Looking to buy a newer Laptop

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I'm looking for some opinions on what (which model, processor, memory) and where I should buy a newer laptop.

I need to upgrade my laptop to an Intel based version so that I can upgrade to Adobe CS5 Design Premium. I don't need the absolute newest one but I want something that will last like my current PowerBook G4 has. My main concern is speed as I usually run multiple programs at a time (InDesign+Photoshop+Illustrator). I'm looking at the 15" size this time around and my budget is around $1200.

Thank you to anyone that can help!


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    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,388moderator
    Originally Posted by MrsRiv View Post

    I need to upgrade my laptop to an Intel based version so that I can upgrade to Adobe CS5 Design Premium. I don't need the absolute newest one but I want something that will last like my current PowerBook G4 has. My main concern is speed as I usually run multiple programs at a time (InDesign+Photoshop+Illustrator). I'm looking at the 15" size this time around and my budget is around $1200.

    The requirements for those programs are more RAM and storage-based than CPU so you should get by just fine with an older 15" Macbook Pro. I wouldn't recommend spending that much on a used machine without warranty though.

    Apple sell refurbished machines with a full warranty, which you can extend to 3 years:


    You can get laptops with a warranty on eBay:


    but for a long-term computer, you'd be better off buying from Apple and extend the warranty within 12 months after purchase.
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