Apple steps up iPad 2 campaign to push functionality over hardware specifications



  • Reply 161 of 200
    ecphorizerecphorizer Posts: 533member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post


    that is a very old stupid joke 13 yr olds play

    Hey, don't cast aspersions on 13-year-olds!

    Of course it's old, of course it's stupid, but it's a bit of comic relief.
  • Reply 162 of 200
    ecphorizerecphorizer Posts: 533member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Tod... ya' gotta' be desperate (or is that disparate) to play the Larry Byrum card.

    Guilty and guilty.

    I've been out in the yard digging and planting, and my back and legs are sore. I think I'm entitiled to play that card. I still have the jim Rusten and Ann Jolly cards to play if it gets to that.
  • Reply 163 of 200
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by Ecphorizer View Post

    Guilty and guilty.

    I've been out in the yard digging and planting, and my back and legs are sore. I think I'm entitiled to play that card. I still have the jim Rusten and Ann Jolly cards to play if it gets to that.

    Ahh... Nothing beats Mark Eppersen doing a handstand and walking on his hands all the way to Farrels'

  • Reply 164 of 200
    ecphorizerecphorizer Posts: 533member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Ahh... Nothing beats Farrells


    There, fixed that for you.

    Loved those "troughs" and the Pikes Peak.
  • Reply 165 of 200
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by Ecphorizer View Post

    There, fixed that for you.

    Loved those "troughs" and the Pikes Peak.

    ... or you could go to the "Turtle" and have 2 Lobbies & a bottle of Chard for less than $20...

    Good times!
  • Reply 166 of 200
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Ecphorizer View Post

    Dare I say it: That's being realistic about the whole process of evaluating your tools based on your needs. I personally don't see where I'll be opening huge PDF files on my iPad.

    Actually, you might. At least one car manufacturer put their owner's manual onto the first iPad.

    Apparently, opening large documents was not a problem.
  • Reply 167 of 200
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,408member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Another alias, teckstud? Don't you ever get tired of it all?

    Exactly what I was thinking!
  • Reply 168 of 200
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Another alias, teckstud? Don't you ever get tired of it all?

    Not if someone is underwriting his attempts at FUD...
  • Reply 169 of 200
    granmastakgranmastak Posts: 298member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    ... Like the problem posed to the mathematician and the engineer:

    Scenario: You are in an empty room with your back against 1 wall and a beautiful naked model backed against the opposite wall 30 feet away.

    Question: You can halve the distance between you with each leap -- how many leaps will it take?

    Answer mathematician: You can never get there - it will take an infinite number of leaps!

    Answer engineer: I can get close enough!

    Hebrews that's such a great analogy .....
  • Reply 170 of 200
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    As a late entrant to this particular thread, it gives me the opportunity to observe how many individuals have told everyone what THEY think of Apple's new ad. Well, you know what? THEIR opinion doesn't matter, because they're not the group of people Apple wants to reach. Notice the lingering shots of very personal human activities, accomplished with nothing more than the touch of a finger or two - looking at family photos and visuals - turning the pages of an ebook - strumming a virtual guitar. For end users who are computer-averse or even computer-fearful, it's music to be reassured - "When technology gets out of the way, everything becomes more delightful, even magical." In marketing iPads to the millions, this single line combined with the visuals is sheer genius.
  • Reply 171 of 200
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by Kibitzer View Post

    As a late entrant to this particular thread, it gives me the opportunity to observe how many individuals have told everyone what THEY think of Apple's new ad. Well, you know what? THEIR opinion doesn't matter, because they're not the group of people Apple wants to reach. Notice the lingering shots of very personal human activities, accomplished with nothing more than the touch of a finger or two - looking at family photos and visuals - turning the pages of an ebook - strumming a virtual guitar. For end users who are computer-averse or even computer-fearful, it's music to be reassured - "When technology gets out of the way, everything becomes more delightful, even magical." In marketing iPads to the millions, this single line combined with the visuals is sheer genius.

    Hear, hear!

    However, you have to remember that we are the ones who are giving Apple all the ideas.

    Or so it would seem . . .
  • Reply 172 of 200
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    it makes me think of another thing though which is why Apple's adverts all seem to have a male voice. Especially with the new products, shouldn't they be aiming at women as well?

