What can a tablet/ipad do that an ipod touch cant?

in iPad edited January 2014
i just got an ipod touch 4g its so awesome its my first ipod. its the coolest piece of technology ive ever owned, cooler than nintendo 3ds, xbox 360 imo and anything else ive owned. it does so much weather, stocks, internet browsing, saves notes, mp3s, movies, you can download/rent movies, download games, there are a million and 1 things to do. so what can a 16 gig ipad or tablet do that a 16 gig ipod touch cant?


  • Reply 1 of 5
    Can't be answered in text. Go to an Apple Store or Best Buy and use one.

    This was the argument last year when the first one came out. Trust us, it's not a big iPod touch.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    Originally Posted by inins View Post

    i just got an ipod touch 4g its so awesome its my first ipod. its the coolest piece of technology ive ever owned, cooler than nintendo 3ds, xbox 360 imo and anything else ive owned. it does so much weather, stocks, internet browsing, saves notes, mp3s, movies, you can download/rent movies, download games, there are a million and 1 things to do. so what can a 16 gig ipad or tablet do that a 16 gig ipod touch cant?

    Honestly, and I'm not directing this at you, but do people really enjoy reading books on an iPhone/iPod Touch sized device? Is surfing the 'net such a good experience on a 4" screen that you can't imagine how it could be improved with a 10" display? Is typing anything more than an email or brief text so effortless on a 4" display that you can't imagine it being better on a larger screen?

    Granted there are people who'd answer "it's good enough" to the above, but that's really in context of a pocketable device.

    So if you really, really can't imagine how your overall user experience can be improved, then I'd agree that you should at least put your hands on one for a while at the store.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    I was going to say run through Central Park while listening to an iPhone, but apparently a guy already did this with the iPad-and got it stolen.\
  • Reply 4 of 5
    Originally Posted by lifeers View Post


    it's the same with a bigger screen

    Oh? Have you used one? Do you notice the inherent physical and operational differences therein?
  • Reply 5 of 5

    it's the same with a bigger screen .
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