Leaked photo shows white 'iPhone 4s' entry in AT&T inventory system



  • Reply 21 of 59
    Originally Posted by Douglas Bailey View Post

    Check the screen again. It is showing page 2. Items 11-16. The correct question would be, 'What are the 10 items on page 1?'

    Anyway, it certainly seems like a prank I would pull if worked in inventory at AT&T. Mind you I would have used a capital S and a capacity.

    Without making a complete list, I'm guessing they are the iPads and the older iPhone models. This is a Customer Care screen, showing a pick list of what handsets the customer may be calling about. So, the first page has the iPads and then the iPhones. The iPads appear first, alphabetically. Something like that.

    I loved Pooch's comment. I used capital letters in this reply, so you can believe me!
  • Reply 22 of 59
    We already know Apple doesn't tell their partners about new iPhone models and often they hear about it at the same time the rest of us do, so it seems to me this is probably a placeholder for what we all know is coming. The fact that it's listed as a 4S is probably more a reflection of expectations (as cultivated by sites like AppleInsider and MacRumors) than any inside knowledge of Apple's upcoming products.

    IOW, a non-story as far as I'm concerned.
  • Reply 23 of 59
    poochpooch Posts: 768member
    Originally Posted by Douglas Bailey View Post

    Anyway, it certainly seems like a prank I would pull if worked in inventory at AT&T. Mind you I would have used a capital S and a capacity.

    but remember, we're talking about an at&t employee here ... they may have more bars in more places, but they're awfully low bars.
  • Reply 24 of 59
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    no way apple releases a pre-paid iphone. apple is only in the premium market.

    next thing you know they will sell apple stuff at wal mart and target

    No Apple is in the Cell Phone Market. With an optimally priced iPhone they can crush the pre paid or contract free markets just like they have dominated the smart phone market.
  • Reply 25 of 59
    Ah, Pish Posh
  • Reply 26 of 59
    Originally Posted by inkswamp View Post

    We already know Apple doesn't tell their partners about new iPhone models and often they hear about it at the same time the rest of us do, so it seems to me this is probably a placeholder for what we all know is coming. The fact that it's listed as a 4S is probably more a reflection of expectations (as cultivated by sites like AppleInsider and MacRumors) than any inside knowledge of Apple's upcoming products.

    IOW, a non-story as far as I'm concerned.

  • Reply 27 of 59
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    any pre-paid iphone will be non-retina and most likely pre-A4 CPU. all the prepaid phones are crappy because to sell unlimited data you have to sell a phone that can barely use any data

    But pre-paid iPhones have been around for years, including iPhone 4s! The pricing is naturally fairly extortionate. Pre-paid doesn't have to mean cheap. Many people are willing to buy an expensive phone but don't want to be tied into a contract.
  • Reply 28 of 59
    Originally Posted by Pooch View Post

    indeed. never trust lower case letters or anything that is not in helvetica 12.

    Excellent advice. I need a t-shirt with that on it.
  • Reply 29 of 59
    Originally Posted by Pooch View Post

    indeed. never trust lower case letters or anything that is not in helvetica 12.

    Nah, I'll go for Verdana 9. Or Skia if they keep posting this 'he said/she said' picture evidence of so-called iPhone 5 at this rate and nothing real comes out by October 15, I'm going to be really really S.I.C.K.
  • Reply 30 of 59
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Also worth noting is the fact that the "s" is left uncapitalized, unlike the "G" in the "iPhone 3G 8GB Black" listing. While it's possible that the entry is simply a mistake, the photo is fueling speculation that Apple will release an iPhone 4S next month, possibly alongside the so-called iPhone 5.

    "iPhone 4s White"

    Maybe it implies there are multiple iPhone 4s in white (as in the plural form)?
  • Reply 31 of 59
    Originally Posted by Splash-reverse View Post

    Nah, I'll go for Verdana 9. Or Skia if they keep posting this 'he said/she said' picture evidence of so-called iPhone 5 at this rate and nothing real comes out by October 15, I'm going to be really really S.I.C.K.

