Apple removes iPod classic click wheel games from iTunes Store



  • Reply 61 of 115
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    1) It seems certain now the Classic is out.

    2) I'd wager that a 128GB iPod Touch is in.

    I wonder that means that Oct 4 will also see a 128GB iPad announced without much fanfare (the vaunted 'new' 2011 iPad from Apple?).
  • Reply 62 of 115
    Originally Posted by ChristophB View Post

    That's a serious deadpan you have there.

    Multitouch is so much more useful than the old click wheel, it's not even funny. The death of the click wheel games doesn't mean the end of high capacity iPods, it probably means the end of the click wheel as a user input paradigm for Apple going forward. I wouldn't mind seeing higher capacity iPod Touches. Flash RAM chips will only go up in density and down in per-gigabyte prices.
  • Reply 63 of 115
    All I know is that Phase for the Classic beats any of the rhythm games for iOS any day of the week, for one very obvious reason: You can use your own playlist, made up of your own songs, that you've already paid for, and that you just happen to like more than the shit they sell you for Tap Tap Revolution or whatever.
  • Reply 64 of 115
    Originally Posted by Gustav View Post

    Yippee for you. Everyone doesn't have 3G service, nor should they.

    I don't think anyone does on their iPod Touch - the blog appointed heir apparent to that medieval spinny tech thing that no one needs.

  • Reply 65 of 115
    Originally Posted by eksodos View Post

    It's old. Yes

    It looks ugly. Maybe

    The technology it uses is practically obsolete. Surely

    It doesn't support any of Apple's pioneering touch hardware or software. Indeed

    iPod Classic is embarrassing and gives Apple a bad name. Embarrassing? Extremist much?

    it's over johnny, it's over.

  • Reply 66 of 115
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    All I know is that Phase for the Classic beats any of the rhythm games for iOS any day of the week

    Quite agree, Phase is superb.

    I only use the iPod classic to backup iTunes and selected iPhoto content; as another backup solution.

    I can see their motivation, considering that with the Mac App Store and iOS App Store the movie devices act as a constant income stream as we purchase on the go. The only income from a classic owner post purchase is via iTunes, and given other music suppliers are more competitive this isn't a guaranteed earner.

    Sell people iOS devices, sit back, and wait for the cash to continue to roll in!
  • Reply 67 of 115
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Multitouch is so much more useful than the old click wheel, it's not even funny. The death of the click wheel games doesn't mean the end of high capacity iPods, it probably means the end of the click wheel as a user input paradigm for Apple going forward. I wouldn't mind seeing higher capacity iPod Touches. Flash RAM chips will only go up in density and down in per-gigabyte prices.

    iPod controls are integrated into my vehicle's audio system. I don't click wheel or multi-touch on any iDevice while driving or boating. I don't want to pay for features I won't use. The pod is locked inside the console 99.9% of the time - taken out when I (OMG!) buy a CD.

    Look, I'm not an iPod only user. I have a 2 Classics, an iPhone, two iPads, two MBPs using Apple MagicMouses & Apple Trackpads. Yuh wanna make a touch version of the classic using cheap storage, I'm all for it. For many applications, I don't need super fast, super shock resistance, super small, slick-ass interface touch.

    Not related to your reply: I find it disingenuous to argue that spinny things getting dropped is worse than an iPod touch getting dropped. A) Heads move to safe places B) HD doesn't spin unless it has to. A impact resistant HD is far more resilient than those glass touch displays.

    Edit: Don't get me started about how much more heat intolerant the current touch devices seem to be.
  • Reply 68 of 115
    Originally Posted by iKol View Post

    Except when you drop or bump them and then they die.

    Look, you can say something negative about any device ever. All I can say is that I've had multiple HD based iPods since they were first introduced and I've never had one die on me. Not one. In fact, my 1st gen iPod still works though with a diminished battery. The only reason I ever got a new one was for new features or extra space.

    HD based iPods have served me extremely well. I still use one daily. And yes, I could use even more space.
  • Reply 69 of 115
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    Good. Nobody needs that much storage in a pocketable device.

    Apple needs to focus on what makes them the most profits, and iCloud is the way forward.

    What you are saying is that YOU don't need that much storage. There are a lot of us that do, the iPod is a great backup for photographs and other information when traveling. iCloud is great in theory but we are far from living in an on-line world.
  • Reply 70 of 115
    Originally Posted by dkimak View Post

    iCloud is great in theory but we are far from living in an on-line world.

    Try to keep up with Apple. They skate to where the puck is going to be. That is why they score so often, and that is why companies like Archos and Cowan get left behind.

