Apple retail chief Ron Johnson officially departs with no replacement



  • Reply 41 of 73
    Originally Posted by Pendergast View Post

    And yet, clearly Steve did end up supporting them, as he was the ultimate authority at Apple. It wasn't a democracy.

    Perhaps because he was initially opposed forced the team to refine the idea and make it better. Saying no can be a powerful motivator.

    Save your breath, the trolls are already too fat on AI... unless you just need some writing practice.
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  • Reply 42 of 73
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by scotty321 View Post

    Ron Johnson leaving Apple is a huge black eye to Apple. This is the beginning of the end. Welcome to post-Steve Apple.

    I wondered how long it would take for the trolls with single digit IQs to appear. Scotty321 wins the prize.

    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    Too constrained? WTF does that even mean?

    Maybe they should get rid of the "museum of technology" look and set things up with more and better POS displays.

    Apple's sales per square foot are greater than any other retail chain in the country - even Tiffany's. Why in the world would they take advice from YOU?

    Originally Posted by tundraboy View Post

    The guy was offered the CEO position in a major national retail chain. I think there is nothing that Apple could have done to keep him.

    Considering JC Penney's customer demographic, I don't expect them to start looking like Apple Stores with Ron Jonson as CEO. Or even like Target. But, given his track record, I'm a little excited to see what he can do to light a fire under JCP's retail strategy.

    Of course. Even without more money, moving from "Retail Manager" to "CEO" is a powerful draw. Plus, he may see it as a possibility to improve his chances to get the Apple CEO role if/when Cook leaves. Broadening his experience can't hurt.

    Originally Posted by tundraboy View Post

    I'd love to see Woz on an Apple advert. "Hi I'm Woz, thirty years ago my friend Steve and I started this company in his dad's garage. . . "

    If they want to use Woz as a figure head, I couldn't care less. But if they try to use him for anything more, it's a huge mistake. He can't keep a secret and has no concept of how average people think.

    Not to mention, of course, that he really wouldn't be of any value even as a figure head. No one knows Woz but a few older geeks - and they're largely outside Apple's target audience, anyway.

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Isn't this a wonderful thread.

    A fellow who has completed his job, is number 3 or 4 or maybe even 5 at Apple decides, while Steve is still at the helm, to leave Apple so that he can become number one at a retail chain that is faltering, so that he can once again use his full capabilities... and get paid even more than the salary given to him at Apple.

    ... but some how or other this is the beginning of the end for Apple.

    Wonderful wonderful thread.

    Carry on.

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  • Reply 43 of 73
    ikolikol Posts: 369member
    Originally Posted by jragosta;

    If they want to use Woz as a figure head, I couldn't care less. But if they try to use him for anything more, it's a huge mistake. He can't keep a secret and has no concept of how average people think.

    We're talking Woz here not Al Gore.
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  • Reply 44 of 73
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,840member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    If they want to use Woz as a figure head, I couldn't care less. But if they try to use him for anything more, it's a huge mistake. He can't keep a secret and has no concept of how average people think.

    Not to mention, of course, that he really wouldn't be of any value even as a figure head. No one knows Woz but a few older geeks - and they're largely outside Apple's target audience, anyway.


    Actually, I have to respectfully disagree here. Woz is much more an 'average person' than you think. My understanding is that he's spent much more time teaching kids than he ever spent at Apple (not certain of this).

    Further, from what I've seen, he's legendary amongst the younger Apple clientele too. He'd be a great ambassador except that now that Steve has gone, the headlines would be quite negative, with a 'desperate Apple' bringing back a co-founder to shore up the brand. I'd like to have seen him given a role long ago.

    All the best,

    (I'm not saying that Woz should be given any particular role, just that he should be more visible.)
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  • Reply 45 of 73
    shawnbshawnb Posts: 155member
    Record profit per sq ft is probably more due to the products themselves (and their respective margins) than anything specifically about the actual store.

