Apple unveils iPhone 4S with A5 CPU and 4G-like data speeds



  • Reply 561 of 641
    Originally Posted by MaroonMushroom View Post

    Well actually, if another version of Android comes out... You just get the update.

    I've changed my mind about you. I hope they DON'T ban you. You're just too freaking hilarious. You're great for morale around here; keep up this brand of trolling.
  • Reply 562 of 641
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,837member
    Originally Posted by graxspoo View Post

    Nope. I'm still using a 1st Gen iPhone because everyone I know that has an iPhone 3G, 3Gs or 4 has to recharge at least once a day. They may say 200 or 300 hours of standby, but apparently once they added the multitasking features into the OS they lost the ability to tightly control the battery drain they way they did in earlier versions. I've heard many stories of mystery power drains, especially with the iPhone 4. Similarly my friend who has an iPhone 4 can't figure out why it eats through all his data-plan allocation even though he's not using it most of the time. I hope iOS 5 fixes some of this stuff.

    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Wow... Because how many people do a lot of *talking* on their iPhones nowadays? We're taking video, pictures, apps, WhatsApp, facebooking and texting. Talk time is the least concern of average "modern" iPhone users.

    I hope the 1/3 reduction in standby time is not true.

    Well, I do all of those too, including constant mapping of GPS data and never need to charge during the day, not even every day. My experience is nothing like that claimed by graxspoo for his associates.
  • Reply 563 of 641
    Question... does anyone know if I buy the iP4 at $99 this year, can I buy the iP5 next year and keep the same contract without having to pay a cancellation service charge since I'll be sticking with the same carrier? Or will they screw me and make me pay $200-300 cancellation and start a new 2yr contract??!

    Thanks in advance.
  • Reply 564 of 641
    Originally Posted by mesomorphicman View Post

    Question... does anyone know if I buy the iP4 at $99 this year, can I buy the iP5 next year and keep the same contract without having to pay a cancellation service charge since I'll be sticking with the same carrier? Or will they screw me and make me pay $200-300 cancellation and start a new 2yr contract??!

    Thanks in advance.

    You'd have to cancel and start a new contract.
  • Reply 565 of 641
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Post Steve Jobs?

    He's the Chairman.

    Wake up!

    Don't get me wrong, Steve is my idol.

    He is chairman of the board not the CEO which means that he will not be involved in the day to day operation and also the design of iPhone already.

    The way I see it, the ppl involved starts to get lazy without Steve presence that demand for perfection.

    The reason I ask Apple to wake up is because I love the company so much that I does wish it to end up like Nokia.

    Nokia have come to the stage where they are now because of their arrogant attitude that they think they are so big that no other company can beat them.

    If this simple thing also you cannot understand my friend, you also NEED TO WAKE UP.
  • Reply 566 of 641
    So much stupid in this thread, I don't know where to begin.

    Why did this come in October instead of June? For two reasons: because Apple needs a pre-Christmas season release event, and the iPod is no longer worthy of such an event. And second, the phone couldn't ship until iOS 5 was finished, and iOS 5 didn't hit gold master until *today*.

    When is the iPhone 5 coming out? Never. The next phone will be next Sept/Oct and likely be called the iPhone 4G or iPhone LTE. The phone after that might be the iPhone 4GS. And then it's time for the iPhone 8. Just like there was no iPhone 2 or iPhone 3, there's no reason to expect an iPhone with the name iPhone 5.

    Apple didn't hype this release. In fact, they said *nothing* about it until last week. The only thing they told us was that iOS 5 would be coming in the Fall -- which clearly meant the new phone would be, too.

    Siri is not "voice control" -- it's natural language voice command recognition. You don't have to speak certain keywords the way you have to with voice commands on current phones. It understands contexts, relationships, and abstract concepts. That's a huge advancement over what exists today.

    And, finally, if you're an iPhone 4 owner, and you feel like this upgrade isn't compelling for you, that's because it's not meant for you. Most iPhone customers are on two year contracts. Apple's upgrade cycle of major release/evolutionary release reflects that. Most iPhone users upgrading to the 4S will be coming from the 3GS, just as most users upgrading to the 4 came from the 3G.
  • Reply 567 of 641
    longfanglongfang Posts: 522member
    Originally Posted by SactoMan01 View Post

    My guess right now is that Apple is now on a "crash" program to get the iPhone 5 ready by May 2012. And it has to be a phone that blows past all the competition with features like:

    1. 4.0 to 4.3" IPS LCD touchscreen panel for easier readability.

    2. Built-in NFC support compatible with the Sony FeliCa standard, since NFC payment systems found in eastern Asia mostly conform to FeliCa specs.

