Apple keeping iPhone 5 cards 'extra close to the vest' in supply chain



  • Reply 21 of 72
    xgmanxgman Posts: 159member
    Originally Posted by Brian Green View Post

    We've seen what happens when they dropped the ball in the past, and the competition came in to crush them into the ground.

    I don't know about that, but I do agree from a marketing perspective, they can't afford to "drop the ball".
  • Reply 22 of 72
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,037member
    Originally Posted by grub View Post

    One wish:

    Multiple user accounts!

    Amen! Good way to allow photos transferred via camera connection kit to iPad from iPhone to be subsequently transferred to multiple iMacs in the family. (We each like to do our own iPhoto editing and sharing).
  • Reply 23 of 72
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by JamesTheLesser View Post

    Easy, front facing camera is activated when the phone is picked up (using the accelerometer), takes some pictures, uses FACES to determine who you are and displays your account.

    Like I said, "easy!"

    Yeah right? Like in the middle of the night when it is totally dark and the phone beeps a notification, you need find out if the notification is for you or the other user of the device. Who shares an iPhone with someone else anyway? Maybe an iPad, but not a phone. But still, how the heck are push notifications ever going to work on a multiple account system?

    Police have been notified. This stranger stole your phone.
  • Reply 24 of 72
    whozownwhozown Posts: 128member
    Originally Posted by grub View Post

    One wish:

    Multiple user accounts!

    We have 3 family members using our iPad and woudl like to have our stuff separate. Our daughter's silly games needn't be on my workspace. Email accounts, Facebook, etc. would all benefit.

    The first and most obvious, buy her her own iPad.

    Or you could just make separate FOLDERS for her "silly games"
  • Reply 25 of 72
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Please, no "first" posts.

    A "first" post AND total ignorance of a well-known turn of speech. An ignorance he immediately compounded by chastising the author, who used it correctly.

    If it was me, I'd hide under a rock for a year before posting again. But then, I have a sense of shame.
  • Reply 26 of 72
    Originally Posted by RobertE View Post

    Me too. Not so much for the iPhone as it's a personal item (connected to a phone number) but the iPad and iTouch should allow family members to share each with personal set ups for mail calenders etc.

    100% Agree. We have this capability on our Macs and it just makes sense as iOS evolves.
  • Reply 27 of 72
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Yeah right? Like in the middle of the night when it is totally dark and the phone beeps a notification, you need find out if the notification is for you or the other user of the device. Who shares an iPhone with someone else anyway? Maybe an iPad, but not a phone. But still, how the heck are push notifications ever going to work on a multiple account system?

    There certainly seem to be some logistical issues with this popular idea.
  • Reply 28 of 72
    Originally Posted by kilimanjaro View Post

    That will never happen, Steve Jobs would cry to know that you share an iPad instead of buy one for each of your family members..

    I don't know why anyone would want or need to *share* an iPad either. They aren't that expensive.

    Even if you have kids, there's no reason they can't share one among themselves without separate user accounts and grown-ups should *not* be sharing their computers with youngsters anyway.
  • Reply 29 of 72
    grubgrub Posts: 24member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    I don't know why anyone would want or need to *share* an iPad either. They aren't that expensive.

    Even if you have kids, there's no reason they can't share one among themselves without separate user accounts and grown-ups should *not* be sharing their computers with youngsters anyway.

    They aren't much money, agreed. Yet if Jobs keeps insisting we're in a "post-PC world", then he should ensure that one fundamental PC capability is available.

    Not to mention wireless syncing.
  • Reply 30 of 72
    macslutmacslut Posts: 514member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    I don't know why anyone would want or need to *share* an iPad either. They aren't that expensive.

    Even if you have kids, there's no reason they can't share one among themselves without separate user accounts and grown-ups should *not* be sharing their computers with youngsters anyway.

    I totally disagree.

    I really don't want to buy or even carry another iPad just for the rare times that I'll let the kids use it while I'm driving or whatever. With another user account, I can keep all of my stuff secure...just like with my computer. Their user accounts wouldn't be admin accounts, so there's nothing they could really do to cause harm...other than drop/break the iPad, but my kids are pretty responsible in that regard (and I have a very protective case for my iPad).

    So far, there have been no problems sharing, but it's still a concern that they'll access something, or on my iPhone see a text come in or whatever. Likewise, I'm often out and about with someone who wants to borrow the iPad to check email or use it for whatever reason, and it would be nice to simply create a quick user account (like I can do on my MacBook) and let them go at it without affecting my account.
  • Reply 31 of 72
    kesemkesem Posts: 28member
    The reason for the radio silence from all the Apple spies is because Apple is waiting for the full efficiency evaluation of the new Qualcom 4G chip. Whether the next phone is called 4S or 5 will be determined by how long the battery life is with the new chip.
  • Reply 32 of 72
    Originally Posted by neilw View Post

    I had only ever heard the "vest" version before, so I was puzzled at the initial comment. Googling around a bit suggests that both versions ("chest" and "vest") are common, but "vest" might be more popular in America. Interesting!

    "Close to the chest" ~40m results

    "Close to the vest" ~1m results

    Just because you grew up hearing vest (in America?) and claimed to have used google does not mean that a phrase used roughly 40 times more on the internet is less popular in America.

