Wall Street response to iPhone 4S muted, but optimistic



  • Reply 21 of 50
    Originally Posted by eksodos View Post

    Clearly you've been sold on the marketing. Nobody knows if the RAM has been doubled yet, Apple hasn't said anything about that AFAIK. Nobody knows if the camera really produces much better pictures yet. We don't know if the antenna is better. World phone sounds nice but the biggest beneficiary is Apple as it trims manufacturing costs. I think it's strange thinking to assume everything Apple says is the truth. Until we've seen real world testing from people outside of the company, critical thinking is your friend.

    I'm talking about the 64 gig model - I have more than 32 gigs of music.
  • Reply 22 of 50
    Apple is apparently not building products for tech-heads. I guess they know that they have a solid design and basically just improved it. Consumers are still buying the older iPhone 4 despite all the multitude of new and high-tech Android smartphones being offered. Sprint is willing to risk $20 billion dollars on the iPhone so even the iPhone 4S must have been good enough to take the risk the first year. Think of the iPhone 4S as a stock late-model Corvette that's been equipped with a more powerful engine, better handling package and a 6-speed transmission. It may have the same body on the outside, but will still outrun and out-handle many newer cars. People mod cars all the time instead of buying new ones. The question is will consumers care all that much about the body as long as there's power under the hood and smooth handling on the road?

    My point is that this is a case of function over form and consumers will still be getting a good deal. Does anyone believe that the iPhone 4S won't sell in the tens of millions of units? Just remember, Apple never claimed it was going to introduce an iPhone 5 or anything else. The tech-heads just made broad assumptions that consumers most likely didn't even think about. If the iPhone 4S does want the consumer wants it to do, then they should be more than satisfied. Apple must feel that it's more important to meet price points and manufacturing numbers since the iPhone 4 is in such high demand. I fully believe that Apple knows its customer base and what is needed in the market.

    We'll know this holiday season if Apple made the right choice. The 4S is still an iPhone and the ecosystem is stronger than ever. It's true that Wall Street might not like the idea of Apple not having a sensational new model, but it's the consumers that spend their hard-earned cash. If they like the iPhone 4S and buy it in quantity, then Apple is set. I say the average consumer won't even care that it's not an iPhone 5 and plenty will be happy to get an iPhone 4 for $99 even if it only has a paltry 8 GB on board. With help from cloud services, it might be just enough.
  • Reply 23 of 50
    Lost me as a customer. After three iPhones, I'm done. Moving over to the "dark side." Hey Apple, we want a bigger screen, flash support and a mini HDMI hook up! All things that droid phones have. As of now, Apple has nothing on the droid phones. Anything that IP4S can do, they can do better. The lame Siri feature doesn't count because we all know that it won't work nearly as well in the real world as they make it sound.

    I've been waiting for the new iPhone to come out before making my decision and now that it has the fiance and I are done. See you later Apple. We're tired of paying a premium price for an inferior product.
  • Reply 24 of 50
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 863member
    All Apple had to do was increase the screen size and it would have been a winner.

    while the new features are good people want a redesign in some fashion, Be it thinner or larger screen or different period. Especially after waiting 16 months.

    Yes the 4S will sell like crazy but it could have sold better.
  • Reply 25 of 50
    tylerk36tylerk36 Posts: 1,037member
    Originally Posted by MaroonMushroom View Post

    I'm sorry, what does this have to do with liberal arts?

    The key topic was who cares about wall street! I just quoted Steve Jobs as a way that wall street doesnt get. Who gives a f#%*# what it has to do with wall street!
  • Reply 26 of 50
    alandailalandail Posts: 757member
    Originally Posted by skippy302 View Post

    Lost me as a customer. After three iPhones, I'm done. Moving over to the "dark side." Hey Apple, we want a bigger screen, flash support and a mini HDMI hook up! All things that droid phones have. As of now, Apple has nothing on the droid phones. Anything that IP4S can do, they can do better. The lame Siri feature doesn't count because we all know that it won't work nearly as well in the real world as they make it sound.

    I've been waiting for the new iPhone to come out before making my decision and now that it has the fiance and I are done. See you later Apple. We're tired of paying a premium price for an inferior product.

    Doesn't this do the same thing? Video mirroring and video out support: Up to 1080p with Apple Digital AV Adapter. You also get cable free 720p with AirPlay and and AppleTV.

    As for Siri, if it works as well as advertised, it's something you'd want? But without even trying it, you assume it won't work that well?
  • Reply 27 of 50
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    Here's my theory as to what happened today... Apple needed to get off it's once a year iPhone upgrade event cycle. Technology and marketing by the competition moves too fast to wait a year to get back in the limelight. So spread out two events per year.

