Apple reportedly caused display shortage that delayed RIM PlayBook 1 month



  • Reply 21 of 34
    tardistardis Posts: 94member
    Originally Posted by tundraboy View Post

    You know that Steve Jobs' parents are Jewish, right?

    I thought Steve Jobs was American, from California, as were his adoptive parents. I believe his natural father was Syrian, and assume that he was a Muslim. I do not know or particularly care what religion any of them follow, nor did I intend, by reference to a long-running joke about a movie about Hitler, to make any reference to their religious beliefs or racial origins.

    I might have been making a dig against Canadians, though ........
  • Reply 22 of 34
    theothergeofftheothergeoff Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    I don't expect every company to take it's cues from Apple's strategy, HOWEVER, some things they do quite well, such as:
    • keep their developments and research in-house and secret;

    • refrain from making claims about their devices BEFORE they make it to market, and let that market and it's customers decide whether it's good or not;

    • ignore the press, bloggers, and technorati... let their customers speak for them. Best advertising you can ever get, but can not buy: word-of-mouth;

    • have unwittingly created a "buzz-industry" and free PR around their products, due to all of the conjecture, guessing, and rumors... by saying absolutely nothing!. How downright clever is that?!

    • when they do need to make advertising and market their products, they show what it can do, why it's a clever choice (the old PC-Mac campaign), and dare I say "fun" to own;

    • their ads mirror their design-philosophy and aesthetics to top it off.

    Why is it that no other firm today can figure that out, and make it work for them too?

    The short list (above points) are now in B&W here at AI, so the "Marketeers" can't say they've never heard of this before.

    They all do read AI Forums... don't they?

    You do remember "Think Different"?

    The IBM/M$ method of selling stuff ("FUD", sell the vision ('longhorn')), combined with the .Com marketing methodology ("Sell the Sizzle", buzzword, sell the meme), is the 'think like the herd' mentality.

    With two CEOs and 3 COOs, you know that RIM must conform to the lowest common denominator of leadership. With Apple, you've got Steve ("This is what we delivery"), and Tim ("This is how we deliver").

    As for supply... of course suppliers are beholden to Apple. When Tim says, "you'll supply us X on Y date, with an option for Z more, and we'll PAY UP FRONT, with a breach of contract clause that basically will eliminate your ability to breed if you fail to delivery," suppliers will not disrupt that supply chain. RIM can only wait for the scraps, and/or hope that Apple doesn't exercise it's option for Z. iPad2 sells like hotcakes...

    One would wonder if the discounting of the iPad1 were executed to artificially trigger the 'Z' clause, to consume the supply, to drive up costs for competitor and/or delay their delivery into the market. Since their Margins are so great, because they control more of the value delivery, Apple can flirt with non-competitive practices, but still point to the fact they did in fact make a profit on every unit they sold (no loss leaders to drive out competition). As they say at Guinness... "Brilliant"
  • Reply 23 of 34
    walshbjwalshbj Posts: 864member
    Looking forward to what Walt says about it. Although I don't think Walt's opinions deserve to carry the weight they do.
  • Reply 24 of 34
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    LOL I love it when people keep secrets on the Internets. Nobody will possibly see that!

    Especially $3.9 billion secrets!

    Seriously though, how hard could it be to scrape up a hundred or so panels*? I don't see them needing a whole lot more than that!

    *Not including the number needed for all RIM employees who will be forced to lug one of these around in public...
  • Reply 25 of 34
    boogabooga Posts: 1,082member
    Originally Posted by walshbj View Post

    Looking forward to what Walt says about it. Although I don't think Walt's opinions deserve to carry the weight they do.

    I'm sure Mr. Disney would approve.
  • Reply 26 of 34
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by kilimanjaro View Post

    Now we know why Steve Jobs insisted to introduce the iPad 2 earlier than all have expected to be..