    3. LTE support using a new, very power-efficient chipset that supports GSM, CDMA and LTE all at the same time.

    Fats fingers much?
  • Reply 568 of 641
    Hmm I was waiting for this release as I'm out of contract and upgrading from a 3GS. What do we think guys, is it worth trying myself in for 18 months for this phone or should I hang on and hope they bring out another mid 2nd quarter of 2012???
  • Reply 569 of 641
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by Fireball1244 View Post

    So much stupid in this thread, I don't know where to begin.

    Why did this come in October instead of June? For two reasons: because Apple needs a pre-Christmas season release event, and the iPod is no longer worthy of such an event. And second, the phone couldn't ship until iOS 5 was finished, and iOS 5 didn't hit gold master until *today*.

    That's speculation. There is no reason hardware and software upgrades have to be synced. the CDMA iPhone wasn't for instance. If iOS 5 took 16 months then iOS 6 might take 16 months, or 24. Do we wait that long?


    When is the iPhone 5 coming out? Never. The next phone will be next Sept/Oct and likely be called the iPhone 4G or iPhone LTE. The phone after that might be the iPhone 4GS. And then it's time for the iPhone 8. Just like there was no iPhone 2 or iPhone 3, there's no reason to expect an iPhone with the name iPhone 5.

    Pure speculation. They need to lose any reference to 4 in their next phone.


    Apple didn't hype this release. In fact, they said *nothing* about it until last week. The only thing they told us was that iOS 5 would be coming in the Fall -- which clearly meant the new phone would be, too.

    Waiting 16 months to produce the same phone, in looks, is absurd. The hype grew as the delay lengthened.


    Siri is not "voice control" -- it's natural language voice command recognition. You don't have to speak certain keywords the way you have to with voice commands on current phones. It understands contexts, relationships, and abstract concepts. That's a huge advancement over what exists today.

    It's ok. I dont care.



    And, finally, if you're an iPhone 4 owner, and you feel like this upgrade isn't compelling for you, that's because it's not meant for you. Most iPhone customers are on two year contracts. Apple's upgrade cycle of major release/evolutionary release reflects that. Most iPhone users upgrading to the 4S will be coming from the 3GS,

    Most countries outside the US are not on those contracts


    just as most users upgrading to the 4 came from the 3G.

    Most iPhone buyers are new to the platform. This will reduce that.
  • Reply 570 of 641
    don pdon p Posts: 9member
    I agree with much you have written. The marketing strategy that Apple has employed for years has backfired with the release of the IPhone4S. The over speculation by the market led to unrealistic expectations. Apple didn't do enough to downplay that stimulation. Allowing the market to dream bigger than what they knew reality to be led to some disillusion amongst their target and investor base. The enhancements are significant and will find an acceptable market share. What I can't figure out is whether Steve's lack of presence during the lead up to the release caused this marketing blunder.

    Originally Posted by Fireball1244 View Post

    So much stupid in this thread, I don't know where to begin.

    Why did this come in October instead of June? For two reasons: because Apple needs a pre-Christmas season release event, and the iPod is no longer worthy of such an event. And second, the phone couldn't ship until iOS 5 was finished, and iOS 5 didn't hit gold master until *today*.

    When is the iPhone 5 coming out? Never. The next phone will be next Sept/Oct and likely be called the iPhone 4G or iPhone LTE. The phone after that might be the iPhone 4GS. And then it's time for the iPhone 8. Just like there was no iPhone 2 or iPhone 3, there's no reason to expect an iPhone with the name iPhone 5.

    Apple didn't hype this release. In fact, they said *nothing* about it until last week. The only thing they told us was that iOS 5 would be coming in the Fall -- which clearly meant the new phone would be, too.

    Siri is not "voice control" -- it's natural language voice command recognition. You don't have to speak certain keywords the way you have to with voice commands on current phones. It understands contexts, relationships, and abstract concepts. That's a huge advancement over what exists today.

    And, finally, if you're an iPhone 4 owner, and you feel like this upgrade isn't compelling for you, that's because it's not meant for you. Most iPhone customers are on two year contracts. Apple's upgrade cycle of major release/evolutionary release reflects that. Most iPhone users upgrading to the 4S will be coming from the 3GS, just as most users upgrading to the 4 came from the 3G.

  • Reply 571 of 641
    OMG this thread has been taken over by the LPC/RR trolls...
  • Reply 572 of 641
    sargessarges Posts: 94member
    Originally Posted by Shrike View Post


    Personally, I wanted both a new form factor and the internal upgrades. When I buy something new, I don't want to be asked if it is the old model.

    Er, isn't this kind of shallow?

    not at all, it's a perfectly reasonably sentiment; if you buy something new that is an upgrade on the old, not only you want it better but also it looks newer. Especially if you get it unlocked and pay the full whack. He's not shallow, it's you that fails to understand
  • Reply 573 of 641
    Originally Posted by drdonjr1950 View Post

    What Mr. Cook needed, what Apple needed,and what users wanted are not the same.