    Apart from judging that the market or the technology isn't ready for whatever feature set the 5 was supposedly bringing, I reckon Apple was also accounting for two strategic factors:

    * Samsung's threat to deny the entry of the new iphone into every market it can, just like Apple is preventing the Galaxy II here in Australia.

    By holding off on the iphone 5 they can see how Samsung's legal strategy unfolds on a supposedly less important device.

    * next week's looming announcement of the Google Nexus.

    Here Apple get's more time to to tweak features and marketing against the latest iteration of Android software.

    More generally I think Apple is putting the 4S into the world marketplace alone so that it gets the best opportunity for traction in the emerging markets, particularly China. A two pronged release would just confuse things.

    Finally, I think the 4S, particularly because of Siri and the icloud, is a good enough release to get me off the 3G that I'm nursing (with its dead wifi and bluetooth). Certainly my dyslexic wife can't wait to tell it what she wants it to find, and do.
  • Reply 28 of 50
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    There is just no way to express my disappointment... IN APPLE FANS and the general populace and their constant wanting everything to look new!

    1) The iPhone 4 design is close to perfection from the outside, especially if you're going to be squeezing even MORE processing power, camera lenses, an 8-hr+ battery, new double antennas, etc. etc. in to it.

    A Porsche 911, which this to the phone market, changes slightly every 2-3 years. Only true FANS of Porsche can tell you the difference and the year(s) it was released. BTW: I do believe that another major phone manufacturer (and Apple supplier) also believes the iPhone 4 design is perfect enough to slavishly copy it. Can you name that co.?

    2) The design has actually only been FULLY on the market for 6-8 months, if you take into consideration the long wait for the white model, and the Verizon iPhone.

    3) The majority of people use a case with the iPhone, so who cares what it looks like at the end.

    4) People... wake up and take a look at the landfills please! IMO, Apple is even doing a Green-Thing here, because now you can still use all of your accessories, docks, etc. for another 2 years if you wish.

    5) I hear about all these fantabulous Android phones: name 1 that outsells the iPhone.

    6) All those iPhone-killer spec-phones, run Android... and that's the problem. It is a 2nd-rate operating system, tied up in court, and I doubt it will EVER see any of the functionality, speed, and ease of use like the iPhone with iOS5, iCloud, and Siri.

    "Ever" is a long time... but just wait till Oracle gets done with Google in court, and see how much they want for the license and damages. I still think Google will B***, moan, and scream "not fair!"... and eventually stop active participation in the dev of Android and concentrate on Chrome.

    5) Only original phone OS that will compare with iOS5 and beyond, is most likely Win8. We won't know that for sure until 2012 at the earliest.

    6) last but not least: manufacturing, re-tooling, and component supply. The iPhone 4 design has only just recently got up to 100% speed. Apple needs to produce 20-40 million of these devices a quarter! Name one supplier that can produce 20-40 million 4" screens to Apple's demands and specs... per quarter! I don't believe there is one... and if there is, I believe there happens to be a major riff going on between that co. and Apple: Samsung.

    LG couldn't cut it and get it up to speed... yet. Wait till next year they said. Apple agreed. See point 1. This design was perfect for the internal power that needed to be included now, to get iOS5 and iCloud up and kicking.

    7) Now Apple has the time to "perfect" the next design, and make the internals fit. I'm thinking Liquid-Metal or aluminum block in the tear-drop design that was leaked already.

    What will remain the same is probably the processor, boosted to A5+ and more RAM... the camera, antenna's etc. .... and more than likely the B*&Moaning of Apple fans because it only has "a new shell" around the 2-year old tech of the iPhone 4S.

    Count on it... and the Anal-cysts getting it ALL wrong... again.

    And the world keeps moving towards self destruction due to THIS ^^^^ making more money than an honest days work, and more in an hour than what the average person needs to feed a family per month.
  • Reply 29 of 50
    xamaxxamax Posts: 135member
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    [copied from my post on another thread, thought it would be relevant here, too]

    Here's my theory as to what happened today... Apple needed to get off it's once a year iPhone upgrade event cycle. Technology and marketing by the competition moves too fast to wait a year to get back in the limelight. So spread out two events per year. You can't keep the June event because that means the other event would be too close to Christmas. So Spring and Fall it is. Earlier this year they had the release of the Verizon iPhone (sorry, no Spring event for the rest of the world). Then bite the bullet and hold out until Fall, skipping June.

