Case makers bet on iPhone 5 with 'completely different form factor'



  • Reply 21 of 48
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    What is the real gain in going from 3.5" to 3.7"?

    IF the rumors turn out to be true on a slightly larger iPhone, I would assume that it is going to a 4" screen and not the 3.7. I've heard that 3.7" is about the best Apple could get if they extended the screen of the current phone all the way to the edge of the existing case.
  • Reply 22 of 48
    Originally Posted by 123brummer View Post

    The rumours leading up to this have been so inconsistent that it's almost impossible to sort the wheat from the chaff. I've given up on speculation now!

    All I want is to upgrade my 3GS with the "to be announced" new iPhone, it's taking too long!! The 3GS is fine but I'd really like a hardware upgrade (camera, and screen mostly), it'd be stupid to get a 4 this close to a new nodel coming out. Just wish they'd get on with it already!

    Here here... I'm in exactly the same boat. Sure would be nice if this release was a big surprise and Apple managed to exceed all of the rumor mongers out there. I'm about 95% sure I'll be getting the new iPhone 5 regardless, but it sure would be nice to see it already and know an actual release date.
  • Reply 23 of 48
    So the 4S will be different only in that it has a single A5 and no "supposed" wireless charging...and it may look different? Doesn't seem like the iPhone 5 would be that big of change to force the average user to want to upgrade. And if it is $200 less, most who do might just go for the phone that is "close enough". Most users don't know or care what dual core is, they just see megapixels and new and that is all they care.
  • Reply 24 of 48
    801801 Posts: 271member
    This elongated home button, could it be a rocker switch, with a left side, right side and central push position? Maybe a touch sensitive slide motion? Maybe allow you to answer the phone with one hand?

    For example, you could press it on the left side to answer the phone, right to hang up? Center to select? Maybe something to do with voice command on, off, voice dial on or some function of that nature? Sort a short version of the one handed classic ipod rotary motion to select an item. Like the slide "on" motion in iOS?

    Just thinking.
  • Reply 25 of 48
    Originally Posted by svnipp View Post

    Not in this particular instance... I've ready about some 3D "printing" systems that you can basically design an object in something like a CAD program and then using a special "ink jet" type of printer you can "print" yourself whatever it is you have designed. I would imagine a prototype iPhone case would be the perfect type of thing to "print".

    Most assuredly, smartphone cases are not made by 3D printing. At least not the mass-produced ones.
  • Reply 26 of 48
    Originally Posted by svnipp View Post

    IF the rumors turn out to be true on a slightly larger iPhone, I would assume that it is going to a 4" screen and not the 3.7. I've heard that 3.7" is about the best Apple could get if they extended the screen of the current phone all the way to the edge of the existing case.

    Going to 4" would drop pixel density below what Apple calls Retina Display (see Doubt Apple would give up on a feature that they consider head of the class.
  • Reply 27 of 48
    Originally Posted by starbird73 View Post

    As long as they keep the resolution and the ratio, there would be nothing for the developers to change. Since the 3GS and third generation iPod touch is also getting iOS 5, and is half the resolution, I don't see Apple introducing a third. I think 3.7" and the same resolution would still qualify it as "Retina Display" where 4" wouldn't, thus requiring a new resolution for Developers to contend with.

    I cannot believe that you had to explain this, but thank you nonetheless. Some people are just brain donors.
  • Reply 28 of 48
    Originally Posted by 123brummer View Post

    The rumours leading up to this have been so inconsistent that it's almost impossible to sort the wheat from the chaff. I've given up on speculation now! ...

    I've kind of given up on predictions also, but the "chaff" isn't really that confusing.

    There are basically case and parts rumours that support two different models of device:

    1) a flatter, "iPad styled" model (curved aluminium back, slightly wedge shaped) with a slightly larger screen and possibly a different home button.

    2) an "iPhone 4-esque" model with slightly repositioned buttons, but essentially the same.

    There are also two names floating around (iPhone 4s and iPhone 5), which appear to have been made up wholesale by the media and have no relevance at all.