    Mr. Cook needed something that would really blow the socks off the press just to show that Apple could out do Apple without Mr. Jobs. That did not happen. Mr. Cook will take a lot of grief over that.

    Apple needed a reasonable and prudent upgrade to an already excellent market leading product. It needed to show it was moving forward with the latest technology. Most would say Apple got that.

    What users wanted varies all over the spectrum as demonstrated by the responses to the upgrade in this thread. Whether enough users will be satisfied with the internal-only upgrade to buy millions of the new phones remains to be seen. In the long run that, and Apple's other products, will dictate long-term market trends not initial reaction to today's presentation.

    Personally, I wanted both a new form factor and the internal upgrades. When I buy something new, I don't want to be asked if it is the old model. However, that first generation Verizon Blackberry Storm of mine is, well, crap.

    The iPhone 4S was under development long before Tim took over. The iPhone 5 is certainly in development, as is likely even the version 6. Things like this don't get thrown together overnight. He likely had next to nothing to do with the 4S as CEO.


    The question to upgrade or not is a very personal thing. If I can talk my wife into taking my iPhone 4 and parting with her beloved 3GS, then I will get the 4S. Otherwise, I will wait until my current contract is up as there is no pressing need for the 4S (I only want to play with Siri, that's all). In short, it is difficult to always come out with something that will make people upgrade each cycle; as a customer who also gets shackled by a carrier, I prefer the two year cycle; eliminate the contract and I'm all in.

    Then there are lots of people who still don't own smartphones, for whom the 4S could be their first. It will be an awesome experience for them, as various versions of the iPhone have been for many people.

    iOS 5 is a free update, and will bring some fresh life into the current phones. That alone might be enough to sufficiently satisfy some so they won't upgrade.
  • Reply 574 of 641
    sargessarges Posts: 94member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Post Steve Jobs?


    Originally Posted by Apple007

    We can start to feel the post Steve Jobs era - getting lesser and lesser innovation in Apple.

    Blah blah blah etc. etc. etc. blah blah

    APPLE - WAKE UP! If not you will end up like the fate of Nokia........

    He's the Chairman.

    Wake up!

    yes he still is, but now we have CEO with a charisma of NYC janitor and stern look of high school teacher. Mr Cook had the opportunity to show the world he's up the job but he bombed badly. Anodyne presentation, no new iPhone, luckily Scott and Eddy saved the event, they are more natural presenters. Mr Cook has disappointed big time, if he doesn't come up with something compelling next year (see iPhone 5 and iPad 3) and presented with flair, he'll be deservedly out of the job by 2014
  • Reply 575 of 641
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    COok, does not have to a presenter in the style of Jobs. He justs needs people around him to be good at it.
  • Reply 576 of 641
    rigorigo Posts: 4member
    I think they launched the 4s to buy time to polish the iPhone 5's new design i think thats why there are curved designs coming up i think they're real but not ready.\
  • Reply 577 of 641
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    LTE chip requires separate 3g chip making it TOO big for now apple wants to slim not fatten the size of any iphone. also battery life is an issue 4s is slightly better than ip4. i'd rather get the phone right than compromised it will come but i' m buying the 4s (2 of them)

    what if....?

    i don't want to video at 1080 can i adjust to 720 to save mem space

    the same with 8mp camera can i shoot at a lower res to save file size??

    my present pts canon can lets face it most pics and video we share and the few prints i send my mom look great at 3mp on a shutterfly 4x6

    when i order i need to know 16 vs 32 right now i have a 16 3g

    and its not even half full

    do we get the wireless sync with snow leopard or only with lion

  • Reply 578 of 641
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    I'd never asked for higher resolution on phone screen, but larger screen would make small text easier to read even with same resolution... like when you want to fit whole web page width on a screen without left-to-right scrolling.

    Then change your software settings. You can increase font size easily. You can't easily increase the size of all your pockets if your phone is too big.

    Originally Posted by graxspoo View Post

    You're right. It's not the same as the old model. It has worse battery life.

    It's really funny how all the phandroids have to make up lies since they can't find anything reasonable to attack about the 4S.

    iPhone 4S has longer talk time than either the 4 or 3GS

    Granted, standby time is lower, but how often do you need to go more than 8 days without getting near a power outlet?

    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    The problem, tho, is not releasing a dumbed down phone. The problem, instead, is that Apple did not release a superphone. Their current hardware is mid-range.

    Apple took the top selling phone in the marketplace and improved it in nearly every regard (except for the screen - which is already better than anything out there). What do you want - a built in transporter and phaser?

    Originally Posted by graxspoo View Post

    If you drop an iPhone 4 you're almost twice as likely to suffer fracturing than dropping an iPhone 3G from the same height. The reason is simple: twice as much glass, twice as much surface area, twice as likely to break. Bad design. They should have ditched it.