    LTE isn't quite ready yet, so let's get something new in the pipeline for the Holiday Season. This means cheap options (free 3GS, cheap 4, etc) for gift giving and the 4S because the 4 was getting too outdated and in need of an upgrade. Then in the Spring release the "power user's" iPhone 5 (iPhone Pro?). Bigger screen and LTE. I see this trend continuing for the next several years. Smaller screen phone for the Fall/Holiday release and the power user phone in the Spring. This also helps spread out the huge production backlog associated with one massive launch event each year. Two launch events can help smooth out the production and supply chain strain that comes every July/August after the June iPhone announcements.

    Apple needs to diversify their offerings. The current one-size-fits-all model they've following up until now is self-limiting. Eventually they need to branch out and offer more choices. Anyone who wants a bigger screen won't even consider an iPhone today. And those same people are probably willing to pay a nice little premium to get one from Apple.

    Some of us are getting quite good reading into Apple's mind. I'd say thats almost psychic!

    I fully agree with you!

    What Wall Street doesn't get - and many whiners, kids, and fandroids too - is that Apple only cares about results. Other companies are greatly into hype, they sell vapor and keep making announcements of what they'll eventually do 6 months down the road, sometimes even a year or more - look at where it brought them.

    The true news, the true announcement was not openly exposed, doing it would be like handing over to the competition the key to Apple's success. And Apple really wants them to keep screwing up their businesses due to lack of vision! So I believe the almost humble, very soft type of event was on purpose. The longer everyone else take to understand the longer they will be left eating Apple's dust.

    Apple profits from selling hardware and its strategy for achieving that has long been by investing in software and creating a compelling experience, creating a whole that's bigger than the sum of the parts.

    So this announcement was not really about iPhones, it was about some new parts of the amazing whole that Apple is strongly and surely building up.

    ? It's got iPhones, iPads, iPods as autonomous computers - now that is a revolution and few are talking about it, these things are replacing everything from point-and-shoot cameras, video cameras, paperback books, TVs, game consoles, telephones, radios, all sorts of manuals, remote controls, GPS devices, calculators, laptop computers, you name it, it's turning into the one pocket sized piece of technology that does everything for you and where your life is beginning to be centered upon;

    ? It's got iCloud - okay, so in order not to make one vulnerable from centering all your life in a physically small piece of technology that can be lost or stolen, one needs an iCloud to store everything etc. Now this is not just web centric & automated synch of everything you'll do... for free! In a very short time it'll be turning into everything you need regarding film, video, audio. People will be switching off their TVs. Or with Apple TV, revamping it into the Internet TV device. This will eventually put TV networks out of business if they don't adapt to the net centric model. This is a race, an extremely important one and besides Apple we all know YouTube/Google is in it, Amazon is in it (although for me it comes with lots of interrogation marks) and a few others are in. Is Samesing in? I don't think so. Box movers uh. Seen that, no future in it;

    ? It's got your home - in view of all the above, believe you me, there's no way Apple won't come out with a 50" HDTV very soon. And then they will have many homes locked in into the ecosystem. Sadly we didn't see it this Christmas season, most probably 2012 then;

    So again it's not about hardware, it's about integration and lifestyle!

    And in view of that, it was quite a big announcement.

    Apple, with the 1984 ad, has long promised to revolutionize our lives. And I'm telling you, yesterday was a very important step in a long but firm and unwavering process that is making Apple conquering many people's hearts and pockets by changing our lifestyle into a dream come true. And Apple is the only company with all the pieces and vision together. Now that is priceless. Is that accounted for into AAPL? Nope. It can grow to $1000, pending there's no war or collapse or cataclysm. That's why Apple is striving against the tide/market, it is phenomenal (case of success).

    Burger minds will not get this and call me an Apple fanboy. Proudly so!
  • Reply 30 of 50
    xamaxxamax Posts: 135member
    Originally Posted by tylerk36 View Post

    The key topic was who cares about wall street! I just quoted Steve Jobs as a way that wall street doesnt get. Who gives a f#%*# what it has to do with wall street!

    Exactly, Apple will never dance to the tune of Wall Street. I mean, have you seen Fortune magazine Philip Elmer-Dewitt articles comparing the performance of Wall Street anal-ysts against amateurs and bloggers? They ALWAYS get it wrong. Go check it out.

    Actually if you devise a strategy that goes counter Wall Street you may have something good in your hands.

    They are unhappy because Apple's moves do never serve speculators.