    Sorry for the butthurt, but "close to the chest" is so much more common it's not even funny.
  • Reply 33 of 72
    natlanatla Posts: 1member
    Originally Posted by JamesTheLesser View Post

    Easy, front facing camera is activated when the phone is picked up (using the accelerometer), takes some pictures, uses FACES to determine who you are and displays your account.

    Like I said, "easy!"

    Well not so easy when you have twins that have the same face in your family. Don't you agree James?
  • Reply 34 of 72
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    I don't know why anyone would want or need to *share* an iPad either. They aren't that expensive.

    Even if you have kids, there's no reason they can't share one among themselves without separate user accounts and grown-ups should *not* be sharing their computers with youngsters anyway.

    iPads may not be that expensive, but they are not exactly cheap. Most people would consider them a luxury, although an especially convenient one. And, currently, they aren't that easy to get.

    I can think of many reasons why a family that chooses to purchase an iPad elects to share it among many family members. I use my iPad frequently, but it still sits around unused for most of the day. It would be efficient to share it with others. Having the ability to have separate accounts would make it easier to share among 2 or more people. That would be an especially useful capability at school. Maybe the science lab has an iPad for each person to use in class, and they can store their work on it, and, when the next class comes in, they swtich the iPad to their account for the semester.

    I know someone mentioned the problem with notifications and multiple user accounts, but I hope that Apple is planning vast improvements to notifications anyway. If multiple accounts is in the cards, hopefully there's an elegant way to roll it into any revisions notifications receive.
  • Reply 35 of 72
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by The_Third_One View Post

    "Close to the chest" ~40m results

    "Close to the vest" ~1m results

    Just because you grew up hearing vest (in America?) and claimed to have used google does not mean that a phrase used roughly 40 times more on the internet is less popular in America.

    Sorry for the butthurt, but "close to the chest" is so much more common it's not even funny.

    What about 'Close to the breast'

    About 95,100,000 results

    Google result count means very little in these situations
  • Reply 36 of 72
    Originally Posted by grub View Post

    One wish:

    Multiple user accounts!

    We have 3 family members using our iPad and woudl like to have our stuff separate. Our daughter's silly games needn't be on my workspace. Email accounts, Facebook, etc. would all benefit.

    I gave up on fighting for iPad with my daughters and bought myself a brand new iPad 2.
  • Reply 37 of 72
    seankillseankill Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    I don't know why anyone would want or need to *share* an iPad either. They aren't that expensive.

    Even if you have kids, there's no reason they can't share one among themselves without separate user accounts and grown-ups should *not* be sharing their computers with youngsters anyway.

    Plus not everyone can afford 4 iPads running around the house. I agree it'd be handy on an iPad, no so much an iphone
  • Reply 38 of 72
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by The_Third_One View Post

    "Close to the chest" ~40m results

    "Close to the vest" ~1m results

    Just because you grew up hearing vest (in America?) and claimed to have used google does not mean that a phrase used roughly 40 times more on the internet is less popular in America.

    Sorry for the butthurt, but "close to the chest" is so much more common it's not even funny.

    I might be chomping at the bit here from one too many expressos but for all intensive purposes a Google search is not an affidavid of the soul exceptable or original usage, irregardless of wat probly is most common today, excetera, excetera.
  • Reply 39 of 72
    Apple is prudently protective of its position relative to its component suppliers, for obvious reasons. Leaks simply provide the competition with the opportunity to 'invent' a piece of vaporware with 'super competitive' performance in an attempt to steal Apple's thunder, even before the Apple product is released. The fact that very little of this vaporware ever reaches reality doesn't seem to register with gullible journalists who are happy to pre-announce the next Apple killer based on PR bilge from the competition. This is not in Apple's interests and hence its desire to keep confidential the components it is seeking to procure.

    As to the comment that Apple seeks to lock out competition by buying up all available component stocks, this again is wrong. Apple seeks to achieve continuity of component supply for products which (as we have seen over and over again) create enormous demand immediately they become available. If the outcome is that this leaves fewer components for the competition, that's something the competition can rectify by building the same reliable, quality relationships with component suppliers that Apple has achieved.

    The reason they don't do this, is that experience has shown them they simply can't guarantee to be able to design and build products that are truly competitive to Apple, once they escape the false glitter of the product launch and get in front of real customers. This is what happened to the much hyped Galaxy Tab which 'analysts' and less than inquisitive journalists were very happy to tout as an Apple killer based on fanciful Samsung PR, only to find that one month after launch, most of the production run was still gathering dust on store shelves as iPads were flying out the door. We now see the next iPad killer, the Motorola Xoom has suffered the same fate. Customers know what they want, and it's called iPad.

    Imagine the impact on Samsung and Motorola's bottom line if they had done what Apple does to secure components: pay up front for tens of millions, contractually agree to actually take specific volumes after the pre-paid allocation is used, Apple investing in actual plant at the supplier's factories etc etc. Apple has to be confident its product are going to justify these expenditures.

    Experience has shown that, so far, this confidence is justified.
  • Reply 40 of 72
    eduardoeduardo Posts: 181member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    1st woot. And obviously... Close to the "vest"? WTF? Did he forget that the word "chest" exists?

    Oh the horror. Two wrongs make one bad reply.
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