On resignation day, Steve Jobs worked a full day at Apple HQ

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
Despite this week's resignation by Apple CEO Steve Jobs, there has reportedly been no outward indication that his health has worsened, and the company co-founder even worked a full day on Wednesday.

For the last few weeks, Jobs has been housebound, an anonymous source reportedly told Adam Satariano of Bloomberg. Though his condition was described as "weak," it was also said that the resignation "was not indicative of a sudden worsening."

"The day of the announcement, Jobs was in Apple's Cupertino, California office for the entire work day, and he attended a regularly scheduled board meeting, according to a person close to Jobs, who was not authorized to speak about the executive's health," Satariano wrote.

Jobs' apparent full work day came as he issued a letter to announce that he was stepping down as chief executive officer of Apple, the company he founded. Jobs will stay on as the company's chairman of the board, while former Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook has taken over as the company's new CEO.

In January, Jobs took a medical leave of absence from Apple, though he declined to share details on the condition of his health. At the time, a report in The New York Times claimed that Jobs was on a "down cycle" and was seen at Apple's Cupertino campus less frequently.

Jobs has always, including Wednesday, considered his health a private matter. He has not disclosed any details about his current condition.

Though he relinquished his day to day role as CEO months ago, Jobs stayed visible as the head of the company, introducing new products like the iPad 2 and iCloud, while also remaining personally involved in major deals, like ongoing negotiations with mega-carrier China Mobile.


  • Reply 1 of 41
    I look forward to reading about him visiting, even working at, the 'spaceship' upon its completion.
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  • Reply 2 of 41
    Like I said earlier, I bet his wife has had a say in it. I'm sure she must feel like Apple is the other woman at times. Not to mention Pixar....

    He always takes great care at the end of each Stevenote to thank the families of Apple staff for keeping their loved ones away from home so long before each launch. I'm sure he is including his own family in those thoughts.
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  • Reply 3 of 41
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    I'm sure there are enough top tier people there now to do 99% of what needs doing. They just need to every month or so drop by Steve's house to say, "how about this idea?" and get a nod, or not.

    A sad day though, for all his faults he was a true visionary.
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  • Reply 4 of 41
    Well of course his health is the singular reason why he resigned as CEO, but that doesn't mean he's going to pass away any time soon(though it doesn't look like he'll make it more than another year or two). I'm sure the move was to free up more time for his family.
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  • Reply 5 of 41
    palominepalomine Posts: 363member
    I admire Steve more than anybody in the world. I wish there were a dozen more like him. All the best to him and his family. I wish there were more people who could think their own thoughts and dreams in such a grand way. Fortunately he has built a gigantic team of very dedicated and imaginative people who can carry through for Apple.
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  • Reply 6 of 41
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Despite this week's resignation by Apple CEO Steve Jobs, there has reportedly been no outward indication that his health has worsened,...

    For the last few weeks, Jobs has been housebound,...his condition was described as "weak,"

    I don't understand the first sentence, given the information in the second two snippets. "Weak" and "housebound" STM to be pretty good "indication[s] that his health has worsened".
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  • Reply 7 of 41
    macvictamacvicta Posts: 346member
    The way people talk about the situation, you'd think Steve dropped dead or was on his deathbed in a hospital somewhere. All this "end of an era" nonsense, referring to him and the work he did in the past tense. Heavens to Betsy, Steve is still in Cupertino. He's not going anywhere for the foreseeable future. He'll still have a heavy hand in shaping the direction of the company.

    Let's put the black suits and dresses away. If anything, the loss of that daily workload might help to keep him around longer.
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  • Reply 8 of 41
    Since January, Tim Cook has been acting CEO, and Steve shows up regularly to advise on important decisions. As Chairman of the Board, he will still have that privilege. The company is running smoothly under Cook and will continue to do so. I am certain that Steve has had this planned since last year. He will appear at future keynotes.

    I'll be keeping my shares of AAPL for a long time.
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  • Reply 9 of 41
    If his health hasn't changed for the worst, he must be bangin' interns.
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  • Reply 10 of 41
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    I'm a little bothered by all the comments regarding Steve's tenure at Apple as being past tense. The only position that he no loner serves is as CEO, but he's now serving other positions within its halls.