    There is also an expectation that either two models of phone will arrive, or that there is a new iPod touch as well as a new iPhone coming out. The former is based on pure speculation, the latter is based on the fact that there is generally always a new iPhone as well as a new iPod touch each year so far.

    So while a lot of stuff isn't known at the moment, the likelihood is that we will see two devices (possibly more), at least one of them will be the new iPhone, and the other will either be a variant or the new iPod touch.

    Which is which, or exactly how many devices we don't know but my money is still on a slightly altered version of last year's phone with the very boring name of "iPhone 5." If the bigger flatter one exists at all, I'm still of the opinion that it's more likely a new iPod touch than a new iPhone but no one really knows for sure.
  • Reply 29 of 48
    All I know, or at least think I know, is that the average consumer doesn't follow AAPL and tech stuff as much as readers of boards like this do. With that said, the new iPhone better be more than just the equivalent of a new paint job and slightly more powerful engine. If this new phone rolls out and appears to just be a tweak of the last phone, people INCORRECTLY will say this is what to expect in the post-Jobs era. We all know that this phone was designed and built under Steve's watch, but that isn't what it will appear to the unwashed masses.

    I sure hope Apple gives more than a camera and processor upgrade.
  • Reply 30 of 48
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    I've kind of given up on predictions also, but the "chaff" isn't really that confusing.

    There are basically case and parts rumours that support two different models of device:

    1) a flatter, "iPad styled" model (curved aluminium back, slightly wedge shaped) with a slightly larger screen and possibly a different home button.

    2) an "iPhone 4-esque" model with slightly repositioned buttons, but essentially the same.

    There are also two names floating around (iPhone 4s and iPhone 5), which appear to have been made up wholesale by the media and have no relevance at all.

    There is also an expectation that either two models of phone will arrive, or that there is a new iPod touch as well as a new iPhone coming out. The former is based on pure speculation, the latter is based on the fact that there is generally always a new iPhone as well as a new iPod touch each year so far.

    So while a lot of stuff isn't known at the moment, the likelihood is that we will see two devices (possibly more), at least one of them will be the new iPhone, and the other will either be a variant or the new iPod touch.

    Which is which, or exactly how many devices we don't know but my money is still on a slightly altered version of last year's phone with the very boring name of "iPhone 5." If the bigger flatter one exists at all, I'm still of the opinion that it's more likely a new iPod touch than a new iPhone but no one really knows for sure.

    Yup, I've been following them all, it just seems to me that there's no really great leads this time around, so any slight hint of a rumour/case/screen size/memory blah blah blah it get posted up as breaking news, but really no one knows until Apple pull the black cloth away.

    I quite like the surprise actually, I kinda thought the iPhone 4 getting found in a bar last time spoilt it. It's the waiting that's getting to me, I (like many others) have gotten accustomed to the yearly upgrade cycle and am just a bit fed up that I've had the 3GS for 2 years and some months and I'm stuck waiting for a bloomin' upgrade.

    Oh well, the time will probably go by quicker if I stop checking rumour sites every day, because even when it's announced they'll probably announce it'll be available x months in the future and then no-one will be able to get one without a 2-3 week wait as there will be too much demand! lol \
  • Reply 31 of 48
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    The extended home button might work out better for not accidentally hitting the trash can icon so often in the mail app. Of course it isn't really a problem with the home button as it has more to do with the poor design of the mail app. Just not a good spot to put a destructive button. They should have put the trash can on the side and maybe the reply or move in the middle next to the home button. Sure it is a nit picky little thing since you do have to confirm the delete anyway, but still.

    I really take issue with the iPad mail app too. I dislike the way all the messages pop open when you are trying to delete them.

    I'll be surprised if the home button is changed though. That seems so non-Apple-like.
  • Reply 32 of 48
    Originally Posted by tlevier View Post

    Still predicting a $199/$299 iPhone 5 with a $99 iPhone 4S. Goodbye iPhone 4.

    That's the only way to explain the confusion in all the rumors.

    Better way. The iPhone 5 is the 4s.