    If you insist on using 20th century technology, here's a choice for you:

    Cowon X7 160GB Pmp MP4 Player (Black) X7-160BL
  • Reply 71 of 115
    I forgot the other reason I use my iPod Classic almost daily: as a portable hard drive. I was confused and somewhat pissed off when I couldn't figure out how to enable that on my iPhone. I was certain that the guy at the Apple store was either kidding or didn't know what he was talking about when he told me that it can't do that.
  • Reply 72 of 115
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    Try to keep up with Apple. They skate to where the puck is going to be. That is why they score so often, and that is why companies like Archos and Cowan get left behind.

    If you insist on using 20th century technology, here's a choice for you:

    Cowon X7 160GB Pmp MP4 Player (Black) X7-160BL

    Hyperbole much? You've offered very little to back up your statements.
  • Reply 73 of 115
    Originally Posted by ChristophB View Post

    Hyperbole much? You've offered very little to back up your statements.

    "I skate to where the puck is going to be," Jobs said as he introduced the long-rumored iPhone in January, "not to where it's been."

  • Reply 74 of 115
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    Try to keep up with Apple. They skate to where the puck is going to be. That is why they score so often, and that is why companies like Archos and Cowan get left behind.

    If you insist on using 20th century technology, here's a choice for you:

    Cowon X7 160GB Pmp MP4 Player (Black) X7-160BL

    You're either a great troll or a giant idiot.

    Yeah, wanting to have my music with me is so 20th century.
  • Reply 75 of 115
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    "I skate to where the puck is going to be," Jobs said as he introduced the long-rumored iPhone in January, "not to where it's been."

    ConradJoe - "Nobody needs that much storage in a pocketable device."

    People here use it and daily.

    ConradJoe - "Apple now makes products that appeal to the broad masses."

    They own the iPod space already. And I wouldn't describe their market share for OS or their Macs targeting the broad masses.

    Conradjoe - "If you insist on using 20th century technology, here's a choice for you:"

    They'd better stop shipping all spinny drives on all Macs regardless of need or cost.

    Conradjoe in response to Cloud skeptic - "Try to keep up with Apple. "

    So we all have to buy iPhones and a wireless services and not have access to our full library because the service doesn't stream in the sense that what's in the cloud isn't available without some annoying remove old, download new to local storage.

    Cost benefit analysis says, "OMG!"

    Hey, if Apple goes that way, fine. It'll be interesting making it work remotely the same with how people use the Classic now - large libraries for cheap, integration with vehicles, simple convenience of not selecting and re-syncing based on theme or season . Taking a product that sells (yes declining but still profitable) off the market without a replacement I won't understand. Of course I couldn't do what Apple does either.
  • Reply 76 of 115
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,728member
    Originally Posted by eksodos View Post

    It's old.

    It looks ugly.

    The technology it uses is practically obsolete.

    It doesn't support any of Apple's pioneering touch hardware or software.

    iPod Classic is embarrassing and gives Apple a bad name.

    it's over johnny, it's over.

    You're old.

    you're ugly.

    You're obsolete.

    It supports 250GB of music on the go without any need to for access to a network. It's the perfect music server for large collections.
  • Reply 77 of 115
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    Good. Nobody needs that much storage in a pocketable device.

    And 640KB is more memory than anyone will ever need.
  • Reply 78 of 115
    Originally Posted by ChristophB View Post

    ConradJoe - "Nobody needs that much storage in a pocketable device."

    People here use it and daily.

    ConradJoe - "Apple now makes products that appeal to the broad masses."

    They own the iPod space already. And I wouldn't describe their market share for OS or their Macs targeting the broad masses.

    Conradjoe - "If you insist on using 20th century technology, here's a choice for you:"

    They'd better stop shipping all spinny drives on all Macs regardless of need or cost.

    Conradjoe in response to Cloud skeptic - "Try to keep up with Apple. "

    So we all have to buy iPhones and a wireless services and not have access to our full library because the service doesn't stream in the sense that what's in the cloud isn't available without some annoying remove old, download new to local storage.

    Cost benefit analysis says, "OMG!"

    Hey, if Apple goes that way, fine. It'll be interesting making it work remotely the same with how people use the Classic now - large libraries for cheap, integration with vehicles, simple convenience of not selecting and re-syncing based on theme or season . Taking a product that sells (yes declining but still profitable) off the market without a replacement I won't understand. Of course I couldn't do what Apple does either.

    We'll see if Apple keeps selling iPods with mechanical hard drives. As of now, it is an open question.
  • Reply 79 of 115
    Originally Posted by Naboozle View Post

    And 640KB is more memory than anyone will ever need.

    Surely we need RAM in the Cloud when it's more practical to just have it in your machine.
  • Reply 80 of 115
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    Try to keep up with Apple. They skate to where the puck is going to be. That is why they score so often, and that is why companies like Archos and Cowan get left behind


    +1 Great analogy. To paraphrase a somewhat old cliche: A company can choose to LEAD, FOLLOW or to GET OUT OF THE WAY. Apple chooses to LEAD.
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