    Apple also isn't a on-hit wonder like RiM that can't seem to figure out how to evolve into the step. To me this means Apple is a lot more than a single product or a single person. I think Jobs has built well enough that even when he no longer has any input in the company it will still thrive for many, many years on the foundations he's built.
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  • Reply 11 of 41
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by efithian@mac.com View Post

    Since January, Tim Cook has been acting CEO, and Steve shows up regularly to advise on important decisions. As Chairman of the Board, he will still have that privilege. The company is running smoothly under Cook and will continue to do so. I am certain that Steve has had this planned since last year. He will appear at future keynotes.

    I'll be keeping my shares of AAPL for a long time.

    THe only time Cook became acting CEO was during Jobs 6 month sabbatical during which he received a liver transplant. On January 17th, 2011 Jobs took a medical leave was still acting CEO. Basically he was working from home. Jobs even did the majority of the keynote at WWDC; one of the longer if not the longest keynote they've done, too.
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  • Reply 12 of 41
    OK, AppleInsider, Steve has resigned. We've got this message loud and clear, and SEVERAL TIMES. Now, could we please return to normal ? There are other things to be reported.
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  • Reply 13 of 41
    I find it kind of strange to see so many in denial of Jobs health. After all he was treated for an incurable cancer and if you talk to any doc they will tell you getting a liver transplant is the final stage of keeping yourself alive when you have pancreatic cancer. Liver transplant patients get maybe 2 to 3 years more life. I was more upset back in 2004 when i heard he had pancreatic cancer after seeing a close family friend die from it in less than a year. Its still sad and even thou I have been expecting this day to come. I hope he gets to spend his remaining time with his family. he has a legacy that will not be seen again for a long time.
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  • Reply 14 of 41
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by AppleLover2 View Post

    I don't understand the first sentence, given the information in the second two snippets. "Weak" and "housebound" STM to be pretty good "indication[s] that his health has worsened".

    Outward is relating to the external appearance of something rather than its true nature or substance. Someone describing Jobs as being weak 1) may not show as a physical appearance, and 2) is here say.
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  • Reply 15 of 41
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by JPDLVMH View Post

    OK, AppleInsider, Steve has resigned. We've got this message loud and clear, and SEVERAL TIMES. Now, could we please return to normal ? There are other things to be reported.

    Like what?
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  • Reply 16 of 41
    Originally Posted by JPDLVMH View Post

    OK, AppleInsider, Steve has resigned. We've got this message loud and clear, and SEVERAL TIMES. Now, could we please return to normal ? There are other things to be reported.

    You've got to be kidding...
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  • Reply 17 of 41
    First of all - I wish Steve all the best on the HEALTH Front!

    Steve is a Living Legend!!! He has created a GREAT COMPANY, Apple, which is has many people that have had the privilege to see The Great One up close! I don't see them all of a sudden starting to fight among themselves, and instantly run out of ideas! That company's VISION is not based on knee jerk reaction to fads! They CREATE Cultural Shift, which spin off fads!!!

    The speculators will try to maximize fears, to Buy AAPL as cheaply as possible! It's a game!

    The Timing of Steve's Resignation is excellent, clearing the path for iCloud and iPhone and other surprises!!!

    I wish Steve all the best on the HEALTH Front! I hope he is around enjoying the Seeds of His Ideas Bloom!!! I hope to see him cutting the ribbon to open that Magnificent New Headquarters that Apple will be building!!! That alone is an indication of Apple's CONFIDENCE, as part of LONG VISION!!!!

    Nobody can assure us that they will live forever, including Steve! Luckily, he is ALIVE, and still working!!!! What has been the FACT has become official - Tim Cook will have the TITLE! He'll always have Steve in his corner, even after Steve is gone, hopefully long time from now!!! To be PERSONALLY Nominated as successor for and by Steve is the Biggest "Prize" in Tech!!! Tim Cook must be very proud of that, and he should be! Good Thing is that he is a MODEST, PRIVATE GUY, like Steve The Living Legend, letting the RESULTS of their Hard Work speak for themselves!

    Lucky are those who have the $$$ to pick up some AAPL On Sale during this latest SPECULATION ORGY, which won't be the last one!!! I remember thinking that $200, 300 were a Fantasy! And now $350 - 367 pre Opening Hours is a TRAGEDY, while $405 was a fluke! Ha ha!!! I can't wait to see the Sky Fall again, when the Next Tragedy is $450!

