As Carolina data center debut looms, Apple expanding in Silicon Valley too



  • Reply 21 of 26
    magicjmagicj Posts: 406member
    Originally Posted by Firefly7475 View Post

    What features have you see of iCloud? I haven’t seen anything at all. Actually... I haven't even seen confirmation that iCloud even exists!

    Just the same rumors that everyone else has seen. Like the description in the article:

    "While most of the attention o the so-called "iCloud" product has focused on music, AppleInsider has been told that the product will also offer wireless syncing of bookmarks, e-mail, contacts, and calendar events, much like the company's existing MobileMe service."

    Like I said, nothing there that interests me. And if I can't turn it off, it's reason to drop the Mac and go back to Windows.
  • Reply 22 of 26
    accessing them from anywhere else in world adds an order of magnitude of latency.

    Are there any rumours of Apple building matching centres in other continents? Here in Australia the government is building a bright, shiny NBN (National Broadband Network) that could certainly do an AppleCentre proud.
  • Reply 23 of 26
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by astrubhar View Post

    I think Apple is planning on Lion being the first cloud OS done right. Here are my predictions:

    1. Apps sync across all devices. Special mobile+mac bundle apps will be introduced. They will share data in the cloud. For instance, a financial app would share data across the desktop and mobile version.

    2. Your home folder will be synced up to the cloud. All of your media and documents will be synced across all devices. Potentially an overhaul of how we manage our files. Backup problems disappear.

    3. All this content will be available from the Apple TV.

    4. Apple will likely ditch MobileMe as a failure, although they will probably keep the domain.

    5. Connecting a new Mac will download all of your content. Apple is working on advanced streaming protocols to assist with viewing the media.

    6. We've seen the UI tweaks and new features of Lion, but none of this cloud stuff. It would explain why the Lion update so far seems boring.

    1) Right now I plenty of have Mac and iOS apps that either since using iDisk or Dropbox (mostly the latter) or simply backup via iDisk or Dropbox. If Apple could add an API for their Mac App Store and iOS App Store apps so that this is done seamlessly through at lead a 256-bit AES secure folder I?d be very happy.

    2) That?s just not possible for most people. I couldn?t anyone of my Home folder folders expect Documents. What I would like them to do is make syncing personal files and folders seamless to the user while allowing me to store the data anywhere on my Mac. For example, I could have a .DOC file that I keep on my desktop. If I Get Info on the file I can check a box that will sync this with the new iDisk storage. I can move this file around at will without affecting it?s syncing. Also, it would be incremental backups of changes and allow me to retrieve older versions of the file, just like with Dropbox. The only real difference is the integration with the OS which 3rd-parties can?t do.

    3) AppleTV streaming of your content will still be from your local machines. I do think it?s likely that WAN access to your iDisk/iCloud will become available but this won?t be the common access method.

    4) I think exchanging iDisk for iCloud whilst keeping MobileMe, but I can also see changing the name again. I think keeping for email would make sense if they do rename MobileMe.

    5) This is impractical on many levels. Storing and syncing your setting and personal info is fine because it?s small, but media is too large. Time Machine has been updated in Lion and not going anywhere. What I?d like to see is an Apple Home Server running on iOS and ARM with multiple HDDs for redundancy.

    6) Lion isn?t boring to me. There are plenty of great changes that make me more productive than with SL. The problem you might be having is reading about Mission Control instead of using it.
  • Reply 24 of 26
    palegolaspalegolas Posts: 1,361member
    The new center will host all the traffic while the Apple Store is being updated.

    The center will host this image file, and assure that it loads without any hickups.

  • Reply 25 of 26
    palegolaspalegolas Posts: 1,361member
    Originally Posted by OriginalG View Post

    isn't 11,000 sqft really small for a datacenter? that's like 4 mid-size houses. If you include space for administration, cooling and power systems, etc it seems very small.

    I can see the benefit of having a close by miniature data center for internal testing. Beta testing and development. Perhaps developers can work with this center, and run over and tweak it manually if need be. Then when all is set for a new product launch, it'll be easier to get it to run on the big center.

    It could be used for anything really.. perhaps it's the new Apple Retail Store data center..
  • Reply 26 of 26
    jupiteronejupiterone Posts: 1,564member
    Originally Posted by magicj View Post

    Like I said, nothing there that interests me. And if I can't turn it off, it's reason to drop the Mac and go back to Windows.

    I don't understand what you think could possibly be mandatory with this iCloud thing that would cause someone to switch computing platforms. MobileMe is a service that is available to both Macs and Windows. MobileMe is totally optional, how do you think it (or iCloud) could ever be mandatory? Are you currently a MobileMe subscriber?
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