Nielsen: Apple's iOS holds at 28% in US as Android rises to 43% smartphone share



  • Reply 61 of 121
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by sranger View Post

    That is the most asinine statement in have heard in a while..... You apple fan boys say that only geeks buy android, and then say that only technically ignorant people buy them. Both cannot be right.

    I can assure you that I am technically literate and can easily afford any phone I simply find the Android phones to be more useful.......period....

    By the way, many Android phone cost as much as the iPhone. The service (you know the vast majority of the cost of owning a smart phone) is exactly the same....

    In my opinion, it is people like you who give the majority of the iPhone users a bad reputation...

    On the front page of right now, you'll see this:

    I don't see them giving away any iPhones for free.

    How can anybody get upset with me for pointing out that Android is not a premium brand. They're giving away some of the damn phones for free, LOL.

    When somebody gives shit away for free, then they shouldn't be surprised if that devalues their brand.

    And it's not just on Verizon, it's everywhere. That's how they move Android phones. Yes, a few people are buying the more expensive Android phones too, but many people are attracted to Android because they're poor and flashing the words "FREE" and "BOGOF" in front of a poor person is a sure fire way to get them to choose your phone.
  • Reply 62 of 121
    All I can say is after checking out the new Galaxy S II, if the new iPhone isn't everything its supposed to be (bigger screen, slimmer, better camera, HSDPA+ etc) there will be one more person in that Android market share bracket.
  • Reply 63 of 121
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member
    what these latest stats tell us is RIM's market base is in free fall and collapsing, and Windows Phone is DOA. great leadership! stay the course!

    Apple will get a bump of course with iPhone 5. good goal for next January would be 33% share, which probably will be about where it levels out for good.
  • Reply 64 of 121
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    On the front page of right now, you'll see this:

    I don't see them giving away any iPhones for free.

    How can anybody get upset with me for pointing out that Android is not a premium brand. They're giving away some of the damn phones for free, LOL.

    When somebody gives shit away for free, then they shouldn't be surprised if that devalues their brand.

    And it's not just on Verizon, it's everywhere. That's how they move Android phones. Yes, a few people are buying the more expensive Android phones too, but many people are attracted to Android because they're poor and flashing the words "FREE" and "BOGOF" in front of a poor person is a sure fire way to get them to choose your phone.

    I went to the websites of a couple of carriers, and found these:

    So you're right, "free" is everywhere.
  • Reply 65 of 121
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    Also force reboots rarely happen on android.

    It happens on my Moto Defy at least twice a week, especially when using Google Maps or Navigation, which is a real shame, but also a known problem with Defys.

    And I swore off Motorola mobiles before, but the big plus for the Defy was the ruggedness and I am a bit of a klutz.

    Anyway, if the iPhone would be a bit cheaper and more rugged, I would consider it over Android any day, but I have seen a lot of iPhones with broken display glass, thus I am a bit wary of them.
  • Reply 66 of 121
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by neiltc13 View Post

    I went to the websites of a couple of carriers, and found these:

    I am aware of that in the UK, I've seen it before, and I believe that they've been doing it for a while. But those plans don't exactly seem cheap.

    Some of those UK carriers seem to have different monthly rates, depending upon which phone you choose.
  • Reply 67 of 121
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member
    Originally Posted by neiltc13 View Post

    I went to the websites of a couple of carriers, and found these:

    Care to explain how those iPhone deals affect US Market share?
  • Reply 68 of 121
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    On the front page of right now, you'll see this:

    I don't see them giving away any iPhones for free.

    How can anybody get upset with me for pointing out that Android is not a premium brand. They're giving away some of the damn phones for free, LOL.

    When somebody gives shit away for free, then they shouldn't be surprised if that devalues their brand.

    And it's not just on Verizon, it's everywhere. That's how they move Android phones. Yes, a few people are buying the more expensive Android phones too, but many people are attracted to Android because they're poor and flashing the words "FREE" and "BOGOF" in front of a poor person is a sure fire way to get them to choose your phone.

    The ignorant American strikes again. Play around with this:

    You can get a free iPhone 4 if you pick the right plan. "ZOMG they are giving away free iPhones. That must mean the iPhone is not a premium brand."

    And by the way. This isn't just the UK. This is how the rest of the world works. Only ignorant Americans fall for the handset price and ignore the price of the 2 year service contract that follows. But then again that also seems to be how your national economy is managed too. Short-term thinking for the win!
  • Reply 69 of 121
    I really like Apple products, but why does this article always come to mind when reading comments on this site?
  • Reply 70 of 121
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member
    Originally Posted by spinnerlys View Post

    It happens on my Moto Defy at least twice a week, especially when using Google Maps or Navigation, which is a real shame, but also a known problem with Defys.

    And I swore off Motorola mobiles before, but the big plus for the Defy was the ruggedness and I am a bit of a klutz.

    Anyway, if the iPhone would be a bit cheaper and more rugged, I would consider it over Android any day, but I have seen a lot of iPhones with broken display glass, thus I am a bit wary of them.

    The key there is that it is a known problem with the model. I don't get why people taint the whole OS. Blame Motorola. If you buy a Corolla and it turns out to be a lemon, do you then suggest that all Lexus vehicles would be lemons too?
  • Reply 71 of 121
    Originally Posted by anfboymn View Post

    I really like Apple products, but why does this article always come to mind when reading comments on this site?

    When Apple fans start murdering people... call me.
  • Reply 72 of 121
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Jetz View Post

    The ignorant American strikes again. Play around with this:

    Let me teach you a thing or two about simple economics, math and common sense.