    The Sky is the Limit, it's not Falling!!!! There was no Fight for who the Next CEO would be! It's a CELEBRATION of the GREAT COMPANY that was created by a GREAT MAN!!! Steve is STILL AROUND, and the fact that he is still staying on as part of Disney is encouraging!!!


    Steve so EARNED the right to enjoy seeing his Child, Apple, do him proud!!!! Respect and Admiration of his Peers, Foes, and the rest of the world while he is still ALIVE, and WORKING, without turning his life into a Reality TV!
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  • Reply 18 of 41
    sipsip Posts: 210member
    Originally Posted by sternapples53 View Post

    I find it kind of strange to see so many in denial of Jobs health. After all he was treated for an incurable cancer and if you talk to any doc they will tell you getting a liver transplant is the final stage of keeping yourself alive when you have pancreatic cancer. Liver transplant patients get maybe 2 to 3 years more life. I was more upset back in 2004 when i heard he had pancreatic cancer after seeing a close family friend die from it in less than a year. Its still sad and even thou I have been expecting this day to come. I hope he gets to spend his remaining time with his family. he has a legacy that will not be seen again for a long time.

    Aah, the voice of experience -- of someone else's medical condition. Pancreatic cancer comes in two varieties, an untreatable, sure-fire killer and a rare treatable version -- SJ had the latter. Being SJ, he initially chose to treat himself via alternative medicine when he should have stuck to conventional forms of treatment.

    Liver disease is a progressive disease and is neither treatable nor curable and can be either alcoholic or non-alcoholic (as a teetotaller, I was diagnosed with the non-alcoholic variety last year). I have never suffered from the garden-variety of hypertension yet I have (hepatic) portal hypertension and have started to develop varices, but the disease is classified as compensated, and my MELD score is still pretty low. So a liver transplant will only be considered if/when I get to end-stage or (de-compensated), however the likelihood is that any transplanted liver will also become diseased depending on the original cause of the disease (e.g. Hepatitis C) and the outlook is 5-10 years at best following transplant.

    The progress of liver disease can be slowed down with changes to lifestyle, diet and internal bleeding minimised by use of beta-blockers or a procedure known as oesophageal banding, but at the end of the day there is no escaping an early death. The worst bit is the prognosis -- I got told 2-6 months worse case scenario and 2-10 years best case scenario. How the hell do you face that kind of situation, where one day you're thinking "two months" and the next "maybe 10-years" and deciding whether to do a bucket list or not.

    It may well be that SJ has approaching ESLD (http://www.liverdiseasearchive.com/l...r-disease-esld) but even in the compensated stage, liver disease can be debilitating -- I feel tired all the time, and pain can be very depressing. ESLD plays havoc with metabolism and lead to hepatic encephalopathy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hepatic_encephalopathy).

    Maybe he just thinks it is time to sort out his legal and financial affairs and spend more time with his family.

    The sad thing about the resignation is that a lot of what is being written sounds like it has been lifted from already prepared obituaries. If Jobs reads some of the reporting even he will begin to believe that he is already dead and buried (or cremated).
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  • Reply 19 of 41
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    THe only time Cook became acting CEO was during Jobs 6 month sabbatical during which he received a liver transplant. On January 17th, 2011 Jobs took a medical leave was still acting CEO. Basically he was working from home. Jobs even did the majority of the keynote at WWDC; one of the longer if not the longest keynote they've done, too.

    You can put whatever label you want on it but Tim Cook has been running the show for a while. It may not have been official but Tim has picked up all the slack with Steve staying at home these days.
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  • Reply 20 of 41
    ksecksec Posts: 1,569member
    I am thinking could this be because Tim Cook actually wanted to be CEO?

    Forget the title for a Min, Tim has been running or doing CEO 's job even before Steve's Medical Leave. Steve 's CEO title was merely a point that he holds the highest power and decision making in the company. But Steve didn't care about the Title, he cares about Apple.

    Tim has previously stated that being a CEO is one of his dream. Apple needed Tim, and dont want to lose him.

    So the best plan? Make a announcement that we do have succession plan. Tim will be CEO continue to do what he does every day. Steve changed the title to Chairman and Continue to make important decisions and design of the products.

    BTW, if the story sounds familiar to you, that is because it is exactly what happen to Steve Ballmer and Bill Gate. Except, of coz, Steve Ballmer is not match to Tim Cook.
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