    Part of why they can do a $99 iPhone is the lack of updates on everything, so . . .
  • Reply 33 of 48
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Oh ffs. There is no iPhone costing $99. It costs $99 and whatever premium you pay for the contract. it costs >$300 off contract.

    There isn't one thread where I don't have to point this out. The US is not the world. A phone on contract is not it's sticker price.
  • Reply 34 of 48
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    An amazing number of people think Apple will abandon it's perfectly functional iPhone 4 if it releases an iPhone 4s. That makes no sense. That Apple only sells 2 iPhones has been true so far. It won't be in the future. Personally I think they may keep the 3GS and the iPhone 4 , as well as a iPhone 4S and potentially an iPhone 5. IPod touches get 3G allowing iMessages. The off contract price runs from $200 to $600+ across all models.
  • Reply 35 of 48
    I believe the elongated home button will allow you to swipe left and right to switch apps, replacing the rather clumsy double tap multi tasking and resembling Lion in full screen mode where you 'slide' between apps.

    There is zero chance that the form factor will be the same as the iPhone 4. Obviously it will be thinner for a start. Apple lives off hype and speculation over forthcoming products and this may be the most anticipated iPhone since the first. It has to be different especially given that the competition is much more fierce than it was when the current iPhone debuted.

    I also think there's a chance that the rumoured 4S is actually the new Touch. Apple know they need to tap the Pay As You Go market and the new touch could be such a phone, shipping without a SIM and operating just like an iPod Touch until you put a SIM in it when it becomes an iPhone. I think that would be a killer move but it's just an idea.
  • Reply 36 of 48
    Originally Posted by markbriton View Post

    I believe the elongated home button will allow you to swipe left and right to switch apps, replacing the rather clumsy double tap multi tasking and resembling Lion in full screen mode where you 'slide' between apps.

    We already have a replacement. Four finger swipe left and right. Works in 4.2 if you have Xcode.


    There is zero chance that the form factor will be the same as the iPhone 4.

    Note: Statements are not meant to be misconstrued as having any truth to them whatsoever.


    It has to be different especially given that the competition is much more fierce than it was when the current iPhone debuted.

    Everyone always says this. It's completely false.
  • Reply 37 of 48
    I think the 4 finger swipe is difficult on the iPhone's small screen and it can interfere with some apps, such as photo editing and paint apps.

    Most stats show Android surpassed iOS in terms of market share around the end of 2010 and continues to make gains. Now that may well be because the smart phone market is itself increasing, but however you interpret it I can't see how anyone could argue that the market isn't getting more competitive so I'd be interested to hear why you do.
  • Reply 38 of 48
    Originally Posted by markbriton View Post

    ...however you interpret it I can't see how anyone could argue that the market isn't getting more competitive so I'd be interested to hear why you do.

    Because the iPhone 3GS, a nearly two and a half year old phone, still sells better than any Android phone.

    Marketshare? Screw it. Apple has all the profits and the mindshare.
  • Reply 39 of 48
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Everyone always says this. It's completely false.


  • Reply 40 of 48
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Because the iPhone 3GS, a nearly two and a half year old phone, still sells better than any Android phone.

    Thats one phone ( and that stat is true in the US only). Marketshare is not determined by one phone only, when comparing platforms.

    What that stat does actually tell us ( and Apple) is that a cheaper iPhone, with good enough functionality, can outsell any newer Android phone. If they hadn't released the 3GS on Verizon they would be leaving money on the table. If they had discontinued the 3GS they would be leaving money and marketshare on the table. Now imagine that they have a 3GS, an iPhone 4, an iPhone 4S, and an iPhone 5.

    An iPhone 5 would be the high end pro model. In that model they can introduce a LTE next year. The iPhone 4S is the high end consumer, iphone 4 is the mid-level consumer, and 3GS is low end consumer.

    I dont say they keep these names, but that kind of thing makes sense.


    Marketshare? Screw it. Apple has all the profits and the mindshare.

    Eventually, loss of marketshare will reduce both of those.

    Apple are well aware of this, they know the lessons of 1992-1995. There will be no repeat.
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