College Football 2002



  • Reply 441 of 492
    [quote]Originally posted by jeffyboy:


    But very good defenses teamed with great offenses win championships more.

    I say Miami wins easily.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    miami has shown very little defense what so ever. i wouldn't exactly call it very good. great offense, no doubt about it though. osu will slow them down. canes may win, but i doubt it will be by much either way.

    osu by a touchdown.
  • Reply 442 of 492
    Miami's defense stinks, tech showed that. But Miami's offense goes above and beyond making up for the weakness in their defense.
  • Reply 443 of 492
    I agree. Even though I think Miami is beatable, OSU is not going to do it. I think a team with a great defense and an above average offense could take Miami down. However, Ohio State's offense is severely average. "Good Enough" against Illinois and Michigan is not going to be "Good Enough" against Miami.

    As far as Iowa/USC, I'll admit I'm a little nervous after seeing USC dismantle Notre Dame. Of course, I think most will admit that Notre Dame was overrated all season. USC will not be able to run against Iowa. We'll see how good Carson Palmer is when throwing is the only option (this is what makes me nervous). I'm not too worried about USC's defense shutting us down. They're definitely tough, but if they expect another Notre Dame they're in for a rude awakening. I'll predict that Iowa's special teams will be the x-factor and pick the Hawks by 10.

    And yes, I think Iowa along with USC and Georgia could give Miami a run for their money. Sorry, OSU.
  • Reply 444 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Miami is vulnerable to a ground attack and Ohio State has some guy named Clarinet or Garnett or something who I hear can run the football pretty good-like.

    Great defenses win championships, but Miami is so talented it makes baby Jesus cry. This will be a good game methinks.
  • Reply 445 of 492
    Georgia will win. USC will win. Oklahoma will win. Miami will win. Rinse and repeat again next year.
  • Reply 446 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    I concur.
  • Reply 447 of 492
    just for the sake of opposition I say Big 10 sweep except for Wisconsin which will get killed by Colorado.
  • Reply 448 of 492
    jeffyboyjeffyboy Posts: 1,055member
    [quote]Originally posted by ShawnPatrickJoyce:

    <strong>just for the sake of opposition I say Big 10 sweep except for Wisconsin which will get killed by Colorado.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Colorado is pretty amazing-they're the Denver Broncos of college football: plug in anyone listed in the program as a running back and watch him run for 100+.
  • Reply 449 of 492
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by running with scissors:


    miami has shown very little defense what so ever. i wouldn't exactly call it very good. great offense, no doubt about it though. osu will slow them down. canes may win, but i doubt it will be by much either way.

    osu by a touchdown.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA, don't know anything about Miami, lol.

    You guys can analize all you like, but the simple fact is most of you are wrong. Miami's defense is excellent, check the stats. What you are blinded to is the fact that they sometimes give up rushing yards. While that is the case, it is the very design of the defense that causes that. That is the intention to an extent. Their defense only RUSHES 4 with 3 LBs. Safties are always deep and corners play man. SO, it's up to 7 guys to always stop the run, Miami DOESN'T BRING UP SAFTIES to stop the run. So this will allow some rushing yards. HOWEVER, their secondary is in the top few in the country, and very solid concidering their age. Yes, VT did score some points, and surprised me, however, when the score is 49-21, EVERYONE KNOWS complacentcy will set in.

    So like Miami or not, most of you are talking out of your ass about Miami. Sorry, but Miami will win by more then a touch down no matter who they wouldv'e faced.
  • Reply 450 of 492
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:


    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA, don't know anything about Miami, lol.

    You guys can analize all you like, but the simple fact is most of you are wrong. Miami's defense is excellent, check the stats. What you are blinded to is the fact that they sometimes give up rushing yards. While that is the case, it is the very design of the defense that causes that. That is the intention to an extent. Their defense only RUSHES 4 with 3 LBs. Safties are always deep and corners play man. SO, it's up to 7 guys to always stop the run, Miami DOESN'T BRING UP SAFTIES to stop the run. So this will allow some rushing yards. HOWEVER, their secondary is in the top few in the country, and very solid concidering their age. Yes, VT did score some points, and surprised me, however, when the score is 49-21, EVERYONE KNOWS complacentcy will set in.

    So like Miami or not, most of you are talking out of your ass about Miami. Sorry, but Miami will win by more then a touch down no matter who they wouldv'e faced.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    the only one talking out their ass is you. but then again, i wouldn't expect anything less from a canes fan.