    In case anybody still didn't get it here goes: APPLE IS HERE FOR THE LONG TERM, not for the quick game.

    That is also why copyists do not stand a chance - everything at Apple has got years of study and preparation. That is why you and me love Apple, so much Love put into everything.

    Now you, and your fiancé, eat chips and MegaHertz at lunch? Good luck man, Apple indeed is not for you! Just go away, let us breathe the new fresh air that will take your place yeah?
  • Reply 31 of 50
    xamaxxamax Posts: 135member
    Originally Posted by BUSHMAN4 View Post

    All Apple had to do was increase the screen size and it would have been a winner.

    while the new features are good people want a redesign in some fashion, Be it thinner or larger screen or different period. Especially after waiting 16 months.

    Yes the 4S will sell like crazy but it could have sold better.

    Now when they announce the new iPhone 5 with a bigger screen and probably similar innards (incredibly lucrative and smart business model) come next Spring, what would they have to present then?!
  • Reply 32 of 50
    tawilsontawilson Posts: 484member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Munster believes the launch of the device will attract long lines, based on survey data from August. According to him, there is pent up demand for the iPhone 4S, as 64 percent of mobile phone users surveyed in August indicated plans to buy an iPhone the next time they purchase a new phone, with 36 percent of those surveyed saying they would wait for the "iPhone 5." But, it should be noted that the survey had a small sample size of just 216 respondents.

    What I don't understand, is how people are waiting for something named "iPhone 5", yet they don't know ANY specs of a phone named "iPhone 5", and most of the specs of the 4s are what was expected to be the 5, just without the major case redesign and "alleged" bigger screen.

    What a BS, survey created to guide people to a pre-determined conclusion. They might as well just not bothered, as it doesn't add any value/weight to anything.
  • Reply 33 of 50
    Originally Posted by jason98 View Post

    What the hell were they doing for 16 months? A5 existed since iPad-2 launch, casing is the same, same old dwarf screen...

    So 16 months to add a fifth lens to the optical system? REALLY???

    Well, let's see... They were working on iCloud, IOS 5, ThunderBolt, Lion, iTunes Match, and becoming the largest company in the world in terms of market value (just to name a few). You know, the usual game changing stuff that they do on a daily basis.

    So, what have you accomplished these past 16 months?
  • Reply 34 of 50
    Originally Posted by chadmatic View Post

    Well, let's see... They were working on iCloud, IOS 5, ThunderBolt, Lion, iTunes Match, and becoming the largest company in the world in terms of market value (just to name a few). You know, the usual game changing stuff that they do on a daily basis.

    So, what have you accomplished these past 16 months?

    So you thought it cute to compare a company of thousands of employees to one person?

    I think he raises a valid point though the answer is apparent. It didn't take 16 months; it took a fraction of that. It took 16 months to extend the strategic product release cycle so they could make the gravy train a bit more mellow and less sporadic.
  • Reply 35 of 50
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by tylerk36 View Post

    Steve and Tim really don't care what Wall Street thinks. They care about the investors

    Yeah. That makes a lot of sense.
  • Reply 36 of 50
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by jason98 View Post

    What the hell were they doing for 16 months?

    Going to court.
  • Reply 37 of 50
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by maccherry View Post

    This is why I hate the idea of publicly traded companies. No matter how much you make Wall Street still wants more!!!!

    Would you prefer that all that wealth be concentrated into fewer owners? Personally, I think that publicly traded companies are a good idea. Even better is the use of company stock to motivate employees. Increased employee ownership of the means of production is entirely possible with public ownership, but not with privately owned companies.
  • Reply 38 of 50
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by Constable Odo View Post

    Think of the iPhone 4S as a stock late-model Corvette that's been equipped with a more powerful engine, better handling package and a 6-speed transmission.

