Given a choice, 46% of Citrix employees picked Macs



  • Reply 21 of 38
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    Actually, they show only the reality of the present ...

    Actually, didn't I just read the Mac marketshare in the US just hit 15%?

    Bascially, Apple's numbers here in the US have doubled over the past two-three years.
  • Reply 22 of 38
    Originally Posted by rjbruce View Post

    My biggest struggle isn't the machine that I use at work, although I'd prefer to use my Mac so I didn't have to switch back and forth. My issue is the corporate image and group policies they push tend to break more things than if they let Windows Update run. I just received a policy update last week that disabled plug-ins in IE. As a result, half of the company sites are missing content, not to mention external sites.

    So, I'll live with the company-issued Windows 7 machine (keep your XP/Vista to yourself), just keep your policies and third party software (do I really need 5+ third party applications running in the background for features that are baked right into Windows???) to yourself.

    I feel your pain, every time they push down those update my work PC gets slower and slower. I use to runs a program that allow you to manage and kill certain processes like SVC or what ever the name was which allow remote management. I use to have it kill that process all them time so I never got the updates and such and my system ran so much better but ran in to a problem once when I missed and update and it caused all sort of other problem since I missing the update.
  • Reply 23 of 38
    shenshen Posts: 434member
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    It just wouldn't be a visit to AI without random name-calling. Thanks for making my day complete.

    Actually, they show only the reality of the present (unless you want to pick fly shit from pepper and note that the stats ended on Aud 31 rather than Sept 26).

    Both Mac and Linux have celebrated their 20th birthdays. The option to ditch Windows has been just as readily available for decades as it is today.

    And yes, people keep writing about how the new tablet form factor will replace laptops, but note just how few of those articles were actually written on a tablet....

    Your history speaks for you...

    While I love the "fly shit" reference, whatever it is supposed to mean, the fact that other systems existed is not the same as their being a valid choice. Neither the date of the numbers you give nor their inaccuracy are the problem. I am just pointing out that they fail to look forward.

    Again, the model T ended an era, even before the first one sold. Other cars were "choices" before that. But not a valid choice for most people. For many reasons. The same was true of both Macs and Linux until very recently, still is true for most people. Yet the direction is obvious, and more important than the location (numbers) will be in the long run.
  • Reply 24 of 38
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by eacumm View Post

    Are you sure that a Mac is not a PC.

    Yep totally. You confuse the term Personal Computer with the IBM marketing name 'PC' as in 'XT' etc.
  • Reply 25 of 38
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Funny that ad was produced before typesetting on a computer was developed. The type in that ad is awful.

    It sure is bad! Pre BBDO. Helvetica bold and Garamond 80% condensed as the Apple corporate look wasn't there yet.
  • Reply 26 of 38
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Here's an Apple ][ ad, and Apple calls their machines the hottest personal computers. They also call it the most personal computer.

    Show me where it says 'PC'

    'IBM PC' was coined by IBM long after the Apple ][ made the phrase 'personal computer' well known. I repeat a Mac is and never has been a 'PC'. Funny how the trick IBM used still works today.

    That was an Apple /// screen on the optional stand for the ][e jfyi.

    p.s. This is crucial knowledge for being a true Apple fan
  • Reply 27 of 38
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
  • Reply 28 of 38
    Originally Posted by JONOROM View Post

    Misleading summary of the NYT article.

    It is clear from the NYT article that the small departments who have this option are the tech types, not your common users. Cmon, Kraft foods has more than 800 employees, right?

    Also, if you read the original article carefully, it appears that these BYOD programs are probably opt-in. Thus the 46% who chose Apple may be only the percentage of the users who opted into the BYOD program to get their choice of hardware, and possibly OS. There are likely many more who opted out and accepted a standard company-provided wintel device. I cannot imagine they force every employee to shop for their own hardware and get it serviced on their personal time.

    Does anyone have more definitive info about whether these programs are opt-in?

    Does not article's title states "GIVEN A CHOICE, 46% of Citrix employees picked Macs"?

    Where the hell DED says it is 46% of all employees? How is it misleading then?
  • Reply 29 of 38
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
  • Reply 30 of 38
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Yep totally. You confuse the term Personal Computer with the IBM marketing name 'PC' as in 'XT' etc.

    IBM PC = International Business Machine Personal Computer no matter how you slice it, sliced bread is still bread.
  • Reply 31 of 38
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    Apple's certainly made big gains with OS X in recent years, but it's unclear how that blog came up with their numbers.

    They cite StatCounter as their source, yet when we go to StatCounter directly we see a very different picture, with Mac OS at 6.28%:

    You have to change the Country/Region to United States of America. 6.28% is worldwide.
  • Reply 32 of 38
    I can tell this is a pro-apple site because in my opinion a pro PC site would say...

    "Given a choice, 54% of Citrix Employees picked PCs."
  • Reply 33 of 38
    Originally Posted by Urbdragn View Post

    The Citrix program is only for certain employees & departments, not all. According to WIkipedia as of 12/2009, Citrix had 4800 odd employees, that number has definitely grown in the almost 2 years since that figure.

    Given the 4800 number, 460 choosing Macs is actually a little over 10% of employees, definitely not close to half the employees.

    READ THE ARTICLE for what it says not what you want to interpret from it. The article says "

    Citrix reports that about 460 of a thousand workers in its program selected Macs.
    . There is no other information given so keep your ASSumptions to yourself. Is the program currently in place and are all new purchases part of this program? I don't know and i'd imagine neither do you.
  • Reply 34 of 38
    I've suffered through 20 yrs of corporate supplied PCs

    Windows 3.1

    Windows 95

    Windows 98

    Windows NT4

    Windows XP

    Windows 7

    on IBM, Dell and HP boxes

    do you really think I'd choose another windows box?

    Nooo chance.
  • Reply 35 of 38
    I'm a CCEA and I work for a Citrix partner. When I brought my Mac in to do a demo, our previous Citrix rep mentioned the BYOD program and that many users were choosing Macs. Apparently, they had the idea that if the person was a part owner of the computer, they'd take better care of it. I'm getting a lot of requests to replace token-based security for SMS-based security on phones partially paid for by the employer. The rationale for the change is the same ? it's cheaper to subsidize a personal phone that the person will take extra care of than to buy them a security token.

    Apple's making a lot of inroads into the enterprise realm...

    At my last Citrix training session, the instructor was shocked when not more than half of the trainees didn't have Macs. Apparently, most of the IT staff they see are Mac users. At Summit, they had to make special announcements when labs weren't iPad compatible.

    I went to a meeting recently and almost everyone took notes an iPad. At another meeting, the IT director said, "I don't understand why management wants to set up XenApp to work with iPad". I picked up my iPad and showed him I was logged into a XenApp system checking on performance.

    At Synergy, Citrix demonstrated <a href="">XenDesktop for Mac OS Snow Leopard/Lion</a>, so expect more Mac OS X in the enterprise.
  • Reply 36 of 38
    Originally Posted by veblen View Post

    You have to change the Country/Region to United States of America. 6.28% is worldwide.


    What I find as a mutual opportunity is for the big Linux Vendors ala Red Hat, Ubuntu, SuSE, etc., to develop Cloud Services and distributed GPGPU services and much more that work in parallel with OS X.

    If Linux ever wants a chance to eat away at Microsoft they'll have to do this or they will continue to hibernate in the Server backend.
  • Reply 37 of 38
    Originally Posted by bullhead View Post

    wish my employer had a program like this....

    Mine does

    (typing this a 27" iMac )
  • Reply 38 of 38
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