  • Reply 451 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    No one's defensive scheme is designed to give up 45 points.

    There's really no excuse for giving up that many points.
  • Reply 452 of 492
    [quote]Originally posted by jeffyboy:


    Colorado is pretty amazing-they're the Denver Broncos of college football: plug in anyone listed in the program as a running back and watch him run for 100+.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    to true. you chalk that up to good recruiting, a very solid coaching staff, and some big ol boys up front. not to mention that barnet has a very nasty habit (for opponents) of being able to throw so many different offensive formations at an opposing team. they might run the same play from 4 or 5 formations. can be very confusing for defenses to figure out what's going on.
  • Reply 453 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Now if Colorado could only get a decent passing game and a good defense.
  • Reply 454 of 492
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:

    <strong>Now if Colorado could only get a decent passing game and a good defense.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    now your just talking crazy. we don't need another team like that in the big XII, thank you very much. ou, k-state, and texas are fine for my taste. the other teams with the exception of ku and baylor, have enough spice to keep it interesting.

  • Reply 455 of 492
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by running with scissors:


    the only one talking out their ass is you. but then again, i wouldn't expect anything less from a canes fan.


    Maybe I'd have a grin in reply to your statement if not for the 37 game unbeaten streak, back to back undefeated seasons with a chance to repeat as champions, 2 heisman candidates, the #1 team is first round draft picks, etc, etc. So if my ass is talking, then you need to listen up because you ain't hearing sh!t

    But, hey, I wouldn't expect anything less from a non-canes fan because now that we are back, all other teams are little high school cheerleaders
  • Reply 456 of 492
    Their defense isn't really bad or anything. It isn't dominating either but I think it is good enough to beat just about anyone with their running game. Bloom looks fast and quick, he ought to be a bigger threat. Hodge is horrible though. And Ochs wasn't htat great and neither was Pesavento, although Pesavento was noticeably better than Hodge. They don't even need a really good QB,if they had someone who could scramble a bit and throw efficiently short to intermediate they would be a very good team. Like Krenzel or Heupel or someone like that would make them really tough.

    Calhoun looks interesting and he is faster to the corner than Purify or Brown. But he missed a lot more cutbacks and some of the gaps than they do and he doesn't run with the power that Brown in particular has. I would have liked to have seen what they could do with Brown against Oklahoma but oh well. They will beat Wisconsin though. Wisconson sucks. Should be a quick game, both teams running hte ball a ton between the tackles.
  • Reply 457 of 492
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:

    <strong>No one's defensive scheme is designed to give up 45 points.

    There's really no excuse for giving up that many points.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    True. But you make it sound like no one has ever given uo points before. As for the points against Miami's defense, you'd be very hard pressed to find anything over 30 in the last 2 decades not counting the probation years. The game was over and so was the need to close out VT.
  • Reply 458 of 492
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:

    <strong>blah blah blah blah...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    there is no doubt in my mind that last years huricanes team was perhaps one of the most tallented college football team ever, truely dominating in every aspect of the game. but let's face it, this years team isn't even close to last, or at least haven't proven that they are all season long with any level of consistentcy. a good team? you bet. maybe even the best team this year. i just don't buy the "we really aren't trying" bs anymore to excuse halfassed wins over mediocre teams.
  • Reply 459 of 492
    [quote]As for the points against Miami's defense, you'd be very hard pressed to find anything over 30 in the last 2 decades not counting the probation years. <hr></blockquote>

    Sorry but you can't have it both ways and not count the probation years.

    We were always really good on defense... {because we had more talent than anyone else since we were cheating and paying off recruits and players to get them to come to Miami}...but you should ignore those probation years {when we suffered the penalties that resulted from getting caught for a few of our many many sins.} You take the good with the bad. Miami got hundreds of players because they were throwing money around like confetti throughtout the 80s. Even during the Schnellenberger years they were cheating, well before Jimmy and Dennis took it to another level. All of that cheating built that program and garnered several national championships. The bad came with a lot of good and benefits that never would have happened otherwise had Miami not sacrificed its integrity by cheating at all costs to win. When Miami stops counting the national championships other than 2001 then you can reasonably expect other people to ignore the probation years.
  • Reply 460 of 492
    Wow, was I ever wrong. In a shocker, Wisconsin pulled an upset over Colorado to give the Big Televen its first big bowl win this week. :eek: Who would have thought?
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