116 of 134
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM

    I thought business was a football game, be it American or the real kind. Damn metaphors.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    No, football is like a game of chess.

    (I wonder how long we can keep this going)

    Didn't find Jeff's post; so replying to yours with a quote from Jack Nickolson:

    "People who talk in metaphors oughta shampoo my crotch"
  • Reply 117 of 134
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    It?s impossible for me to be a racist because I don?t believe there are such things as races. We are all the same species and subspecies. Homo sapiens sapiens, a species so good you have to say it twice.

    i did not call you a racist

    in fact i agree


    100 percent with you

    the milky way will be crashed into by the andromeda galaxy in 5 billion yrs

    creating a super galaxy

    what a light show will happen

    i want front row seats

  • Reply 118 of 134
    People stood in lines and actually fought for Cabbage Patch Dolls. Only thing top of the line about Apple is its marketing dept. To bad a year from now Apple Fanboys will be crying as Apple loses the tablet OS market also. Just like with Mobile Phone and Desktop OS. Fail Fail Fail. Microsoft kicked your arse and now Android beat you out of the phone market. Must suck to always be on the losing team.
  • Reply 119 of 134
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Andykemp View Post

    People stood in lines and actually fought for Cabbage Patch Dolls. Only thing top of the line about Apple is its marketing dept. To bad a year from now Apple Fanboys will be crying as Apple loses the tablet OS market also. Just like with Mobile Phone and Desktop OS. Fail Fail Fail. Microsoft kicked your arse and now Android beat you out of the phone market. Must suck to always be on the losing team.

    Let me give you an example of laughing all the way to the bank.

    Note that everyone is laughing at you for note realizing why and how business stay in business. You can go on thinking that marketshare of a free OS is what everyone cares about, but its not, it?s about profit and Android is not saving these companies it?s merely a short term shot of adrenaline while they scramble to find a real solution to their problem before they completely go under.
  • Reply 120 of 134
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Let me give you an example of laughing all the way to the bank.

    Note that everyone is laughing at you for note realizing why and how business stay in business. You can go on thinking that marketshare of a free OS is what everyone cares about, but its not, it’s about profit and Android is not saving these companies it’s merely a short term shot of adrenaline while they scramble to find a real solution to their problem before they completely go under.

    Profit for Apple but 99% of its customers are just pawns that own no stock whatsoever. Just trying to fit in by buying the device with the "i" on it. Brilliant on Apples part. Just make something and slap an "i" on it. Sell millions.
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