    I've always found the stores more frustrating than anything. I'd rather pick up what I want and stand in a line to check out than wander around feeling lost trying to find someone to help me.
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  • Reply 46 of 73
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    I wondered how long it would take for the trolls with single digit IQs to appear. Scotty321 wins the prize.

    Why in the world would they take advice from YOU?

    Why do we have to put up with personal attacks here?

    Mods - this guy needs some discipline.
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  • Reply 47 of 73
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by IQatEdo View Post

    I'd like to have seen him given a role long ago.


    What makes you think he would have accepted a position with Steve at the helm?

    Maybe now there is some hope.

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  • Reply 48 of 73
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    Originally Posted by shawnb View Post

    Record profit per sq ft is probably more due to the products themselves (and their respective margins) than anything specifically about the actual store.

    I've always found the stores more frustrating than anything. I'd rather pick up what I want and stand in a line to check out than wander around feeling lost trying to find someone to help me.

    You think that if the store actually just had boxes of products and one or two display models for each product, it would succeed? With the Apple Store, it's all about the experience of using items. Gateway sold computers in their own store and they're gone now.

    In my experience, there are Apple folks every where. I had no problems asking for help.
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  • Reply 49 of 73
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    Of course. But so far, they have found exactly nobody to fill the role.

    I'm not sure they're under pressure to fill it immediately.

    By this time of the year, their blueprint for the 2011 Christmas season should be in place and is being rolled out. Just yesterday there was a story about in-store pickup of online orders and an app for self-checkouts.

    They might have a six month window before they really feel the pressure to fill the role, and I'm sure they'll have someone long before then.
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  • Reply 50 of 73
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    Why do we have to put up with personal attacks here?

    Mods - this guy needs some discipline.

    You're the biggest troll here and you know it.
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  • Reply 51 of 73
    Originally Posted by cajun View Post

    I'm not sure they're under pressure to fill it immediately.

    By this time of the year, their blueprint for the 2011 Christmas season should be in place and is being rolled out. Just yesterday there was a story about in-store pickup of online orders and an app for self-checkouts.

    They might have a six month window before they really feel the pressure to fill the role, and I'm sure they'll have someone long before then.

    They'll only need a guy of Johnson's caliber if they have to do a complete makeover of the entire retail operation.

    It's very similar to hiring a contractor to build a house. Once the house is built a contractor is no longer necessary... just separate trades are needed for ongoing maintenance during the lifetime of the house.

    Johnson has done a tremendous job at creating a blueprint for a successful retail operation. Now they need a service guy to keep everything in place until things go stale.
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  • Reply 52 of 73
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    has steve jobs been for any awesome idea at apple in the last 10 years?

    against a Windows ipod

    against iphone apps

    against the genius bar

    Also against keyboard or anything else that obscures the screen of iPhone.

    Gave Ive the idea of using magnets to design of the SmartCover.

    Insisted on starting retail stores against all advice.



    Just slightly more awesome than most.

    Originally Posted by lorca2770 View Post

    And yet, that is what mark a genius, being able to be receptive and change ideas for the best.

    Awesome Steve...

    Sorry, being receptive to change has nothing to do with being a genius. That's not to say Jobs was or was not a genius. But the bar for such a label is much higher than listening skills. Arguably, it has nothing to do with listening skills.

    Originally Posted by IQatEdo View Post

    A.I., if this site so readily attracts rubbish such as this, perhaps it's time to move on. \

    Do what you gotta do. No need for idle threats.
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  • Reply 53 of 73
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Hey, is anybody home at Apple Insider?

    A disgusting thread, which is exactly what these trollers-for-dollars want. If you don't get rid of iKol and ConradJoe there is no hope for this forum, as far as I'm concerned. When you get occasional cranky posters like al_bundy, cajun and scottyxxx piling in, it becomes a pack of hyenas circling around a baby zebra. No hope of any enlightenment that isn't a sorry attempt to fend off the idiotic negativity.