    Not that I believe that a female voice is a necessity to appeal to a female audience, but it's difficult to imagine that an ad with a female voice won't appear before too long.
  • Reply 173 of 200
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    My neighbor, kind of a techie guy, brought over his new Android tablet tonight. He paid $299. It's running Gingerbread. I got to play around with it. I don't own an iPad, but I've used them as well.

    Overall impressions: It doesn't touch the iPad. It's slow. Scrolling and multi-touch are rocky at best. I just didn't like it. It's like the tablet version of Windows 3.1. It's uncomfortable to hold and the touch keyboard is not suited well for typing...I can type faster on my iPhone. I don't recall exactly what the hardware was. But overall, it's no match for even the iPad 1.
  • Reply 174 of 200
    ryzryz Posts: 5member
    To win more heartshare, Apple has to shift users' paradigm.

    BTW, until I get hold of my iPad 2, my emails will have to end with "Sent from my iPad too."

  • Reply 175 of 200
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    So 720p @ 30fps isn't enough?

    It equals or betters 99% of the market of all tablets and smartphones.

    A 10" tablet makes a ridiculous camera, Apple knows it, everyone with any sense knows it, Apple did more than enough to meet the requirements of tablet based photography.

    The video is fine. I could definitely see an iPad Film Festival. But most people are more likely to take a photo than shoot a video in everyday life.

    The larger screen is actually great for framing birthday shots and then sharing it without everyone having to huddle over a tiny screen. It's a little heavy and the tiny (!) shutter button is in an awkward position. But the camera sensor is fine for the web but you can't even take decent photography in good light.

    I don't see what this shyness is about holding up a tablet. It's not as if you're carrying your iMac over to a window to photograph a sunset!
  • Reply 176 of 200
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Amazing! Apple?s 1st iPad barely slower than the Tegra 2 Xoom that came out his year and the iPad 2 so far ahead now that their competition has to go back to the drawing board and you?re focusing on a high pixel camera on a tablet and a ?retina display? which wasn?t just a rumor but a technical impossibility given the known logistical and technical issues.

    Android tablet will have/do have sort of slow start like Android phones did in their time, but there's not much doubt they will catch up shortly.

    Tegra 3 (a.k.a. Kal-El) tablets are expected to be out during this (north hemisphere) summer, and if nVidia manages to do that, Tegra 4 might be available at the time of iPad 3 release.

    Tegra 3 is already expected to be 5x faster than Tegra 2, and some (questionable?) info on the web compares it's performance to Core 2 Duo.

    I don't expect that iPad 3 will be able to raw-performance dominate whatever Android tablets will have to run on at that time... but then again, I don't think iPad really needs to dominate in RAW performance to be (and to remain) successful. Apple's mantra was always user experience before the raw performance, and they did well with that approach so far.

    I wouldn't be surprised if this new add focus on experience vs. performance isn't part of that approach, anyway.
  • Reply 177 of 200
    clesenclesen Posts: 2member
    I have found that most of the cool features seen in the ipad's commercials are actually features you have to pay for. I was disappointed with the lack of "magical" features. I hope the 2 is better. I am thoroughly underwhelmed.
  • Reply 178 of 200
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 863member
    Originally Posted by clesen View Post

    I have found that most of the cool features seen in the ipad's commercials are actually features you have to pay for. I was disappointed with the lack of "magical" features. I hope the 2 is better. I am thoroughly underwhelmed.

    Plenty of Free Apps in Itunes for the Ipad and Ipad2. Also Apps which cost money and may be useful to some but not others.

    Bottom Line: The selection and choice is yours and is available.
  • Reply 179 of 200
    Originally Posted by clesen View Post

    I have found that most of the cool features seen in the ipad's commercials are actually features you have to pay for. I was disappointed with the lack of "magical" features. I hope the 2 is better. I am thoroughly underwhelmed.

    Well, developing an app is not easy as you type a comment here and whine about why is not free.

    I mean it is not easy as you look, you're just obviously a consumer. Ok, imagine Apple announced the iPhone in 2007 and stated that they started working at it 2 1/2 years ago. The progress of iOS from that day to current? imagine how long that is? Another example a quality game. You know Starcraft 2? They started developing it in Year 2003, it was put on hold for a year in 2005 and it launched on July 27, 2010.. again imagine how long that is? And you can't just be a developer. It's not a job that anyone are able to do it. You need to be talented, really logical and have a creative mind how to pull things out.
  • Reply 180 of 200
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Android tablet will have/do have sort of slow start like Android phones did in their time, but there's not much doubt they will catch up shortly.