    So don't drop your phone. Regardless, you're comparing the 4S to the 4 - and there's no change. So why are you complaining?

    Originally Posted by Apple007 View Post

    We can start to feel the post Steve Jobs era - getting lesser and lesser innovation in Apple.

    They took 16month to come out this iPhone 4S... they could have done better.

    Really? Your evidence? How many multimillion dollar R&D projects have you completed?

    It really amazes me how many juveniles think that creating a new product is so trivial that a mindless drone on AI can simply wave their magic wand and it's done.

    Originally Posted by graxspoo View Post

    OK, here's an extension of the car metaphor:

    "We gave you a more powerful engine, even though the old engine was pretty much good enough, and now you get 1/3 less MPG, even when you're just driving around town.

    Not even close. 'just driving around town' for a car would be equivalent to talking on a phone. A closer analogy would be "you have to check the tire air pressure every 2 months if the car is just sitting in your garage rather than 3 months on the old model". It's an insignificant difference. I don't know anyone who owns an iPhone and doesn't use it. And if you don't use it, then the need to recharge it once a week instead of every other week isn't a big deal.

    Originally Posted by graxspoo View Post

    We strapped this new fuel hungry engine into the same body as last year; the one that is twice as likely to explode on impact compared to the body design from two years back.

    And, yet, in spite of that, the iPhone 4 is the top selling phone on the market. I guess the average consumer is smart enough not to use their iPhone as a hammer.

    Originally Posted by graxspoo View Post

    I almost never use the iPhone as a phone, so I don't care about talk times. I do however, really like being able to go all weekend without needing to recharge. I am not playing games on the thing all day, and just want to be able to check my email, surf the web a little and that's about it. So, standby time is important to me.

    OK. The iPhone 4S is good for 200 hours on standby. Unless you have REALLY long weekends, that shouldn't be a problem for you.

    And when you're actually USING it, it lasts longer.

    Originally Posted by MaroonMushroom View Post

    Well actually, if another version of Android comes out... You just get the update. (unless it's strictly hardware related eg. NFC and a FFC)

    ROTFLMAO. Funny how the phandroids keep saying this - in spite of years of evidence to the contrary.

    My daughter's brand new Android phone is still stuck at 2.1. No signs of an upgrade. And my ex's is still stuck at 1.6 with no signs of an upgrade.

    IN THEORY, Android phones are upgradeable, but in practice, it just doesn't happen that often.

    Originally Posted by sarges View Post

    not at all, it's a perfectly reasonably sentiment; if you buy something new that is an upgrade on the old, not only you want it better but also it looks newer. Especially if you get it unlocked and pay the full whack. He's not shallow, it's you that fails to understand

    Funny how the people who only want appearance are "not shallow" while the ones who are more focused on the performance and features of the phone are the shallow ones... Amazing.

    Here's what you do. Buy yourself an iPhone 4S. Paint a racing stripe on it and tell everyone it's the new, limited edition iPhone 4 GT. If that's what makes you happy, this will solve all your problems.

    I am still astounded at the amount of whining and complaining over a very solid upgrade. And for many people, it's free. If you wait until your contract renewal period (and my iPhone 4 is now eligible for a subsidized upgrade), you can upgrade to the new phone for $200-300. Then sell your old one on eBay for $300 or so. Since I plan to buy the low end model (I never use my phone for listening to music or watching movies, so I don't need the storage), I'll actually pocket $100 and have a phone that's dramatically better in every regard.
  • Reply 579 of 641
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by sarges View Post

    yes he still is, but now we have CEO with a charisma of NYC janitor and stern look of high school teacher. Mr Cook had the opportunity to show the world he's up the job but he bombed badly. Anodyne presentation, no new iPhone, luckily Scott and Eddy saved the event, they are more natural presenters. Mr Cook has disappointed big time, if he doesn't come up with something compelling next year (see iPhone 5 and iPad 3) and presented with flair, he'll be deservedly out of the job by 2014

    It's really funny how Apple fans are accused of being more concerned with style than substance - yet then you get complaints like this one. Or this entire thread where vastly improving nearly every element of the new phone isn't good enough because it doesn't have racing stripes or tail fins.

    I wish the Apple haters would stick to one story...
  • Reply 580 of 641
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    How does an app decide that its notification is more or less important than any other apps notification? How would an app know what other apps are on the phone to make this determination?

    You didn't address exactly how you get widgets onto the notification bar. Which is the point I raised.

    You can't order them if that's what you were going at, but I'm not entirely sure why that's a huge deal. If that is important to you, I'll concede that Notification Center is better for you than the Android notifications.

    You check a box in apps that have the option to use widget like notifications? As far as I'm aware Apple only gives you a few notifications you can have in there (correct me if I'm wrong). Android again leaves it to the apps to decide, which means that there are a lot of widgets to choose from.
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