UPDATE: Iverson's felony charges dismissed...



  • Reply 21 of 48
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    I have a third theory: it's because he wanted to start the "next Michael Jordan arm band" trend, only he couldn't wear a sweat-band so he put a sock on his arm. Or maybe it was like this:

    Allen is hangin' out with the homies, bitches and ho's and chimes in with: "YO...I'm so fvckin rich and populah, I could put a muthafvckin SOCK on my arm and kids would start copyin' me. Michael ain't got SH*T on me. I'm da ANSA, foo!"

    It CAN'T be for his elbow. That's dumber than a cop-killer legend (if legend is what it is)...that sock wouldn't do a damn thing for elbow tendonitis or any similar such injury. Maybe Allen is susceptible to the placebo effect?

  • Reply 22 of 48
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Are you stoned, Moogs, or just have problems with a ghetto child having more money than you?

    A sleeve like that would do a lot for keeping an elbow in place and protected, based on my years of getting ankles taped up playing football.

    Is the assertion that it wouldn't do anything your professional opinion, Dr. Moogs?
  • Reply 23 of 48
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Oh Jesus, here we go...
  • Reply 24 of 48
    willoughbywilloughby Posts: 1,457member
    [quote]Originally posted by Artman @_@:


    Willowboy, you're a Philly resident...ever heard of a "cop killer tattoo conspiracy"? Everyone I asked here at work looked at me like I was an idiot.


    Yeah I asked at work too and everyone laughed at me. Thanks a lot guys

    <img src="graemlins/embarrassed.gif" border="0" alt="[Embarrassed]" />

  • Reply 25 of 48
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:


    Is the assertion that it wouldn't do anything your professional opinion, Dr. Moogs?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    It's like dis...if you want to subdue the effects of tendonitis, hyper-extended muscles or a mild / chronic sprain...what you need (typically) is compression. I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest Ivan's sock does not provide a lot of compression.

    Also, even if Allen was just a ghetto child working as assistant manager at Target, he'd probably still be making more money than me at the present time so I'm guessing money isn't it. What can I tell you, I just dislike obnoxious punks. (Probably getting old or something).

    [ 07-13-2002: Message edited by: Moogs ]</p>
  • Reply 26 of 48
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    [quote]I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest Ivan's sock does not provide a lot of compression.<hr></blockquote>

    I'm going to disagree.

    Here's AI sans sock on arm

    [quote]What can I tell you, I just dislike obnoxious punks. (Probably getting old or something).<hr></blockquote>

    I was just screwing with you (hence the smiley).

    I didn't like Iverson until last year's playoffs. He talks crap to the big boys, and I love that.
  • Reply 27 of 48
    tooltool Posts: 242member
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:

    <strong>Sounds like some garbage built after 9/11.

    Iverson is a terrorist! </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yo Grover...Terroristic Threatening is an old law here.

    It's just where you threaten bodily harm to someone but haven't done it yet. (that would be assault then)
  • Reply 28 of 48
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    F*ck Iverson and his dumb @$$. Lock him up like he needs to be. Just a criminal and ball hog which the NBA would be better off without. And then he starts swearing at interviewers and sh*t because he won't practice. You get paid millions of dollars and can't even show to a practice? It's your JOB. I can't remember how many times the criminal cried in his towel after the Pacers beat him too lol.

    "I'm not goin nowhere" Oh so I guess Allen is going somewhere then? Learn to speak f*cking English. Double negatives.
  • Reply 29 of 48
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Thug life, you're just mad that you aren't him.
  • Reply 30 of 48
    willoughbywilloughby Posts: 1,457member
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:


    Learn to speak f*cking English.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Is there a class where I can pick up f*cking English? I'm getting kinda tired of the regular kind
  • Reply 31 of 48
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    This argument is silly. I don't care to excuse or defend anything Iverson does off the court. He's a great performer on it, sounds like a childish ass off it.

    Grover, I notice an interesting tendency in your argumentation, what year are you in? Taking (or already took?) some reasoning/logic/ethics courses? You've a certain annoying sophistic quality about your argument that many undergraduate philosphy students also display. Usually, those two terms worth of logic/reasoning classes furnish them with the appropriate tools to dismantle an argument. Counter-offensive conversation becomes their forte because, armed with a few heuristics, they can undo most arguments, even those well above their heads. Most of the time, they're not sure what to do with the distillation of those thoughts, nor are they particularly adept at avoiding those same pratfalls when they construct their own arguments, but they tend to run around for a few years thereafter positively certain that they are the most logically balanced rational-scientific creatures on the planet. It's very funny. Are you in second year?
  • Reply 32 of 48
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:

    <strong>Grover, I notice an interesting tendency in your argumentation, what year are you in? Taking (or already took?) some reasoning/logic/ethics courses? You've a certain annoying sophistic quality about your argument that many undergraduate philosphy students also display. Usually, those two terms worth of logic/reasoning classes furnish them with the appropriate tools to dismantle an argument. Counter-offensive conversation becomes their forte because, armed with a few heuristics, they can undo most arguments, even those well above their heads. Most of the time, they're not sure what to do with the distillation of those thoughts, nor are they particularly adept at avoiding those same pratfalls when they construct their own arguments, but they tend to run around for a few years thereafter positively certain that they are the most logically balanced rational-scientific creatures on the planet. It's very funny. Are you in second year?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You just noticed that? It almost like he's cutting and pasting some of the threads in AI for scrutinization in class.
  • Reply 33 of 48
    artman @_@artman @_@ Posts: 2,546member

    Thought I'd "cut and paste" this to share with you...AI's mug shot.
  • Reply 34 of 48
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Groverat, in that secnd pic I can't even see a single tattoo on his body. It's common knowledge that tattoos are airbrushed off photos athletes all the time. I think the Sixers coach is particularly adamant about Iverson's image being less thug-like.

    I have no opinions and assumptions on what might be underneath his arm-sock though. I don't really care.
  • Reply 35 of 48
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Let us rejoice.


    Associated Press

    Jul. 29, 2002 12:55 p.m.

    PHILADELPHIA (AP) ? A judge dismissed all but one charge against NBA All-Star Allen Iverson, arrested for allegedly storming into his cousin's apartment with a gun and threatening two men while looking for his wife.

    A charge of making terroristic threats was the only one left standing Monday by Municipal Court Judge James DeLeon. <hr></blockquote>

    And the "terroristic threats" charge is a misdemeanor, up to a year in jail. But it won't come to that, of course.

    [ 07-29-2002: Message edited by: pscates ]</p>
  • Reply 36 of 48
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Think the judge might be a 76ers season ticket holder? I don't know...I'm asking.
  • Reply 37 of 48
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Iverson has money, rich people get away with everything.
  • Reply 38 of 48
    tmptmp Posts: 601member
    [quote]Originally posted by pscates:

    <strong>Think the judge might be a 76ers season ticket holder? I don't know...I'm asking.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    If he wasn't before, he is now.
  • Reply 39 of 48
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Yeah, rich people certainly do have a leg up. I have the feeling that if any of us pulled what Iverson did, we'd be UNDER the jail right about now.

    Must be nice...
  • Reply 40 of 48
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Actually, is it the "rich" thing, or the "fame" thing? Probably a bit of each, huh?

    Maybe it's more "rich", after all. Ted Kazyinski (I KNOW I didn't spell that right) was "famous", but didn't seem to get away with much.

    You can be famous and not rich, but STILL get into trouble.

    But you can be rich (and not famous) and still get OUT of trouble. Probably more anonymous rich people out there than famous poor people.

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