    Apple is known to follow their own schedule. Last year they had to announce early because the FCC had to approve the device and that process is public info. They also had to give plenty of time for that approval to happen because they had announcing and then delaying for any reason. But March might be the time they wanted to release it in general and thus this year they did.

    As for all this talk about displays and RIM being delayed. The answer is simple. Apple made their contract first with the suppliers who choose to focus on Apple completely. So RIM et al would have to settle for after Apple got all of their purchased displays. And then a freaking earthquake hit which screwed everything up for the last month, including perhaps production to fulfill that contract. Even without the contract RIM would likely have had to delay because the company would likely be busy with other things like getting their electricity working again, making sure their staff are alive and have places to sleep etc.

    Originally Posted by TheOtherGeoff View Post

    One would wonder if the discounting of the iPad1

    was done after the ipad 2 was announced and was done for one reason and one reason only. To sell out the remaining stock on an item that had already ceased production (said lines being used for the ipad 2). They, and most other companies with any sense, do the same thing with all products. Which is why sites like this post article after article about this or that product's supply drying up and places like Best Buy being told they can't order more. It's a giant arrow pointing right at "new models coming really soon"
  • Reply 27 of 34
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    Originally Posted by Booga View Post

    I'm sure Mr. Disney would approve.

    That's great! Can't tell if you're ignorant beyond redemption or being super-sly!
  • Reply 28 of 34
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by mhikl View Post

    How silly. If it weren't for Apple, RIM wouldn't even be thinking about bringing out a tablet at any time.

    Ha ha.

    That's an interesting point.

    One wonders why RIMM would choose a revolutionary upheaval (corporate and technological) to enter a new and unproved marketplace -- as opposed to a less disruptive evolutionary path to improve the products in a marketplace that they already serve.

    It will be interesting to see if they can pull this off -- I, suspect not!
  • Reply 29 of 34
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by dish View Post

    Ironically, I'm sure they actually needed the extra time to finish the software....not that it will make a difference in the long run.

    ...Tonnage Takes Time!
  • Reply 30 of 34
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    I'm just curious why these companies make it so easy to make fun of them.

    Why say anything at all?

    Fact is: that Playbook is effectively DOA. I doubt they will actually "sell" more than 50,000. Giving them away to their strategic partners and enterprise, in the hopes that they will find a use, integrate, and write programs for them... does not count.

    How soon will it be after launch that we will hear they are already working on Playbook 2, and that they have to "re-think their strategy".

    I mean seriously: DUH!... and embarrassingly laughable.

    I stand behind my prediction, more so every day: RIM will be sold by the end of 2011... no later than Q1 2012.

    You CAN'T have it both ways --- by saying that the Playbook is delayed due to Apple buying all the LCD capacity AND then simultaneously saying that the Playbook is only going to selling at a "token" volume.

    If RIM is going to sell a token volume of Playbooks to enterprise customers, then they would have zero problem sourcing token volume of LCD screens.
  • Reply 31 of 34
    lowededwookielowededwookie Posts: 1,161member
    Originally Posted by tundraboy View Post

    You know that Steve Jobs' parents are Jewish, right?

    You do know that Jew isn't a race but a religion and that the Jews killed in Germany were actually native Germans who spoke German right?

    Back to topic though I seriously doubt Apple had anything to do with this considering they don't do 7" screens and therefore would only really impact on the 10" devices.
  • Reply 32 of 34
    Originally Posted by kilimanjaro View Post

    Now we know why Steve Jobs insisted to introduce the iPad 2 earlier than all have expected to be..

    Apple is so cool.....their way ahead of everyone.
  • Reply 33 of 34
  • Reply 34 of 34
    Have you ever seen little kids in a Easter egg hunt. They will quicky fill their basket then spend the rest of the time picking up the eggs they have dropped while their basket is over flowing.

    This is how I see all these companies, they see Apple or anyone else make a little money, they slap together a crap product hype it up and expect it to sell.

    They are like little children hence why so many CEO are going home like little children who don't Wana play anymore. Lol
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