Apple poised to build nearly 400K next-gen MacBook Airs this month



  • Reply 61 of 99
    aknabiaknabi Posts: 211member
    Originally Posted by Joseph L View Post

    Bull. Compared to every single imitation MBA that the craptastic manufacturers like Dell and Sony shovel out onto the market, the MBA is extremely durable.

    Fanboi bull back to you... many had issues... this has nothing to do with dell and sony... you fanboys are nuts
  • Reply 62 of 99
    cvaldes1831cvaldes1831 Posts: 1,832member
    Originally Posted by zunx View Post

    THE MAIN reason to buy the MacBook Air 11.6-inch is NOT because it is cheaper, but because it is lighter and smaller. Apple should make an even lighter (400 to 600 g) and smaller (7-inch) MacBook Air.

    The biggest problem is that consumers ended up hating this size.

    The initial netbooks were this size; there were lots of returns and then sales faltered as the buying public finally understood the limitations of this form factor, particularly the unhappy typing experience.

    Today, it is pretty difficult to find a netbook below 10".
  • Reply 63 of 99
    cloudgazercloudgazer Posts: 2,161member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    And speaking of things that need to get ditched, Apple should have ditched optical drives in their laptops years ago. They are a waste to most people and I can't even remember the last time I used the optical drive on my laptop.

    They really couldn't until they switched the OS to be available as an internet purchase - maybe they will in the next major refresh.
  • Reply 64 of 99
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member
    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post

    The biggest problem is that consumers ended up hating this size.

    The initial netbooks were this size; there were lots of returns and then sales faltered as the buying public finally understood the limitations of this form factor, particularly the unhappy typing experience.

    Today, it is pretty difficult to find a netbook below 10".

    I totally agreed 7" is even too small for a tablet: I was looking at the Playbook at lunchtime today and I was surprise how small it is. It?s too small for a good experience and too big to really be portable without a bag. imo you are better off with an big phone than a 7" tablet.
  • Reply 65 of 99
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    So the consensus here is that the CPU (Sandy B) will be faster, but the CPU (Intel crap) will be much slower than the current NVIDIA graphics, yes? And both are important, e.g. OpenCL isn't supported by Intel's crap gfx but is by the NVIDIA on board now.

    Is there any possibility the next MBA will indeed have a real graphics card?
  • Reply 66 of 99
    d-ranged-range Posts: 396member
    Originally Posted by Aquatic View Post

    So the consensus here is that the CPU (Sandy B) will be faster, but the CPU (Intel crap) will be much slower than the current NVIDIA graphics, yes? And both are important, e.g. OpenCL isn't supported by Intel's crap gfx but is by the NVIDIA on board now.

    Is there any possibility the next MBA will indeed have a real graphics card?

    It's not 'much slower', but it's not faster either, and I agree it's a step back from the 320M in the current MBA because it's frankly a pitiful GPU based on a years old inflexible architecture.

    That said, you're not going to notice any difference rendering your desktop or playing back video, the Sandy Bridge GPU kind of sucks but not as much that it affects any of that. For gaming, the 320M doesn't really cut it either, unless you like simple, lightweight, or old games. The HD3000 handles these as well.

    So for a machine like the Air, I could live with the Sandy Bridge GPU. That the current 13" MBP doesn't have a better GPU is inexcusable though, taking 2 steps forward in CPU power, and one step back in GPU, making it weaker than last generation's MBA
  • Reply 67 of 99
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by cloudgazer View Post

    They really couldn't until they switched the OS to be available as an internet purchase - maybe they will in the next major refresh.

    You're right about that, but one option could have been to release it on a USB stick, at a slightly higher price maybe.
  • Reply 68 of 99
    I must respectfully disagree, I had the original and did not have a single bit of trouble with it and consequently purchased the most recent refresh. For as light and thin as they are they are incredibly rigid.
  • Reply 69 of 99
    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post

    The biggest problem is that consumers ended up hating this size.

    The initial netbooks were this size; there were lots of returns and then sales faltered as the buying public finally understood the limitations of this form factor, particularly the unhappy typing experience.

    Today, it is pretty difficult to find a netbook below 10".

    Perhaps a Mac with a 7 inches display is a bit too small to make a good keyboard (which is of real importance for the writing users). Sony P has a 8 inches display, and the keyboard is acceptable in size. (However, the right shift key is far too small and squeezed in so that one often mistypes the arrow up key - such an annoyance!). But my point is that with such a size one CAN make a satisfying keyboard, and still make the unit portable enough.

    I however disagree with the posts that state that the iPad is a good replacement for such a small foldable machine (7-8-9 inches display): The iPad is not convenient to operate on the lap with an external keyboard (which I think is necessary for writing longer texts). The two separate parts (iPad/display and keyboard) do not make a good match, so to speak, in such settings. It's much better with the compactness that ONE unit: display and keyboard are much easier to handle in these types of settings. You need IMO to sit by a table to use the iPad with an external keyboard in a comfortable way.

