Adobe Photoshop CS6 to adopt Aperture-like theme, new 3D functionality



  • Reply 21 of 54
    Originally Posted by chabig View Post

    And all of this can be yours for the low price of $999.99! But wait, there's more...

    If you buy our entire suite right now, we'll only charge you $2,499.99! Order now for this once-in-a-lifetime wallet rape... er.... deal!!
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  • Reply 22 of 54
    Please, please, please, STOP the interface changes. This constant redesign of the interface is tiring and more importantly reduces productivity. Now I'm not saying that the interface should never change, but this pattern of changing the interface with practically every update is nonsense. What if once a year you got into your car to find all the controls had been moved around? What if annually you picked up your TV remote and found all the buttons had been rearranged? What if you look down now at your keyboard and find the positions of all the keys have been relocated? Would it be inconvenient, confusing, frustrating? You bet. So why does Adobe do it?

    Adobe makes money by... selling software. If they want to stay in business they need to keep the money rolling in and therefore they need to constantly come out with updated versions of their software that we will spend our money on. They want to make sure we feel like we got our money's worth. One way to do that is by making the product LOOK different - interface redesign.

    Adobe, please, show some sensitivity to your customers. Only change the interface when you have a compelling design that will truly improve our productivity.
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  • Reply 23 of 54
    Looks like the Capture One interface skin to me.
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  • Reply 24 of 54
    its funny this site and posters automatically say adobe copied apple on the dark UI. (which I do not like BTW).

    Premire Pro, After Effects and PS Elements have had a dark interface for a while.

    Capture One is a professional raw conversion program that has had a dark UI for the last few years.

    And whoever leaked this probably violated a NDA.
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  • Reply 25 of 54
    poochpooch Posts: 768member
    Originally Posted by ecpho View Post

    its funny this site and posters automatically say adobe copied apple on the dark UI. (which I do not like BTW).

    Premire Pro, After Effects and PS Elements have had a dark interface for a while.

    Capture One is a professional raw conversion program that has had a dark UI for the last few years.

    And whoever leaked this probably violated a NDA.

    and by reading the material and getting some advantage out of it then you are an accessory after the fact.
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  • Reply 26 of 54
    Originally Posted by Pooch View Post

    and by reading the material and getting some advantage out of it then you are an accessory after the fact.

    what are you talking about?
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  • Reply 27 of 54
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    According to people familiar with builds of the software compiled earlier this month, the most immediately-recognizable change to Photoshop in CS6 (version 13.0) is its darker, Aperture-like user interface (below) that replaces the mostly platinum theme found in existing versions of the software. For some, this may be an unwelcome change; that's why Adobe has reportedly -- at least in the current beta build -- provided testers with the option to revert back to the old look.

    STOP the sensationalism Apple Insider. I don't know if I would call the darker color of the interface Aperture-like. Adobe After Effects and most recently, though to a lesser extent, Adobe Ilustrator have had the option to change the color of the interface in their respective "preferences" from platinum to dark grey for years.

    Most video editors and animators who use After Effects work in dark rooms, they also use other tools in Adobe's Creative Suite like Photoshop and Illustrator in these dark rooms so it makes sense to carry the dark interface over to all the programs in the Suite. Personally, I prefer the darker look, it's about time if you ask me.
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  • Reply 28 of 54
    Originally Posted by smeagol View Post

    STOP the sensationalism Apple Insider. I don't know if I would call the darker color of the interface Aperture-like. Adobe After Effects and most recently, though to a lesser extent, Adobe Ilustrator have had the option to change the color of the interface in their respective "preferences" from platinum to dark grey for years.

    Most video editors and animators who use After Effects work in dark rooms, they also use other tools in Adobe's Creative Suite like Photoshop and Illustrator in these dark rooms so it makes sense to carry the dark interface over to all the programs in the Suite. Personally, I prefer the darker look, it's about time if you ask me.

    I've cut down my AI web browsing time mainly b/c of the heavy Adobe bashing on this site.
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  • Reply 29 of 54
    Originally Posted by MackyMoto View Post

    Please, please, please, STOP the interface changes. This constant redesign of the interface is tiring and more importantly reduces productivity. Now I'm not saying that the interface should never change, but this pattern of changing the interface with practically every update is nonsense. What if once a year you got into your car to find all the controls had been moved around? What if annually you picked up your TV remote and found all the buttons had been rearranged? What if you look down now at your keyboard and find the positions of all the keys have been relocated? Would it be inconvenient, confusing, frustrating? You bet. So why does Adobe do it?

    Adobe makes money by... selling software. If they want to stay in business they need to keep the money rolling in and therefore they need to constantly come out with updated versions of their software that we will spend our money on. They want to make sure we feel like we got our money's worth. One way to do that is by making the product LOOK different - interface redesign.