    I think think the way this portion of the market will play out won't quite replicate any of the key markets below which Apple's entered first before.

    1. The iPhone breaking in with a new paradigm vs. the rest of the smart phone market.

    2. The Mac (and Apple in gen'l) - first mass production graphical UI/mouse based computer vs. MS/IBM and MS/Clones - a period when still fresh out of the garage Apple ]['s share was already under assault from the OS backed by the company then synonymous with "computer" (IBM) and when the great majority of computing sales by $$ were to business.

    3 (a/b). The "mp3" player/media content markets - where there were only other emergent players and no central web locus for any.

    4. The Slate/Tab/Pad Market - where cynicism had developed around the category and Apple's breaking in again with a fresh paradigm (if borrowed mostly from the iPhone) and form factor, and again with Google and an army of HW companies following on willy-nilly.

    1. In the phone case, Apple was limited to one carrier in the US for four years and to one or two everywhere else. Android's been able to be on as many as will sell phones from any of these HW companies. Signal problems and limited rate plans beyond their control have kept them tethered to limited sales possibilities (ATT, e.g., had no coverage in some states and atrocious coverage in some major metro areas - and that's just one carrier example in one country). And within those constraints, Apple's also eschewed other market segments - people who mostly or much prefer physical keyboards (about 15-25% I'd guess), those enticed into contracts by free or nearly free phones (10-20%??), and those who want cutesy, nichey phones designed for special demographics (young girls, e.g.). So given those factors, Android's rise isn't hard to understand.

    2. In the PC case - the description already made the case. The young whipper-snappers had their asses handed to 'em by the combo of Big Blue and the rapacious B. Gates (who later turned around and knifed IBM itself in the back). Not to mention Macs were more expensive (which under Jobs II and the resurrection they've actually turned into a nice plus for themselves finally).

    3a. In the media player case, Apple's fresh approach handed everybody's asses to them - first the companies (small and dedicated or large and dabbling) making the players, and then the purveyors of the content with the iTunes store. And ever since Apple's share of the first has remained above 70% (or more?) and of the second, they're the largest media content retailer on the planet. The player market remains theirs and the Touch is now a) a player, b) a very capable pocket gaming device and c) the small iPad Apple says it won't build (but already is).

    3b. In the content sales arena, Apple's still doing great guns, but don't count Amazon out now that people are going there for Apps and Amazon already had the second-best online music store and biggest bookstore in the world (and have the Kindle portfolio, and have bought And Google has ambitions. And "music lockers" are about to hit. And Androids are, by default, also media-player devices.

    4. In the slate/tab/pad case, Apple again has a year or more head start (again), with iPod-like market share.

    And while Android already exists and can also scale its Phone OS and has its HW partners lined up, in this case there are no critical partners (cellcos) holding Apple back. Any iPad can be tethered to any tetherable phone or Mi-Fi signal from any cellco. Apple can compete across the board in terms of access to signal even if Android can have contracted/subsidized devices on maybe more carriers. (iPads could be subsidized too if Apple chooses, of course.)

    Not to mentioned owning the best "ecosystem" and integration across multiple product lines.

    And while Google and MS are corporate monsters like IBM was, Apple's now a bigger monster than any of 'em. Their garage days and lack of Q factor with developed markets are distant memories. And consumers are driving mobile computing more than businesses these days.

    And while still a primo product, this time Apple's a price/value leader. And got locks on the best supplies of parts. And the best retail customer digital products service organization in the world. And will find function-specific reasons to justify any smaller or larger form factors it decides to debut in this space.

    But pads are going to be competing in the computer space - with netbooks and notebooks as well as other touch screens - and there will be a market for low-end products particularly where Android and in other segments, where some of the following can play as well: MS (and MS/Nokia), HP, Rim, Moto, and possibly Amazon or even facebook. And maybe others.

    Bottom line: So not as quick a market-share grab by the Droids in phones, not a decade-long near-collapse as in PC's and not a near monopoly as in players. So my estimate is Apple stays over 50% for a year or more (an easy pick given that they're still mostly competing against vaporware and machines that will have to mailed to Moto when the system's actually finished), so I'll push that to two years or more. And I believe remains the number one player (against all Droid makers and MS makers - as OS groups - and the rest) for at least several more. If not longer.
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