    So: I think there is a need for machine with such a footprint (7-9 inches).
  • Reply 70 of 99
    red oakred oak Posts: 1,099member
    I was a life long Windows user. Purchased my MacBook a year ago, after getting acclimated to the iPhone. It has been a bit of a learning curve, but an truly great experience. After a year, my MB still runs like it is brand spanking new after heavy use. Still enamored with the all white design.

    I have my eye open for a fully loaded MBA 13" III. It will be a an absolute screamer. It's just that my MacBook is solid and could easily last me another 3 yrs

    I'm still required to use a Dell a work. What a POS. Have had to re-image it twice already since I got it six months ago.
  • Reply 71 of 99
    Check out, they have an excellent case that basiclly turns the iPad into a small laptop with external keyboard.
  • Reply 72 of 99
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by OllieWallieWhiskers View Post

    i'll wait for the A6 MacBook Air in 2012.

    Apple will be moving the MBA forward not backwards. That doesn't mean an iOS based device with a keyboard won't show up some day though.
  • Reply 73 of 99
    Originally Posted by Gunslinger View Post

    Check out, they have an excellent case that basiclly turns the iPad into a small laptop with external keyboard.

    Gunslinger! Thanks a lot for this information! I have been looking around for such a thing, but not before now found one with a good enough keyboard (for instance the location of the right shift key).

    This is really a great solution for me and my habitual writing position!
  • Reply 74 of 99
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by jb510 View Post

    In fairness what bloggerblog said is entirely true... MOST PEOPLE who buy the Air don't even max out...

    err, I'm not sure I agree 100% with that, it is just that different workloads tax the machine in different ways.

    but some, like you and I, fall into the small group of people that would really love a 15" MBA Pro.

    Yep, I have a early 2008 MBP that could easily be replaced by an AIR (15") given the right features. The primary concern for me is lots and lots of internal secondary storage.


    I held out for my dream 15" MBAP for a while but a few months ago I broke down bought a 2011 MBP. I'm planning on ripping the optical drive out of and stuffing an 256GB SSD and 750GB hard drive into (because having my entire 40k raw image photo library internal again would be very cool).

    A very tempting approach. Something I've thought about on my old 2008 machine. The problem is it is a little old to be upgrading to the latest technology. However I have to suggest one thing, look beyond 750GB for that HDD.


    If a 15" MBA Pro magically appeared in Apple's lineup however I would gladly put the library back out on an external (FW800 or TB). I really don't the library available all the time, but one of those very cool bus powers 2.5" mini RAIDs from OWC might be in order.

    I'm really hoping that Apple can find the space for multiple blade storage slots in the 15" AIR along with at least one drive bay. Actually the slots for SSD'd can be the current blade or the coming standards, but the idea is to make it easy to add a bit more SSD storage as your needs grow.

    It probably isn't in Apples DNA to offer a hybrid machine like this (both SSD and conventional HDD) but it would make for a very nice 15" machine. If they don't seem up to a hybrid then they really need to allot more space to SSD blades or whatever and maybe offer some sort of volume management.
  • Reply 75 of 99
    r00fusr00fus Posts: 245member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    I just hope they prove sturdier and more capable than the original hard drive models.

    There was a similar love affair when the first model arrived, but looking back over their lifetime, they became one of the most fragile, problematic computers Apple had produced in a very long time. I pity anyone who bought an original MacBook Air and didn't buy AppleCare.

    The solid state drive should alleviate most of the original's problems, but we won't really know how good this generation is for a few years anyway.

    The new '10 MB Air is night and day different from the old '08 model/style. In terms of reliability, speed, usability, size... it's unmatched.

    My dad has one, he's a finicky user who isn't kind to his hardware, and it's going strong after several months with no complaints.

    I'm envious b/c I have an MBP '10 with SSD and his MBA feels faster.
  • Reply 76 of 99
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Why is the MacBook Air memory not user upgradeable?
  • Reply 77 of 99
    joseph ljoseph l Posts: 197member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    I'm pretty sure that a lighted keyboard is a feature that most people would rather have than having a non lighted keyboard.

    Yeah, and in the 1900's, a faster horse is what most people would rather have. But Apple skates to where the puck is going to be, not where "most people" want it to be.
  • Reply 78 of 99
    srangersranger Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by Haggar View Post

    Why is the MacBook Air memory not user upgradeable?

    The slot takes up more internal space than soldering the chips to the main board......

    For those of you who want a 7" display, you must have eagle eyes.... I have trouble seeing my 13" MBP some times.....
  • Reply 79 of 99
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    Originally Posted by Joseph L View Post

    Yeah, and in the 1900's, a faster horse is what most people would rather have. But Apple skates to where the puck is going to be, not where "most people" want it to be.

  • Reply 80 of 99
    mauijoemauijoe Posts: 77member
    Just got off a long day at work, read the title of the article and thought "what an absurdly low amount of memory , 400K what the hell are they thinking! Oh... Units... Never mind.
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