    I thought all of Apple's advertising used that Pallatino font? That's the one you can trust!
  • Reply 32 of 59
    if Apple releases only iPhone 4 with minor updates I am gonna fu...ing hate them for this!!! I have been for more than 5 months to buy an upgraded piece of s..t with the same screen ? No way. Maybe I like Apple products but I am not stupid to accept this stunt.
  • Reply 33 of 59
    Why would I want to upgrade if they will only put a faster processor? All my apps work just fine with the iPhone 4, so? Will they bring Crysis on iPhone and expect me to upgrade for that? I'm playing Crysis on desktop, thank you. And the 8 Megapixels camera... I don't care for that. So, Apple better bring something really cool if they want me to upgrade. Like at least a 4 inch screen!
  • Reply 34 of 59
    Ok this is the way i see it. Ming-chung is just a 12 year old fat chinese kid.

    They will drop the 3gs and four aswel having only the two new phones available keeping

    the 4s's look the same as the new ipooed and having a totally new iphone 5. but just how will they release all 3 products, all at once or one by one They are not going to have all of these options 4, 4s and 5,ipod 4 & 5 gen. Apple likes to keep there menu simple thats how a product stands out and people dont get confused, its either this or that otherwise go elseware. I bet each one of you out there can name at least 4-5 apple products because they stand out and how many of you sacrificed half the stuff on your phone when getting your first iphone but you still wanted one sooo bad and you know why because it stood out, yes its a very good marketing campaign they have. if they wanted they could probably sell dog shit to us and we'd buy it. But we have all got to agree that apple's products do kick ass.

    So what i have seen over the last 5-6 months of iphone 5 rumours is a trail of 4s but this 5 bizzo

    has not acually had much to go on. They (Apple) are doing a fantastic job at keeping this under wraps, it looks as though they are leaving these trails on purpose to lead every one off but to also get people hyped that something is in the works and it's gonna be big, why so secret? its such an emotional roller coaster for some hearing the good and then the bad and all the maybe's

    It's quite funny though, look at what a stir these guys (apple) can make with something, that if you think about it don't really exist. Did anyone hear apple say there was new phone comming. haha amazing! and if the fat chinese kid is right well ill give him a pat on the belly.

    My forecast is that the 5 will be off its freaken head 512 ram or not.

    Thats just my 2 cents.
  • Reply 35 of 59
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by sikmik View Post

    Ok this is the way i see it. Ming-chung is just a 12 year old fat chinese kid.

    No one can take you seriously now.
  • Reply 36 of 59
    why would they list an iPhone 3G and not the 3GS?
  • Reply 37 of 59
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    You guys realize he is being funny, right?

    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    no way apple releases a pre-paid iphone. apple is only in the premium market.

    next thing you know they will sell apple stuff at wal mart and target

  • Reply 38 of 59
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by TBell View Post

    You guys realize he is being funny, right?

    I thought he was serious, haha.
  • Reply 39 of 59
    Originally Posted by grandplan View Post

    If the person making the entry into the system had actual information, why not list GB?

    Because it is likely a placeholder put in based on rumor and not actual information.

    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    no way apple releases a pre-paid iphone. apple is only in the premium market.

    Actually it's not Apple's call. The service plans are the carrier's choice. If they want to support prepaid, then they will and Apple will adjust if needed.

    I have a friend that is using his prepaid Go phone sim in the old 3gs he bought from me when I replaced it and it works just fine. No unlock needed as it is an ATT sim, no jailbreak ever needed. He popped it in and was in business.

    And it's not walmart you have to worry about. Once they go Prepaid, you'll be able to get your iPhone at the local 7-11 with a slurpie and a 2 for $2 corn dog special
  • Reply 40 of 59

    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    no way apple releases a pre-paid iphone. apple is only in the premium market.

    next thing you know they will sell apple stuff at wal mart and target

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