    The free Android phones that they're giving out in the US don't have premium, expensive plans attached to them.

    Those so-called free iPhones in the UK all have more expensive plans than Android phones, so they're not really free at all. Owning an iPhone will cost more. The cheapest monthly rate for an iPhone was 35 pounds according to your link. On the same link, if you choose an Android phone like the HTC Desire, you only have to pay 20.50 pounds per month, that's almost half the monthly cost.

    My theory still holds strong, and I submit that many people choose Android phones because of the cheaper cost.
  • Reply 73 of 121
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,564member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    My theory still holds strong, and I submit that many people choose Android phones because of the cheaper cost.

    Of course they do. Why would that even be questioned? It doesn't make them a poor choice simply based on price.
  • Reply 74 of 121
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by Jetz View Post

    Further to that, there seems to be the assumption in these parts that if you use a single item not made by Apple or are critical of Apple in any way that you are automatically an Apple hater. It's absurd.

    It wasn't always like that around here, the attitude started in 2007
  • Reply 75 of 121
    Originally Posted by sticknick View Post

    If you're like me and have to field calls from relatives regarding their computer "problems", you know there is no such thing as smarter relatives.

    Most people could not be bothered to figure out extra steps. "If it don't do it after two clicks, then fuck it."

    Lol. I am that guy.
  • Reply 76 of 121
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    I wasn't aware of that. Can you give a few examples?

    Not in any bad way. I was speaking specifically about the comment how usage data seems to favor iOS. When a lot of people go from dumb or feature phones they get smartphones (statistically Android phones) and aren't likely to be heavy power users.
  • Reply 77 of 121
    Originally Posted by Onhka View Post

    A couple of weeks ago, a colleague of mine was showing off his Android phone which he bought a few months ago.

    When I asked him where he got his apps, he said they came with his phone and he was told that that was all he really needed.

    Well, he called me last week and asked where he could get more apps. When I said that I didn't know he got a bit upset. So I told him that I would do a little due diligence.

    It turns out that, "Android has gained enough popularity since its launch in late 2008, and is already competing tightly with Apple. The Android Market - the online software store hosted by Google - has over 460,000+ estimated apps available for both free and paid download, and as of July 2011, there were more than 6 billion downloads from the Android Market."

    Now I must admit, my centric attitude around everything Apple may have affected my love for my Macs, iPads, iPhones, etc., and jaundiced my perception of the competition. That is until he called me yesterday to say that it took him 6 downloads of one app to finally get a version compatible with his smartphone. Actually, he got it right on the third try, but he didn't know it

    In any event, he didn't like what he got. That, I couldn't help him with. However, I do wonder why Google hasn't been more boisterous about their numbers. Half a billion apps; Six billion downloads. That's impressive.

    how much of that is made up? what app has six versions of itself in the Android market for different handsets? if an app isn't available for a certain phone/features set/OS version then the app won't even show.
  • Reply 78 of 121
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Jetz View Post

    Ahh. But on this one I'm more like a lazy Catholic who doesn't go to church often enough.

    I own some Apple gear. And will own more in the future. It's just that not all my personal electronics are "Designed in California. Made in China."

    But you're right. The puritans might still condemn me for not adopting their fanaticism. Apple fanbois inquisition?

    Actually, the average AI thread at this point has more people high-fiving each other for being such steely anti-fan boy call-'em-like-they-see-'em righteous dudes than Apple enthusiasts. It's actaully kind of creepy; presumably steely anti-fan boy call-'em-like-they-see-'em righteous dudes require constant targets of derision (no matter how thin on the ground) in order to feel mighty.

    Hence, the whole "going out of one's way to hold forth on a forum which one repeatedly disparages as a pathetic heap of mindless boosterism" deal, AKA "Hey look at me everybody I'm a deeply insecure asshole."
  • Reply 79 of 121
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Actually, the average AI thread at this point has more people high-fiving each other for being such steely anti-fan boy call-'em-like-they-see-'em righteous dudes than Apple enthusiasts. It's actaully kind of creepy; presumably steely anti-fan boy call-'em-like-they-see-'em righteous dudes require constant targets of derision (no matter how thin on the ground) in order to feel mighty.

    Hence, the whole "going out of one's way to hold forth on a forum which one repeatedly disparages as a pathetic heap of mindless boosterism" deal, AKA "Hey look at me everybody I'm a deeply insecure asshole."

    lol what? oh you mean the people who can ask "hmmm something isn't right about this Samsung display, maybe there's something we aren't seeing here." Or do you mean the people who are like "Metro UI has been in use by microsoft for almost 20 years, how is MS copying Apple with it's usage of white on black in menus in Windows 8?"

    So the rational folk iPhan and non iPhan alike? because if you notice the true trolls (i.e. APPLE IS TEH SUCK ANDROID ROOLZZZ) are ignored by us (I assume you mean me, Gator, Conrad, stelligent, anyone who isn't anti anything not Apple)

    Also...I can disprove your statement...that's the beauty of forums...if you reference occurrences within the forum those can be confirmed or debunked.

    The average thread goes like this:

    - Apple Insider - Competitor to Apple did such and such

    - fan 1: lol fail, they are poor, dumb ugly, losers

    - fan 2: I know right...hahahahahhaha

    - fan 3: ahahhaha yes

    - fan but rational: eh, this is really a non story as these pieces of evidence indicate

    - non fan, but appreciator quotes fan 1 - offers more evidence disproving theory

    - fan 4: TROLLLLLL

  • Reply 80 of 121
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    When Apple fans start murdering people... call me.

    I won't have to because you would have already died for Apple.
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