    AI, clean up or lose your serious audience.
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  • Reply 54 of 73
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by scotty321 View Post

    Ron Johnson leaving Apple is a huge black eye to Apple. This is the beginning of the end. Welcome to post-Steve Apple.

    I think AI should start a Drama Club. There are so many drama queens here! Apple is a very big organization with a whole bunch of very talented people working for them. People come and go for all sort of reasons. Put a little more faith in the 'machine'.

    In one sense you are right. There is no more Steve Jobs. The end of the Jobs era has come. A new era has started. Please remember that there were plenty of snafus while Steve was still around. People left while he was CEO.

    Quit throwing you hands in the air and stamping your feet, boys. Quit predicting the end. Be more constructive and get out more often.
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  • Reply 55 of 73
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    Do what you gotta do. No need for idle threats.

    I don't think it's an idle threat. The pollution has been rising to choke level around here. If you don't notice it maybe you're part of the problem.
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  • Reply 56 of 73
    big macbig mac Posts: 480member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Isn't this a wonderful thread.

    A fellow who has completed his job, is number 3 or 4 or maybe even 5 at Apple decides, while Steve is still at the helm, to leave Apple so that he can become number one at a retail chain that is faltering, so that he can once again use his full capabilities... and get paid even more than the salary given to him at Apple.

    ... but some how or other this is the beginning of the end for Apple.

    Wonderful wonderful thread.

    Carry on.

    QFT, man.
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  • Reply 57 of 73
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    I think AI should start a Drama Club. There are so many drama queens here! Apple is a very big organization with a whole bunch of very talented people working for them. People come and go for all sort of reasons. Put a little more faith in the 'machine'.

    In one sense you are right. There is no more Steve Jobs. The end of the Jobs era has come. A new era has started. Please remember that there were plenty of snafus while Steve was still around. People left while he was CEO.

    Quit throwing you hands in the air and stamping your feet, boys. Quit predicting the end. Be more constructive and get out more often.

    Good one. I always picture them stamping their penny loafers on the floor.

    But I'm not sure he's serious or just wishing to join the majority pack of hyenas around here.
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  • Reply 58 of 73
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Those are ALL the exact opposite of what needs to happen. Every single one of them. Particularly six and eight.

    What do you have against the matte screen option? What did matte screens ever do to you? Heartless.
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  • Reply 59 of 73
    cajuncajun Posts: 95member
    Originally Posted by iKol View Post


    1.) An option to turn on/off Flash for iOS

    2.) Matte screens on iMacs

    3.) Blu-ray support

    5.) HDMI on all Macs

    6.) Safari and apps on ATV.

    7.) End of keynotes - only self serving to the master showman. A disaster without him.

    8.) More Woz.

    Flash has become one of those religious crusades that Jobs was famous for. It would be nice to have Flash available. I would like it to work in Safari the way FlashBlock works in Firefox; you see an icon for a Flash element, and click on it if you really want to view it.

    An Apple TV with a Blu-Ray drive would be nice.

    I wasn't aware that all Macs didn't already have HDMI support. In 2011, how can this be?

    Safari on ATV would be nice; apps are a necessity. I have no doubt they're coming; I just can't believe it's taking this long.

    Team keynotes are the way forward; Tim Cook and the executive team did a nice job with the iPhone 4S launch.

    Woz... love him, but his best days are behind him. The Apple ][ was the pinnacle of his career success, and that was 30 years ago.
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  • Reply 60 of 73
    cajuncajun Posts: 95member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    They'll only need a guy of Johnson's caliber if they have to do a complete makeover of the entire retail operation.

    It's very similar to hiring a contractor to build a house. Once the house is built a contractor is no longer necessary... just separate trades are needed for ongoing maintenance during the lifetime of the house.

    Johnson has done a tremendous job at creating a blueprint for a successful retail operation. Now they need a service guy to keep everything in place until things go stale.

    Well said.
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