    Adobe, please, show some sensitivity to your customers. Only change the interface when you have a compelling design that will truly improve our productivity.

    If you think that's bad (I sure do!) Just wait till you read about the "software subscription" plan. Where you never fully "own" it, must always have an internet connection, get forced updates, and pay more than it's worth monthly. That's how they are positioning "Muse"; the InDesign-builds-websites app.
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  • Reply 30 of 54
    Originally Posted by ecpho View Post

    I've cut down my AI web browsing time mainly b/c of the heavy Adobe bashing on this site.

    I must agree that the bashing is a bit strong. I've relied on Photoshop for years; sure it's a heavy program, but it's never let me down. When Apple turned out Final Cut X, I was grateful that Premiere Pro CS5.5 and the rest of the Production suite were available and reliable.
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  • Reply 31 of 54
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    The dark interface in Pro apps is so your perception of the document colours is not messed up by the interface colours. It's not about copying each other's style.
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  • Reply 32 of 54
    Oh. Great. Adobe, not content with Photoshop being the fattest, most bloated whore in the world of software, has decided to try to make it into a 3D modeling software, as well.

    So? what, are we going to hear about Maya being bought up and integrated into Photoshop or Creative Suite?
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  • Reply 33 of 54
    ecphoecpho Posts: 28member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Oh. Great. Adobe, not content with Photoshop being the fattest, most bloated whore in the world of software, has decided to try to make it into a 3D modeling software, as well.

    So? what, are we going to hear about Maya being bought up and integrated into Photoshop or Creative Suite?

    they're had 3D features for a few years now. PS Extended.

    they sell a 3D version and a non 3D version. and you dont have to use the features you dont need.

    you can hide the 3D items in the menu also.

    please tone down the blind anti-adobe rhetoric here- w/o adobe products your precious ipad will have no content.
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  • Reply 34 of 54
    Originally Posted by ecpho View Post

    they sell a 3D version and a non 3D version. and you dont have to use the features you dont need.

    Uh… huh.


    please tone down the blind anti-adobe rhetoric here

    Oh, yeah. That's what this is.


    w/o adobe products your precious ipad will have no content.

    Oh holy mother of frick, that's hilarious. Man, I wish we could use more emoticons.

    Please tone down the blind pro-Adobe rhetoric here!
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  • Reply 35 of 54
    crimguycrimguy Posts: 124member
    Originally Posted by gwlaw99 View Post

    Its getting to the point of absurdity on this site that everything is stolen from apple. This looks more like elements than aperture.

    +1 apple doesn't have a monopoly on dark ui's.
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  • Reply 36 of 54
    I can only hope that Adobe will bring everything up to 64 bits using Lion. Than includes such things as picture package - something that we photographers use daily and we now need to shut down and reopen CS 5 in 32 bits to make it work. Making wallet-size images for customers should not mean re-booting the program - and then restarting later in 64 bits.

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  • Reply 37 of 54
    jabohnjabohn Posts: 593member
    Looks like they changed the Pane headings from UPPERCASE back to Upper and Lowercase. This is much easier to read and I never understood why they changed it in CS4.
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  • Reply 38 of 54
    ecphoecpho Posts: 28member
    Originally Posted by jabohn View Post

    Looks like they changed the Pane headings from UPPERCASE back to Upper and Lowercase. This is much easier to read and I never understood why they changed it in CS4.

    i initially didn't like the change to upper case - but I got used to it and prefer it that way..

    either way there are scripts to change them back and forth.
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  • Reply 39 of 54
    Originally Posted by ecpho View Post

    I've cut down my AI web browsing time mainly b/c of the heavy Adobe bashing on this site.


    Adobe get as fair coverage here as Obama gets on FOX.
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  • Reply 40 of 54
    dualiedualie Posts: 334member
    Originally Posted by Habañero View Post


    Adobe get as fair coverage here as Obama gets on FOX.

    Go hang around the Adobe forums. It's full of shills and apologists. You'll feel right at home. I for one reserve the right to be critical of software I have used since version 2 and upgrade regularly - now annually as Adobe needlessly ramps up its development cycle to 12 months.

    I have to agree with Prof. Peabody on this one. When it comes to Photoshop many changes are completely pointless, and expensive. And since Adobe is now charging full upgrade price for an annual point bug-fix "upgrade", it should expect a lot more criticism going forward. This is what happens when one company dominates. But, nothing lasts forever and one day Adobe is destined to become the QuarkXPress of publishing when some real competition comes along and people abandon Adobe after years of being fed up with its greed.
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