    More like a Camry. Grandma doesn't drive a Corvette, nor do Corvettes sell in mass quantities.
  • Reply 39 of 50
    sol77sol77 Posts: 203member
    There was an entire opinion article in Gizmodo yesterday pontificating about why the 4s is a disappointment: no exterior redesign. Yes, the entire article was built around that single disappointment. He wanted it to look new. I think he even used those words. We truly are living in the Snooki dystopia when tech sites publish articles saying, "I'm disappointed because the new product doesn't look different." It didn't matter that this is the beginning of being able to spin off text messages without using your hands (with ease), of having a device that you can simply speak to and trust that it will understand what you need to have done. It didn't matter that the processor is faster. Or that the camera has an even better sensor than the superior sensor in the iphone4. It didn't matter that Apple simply could have waited until yesterday to reveal the content of ios5...which is really part of the upgrade, along with everything it has in it. And I was reading this article in a tech site. I don't know much about technology, but when I read that article, my jaw dropped. I literally read the entire article with my mouth slightly ajar. When I finished, Sigourney Weaver's Ripley from Aliens echoed in my mind: "Did I.Q.s drop sharply while I was away?" I consider myself a fair weather fan...of anything. I'm not loyal when it comes to tech or sports or anything (except my girlfriend), but I'm amazed at how stupid the public reaction is to this. I see the SNL Keanu on celebrity jeopardy standing in for the Snooki public, scratching his head, saying, "Dude...so...it doesn't look different?" "Yes, Mr. Reeves, it doesn't look different. Please pick a category." I'm a little embarrassed. That's right, world, (put's avuncular and consoling hand on shoulder), it doesn't look different. (*sniff*).

    Originally Posted by XamaX View Post

    Some of us are getting quite good reading into Apple's mind. I'd say thats almost psychic!

    I fully agree with you!

    What Wall Street doesn't get - and many whiners, kids, and fandroids too - is that Apple only cares about results. Other companies are greatly into hype, they sell vapor and keep making announcements of what they'll eventually do 6 months down the road, sometimes even a year or more - look at where it brought them.

    The true news, the true announcement was not openly exposed, doing it would be like handing over to the competition the key to Apple's success. And Apple really wants them to keep screwing up their businesses due to lack of vision! So I believe the almost humble, very soft type of event was on purpose. The longer everyone else take to understand the longer they will be left eating Apple's dust.

    Apple profits from selling hardware and its strategy for achieving that has long been by investing in software and creating a compelling experience, creating a whole that's bigger than the sum of the parts.

    So this announcement was not really about iPhones, it was about some new parts of the amazing whole that Apple is strongly and surely building up.

    ? It's got iPhones, iPads, iPods as autonomous computers - now that is a revolution and few are talking about it, these things are replacing everything from point-and-shoot cameras, video cameras, paperback books, TVs, game consoles, telephones, radios, all sorts of manuals, remote controls, GPS devices, calculators, laptop computers, you name it, it's turning into the one pocket sized piece of technology that does everything for you and where your life is beginning to be centered upon;

    ? It's got iCloud - okay, so in order not to make one vulnerable from centering all your life in a physically small piece of technology that can be lost or stolen, one needs an iCloud to store everything etc. Now this is not just web centric & automated synch of everything you'll do... for free! In a very short time it'll be turning into everything you need regarding film, video, audio. People will be switching off their TVs. Or with Apple TV, revamping it into the Internet TV device. This will eventually put TV networks out of business if they don't adapt to the net centric model. This is a race, an extremely important one and besides Apple we all know YouTube/Google is in it, Amazon is in it (although for me it comes with lots of interrogation marks) and a few others are in. Is Samesing in? I don't think so. Box movers uh. Seen that, no future in it;

    ? It's got your home - in view of all the above, believe you me, there's no way Apple won't come out with a 50" HDTV very soon. And then they will have many homes locked in into the ecosystem. Sadly we didn't see it this Christmas season, most probably 2012 then;

    So again it's not about hardware, it's about integration and lifestyle!

    And in view of that, it was quite a big announcement.

    Apple, with the 1984 ad, has long promised to revolutionize our lives. And I'm telling you, yesterday was a very important step in a long but firm and unwavering process that is making Apple conquering many people's hearts and pockets by changing our lifestyle into a dream come true. And Apple is the only company with all the pieces and vision together. Now that is priceless. Is that accounted for into AAPL? Nope. It can grow to $1000, pending there's no war or collapse or cataclysm. That's why Apple is striving against the tide/market, it is phenomenal (case of success).

    Burger minds will not get this and call me an Apple fanboy. Proudly so!

  • Reply 40 of 50
    It's fine for you to leap off the ledge but think about your poor fiancé. Must she suffer too?

    Originally Posted by skippy302 View Post

    Lost me as a customer. After three iPhones, I'm done. Moving over to the "dark side." Hey Apple, we want a bigger screen, flash support and a mini HDMI hook up! All things that droid phones have. As of now, Apple has nothing on the droid phones. Anything that IP4S can do, they can do better. The lame Siri feature doesn't count because we all know that it won't work nearly as well in the real world as they make it sound.

    I've been waiting for the new iPhone to come out before making my decision and now that it has the fiance and I are done. See you later Apple. We're tired of paying a premium price for an inferior product.

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